General Meeting Minutes – January 8, 2024


CALL TO ORDER:  The meeting was called to order by President Angela Smith at 9:30 a.m. at the Elks Lodge in Prescott Valley. 

 ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Angela welcomed all guild members and guests.  There is no company store today as there was a possibility of inclement weather.  Mountain Top Quilt Guild is here today selling tickets for their 2024 Opportunity Quilt.

We need to start thinking about a committee for the 2025 quilt show.  Also, be thinking about positions you might be interested in for 2024-25.

MEMBERSHIP:  Membership Chair CoCo Alaniz introduced and welcomed today’s three visitors.  She asked members to please sign in at the membership table so we get an accurate number of attendees.

HANDMADE HUGS:  Co-chair Jamie Davis thanked the volunteers who came to the recent sewing date.  Donations to date are YRMC Birthing Center (210 baby blankets and bibs; Gentiva Hospice Center (144 quilts); and Good Samaritan Recovery Center (144 quilts).

QUILT CAMP:  Cathy Day announced that this year’s quilt camp will be March 25, 26, 27 & 28, 2024 at the Aztlan Lodge in the Bank of America building on Willow Creek Rd.  There is space for 25 people.  Cost is $125 for the 4 days and includes facility rental and some meals. 

NEWCOMERS:  Carrie Casto announced that Newcomers will be meeting on January 22nd from 10 to 2ish at the Trinity Presbyterian Church.  The group will be working on a Quilts of Valor quilt.

PROGRAMS & WORKSHOPS: Kathleen Bond, Workshops Chair, announced that our February speaker will be Joyce Larson.  She will speak on how quilts are appraised.  Members can have their quilts appraised for $75.00.  Forms to be completed are on the TBQ website under Programs & Workshops.

 February workshop:  Tuesday, February 13 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Aztlan Lodge.  Kathleen Bond will teach Foundation Paper Piecing with freezer paper.  It is a technique class.  Cost is $30 and includes a pattern.

March speaker is Kim Oleson who will speak about batiks.  A workshop on reverse applique will be held on Tuesday, March 12 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Cost of the class is $35 plus a pattern fee of $30.  Additional information and supply list can be found on the TBQ website under Programs & Workshops.

April speaker is Gina Perkes.  She will speak about ruler quilting.  A workshop will take place on Tuesday, April 9.  Cost will be $35.00.  Additional information will be posted on the TBQ website.

GUEST SPEAKER:  Today’s guest speaker is Jean Impey, via Zoom.  She shared tips on how to boost creativity.

GENERAL INFORMATION:  Angela thanked Jean for her presentation.  During the break, she encouraged members to purchase birthday tickets, sign up for workshops, purchase opportunity quilt tickets, turn in Block of the Month blocks, and visit the Handmade Hugs table.  Retreat-Lite will be held February 5 & 6.  It is full, but Dana Swain is taking a wait list.  The March 2024 is half-filled.

A brief break was taken.

SHOW & TELL:  Members shared their Show & Tell items.

BLOCK OF THE MONTH:  The drawing for the December/January blocks will be held at the February meeting.

BIRTHDAY DRAWING:  The drawing for birthday gifts was held.

PRESIDENT’S CHALLENGE:  Quilts are due at the May guild for the President’s Red, White & Blue challenge.  Quilts should be no larger that 42 x 42.  Quilts will be donated to US Vets and Honor Flights.  If you wish to make a quilt for Quilts of Valor, please check their website for specific information.

ADJOURNMENT:  The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 a.m. by Angela Smith.

Respectfully submitted by Carol Wright, Recording Secretary

General Membership Meeting Minutes – December 11, 2023

 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by President Angela Smith at 9:30 a.m. at the Elks Lodge, Prescott Valley. Angela welcomed everyone. Angela thanked the committee for arranging today’s Tea Party.
WAYS & MEANS: Liz Hart announced that the quilt put together by Kathleen Semerau and Pat Noel will be shown and tickets sold at the Last Minute Stocking Stuffer on December 16 at the Armory. The winner will be drawn that day.
WORKSHOPS: Kathleen Bond thanked the December party hostesses. Upcoming workshops include February – Foundation Paper Piecing with Freezer Paper with Kathleen Bond; March – Raw-edged applique with Kim Olesson; April – ruler quilting with Gina Perkes.
P.I.G. REVEAL: Project in a Grocery Bag (P.I.G.) participants revealed their completed projects.
SHOW & TELL was held.
BLOCK OF THE MONTH: Mary Vaughan drew the winner for the October/November block. The winner was Ellen Baker. Mary presented the December/January block (instructions on the TBQ website).
TEA PARTY: Martha Ferriera stated the tea party will begin after the meeting adjournment. Food will be served following two games of Left-Right-Center.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.

Submitted by Carol Wright, Recording Secretary

General Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2023

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by President Angela Smith at 9:30 a.m. at the Elks Lodge in Prescott Valley.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Angela welcomed members and guests. Red Rock Quilters from Sedona are selling tickets for their opportunity quilt today. Our guest speaker today is our very own Joy Swartz. Angela thanked Carol Wright for stepping up to replace Dani Lerberg as guild secretary.  She thanked Dana
Swain and Jamie Davis for hosting the Retreat Lite in October. Completed Opportunity Quilt blocks should be returned today to Cheryl Giovenco, Sharon Harris, or Sherri Hubbs.
COMMUNITY SERVICE: Jamie Davis and Olivia Turnham reviewed Handmade Hugs projects completed and donated. Everyone is invited to a sewing day for Handmade Hugs on December 2nd at the Stoneridge Community Center.
ADULT CENTER QUILT DISPLAY: Maryann Conner reviewed quilts needed for the next members’ display at the Prescott Adult Center.
COMPANY STORE: Angela asked members to help Company Store carry items out at the end of the meeting. Pam Jones asked that members put fabric back into the correct bin after looking at it as everything was recently reorganized.
NEWCOMERS: Deb Johnson announced the next meeting on November 27th. Project bags will be made.
PROGRAMS/WORKSHOPS: Martha Ferriera and Kathleen Bond reviewed upcoming speakers and workshops (listed on TBQ website). Angela mentioned that the December party committee consists of the members listed in the directory for December hostesses. The December party will be a tea party (wear your favorite hat and bring your favorite tea cup). Left-Right-Center will be played. Bring 6 orphan blocks. Kathleen announced that the P.I.G. projects will be revealed at the party.
GUEST SPEAKER: TBQ member Joy Swartz shared a trunk show of her historical quilts from early 1800s to 1875. She shared interesting facts about historical quilts.
GENERAL INFORMATION: Angela thanked Joy for her presentation. Things to do at break are:  purchase birthday tickets, purchase opportunity quilt tickets, shop at Company Store, sign up for workshops, drop off your Block of the Month, and pick up projects to sew at Handmade Hugs.
BREAK: A brief break was taken.
SHOW & TELL: Was held after the break.
BLOCK OF THE MONTH: Mary Vaughan announced the drawing will be held at the December meeting. Directions for the block are on the website.
BIRTHDAY DRAWING: The birthday drawing was held.
NEXT MEETING: The next general membership meeting will be on December 11th.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by President Angela at 11:30 a.m.

SUBMITTED BY: Carol Wright, Recording Secretary

General Meeting Minutes – October 9, 2023

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by President Angela Smith at 9:31 a.m. at the Elks Lodge in Prescott Valley. Angela welcomed all members and guests.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Angela made the following announcements.
• Lonesome Valley Quilters Guild is here today selling tickets for their opportunity quilt.
• There is one spot left for the Quilt “Lite” Retreat on 10/30-10/31.  See Jamie Davis if interested.
• Opportunity quilt blocks are to be returned to Cheryl Giovenco, Sherri Hubbs and Sharon Harris.
• Dani Lerberg is unable to complete her term as TBQ Secretary. If interested, see Angela.
• Handmade Hugs is in need of supplies. Executive Committee approved a $600
allocation for the remainder of the current fiscal year only. Moved by Olivia
Turnham and supported by Sherri Hubbs that $600 be allocated to Handmade
Hugs for supplies for the remainder of this fiscal year only. Jamie Davis explained that the Infusion Center is no longer accepting quilts from TBQ due to fabric odors and inferiority. There is a need for flannel for baby blankets and burp cloths in a minimum of 1 yard up to 3 yards. This information will be posted on the TBQ website. A vote was taken. There were no objections. The motion carried.
• Members were invited by Jamie and Olivia to a Handmade Hugs work party on
November 4th and December 2nd from 9 to 1 at the Stoneridge Community Center.
MEMBERSHIP: Membership Chair CoCo Alaniz introduced new members and
NEWCOMERS: Deb Johnson invited members who have belonged to the guild for one (1) year or less to join Newcomers. The next meeting will be November 4th at the  Hugs work party. On November 27th, the group will be making project bags at Trinity Presbyterian Church.
GENERAL INFORMATION: Angela shared the following information for break time:
• Tickets for the birthday drawing will be on sale
• Tickets for Lonesome Valley’s opportunity quilt can be purchased today
• Company Store is having a $5.00 bag sale today

• Sign up for workshops – Jean Impey’s workshop on Tuesday; Pat Noel’s
sweatshirt class all day November 14th, cost $25.00; December Tea Party and
completed PIGS
• Turn in your BOM blocks
• Stop by Community Service and pick up a kit  
A brief break was taken. Following the break:
• Show & Tell was held
• Liz Hart announced that Friendship gr0ups are listed on the website. The
drawing for the quilt being sold by Ways & Means will be held in December.
• The Block of the Month drawing was held. Pat Noel won 24 blocks. The new
October/November BOM will be posted on the website.
• The Birthday Drawing was held.
• Martha Ferriera announced that today’s speaker, Jean Impey, is unable to come due to travel difficulties. She will be conducting her workshop tomorrow.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by Angela at 10:57 a.m.

Submitted by Carol Wright, Recorder.

General Meeting Minutes – September 11, 2023

President Angela Smith called meeting to order at 9:30. 

Kathleen Bond promoted upcoming workshops. Workshop information is available on the TBQ website. 

Membership chair Coco Alaniz announced new membership directories will be available soon. She introduced three guests and one new, gentleman member. 

October retreat, “Quilt Lite”, will be October 30-31. Contact Dana Swain for reservations.

Community Service co-chair, Olivia Turnham encouraged members to take available Hugs kits to sew at home. She also Invited people to “Sew In” sewing day at Stone Ridge 9:00 last Saturday in October. 

Today’s program is a Zoom presentation by Tara Faughnan.

Drawing held for birthday prizes.

Show and tell concluded the meeting.

President Angela Smith adjourned meeting at 11:25. 

Dani Lerberg, Recording Secretary



General Meeting Minutes – August 14, 2023

Meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by President Angela Smith. She thanked Coco Alaniz for the directory completion and then introduced Quail Country Quilters, Bev Lawrence, who were selling tickets for their opportunity quilt. Speaker Jill Finley of Jilily Studio was introduced and announcement about upcoming mini retreat, Quilt Lite was announced, 

Membership Chair Coco Alaniz introduced the new members and/guests

Olivia Turnham, Community Service cochair spoke about community service and invited people to attend work party

Next up were Carrie Castro and Deb Johnson to speak about newcomers and to invite those to next meeting event

Kathleen Bond, Workshop Chair, spoke about upcoming workshops and invited membership to sign up for future events. She then introduced speaker Jill Finley who shared her trunk show 

President Angela Smith thanked the speaker and announced break time and also Purchase b/d tickets, Purchase Opportunity tickets, Company Store, Workshop Signups, BOM and Community Service

The meeting was called back to order at 11:10, which was followed by Friendship/Small Group update by Chair Liz Hart. Meeting continued with BOM, birthday drawing and Show and Tell

President Angela Smith adjourned the meeting at 11:40 a.m. and advised that next meeting would be September 11, 2023

Minutes done in absence of secretary 
Angela Smith, President 


General Meeting Minutes – April 10 2023

Meeting was called to order by Dawnell Muecke, President at 9:30 AM.
Quilt show is in June. Members are urged to fill out and submit forms for quilt entries by next general meeting. Forms may also be dropped off at Prescott Quilt Works. Baskets are needed for raffle.
Small quilts are needed for the small quilt auction. Forms to sign up to help with the quilt show jobs are on the front table.
General meeting next month will have displays of President’s challenge quilts based on songs. There will be a silent auction of quilts and non-completed projects to bid on.
New members and guests in attendance were introduced by Angela Smith.
Opportunity quilt. Members are urged to buy raffle tickets and to help sell tickets at several upcoming community events. We have reached 71% of the sales goal. Several display events are upcoming and a sign-up sheet is available volunteer to help sell quilt raffle tickets.
Hand-made Hugs: Next meet and sew day is May 20. Thanks to members for the many projects being turned in.
Quilt Camp was well attended and very succesful.
Quilt show: After the May meeting, Nan Dechant will give a demonstration of preparing raffle baskets.
Members are urged to gather/donate items and put baskets together. A flower has been made by Nan to wear with the quilt show pin. Pins are on sale for $5. Kathleen will give a demonstration of hanging quilts at the next meeting. There will be a demo of attaching a hanging sleeve to quilts. Small quilts up
to 40×40 are still needed for the quilt auction.
Upcoming guild meetings: Kathleen Bond and Sherri Hubbs presented upcoming speakers and workshops. Following the May Fun Day meeting Carrie Casto will present a class on Best Practices for beginning quilters. In June, Precision quilting will be the presentation by Lindsey Neill.
Debbie Gansberger displayed and discussed her Leave-in Foundation piecing.
Show and Tell and Birthday drawing.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:45

General Meeting Minutes

March 13, 2023

Meeting was called to order by Dawnell Muecke, President at 9:35 AM.

Quilt show is in June.  Members are urged to fill out and submit forms for quilt entries. Baskets are needed for raffle.  Small quilts are needed for the small quilt auction.  We will have food trucks this year.  Pins and a few patterns are still available.

Keep working on your President’s challenge quilts.  Quilts based on songs will be shown at the May meeting.

New members and guests in attendance were introduced by Angela Smith.    

Diana Dunn thanked the membership for the get-well cards she received.  

Opportunity quilt.  Members are urged to buy raffle tickets and to help sell tickets at several upcoming community events.

Hand-made Hugs:   Next meet and sew day is in April.    Thanks to Diana Dunn for her donation of Preemie Caps.

Quilt Camp is coming March 20-22.  Four slots are still available.

Upcoming guild meetings:  Kathleen Bond and Sherri Hubbs presented upcoming  speakers and workshops.  Debbie Gansberger will be our speaker in April.  She will present a class on “Easy Piecy” method of quilting with leave in foundation piecing.  May will be Fun Day with the President’s Challenge and UFO auction.  There will be a class on that afternoon on Best Practices for Quilting. In June Lindsey Neil will speak and have a class on precision quilting. 

Jean Ehlers gave a presentation on the ergonomics of Quilting.

Show and Tell  

Meeting was adjourned at 11:35.

February 13, 2023

Meeting was called to order by Dawnell Muecke, President, at 9:30 AM.

The quilt show quilt submissions form is now on the website, and members are urged to fill them out now. Your quilt does not need to be completed, but the committee wants to get a head start on organizing the quilt display placements. Turn in forms to Dana Swain or Jamie Davis.

Angela Smith introduced visitors and new members.

Deb Johnson invited all newcomers to the Newcomers group meeting. She showed the blocks that the group is making for a small quilt to donate to the Quilt Show small quilt auction. Cut fabric kits are available for any member who would like to make a block.

Faith Chaney stated that the Handmade Hugs group needs tonal fabrics in at least 1 yard pieces for quilt backing. The next group meeting will be 2/25 at Stoneridge Community Center.

It was announced that Betti Smith had passed. She was a founding member of the guild.

Quilt show: The “Bloom where you are planted” small quilt patterns were shown and are available for sale. Small quilt donations are needed for the small quilt auction. The quilt show committee is meeting next week and anyone who would like to participate with the committee is invited to attend. Items are needed for the Marketplace and samples of submissions were displayed.

Quilt camp will be held March 20-22. Spaces are still available. Fee is $125. Sign-up sheet is available.

Programs and Workshops: March program: Jeannie Ehlers will speak on Ergonomics for Quilters. There will be a half-day workshop following the meeting by Kathleen Bond on Hand Piecing at the Elk’s Lodge. Lunch will be provided and the class fee is $25. In April, Debbie Gaittsberger will give a program on Piecing. Kit included in $45 fee. Program will take place on April 11 at the Masonic lodge.

Program for today: Elizabeth Phinder from Prescott Valley gave a show of her Applique Quilts.

Following the Break was: Show and Tell, Block of the Month and Birthday drawing.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:22 AM

January 6, 2023

Meeting was called to order by Dawnell Muecke, President at 9:29 AM.

New members and guests in attendance were introduced by Angela Smith.    Members in attendance are urged to greet new members and guests.

Quilt camp will be held on March 20-22, 2023.  Cost will be $125.  More details will be available at the meeting next month.

Workshops:  Kathleen Bond and Sherri Hubbs presented upcoming workshops for February and March.  In February Elizabeth Finder will present a workshop on Applique on February 14.  On March 13, Lura Swarz Smith will present a workshop on Art quilts and working with inks on March 13 and 14.  There is a $10 kit/supplies fee for each workshop. 

Presentation of Projects in a Grocery Bag.  Membership voted on which of two projects to finish by December, 2023 presented participating members.

Reminder: Turn in submissions for the Quilt Show using the form on our website starting now.

Show and Tell:   “Designing Women” special interest group presented their most recent group project—small quilts featuring eyes.  They will be submitted to the quilt show and the general membership is invited to add their own pieces for display.  An information sheet on the project is available.

Community Service:  Next meeting will be Saturday, Jan 28 at the Stoneridge Community Center from 9AM-3PM.    There will be no group meeting in February.

Quilt Show and Marketplace.  Pins and Patterns are available.  There will be a free class on designing a Raffle basket.  Sign-up sheet is available.

Opportunity quilt:  We are at 60% of goal for pre-show ticket sales so far.

Block of the month was shown.  Directions will be posted on the website.  Use spring colors.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:20 AM

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