Andrea M. Brokenshire

In the half day workshop Andrea taught her confetti background technique using layers of small pieces of fabric which are fused onto a foundation.

On Tuesday Andrea taught her technique for painting applique flowers onto silk.




Rosemary Carr

By popular request, Rosemary brought back her Featherweight Maintenance workshop on Tuesday, November 12.  Eighteen participants completed this extensive “spa day” for their machines.  In addition to the very common black 221 model, a few very special models made appearances…the free-arm model 222, a tan model 221K, a white model 221K, and a very custom painted patriotic model.  Participants moved well out of their personal “comfort zones,” as Rosemary had them disassembling all aspects of their machines to complete their “deep cleans.”

Five by Five

Betty Foley joined the TBQ guild in 2008. After joining she realized she would need to start quilting so she took every stack and whack class that Joann offered. Surprise, she is most inspired by color and pattern.

After moving to Prescott 10 years ago, Shirlee joined the Thumb Butte Quilters’ Guild. Since then she has constantly been surprised and amazed at the talent, diversity of quilting styles, and the quality of workmanship of the members of this guild.

Carolyn has been quilting since 1976 ~ OMG, that’s 43 years!  Her Granny was a “Church Ladies quilter”–quilting to make money for the Zion Methodist Church in Pershing, Iowa.  Carolyn rarely straightens up her quilt studio…it doesn’t bother her to work in a mess–“this mess is a place!”  🙂

Husband and Wife team, David and Trish Charity are new the Thumb Butte.  Trish’s inspiration comes from nature, the beautiful shapes, mountains and colors of Prescott.   David’s inspiration comes from the Bible and is symbolic and realistic.  He often works in cartoon style to bring whimsey to his quilts.  Check out their blog at


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