CALL TO ORDER:  The meeting was called to order by President Angela Smith at 9:30 a.m. at the Elks Lodge in Prescott Valley.  Angela welcomed all members and visitors.

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Angela announced the need for two members to assist her with nominations for the upcoming election for President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.  Dana Swain and Cathy Day volunteered.  There is a sign-up board for elected officers and committee chairs.  Angela reminded everyone that the President’s Challenge quilts are due at the May meeting.

MEMBERSHIP:  CoCo Alaniz introduced visitors.  Membership is currently at 172, with three new members today.

COMMUNITY SERVICE:  Jamie Davis reviewed the numbers of quilts, receiving blankets and baby burp cloths that have been distributed to community organizations.  She would like to see more quilts made.

QUILT CAMP:  Cathy Day announced that Quilt Camp will be held March 25-28.

NEWCOMERS:  Deb Johnson thanked Dawnell Muecke and Alicia Czuzak for the trunk show they did for newcomers.  The next meeting is March 19th at Prescott Quilt Works to work on the Quilts of Valor quilt.

WAYS AND MEANS:  Liz Hart presented the Opportunity Quilt which was quilted by Shirlee Smith.   Cheryl Giovenco indicated the pattern for the Courthouse center of the quilt will be available after the quilt is given away.  The guild will have a UFO silent auction in July.

PROGRAMS AND WORKSHOPS:  Kathleen Bond announced that the April speaker is Gina Perkes.  Her workshop is on quilting with rulers.  A special foot is needed for the rulers.

Martha Ferriera introduced our guest speaker, Kim Oleson.  The presentation was “Modern Batiks of Java and Bali.”  The presentation was done via Zoom.

GENERAL INFORMATION:  Angela thanked Kim Oleson for her presentation.  Things to do during break include purchase birthday tickets, visit company store, sign up for workshops, sign up for quilt camp, block of the month, and community service.  Angela noted she is looking into a microphone for walking around.  A brief break was taken.  Show & Tell was held.  Block of the Month was shared.  The birthday drawing was held.

ADJOURNMENT:  The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 a.m. by Angela Smith.

Submitted by:  Carol Wright, Recording Secretary 

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