Next Meeting – February 11, 2019

President’s message

What a month it has been. I hope you all had time to enjoy our actual winter weather, giving us more time for sewing and creating… maybe even a few small quilts for the President’s Challenge and/or the Quilt Show Small Quilt Auction.

I hope you enjoyed last month’s fabulous speaker, Victoria Findley Wolfe, as much as I did. Her workshops were well-attended and those participating were well rewarded. Thank you Kathleen for bringing her knowledge to our Guild! Be sure to check the Speakers’ Trunk Show tab for pictures, including many from the workshops.

As always, I leave you with these words: 

May your bobbin always be full,
May your seams be straight and quarter inch,
And your fabrics fall soft upon your lap,
And until we meet again,
May all your finished quilts be bound with love.

Erin Sullivan, TBQ President 2018-2019


Welcome to Lori Scandura who joined TBQ in January, and Suzy Davidson who rejoined.

Reminder: please remember to report any address, phone or email changes to the Membership Chair, so the membership can be notified and the directory updated. Directory Update forms are available by clicking the Forms Tab in the menu. Dianna Dunn, Membership Chair

“A fat quarter is not a body part, and has fewer calories than a hot fudge sundae.”

ways and means

Time is getting closer for our Sisters of the Thread Quilt Show.  We are counting on each TBQ member to sell $10 worth of Opportunity Quilt tickets.  If you haven’t already picked up your tickets you can do so at the Ways and Means table February 11th.  To eliminate extra bookkeeping, please plan on paying for your tickets when you pick them up.  

Are you going to any quilt shows, activities or events in Prescott or Arizona?  Please let Ways and Means know.  We’re looking for marketing events for 2019.  Let Patty know (she’s listed in the TBQ Directory).  The earlier the better.

Patty McClearn, & Yvonne Blitch, Co-chairs

mentor’s table

Dyeing our fabrics – painting our fabrics – coloring our fabrics. Some of us do this and some of us think about the possibilities of doing this, but just don’t make the time or are intimidated by the process. In September, Karen Adams showed you how to add color to your quilt with ink pencils and sent you home with lots of ideas. 
But what about deleting color from your fabrics instead of adding color? Or doing both – deleting and adding color and creative creative ways for doing this? 
Well –  this month I am going to present ideas with decolorant. Nothing fancy – just decolorant and an iron – plus a few fun ideas for design. Adding color – subtracting color – not math – just fun. Let’s have some fun and  just play with fabric? Who knows what you will come up with.
So come by the Mentor Table and see what fun we can have this month. 
Shirlee Smith

block of the month


If you cannot attend the meeting when it is your turn to be a hostess, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for set-up and stay for clean-up as needed.

Karen Comeau, Maryann Conner, Becky Cook, Linda Craig, Cynthia Crull, Phyllis D’Ambrosio,  Jill Davis, Laura Davis, Cathy Day, and Gayle DeBoom


Birthday girls are reminded to bring quilt related gifts for the monthly drawing

Dianna Dunn, Dani Lerberg, Cheryl Giovenco, Betty Foley, Pat Noel, Lori Lopez, Martie Winkelman, Maryann Conner, Mary Scherer, Sherri Hubbs, Cheryl Boquet, Charlotte York, Beverly Bow, Carol Brownlow

community service

Adult Center Display –

Well, phooey!  “Hearts quilts” and “Double Wedding Ring quilts” are all packed and ready to go hang out at the Adult Center as the “Love Is In The Air” exhibit, but alas, the electric ladder is on the fritz.  Our man, Steve, is desperately and furiously working to get it replaced or repaired.  Cross your fingers for success…and please let it happen soon!  So, if you still want to do some loving on Christmas…the “It’s Christmas” exhibit could very well be the answer!  

I have no idea when our “Love Is In The Air” exhibit will be hung, but I do know I need to thank a few quilters for sharing their quilts.  BIG THANK YOU’s to new member, Barbara Gall, and Cheryl Giovenco, Jane Holland, Pam Jones, Tina McCowan, Lorraine Owen, Kathleen Semerau, and Nancy Stewart for sharing their quilts!  These quilts will be up for a couple of months.

There has been a change in our Hanging Team.  Paula Pilcher has taken a step back, and Cheryl Giovenco will fill her space.  If there are others out there who are morning people (we hang the quilts at 8 a.m.), and would like to help out occasionally, please give me a call.

If the LOVE quilts ever get hung, they will be up for a couple of months!  The next magnificent display will be Medallion Quilts!  Woohoo!  Have you got one to share?  Give me a shout!

Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE:  From 60″ to 90″ wide, any length.  (Need SIX.)
SMALL:  From 45″ to 60″ wide, any length.  (Need FOUR.)

Carolyn Edwards, Adult Center Display Coordinator

Handmade Hugs –
Stepping Stones donations
A cheerful adoptee!

Approximately fifteen women have worked very hard during the past six months, whether at our “Hugs Workshop” on the fourth Monday at St. Luke’s or at home.  Fifty-five quilts, numerous adult and children’s pillowscases and pillows have been provided to Quad-city agencies such as Stepping Stones Abuse Shelter, Prescott Area Women’s Shelter, and the Prescott Men’s Shelter and Yavapai Regional Birthing Center.  A quilt has also been donated to the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation. Six women attended the November adoption of 22 children at the Juvenile Center in Prescott. Children and teens were thrilled to receive quilts from Mountain Top and Thumb Butte Quilters guilds.

Community Cupboard –

Thanks to the continued generosity of our members, 100 food items were donated to the St. Luke’s Community Cupboard at the January meeting. These food items are distributed to the food banks of Chino Valley, Prescott, and Prescott Valley. Thank you all for keeping those less fortunate in mind when you shop. Non-perishable items are always welcome.

quilt show 2019

Your 2019 Quilt Show committee has been working behind the scenes for several months now, and with the first of the year, you’ll begin to see even more activity from this core of 21 dedicated members.  A Quilt Show table will be set up near the Company Store at the TBQ meetings until Show time.

  • Quilt Show pins – will be available at the Ways & Means table at the February meeting.  These are limited in number, so buy yours early.  $5 each
  • Entry forms – are available under the forms tab on the menu.  Print 1 for each quilt you plan to enter.  They are due at the April 8 TBQ meeting, though your quilt does not need to be finished by then.  See Susan Perry
  • The Country Register – The Feb/Mar Issue is now in Arizona quilt shops and features a very nice article about the TBQ show and a color photo of our Opportunity Quilt, in addition to a nice show ad with color logo. Pick up your copy at the Quilt Show table. Check us out on pages 8 & 9!
  • Friendship Groups – we need your pictures.  Be sure to call Shirlee Smith to come take a wonderful photo to be used at the Show Welcome vignette!  It’s a fun experience!
  • Raffle Baskets wanted – filled with goodies to raffle off!  Any theme welcome.  Any individuals or groups are invited to put together a basket.  We currently have 6 commitments.  We’d like to have at least 12.  See Kathleen Semerau
  • Small Quilt Auction – quilts are being accepted by Yvonne Blitch.  These are wall hanging sized quilts.  You can even do a two-for-one by submitting a quilt for Erin’s President’s Challenge, and donating it to the Small Quilt Auction.
  • Market Place – contributions.  Cheryl Boquet is putting together a Christmas tree filled with hand-crafted ornaments.  We need your contributions to decorate the tree.  All Market Place contributions can be submitted to Anne & Molly at the Quilt Show table at the meetings.
  • Marketeers – this task specific friendship group meets the 2nd Thursday of each month from 10am – 2pm at the home of Linda Craig.  This group continues to make things for the the Quilt Show Market Place.  We need your help and participation.  This is a great opportunity for new members to get to know other members of the guild in an informal, fun setting.
  • Work Assignment Sign-up Sheets – will be available at the April 8 TBQ meeting.  There is something for everyone to do, even those members with physical limitations. 

Rosemary Carr & Suzie Fields, 2019 Quilt Show Co-Chairs

Vignettes –

Sisters of the Thread…isn’t that what your mini-groups mean to you.   Oh my gosh!  The mini-groups are where all the problems of the world are solved!  Your quilt sisters are even better than your real sisters…in most cases!  You need a group picture!  It will mean the world to you!  So far, three mini groups have had their pictures taken.  They will be on display at the Quilt Show table at TBQ’s February 11th meeting.  Check it out!  And then make your appointment with Shirlee Smith to have your mini-group picture taken!  Shirlee will make up prints for you…or pics can be ordered from Costco or Walgreen’s…or wherever.  I will be contacting every mini-group about getting your pic done!

We are still looking for small quilts to display in the Welcome Booth–especially quilts including spools of thread!  Do you have one to share?  If not, you still have time to make one!  And after the Quilt Show, it can be on permanent display in your Quilt Studio…and you will be thrilled that you have it!  OR, it could be your President’s Challenge…OR, it could be a donation to the Small Quilt Auction!  The Welcome Booth will be the first thing that spectators see as they enter the Quilt Show area.  The Welcome Booth will be staffed with happy quilters doing what they love to do most–stitching and talking!  Sign-ups to “work” in the Welcome Booth will take place in April and May! Carolyn Edwards, Vignette Chair

Next Meeting January 14, 2019

President’s Message

My adorable 5th grandchild Jackson Oliver

Hello Ladies, 
I’m hoping this message finds you rested up after the holidays, I know I’m finally feeling like I’m catching up!
We had so many wonderful Friendship Group parties and an AWESOME Guild Holiday Party.  I heard from several of you, either during the event or after, that this was the best TBQ Holiday party ever, with the business part kept short allowing everyone to actually visit and enjoy the festivities. Thanks again to Karen Adams, Martie Winkelman and all who helped make it special! 

So now that we aren’t scrambling to find the right gift for that special someone and then wrapping and maybe standing in line at the Post Office (I may have done that myself more then once) has everyone had time to work on the Presidents Challenge? I can’t wait to see the beautiful things my Quilting Sisters create. Remember we hope you donate your challenge to the Small Quilt Auction- but it is not mandatory. 

As always, I leave you with these words:

May your bobbin always be full,
May your seams be straight and quarter inch,
And your fabrics fall soft upon your lap,
And until we meet again,
May all your finished quilts be bound with love.

Erin Sullivan, TBQ President 2018-2019


We would like to welcome Barbara Gall and Cheri Heinecke to TBQ! We are very happy to have you join us! Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you.


Congratulations Kathleen Semerau for another special feature, this time in the Jan/Feb 2019 issue of Quiltmaker magazine.

Well ladies, a another year gone by. Hope none of you made any ridiculous resolutions like finishing all your PIGS. I decided this year I wasn’t going to make any resolutions.  What will be will be! I get to start more PIGS…Company Store back in business. Now I hope you made the resolution to clean out your sewing room and donate to the Company Store. TBQ  appreciates all donations. Remember your junk is someone else’s treasure. Happy New Year!

Lorraine Owen, and the Company Store Committee

Mentor’s table

Happy New Year everyone.  Be sure to check out the Mentor’s Table tab in the main menu, as instructions and photos have been added.

Well – guess what – this month is going to be a surprise at the Mentor’s Table. I have something fun planned, but want to keep it a surprise this month. So be sure to stop by and see what’s up at the Mentor’s Table. Shirlee Smith

Block of the month

Congratulations to Pat Noel for winning our December Block of the Month! We are anxious to see the January submissions. Remember two blocks gives you two chances to win…one for the Quilt Show Market Place, and one for the drawing.


If you cannot attend the meeting when it is your turn to be a hostess, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for set-up and stay for clean-up as needed.

Cheryl Boquet, Maria Boren, Beverly Bowe, Carlotta Brandenburg, Kate Browne, Carol Brownlow, Phyllis Byrnes, Pam Calhoon, Rosemary Carr, Lynne Chamberlin, and Angie Christy


Birthday girls are reminded to bring quilt related gifts for the monthly drawing

Yvonne Blitch, Jane Holland, Kathleen Bond, Susie Opdahl, Marti Harbour, Pam Jones, Karen Eads, Kate Browne, Shirley Kelliher, Sharon Harris, Sue Weisshaupt, Lynn Beck, Wanda Hughs, and Sandra Grepling


The Newcomers did not meet in December as we were all in the throes of fun, family, last minute projects, and pulling together our “Anything Southwest” Quilt Show basket. A special welcome to the Ladies that joined in November: Deb Johnson, Janet Shields, Carrie Casto and Norma Enfield. And we welcomed Barbara Gall and Cheri Heinecke in December. We will all be meeting later in January at the home of Molly Haney-Burleigh.

Community Service

Adult Center

It’s our Happy Anniversary!  This month marks the start of TBQ’s 12th year of hanging quilts at the Adult Center…the start of our 12th year of sharing quilts we love with the community…the start of our 12th year of “decking the halls” at 1280 Rosser Street!  Woohoo!  Could there be anything more satisfying?  Could there be anything more beautiful than this on-going mini-Quilt Show?  I don’t think so.  Enjoy this celebration!

The “It’s Christmas” quilts will be on display into mid-January, so you have some time to relax and enjoy Christmas after all the hustle and bustle of the holidays is over.  Take a minute…just go sit in the Atrium of the Adult Center, and enjoy being surrounded by TEN stunning quilts!  It will make your day!

The next display will include a collection of “Hearts” quilts and “Wedding Ring” quilts.  Many of you offered quilts for this exhibit.  Thank you!  Thank you!  I will be giving you a reminder phone call prior to the January 14th meeting to ask you to bring them to me at the meeting.

Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE:  from 60″ to 90″ wide, any length.  (Need SIX.)
SMALL:  from 45″ to 60″ wide, any length.  (Need FOUR.)

Future quilt display themes are:  Medallion Quilts. Red & White Quilts, and Blue and White Quilts.  If you have a quilt or two to loan to any of these exhibits, let me know!

Chamber of Commerce

Our featured quilter at the Prescott Chamber of Commerce for the next six weeks is Rachael Serverence. It’s a treat to stop by the Chamber on Goodwin Street to view the quilts. Be sure to check out Rachael’s quilts when you’re downtown.

Community Cupboard

Tom Ghan, St. Lukes Sexton shared with us the following statement on December 13th:

“THANK YOU for your contribution this month as always…your total was 224!!! WOW, THANK YOU also for your ‘gift’ and card. BLESS YOU. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!”

Handmade Hugs

Once again, TBQ members were notified by the CASA (court appointed special advocates) office that the need for quilts for area foster children had been met, and some of the Handmade Hugs quilts would be shared at the December adoption event. Members of the committee were invited to witness this very special event.

Dani Lerberg, Sharon Harris, Karen Johnson, Shon Wellborn, and Dianna Dunn represented TBQ at the December adoption event.

Quilt show 2019

The Quilt Show Committee continues to meet, plan, and work behind the scenes preparing for our main event – May 31 & June 1, 2019! Susan Perry is heading up the check-in and check-out process for the Quilt Show, and the Entry Form for our 2019 Quilt Show is now available in the Forms section of the website. Your quilts do not have to be completed by the entry date of April 8, however, we do need a photo as described on the form. You’ll still have plenty of time to complete your quilts. All quilts are welcome, from beginner to master quilters level, so let’s top 200 entries this year!!

Watch for the February/March issue of the Country Register at local quilt shops. TBQ will have a feature article about the show in this spring issue thanks to Carol Sweeden, Publicity Chair.

Rosemary Carr & Suzie Fields, Show Co-Chairs

Sisters of the Thread, have you made arrangements to have your mini-group picture taken?  Oh wow!  It’s sooooooo fun!  Just give Shirlee Smith a call to get on her calendar.  She’ll take it from there!  We want all TBQ mini-groups to have a group picture taken.  These pics will be on display in the Welcome Booth at the Quilt Show…”Sisters of the Thread” will shine in the spotlight!  Shirlee will make up as many prints (at cost) as you want…or pics can be ordered from Costco or Walgreen’s…or wherever.

The Welcome Booth will be the first thing spectators see as they enter the Quilt show arena.  The Welcome Booth will be staffed with happy quilters doing what they love to do most–stitching and talking!  We’ll be looking for small quilts to display in the Welcome Booth–quilts including spools of thread!  Have you got some to share?  If not, you have time to make one!  Go for it!  Carolyn Edwards – Vignettes

More Party Pictures…

Next meeting December 10, 2018

President’s Message

Hello Quilting Sisters, 

I hope you are all doing well and are prepared for the rest of the Holidays. I know I’m not, but thankfully I’m not out of time yet.  Along with holiday preparations, quilt show meetings (we are going to have an amazing show!), and friendship group holiday gatherings, I’m barely finding time to sew! 

Congratulations are in order to our celebrity members. Did you hear that our own VP Karen Adams’ group quilt took 2nd place at Houston? And that multi-award-winning quilt is on the cover of the 2019 AQS wall calendar! Additionally, member Kathleen Semerau and her 2017-18 Ugly Fabric President’s Challenge quilt was highlighted in the November/December 2018 issue of Quick Quilts! Again, congratulations for very special recognition for both gals!

I hope to see you all at our upcoming Holiday Party on Monday, December 10th. The chili cookoff promises yummy food and fun for all! Although the birthday drawing is suspended for the December meeting, December birthday gals need to bring their gifts to the January meeting. Other suspended activities include The Company Store and The Mentor’s Table. All will resume in January. We will still have Show and Tell, along with those participating in the 2018 P.I.G. Challenge…so bring your completed quilts to share.

Remember to take some time for yourselves during this hectic season. 

As always, I leave you with these words:

May your bobbin always be full,
May your seams be straight and quarter inch,
And your fabrics fall soft upon your lap,
And until we meet again,
May all your finished quilts be bound with love.

Erin Sullivan

TBQ President 2018-2019


It is truly a pleasure to welcome 4 new members to our guild this month!  They are Carrie Casto, Janet Shields, Norma Enfield, and Deb Johnson. We are so very happy to have you  join us! Please let us know if there is anything we can help you with.

A good friend, like an old quilt, is both a treasure, and a comfort.

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

Linda Craig and Dianna Dunn

block of the month

Congratulations to Kathleen Semerau who won the November blocks of the month. Remember those completing two blocks receive two opportunities to win the December Black Spruce blocks.

Cheryl Giovenco, BOM Coordinator


This month our special hostesses are our Chili Cook-Off participants.  A special thanks to our party committee:  Anne Abrams, Karen Adams, Azalene Allen, Pat Armstrong, Janet Bailey, Lynn Beck, Diane Belveal, Jude Bentley, Nancy Bernas, Yvonne Blitch,  and Kathleen Bond.


Happy birthday to our December birthday gals:  Janet Bailey, Brenda Norris, Bobbie Turnbow, Karen Adams, Catherine Ericsen, Phyllis Byrnes, Carol Wright, Sylvia McIntosh, Linda Craig, Arlene Gordon, Nancy Lefler and Iris Lacey.  Bring your birthday gifts to the January meeting!!


New members met at Quilt ‘n Sew Connection in October, followed by lunch at Gabby’s Grill.

The next Newcomers’ gathering will be after the first of the year.

Molly Haney-Burleigh, Chair


Adult center display

The new TBQ News goes live on December 3rd.  By that time, the “It’s Christmas” quilts will be decking the halls at the Adult Center (1280 Rosser Street in Prescott).  BIG, big THANK YOU’s to Janet Bailey, Cheryl Giovenco, Jane Holland, Lucille Hurley (friend of TBQ), Barbara Merkel, Sandy Mitchell, Joan Moss (friend of TBQ), and Pam Peters for sharing their Christmas quilts at Christmas time when they could just as well be ‘decking the halls’ at home.  You are really really appreciated!!  Please, please, members, plan to take your friends and family to the Adult Center over the holidays to spread the joy of Christmas!!  You’ll be glad you did!  These quilts will be up probably into early January…so you have plenty of time to stop to see them!!  But you know how ‘time flies’!!

The exhibit that goes up next…to start off the New Year is…”HEARTS’.  I have two quilts with hearts.  Jane has one quilt with hearts.  So…we need seven more quilts with hearts.  If you have one, let me know.  If you can whip up that quilt with hearts that you’ve always been meaning to do…well, then just DO IT!  I have been having a few sleepless nights thinking about our “Hearts” quilt display.  Help me out here!!  🙂
Future quilt display themes are:  Medallion Quilts, Red & White Quilts, and Blue & White Quilts.  If you have a quilt or two to loan to these exhibits, let me know!!
Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE:  from 60″ to 90″ wide, any length.  (Need SIX.)
SMALL:  from 45″ to 60″ wide, any length.  (Need FOUR.)
p.s.  A few TBQ members at the November TBQ meeting told me you possibly had quilts for the “It’s Christmas” exhibit…but you know how it goes…I wrote that information in a ‘special place’ and couldn’t come up with it when I needed it.  So sorry…  I’ll do better next time!
Carolyn Edwards, Chair


This month again features the quilts of Lorraine Owen.

Kay Wentworth, Chair

Handmade Hugs

Completed quilts for CASA and Stepping Stones were shared during Show and Tell.

Karen Johnson, Chair

community cupboard

In this season of giving, please remember those less fortunate while you’re doing your grocery shopping.   Last month’s TBQ contributions to the St. Luke’s Community Cupboard totaled 138 items.  Let’s top that in December gals.  Remember, our contributions are divided equally among the Food Banks of Chino Valley, Prescott Valley, and Prescott.


Vignette News

Sisters of the Thread, don’t you love your mini-groups, your friendship groups?!  Your mini-groups are your ‘family’…the family you choose!  Our FOUR vignette spaces at the Quilt Show are ‘sold out’, but we still want to ‘spotlight’ TBQ’s ‘friendship groups–Sisters of the Thread!.  Get your group together for a friendship group photo op.  Shirlee Smith has agreed to take photos of your mini group.  Give her a call to make your arrangements and get on her calendar.  The Quilt History Group recently had their picture taken.  How fun!  We will be ordering our photos soon!  Shirlee will make up as many prints (at cost) as we want…or pics can be ordered from Costco or Walgreen’s…or wherever.

Carolyn Edwards, Chair

Next Meeting – November 12, 2018

President’s message

Hello Ladies,

It’s so hard to believe it is already November and then Christmas!  Busy times for all of us… I just returned from Oregon where I caught up with the grand girls who are growing too fast. I also have a new grandson born last month  in California so I will be traveling there soon.

I saw several of our members out at the Chino Valley Guild quilt show.  Our gorgeous Opportunity Quilt was shown and raffle tickets were sold.  Sharon and Patty have done a great job marketing the quilt.  Ladies, we need more of our members to make time to work shifts for the next event.  It certainly is inspiring to see how our Quad-cities communities continue to support our fundraising and philanthropic endeavors (besides wanting to win the wonderful piece of art).
Janet Davis did a very nice presentation to the Guild at the October meeting.  Thank you Kathleen Bond for coordinating another successful workshop and for everything you do for our quilting sisters.
I’m looking forward to our December Holiday Party and tasting all the different chilis.  Yum!!  Remember P.I.G.s. will be revealed.

As always, I leave you with these words:

May your bobbin always be full,
May your seams be straight and quarter inch,
And your fabrics fall soft upon your lap,
And until we meet again,
May all your finished quilts be bound with love.

Until we meet again,
Erin Sullivan
TBQ President 2018-2019


Welcome new members Dawnell Muecke, Roberta O’Mara and Shon Wellborn.  Please be sure to introduce yourselves and invite them to your friendship groups.


The Supply List for the English Paper Piecing Class on November 12 is simple.  You will need paper scissors and fabric scissors.  You will receive your kit at the class and Kathleen Bond will have a pile of 30’s reproduction fabric scraps at each table.

Mentor’s Table

A big thank you to Karen Adams for the great September presentation on art quilts that even children can enjoy making, and to Carolyn Edwards for October’s demonstration on what information needs to be included on your quilt labels. Combine these two demonstrations and you can label your new art quilt.

Now it is my turn to share with you some fun ideas. And because it is close to Christmas I thought you might enjoy learning a few fun and easy ideas for those hostess gifts, ornaments, and package wrappings that you will be needing.
Take care, stay warm, and quilt on.
Shirlee Smith, Mentor’s Table

Block of the month


If you cannot attend the meeting when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone.  Plan to arrive early for set-up and stay for cleanup.

Candace Tomlinson, Linda Ward, Sharon Watt, Marilyn Weber, Sue Weisshaupt, Kay Wentworth, Ara Whetten, Martie Winkelman, Carol Wright, Charlotte York


Birthday girls are requested to bring a quilt-themed gift with a minimum value of $10 for our monthly drawing.  All members can participate in the drawing.

Azelene Allen, Maria Boren, Laura Davis, Suzie Fields, Linda Fisher, Judy Lundquist, Mirta McKay, Ronnie Sandoval, Cindy Steyer-Lukowiak, Laura Stone, Erin Sullivan, Judy Sylvan and Sharon Watt


Newcomers met at Quilt ‘n Sew in October.  There will be no gatherings in November and December.  Plan to attend Marketeer’s Friendship Group  on the 2nd Thursday and/or Handmade Hugs on the 4th Monday.

adult center display

There’s a FABULOUS FALL happening around Prescott, as well as at the Adult Center!  Ten FABULOUS FALL quilts are hanging in all their glory!  Stop by 1280 Rosser to check it out!  We took TBQ’s October speaker Janet Davis there after Monday’s class.  She was impressed!  And you will be, too, if you have a chance to swing by!  Write it on your calendar!  FALL quilts will be up until right before Thanksgiving, then the Christmas quilts will go up.  If you have a Christmas quilt that you can loan to the exhibit, let me know.  Currently, I have three quilts committed to the exhibit.  We need TEN!
After that, the themes are:  Hearts Quilts, Medallion Quilts, Red & White Quilts, and Blue & White Quilts, for now.  If you have a quilt or two to loan to any of these exhibits, let me know!!!
Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE:  from 60″ to 90″ wide, any length.  (Need SIX.)
SMALL:  from 45″ to 60″ aide, any length.  (Need FOUR.)
Carolyn Edwards
Adult Center Chair

quilt show vignettes

We need two more Friendship Groups to agree to creating your very own “Friendship Group in the Spotlight”.  You will have your very own vignette space to decorate and tell your group’s “story”–the projects you’ve created and the challenges you’ve done.  The talent we have in this Guild is outstanding!  This is your chance to shine!  Let me know if your Friendship Group will commit to creating a Vignette.

quilt show marketplace

Marketeers continues to meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month.  Members are also working diligently at home on projects.  Your contributions are greatly appreciated.  Keep up the good work!

community cupboard

As the holidays near, please keep those less fortunate in mind and bring your donations of non-perishable food items.  Tom Ghan of St. Luke’s reported that last month’s contributions were 151 items.  Great job, ladies!!!

Thank you,
 Your overwhelming support for the  TBQ Quilt Guild is wonderful. Keep your donations coming to the company store and hugs. And shop! shop! shop!
 We always keep our prices low. Remember your junk might be someone’s treasure.
Lorraine Owen

chamber of commerce display

Here are the quilts now hanging in the Chamber of Commerce.  All were made by Lorraine Owen.

Next Meeting – October 8, 2018

President’s Message

Hello Quilting Sisters,

I hope you are all enjoying our beautiful slide into Fall in this wonderful place we live… talk about changing colors! I was out of town over the weekend and came home to gorgeous leaves on my Red Blaze Maples.

I hope most of you got to enjoy our last guest speaker Helen Frost, WOW! what an excellent presentation. The next day a group of us gathered for a very fun and informative class at Kathleen Bond’s home (Thank you again Kathleen for hosting at the last minute).  If anyone travels to Tucson for the Tucson Guild Annual Quilt show be sure and look up Helen Frost, as she is the Co-Chair in January.

For those of you who weren’t able to be at the September Guild meeting the President’s Challenge has been unveiled:
 Small Quilts (wall hanging size) is the challenge, no smaller than 24″ x 24″.  The theme is your choice and deadline is at the May 13, 2019 Guild meeting.  We are hoping that after the challenge a number of you will consider donating them back to the Guild for the Small Quilt Auction portion of our 2019 “Sisters of the Thread” Quilt Show.
I had a chance to attend another Marketeers gathering this month, this time held at Dianna Dunn’s beautiful home in Pinon Oaks.  Anne and Molly have some great organization going, and those not present are busy making things at home for our Quilt Show Market Place.
I recently joined Rosemary Carr to view the changing of the quilts at the Prescott Adult Center.  Due to some mechanical issues it wasn’t as smooth a transition as usual.    These beautiful pieces on loan are such a wonderful display no matter what the season.  Thank you all for loaning your treasures.
As always I leave you with these thoughts:

May your bobbin always be full,
May your seams be straight and quarter inch,
And your fabrics fall soft upon your lap,
And until we meet again,
May all your finished quilts be bound with love.

Until we meet again,
Erin Sullivan
TBQ President 2018-2019


Welcome to our newest members to TBQ!  We’ve had a big influx of new members at the last two meetings.  Welcome to the “Sisters of the Thread”:  Sally Agnew, Bunny Autrey, Pat Autrey, Kay Case, Nan DeChant, Catherine Ericsen, Sherri Hubbs, Nancy Lande, Ann Ramsey, JoAnn Salem, Michele Schneider,  Joy Swartz, Bobbie Turnbow, and Mary Vaughan


Any new member of TBQ within the last 12 months is considered a NEWCOMER!  Please plan to attend our Newcomers gatherings throughout your first year of your membership.  It’s a great way to meet new quilty friends and learn about TBQ.

The Newcomers Group will be meeting Oct. 23 at Quilt n Sew Connection in Prescott Valley @ 10:00-12:00
We will gather for fun and frivolity and maybe go on for lunch.
Looking forward to all the “new” faces joining us.

mentor’s table

This month’s guest Mentor will be Carolyn Edwards. Carolyn will be teaching you everything you need to know about labeling your quilts – the right information to put on your label, the right marking pen to use when writing your label by hand, and where to place your label on your quilt. This information is about the location of the label on your quilt and the information that should be included on your label for documentation purposes. Designing a label on the computer and printing it on your inkjet printer is another subject, and will not be covered by Carolyn. However, you will learn from Carolyn the important information that should be included on a digitally created label.

Block of the Month

Congratulations to our winner in September – Kathleen Semerau won the all the red apple blocks.  This month brings us “Blackish Cat”.   Remember…bring two if you can, one for the drawing, and one for the Quilt Show Market Place.


Hostesses should bring a healthy treat to share, arrive by 8:45 to assist in the kitchen and plan to help clean up. If you are unable to attend, please ask someone to substitute for you.

Shirlee Smith, Earlene Springs, Nancy Stewart, Cindy Steyer-Lukowiak, Laura Stone, Ann Stowell, Erin Sullivan, Carol Sweeden, Susan Sweet,  and Judy Sylvan


Birthday girls are requested to bring a quilt-themed gift with a minimum value of $10 for our monthly drawing.  All members can participate in the drawing.

Carolyn Edwards, Judy Eppler, Pam Kidd, Anne Marston, Donna Meyer, Sandy Mitchell, Lorraine Owen, Sally Plummer, Doris Robak, Connie Sieh, Earlene Springs, and Linda Ward

adult center display

Third time’s a charm!  🙂  Let’s hope!  Steve, our Magic Man at the Adult Center, has been having trouble getting the electric ladder battery to charge and work properly.  This has been frustrating to everyone involved.  An alternate hanging team, due to unavailability on hanging day by the regular crew, consisting of Barbara Merkel and Maryann Conner, as well as President Erin Sullivan (to check out what we do) and website/photographer Rosemary Carr, have reported for duty, but couldn’t get the job done.  After one day, one FABULOUS FALL quilt was hanging.  After the second day, five FABULOUS FALL quilts were hanging.  Hopefully by the time you receive this information, all TEN of the FABULOUS FALL quilts will be hanging!

BIG, BIG Thank You’s to the following quilters for sharing their FABULOUS FALL quilts:  Kathleen Bond, Suzie Fields, Barbara Merkel, Veronica Sandoval, Kathleen Semerau, and Kay Wentworth.

Go check them out!  (1280 Rosser, in Prescott)  The exhibit looks g.r.e.a.t. (or rather, it will…once all the red, white, and blue quilts have been exchanged for FALL quilts!)  🙂  These quilts will be up for a couple of months.  Then…we’ll be looking for Christmas Quilts.  And into next year:  Hearts Quilts, Medallion Quilts, Red & White Quilts, and Blue & White Quilts.  If you have a quilt or two to loan to any of these exhibits, let me know!!

Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE:  from 60″ to 90″ wide, any length.  (Need SIX.)
SMALL:  from 45″ to 60″ wide, any length.  (Need FOUR.)

handmade hugs

Stepping Stones guys accepting quilts from TBQ!

Last month we had eight industrious volunteer bees.  So much was accomplished for the Stepping Stones moms and kids and also the CASA foster and adoption program.   Please plan to join us the 4th Monday of each month at St. Luke’s where our regular monthly meeting is held.  Use the first left into the side entrance and come in to the back door to the classroom.  9:30 am until approx. 2:30 pm, or whenever you can join us.  Even one hour of your time is helpful.  What to bring:   Your lunch, maybe your machine, although I will bring two, your scraps, and your Cheery Smile.

We received 7 quilt tops at the last meeting!  Thanks so much, but now we need to get them ready for quilting.  Also we have some kits to put together.  Come join us and meet some new people.

Karen Johnson, Community Service

2019 quilt show

Welcome Table

Sisters of the Thread, are you planning to take President Erin’s challenge to make a small quilt and perhaps donate it to the Small Quilt Auction?  Can I put a bug in your ear to perhaps include a spool of thread in your design?  There are lots of patterns around.  We would like to plaster the walls of the Welcome Booth with quilts made of spool patterns!  Won’t that be fun, Sisters of the Thread?!
Friendship Group Vignettes
TBQ has a fun reputation for its cute little Vignettes at our Quilt Shows.  This year, dear Sisters of the Thread, we’d like to “spotlight” Friendship Groups.  Hopefully, all of you are in a Friendship Group.  If not, you need to work harder at getting into one!  Friendship group love is the best there is…like the love of a sister or Mother!  With a theme of “Sisters of the Thread”, we’d like to encourage Friendship Groups to decorate a Vignette with the good works of your Friendship Group.  If your Friendship Group would be interested in creating your very own “Friendship Group in the Spotlight”, as a Vignette, let me know!  We would love to feature YOUR group!  AND we’d also like to encourage all Friendship Groups to have a group picture taken–whether or not you agree to do a Vignette!  To help in that effort, Shirlee Smith has agreed to be the photographer.  AND she will make up as many prints (at cost) as you’d like!  How cool is that?!

Community cupboard

Please remember to bring your contributions to the St. Luke’s Community Cupboard of non-perishable food items.  These items support the local food banks of the Quad-City area.  Our Guild contributions totaled 164 in August and 96 in September.  When you shop, consider buying an extra can or two to donate.

Congratulations to Erin Sullivan for finding the “LOL Tuna” posted in the August TBQ website debut “Monthly News” post.  Erin was presented with her own personalized can of LOL Tuna at the September meeting by the WEB Team.  How many others caught that “typo”?

Next Meeting – September 10, 2018

President’s Message

Hello again Quilting Sisters,

Wow, that month flew by too fast! I’m often wondering why it is that the older we get, the faster time flies? On that note, make the most of every day that you can. I know I try to!

The husband came out of hip replacement surgery with flying colors and is progressing daily I’m thrilled to share.

I hear I missed a wonderful speaker, Martha Walker.  We had lots of visitors to our August meeting, some who joined our guild that day and others that plan to return and join soon. Thank you everyone for making them feel so welcome.

I’m loving what our Web Team has accomplished for us. If you haven’t checked out the new site, please do. You will be happy you did. Thanks again to Web Team 5!

Ways & Means and our guild member volunteers are doing a fantastic job sharing our amazing Opportunity Quilt at area events. Please take the time to help and sign up for a shift when the need arises.

Let me leave you here with my thoughts:

May your bobbin always be full,
May your seams be straight and quarter inch,
And your fabrics fall soft upon your lap,
And until we meet again,
May all your finished quilts be bound with love.

Until we meet again,
Erin Sullivan
TBQ President 2018-2019

special awards

Immediate Past President, Rosemary Carr presented members Linda Craig and Carol Sweeden with special recognition for their ongoing commitment to the Guild.  Although Linda was presented with the Heart in Hand award at the July party, she was not well enough to accept it. Linda is always there to bring treats, favors, and lend a helping hand.  Carol was recognized with the Angel Award for her coordination of the Block of the Month program throughout the 2017-18 year.

Rosemary presenting Linda Craig with the 2017/2018 Heart in Hand Award

Rosemary presents Carol Sweeden the Angel Award for introducing the Block of the Month for the 2017/2018 Guild year



We have a few spaces left in our September 10th and 11th workshop with Helen Frost.  She will be teaching “The Lone Star Sparkler”.  If you want to learn the “technique” only, all you will need is 3 fat quarters.  The class is $55 and will be held at St. Luke’s Church after the Guild Meeting.  Call Kathleen Bond, your Workshop Chair, for the supply list and to sign up.

Ways and Means

Greetings from your Ways and Means Committee. Thanks to our fabulous volunteers that have so enthusiastically sold tickets on the Courthouse Square, we are off to a great start with our Opportunity Quilt. We were on the Square THREE weekends in a row. WOW! It was a lot of fun meeting new friends and greeting old friends alike. Without your help, we could not do this, so thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you haven’t picked them up yet, we have your ticket packs ready to go in envelopes with your name on each. Stop by the Ways and Means table to collect yours. The value packs are in packages of 12 for $10. Of course, we always have extras if you would like more, we will happily accept checks as well as cash for your tickets.

At our meetings, the monthly Birthday drawing continues to be extremely popular and the mystery bags are always fun to open. Don’t forget to bring a little some special for the drawing on the month of your Birthday. Thank you, Shirley Kelliher, for chairing this committee.

Likewise the company store hums along each month bringing us fun, unexpected surprises, and things we didn’t know we needed! It’s always an adventure at the store. Thank you, Lorraine Owen, for heading up this great group of gals.

Sharon Harris
Ways and Means Chair 2018-2019

mentor’s table

This month I have invited Karen Adams, art quilt artist, to demo one of her favorite techniques in the art quilt field. Last year she attended the quilt workshops at Asilomar and learned a great technique for painting an art quilt – remember her beautiful Giraffe? This is a technique that she said would be great to work on with children and what better timing – with the holidays just around the corner and grandchildren visiting. So be sure to take the time to visit the Mentor table and learn what Karen has to show you this month.

Never stop learning – Shirlee Smith

block of the month

September brings us an apple for the teacher.  Remember, make two for two chances to win one set of blocks.  The second set goes to the 2019 Quilt Show Market Place!!

Happy Stitching
Cheryl Giovenco



Hostesses should bring a healthy treat to share, arrive by 8:45 to assist in the kitchen and plan to help clean up. If you are unable to attend, please ask someone to substitute for you.
Doris Robak
Margaret Roselle
Lynda Ruiz
Ronnie Sandoval
Vickie Sawyer
Mary Scherer
Jeanne Sellers
Kathleen Semerau
Connie Sieh
Rachael Severance

Birthday girls are requested to bring a quilt-themed gift with a minimum value of $10.

Angie Christy, Jill Davis, Pat Gentner, Joan McGivern, Barbara Merkel, Alice Obrenovich, Carol Peters, Nancy Lande, and Margaret Roselle.


The TBQ Newcomers gathered at Cloth Plus for fun and frivolity.
We learned a bit about TBQ; and a bit about Quilt stores in the west valley of Phoenix.  Some of the new members got to meet Prez Erin who left her healing hubby in the good hands of the PTs.
We learned a lot about each other.  Did you know that “new” member Phyllis D’Ambrosio can put lipstick on WITHOUT using a mirror?😱  Speaking of lipstick, we learned that Burt’s Bees has a line of lipsticks to tinted lip balms that not only last, are economical (at Walgreens) but they don’t dry out your lips (assuming you still have lips!  Phyllis does).
We shopped at Whitney’s and then moved on to more fun and good eats at Gabby’s Bar and Grill.

adult center display

Here’s hoping you’re having a Stars and Stripes Forever kind of summer!  It’s sailing by fast, isn’t it?!  But don’t you all agree that there’s nothing that can compare to “summer in Prescott”!  Woohoo!  Celebrate!  Swing on over to the Adult Center at 1280 Rosser and take a peek at the red, white, and blue quilts hanging out there.  They are shouting for joy!  And you will too when you see them!
Next up will be the FABULOUS FALL quilts.  If you’ve got one to loan to the FALL exhibit, let me know!  A FALL quilt is made up of FALL colors–red, orange, green, yellow, brown, leaves, hay stacks, corn stalks, apples, or ???   If you’ve already promised me a FALL quilt, you can bring it to the September 10th meeting.
Future exhibits are as follows:  Christmas Quilts, Hearts Quilts, Medallion Quilts, Red & White Quilts, and Blue & White Quilts.  If you have a quilt or two to share in any of these mini quilt shows, (there are always TEN quilts on display at the Adult Center!), let me know!!
Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE:  from 60″ to 90″ wide, any length.  (Need SIX.)
SMALL:  from 45″ to 60″ wide, any length.  (Need FOUR.)

Carolyn Edwards

Adult Center Coordinator

Next Meeting – August 13, 2018

President’s Message

Hello Quilting Sisters!

To say I’m thrilled to be your new President is an understatement. I can definitely say I feel welcome and excited at the same time. Our 2018-2019 year is going to be one of Friendships, Creativity and Laughter, I promise!

I apologize I wasn’t at the July party (I hate missing parties and fun gifts don’t you?). I hear it was amazing and fun-filled as always. I was in Oregon helping with my sweet new grand daughter and her big sis. As you have possibly heard, my Co-Vice Presidents will be there to lead the August meeting as my husband is getting a new hip on the same date.  I promise I will be there in September!

Luckily, I have been able to meet with several different groups and get a better feel for everything we do and what we are working on. I can tell you the 2019 Quilt Show is going to be AWESOME! Between the Vendors that are already confirmed, all the work the Co-Chairs have done, and the new Marketeers Friendship Group that is focusing right now on the Quilt Show Market Place — WOWZA!

Let me leave you here with a few thoughts:

May your needle rise up to meet you,
May your bobbin always be full,
May your seams be straight and quarter inch,
And your fabrics fall soft upon your lap,
And until we meet again,
May all your fini
shed quilts be bound                                                         with love.

Until we meet again,

TBQ President

installation of officers

Our installation of the 2018-19 officers was conducted by Jude Bentley, our TBQ Parliamentarian.  Filling in as a proxy for President, Erin Sullivan was Suzie Fields.  Also installed were Karen Adams and Martie Winkelman – co-Vice Presidents, Pat Noel – Secretary, and Carol Wright – Treasurer.  Congratulations ladies, and well wishes for another memorable TBQ year!  Thank you for your commitment to TBQ!


Immediate Past President, Rosemary Carr was honored by 2016-17 Past President, Pat Armstrong with the presentation of her “President’s Quilt” at our July Guild party.  This quilt was designed and hand-appliqued by Pat utilizing vintage “rescued” blocks that had been hand pieced.  In keeping with the hand work, the quilt was then hand-quilted by the following members:  Tina McCowen, Carol Miller, Sandy Mitchell, Marilyn Thompson, Shirley Kelliher, Susan Sweet, Norma Kurr, and Margaret Roselle.

The back label was personalized to reflect Rosemary’s passion for vintage machines, and depicts a hand embroidered and appliqued vintage Singer Featherweight machine.  Needless to say, Rosemary was quite taken with the quilt, holding back tears during Pat’s presentation.  She reported that it was immediately hung “in it’s place of honor” in the living room, so that it can be enjoyed each and every day.


THEY’RE HERE!!!  New directories and membership cards will be available at the sign-in table as you enter the Parish Hall.  Please plan to initial the roster to indicate that you received your directory.

Linda Craig, Membership Chair

block of the month

Sharon Harris won the 16 July Martha Washington Star blocks – that’s enough for an entire quilt top!  Congratulations, Sharon!! 
Additionally, we collected 11 blocks for the 2019 Quilt Show Market Place.  We can always accept late arrivals.
Click on the link for the August BOM: Black eyed Susan. 

Enjoy!  Remember, make two for two chances to win…one for the monthly give-away, and one for the 2019 Quilt Show Market Place!

Cheryl Giovenco
BOM Coordinator

Adult Center Quilt Display

Hey! Hey! The Adult Center Halls will be decked with Red, White, and Blue quilts as of July 23, 2018. How cool is that?! Zoom on over to 1280 Rosser Street in Prescott to check them out! It will make your patriotic heart proud! Big, big THANK YOUs to Janet Bailey, Kathleen Bond, Rosemary Carr, Cheryl Giovenco, Jane Holland, Pat Hopgood, Barbara Merkel, and Paula Pilcher for sharing their quilts for this display. Three of the quilts were made specifically for this display! One of the quilts was won in a raffle. One of the quilts was bought at a Quilt Show boutique. One of the quilts is made up of signed friendship blocks. How cool is that? WOW! Stars and Stripes Forever!!! These quilts will be up for a couple of months…so you have a little time to swing by to see them! Just do it!

(click on photos for larger view)

I get questions about “what’s up next?” Well, guess what. I have an answer, for a change! Remember that the quilts change every couple of months. Here’s the line-up: Fall, Christmas, Hearts, Medallion Quilts, Red & White Quilts, Blue & White Quilts…then we’re back to Fall again! Happy New Year!

Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE: from 60″ to 90″ wide. ( Need SIX.)
SMALL: from 45″ to 60″ wide, any length. (Need FOUR.)

Carolyn Edwards, Adult Center Display Chair

chamber of commerce display

Rosemary Carr is the featured quilter for the current display at the Prescott Chamber of Commerce.  Plan to stop in for a viewing when you’re in the downtown area.

(click on photos for larger view)

august birthdays

Pat Armstrong, Nancy Bernas, Molly Haney-Burleigh, Patty McClearn, Melodie Merino, Linda Morriston, Paula Pilcher, Vickie Sawyer, Kathleen Semerau, Shirley Smith, Nancy Stewart,  Anne Stowell, and Carol Sweeden

Please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, with a value of at least $10, to the next meeting. A good rule of thumb for the gift is something that you would really like to receive. If you missed your birthday month, please bring your gift at a later meeting.

Shirley Kelliher & Susan Sweet Co-Chairs

august Hostesses

Lorraine Owen, Susan Perry, Carol Peters, Pam Peters, Cindy Phare, Paula Pilcher, Sally Plummer, Mary Queen, Lari Reger, and Judith Ritner

Hostess duties are shared by all and consist of providing refreshments, assisting with set-up and kitchen clean-up following the meeting.  If you are unable to meet this obligation, please ask another member to take your place. Refreshments consist of healthy finger foods: cheese, crackers, sweet treats, fruit.  Please bring your goodies on disposable trays, or label your dish with your name. Beverages and paper products are provided by the Guild.

Becky Cook & Linda Ward – Refreshments Committee


This month I will teach you how to add dimension and shine to your quilt by embellishing with foil.  Foil is an easy and fun application and I know that you will want to use it on many of  your projects.  It also can be added before or after your project is finished.  See you on the 13th.  – Shirlee Smith

Remember your quilting donations to the Company Store are someone’s future treasure!  Thanks to all for your generous support. – Lorraine Owen

handmade hugs

We will resume our workshops on the fourth Monday of the month, August 27th .  The CASA adoption program has asked for some teen boy quilts.  Anything with the theme of cars, trucks, sports, super heroes, bugs, lizards, dinosaurs, and construction are great for the boys.  Darker backings of blue, green, black and red are more appropriate for the fellows.  We will talk more about this in the workshops.

If you have any pillowcases or quilts that you are still working on, piecing or waiting to be quilted, please just drop me an email with a subject line of TBQ quilts at
my email as listed in the TBQ directory, or send a text to my phone.

I am trying to get an accurate count of our ongoing quilt projects.  Thank you so much for your work on these Community Service Projects.  They are REALLY appreciated by the recipients at the homeless shelters, the Foster/Adoption Services, and Stepping Stones.

Karen Johnson
Community Service


Ways and means

Erin Sullivan, President, (left) with Sharon Harris, Ways & Means Chair on the Courthouse Square

Greetings once more from your 2018-2019 Ways and Means Committee. This is the year of our biannual quilt show (mark your calendars for May 31-June 1 2019), and your Ways and Means committee has been full speed ahead booking venues for marketing our fabulous Opportunity Quilt. In order to be successful, WE NEED YOU, our fabulous members, to step up to VOLUNTEER to sell raffle tickets for the fabulous JOYFUL GARDEN, our opportunity quilt at the table during various functions. This is a huge effort from everyone; YOU and your Ways and Means Committee, and this is a vital component of our budget. And, actually, it’s FUN. Spend a couple of hours talking to people, marketing our Opportunity Quilt (it will sell itself), and then go and enjoy the event. We are here to help set up, take down, we will have chairs, and all the support you need. It’s easy and tons of fun! I will report to you our successes each month at the TBQ meeting and recognize all that have participated. Please join in!

Sharon Harris
Ways and Means Chair


We had an “informal” gathering of both new and “used” “comers” at Linda Craig’s for the first Marketeers Friendship Group on July 12.  Good to see all the excitement and participation from all attendees.

Planning our first “formal” gathering of Newcomers late August/early September.

Molly Haney-Burleigh and Lynda Ruiz


Please remember to keep those less fortunate in your thoughts as you shop, and pick up a few extra food items for the St. Luke’s Community Cupboard benefiting the food banks of the Quad-City area.  Throughout this past year TBQ contributed over 1900 food items!  Thank you all for your continued support!!

Ideas for things to bring:  peanut butter, macaroni & cheese, canned tuna, canned fruit, canned beef, canned vegetables, tomato sauce, canned beans, canned chicken, boxed cereals, powdered milk, pasta, rice, canned soups, and dried beans.

Next Meeting – July 9, 2018

 President’s Message

 Greetings Sisters of the Thread!

We had a very busy meeting last month with our UFO Silent Auction and our very unexpected re-election of officers.

Congratulations to Yvonne Blitch and Carol Wright for putting together such a successful silent auction.  64 items had been donated.  What a fun event!  We couldn’t have done it without all of your generous contributions.

Thanks go out to Erin Sullivan, who accepted the nomination for President, and Karen Adams and Martie Winkelman for stepping up to Vice-President, which afforded the opportunity for Linda Craig to remain at the Membership position.  We wish Patti Taber much happiness as they begin their new “retired” life in Oro Valley.  She will be moving in August.

For those of you unable to attend our June meeting, you also missed the announcement that although my term is ending as Guild president, I have accepted the position, along with my long-time friend, Suzie Fields, of 2019 Quilt Show Co-Chairs.  In the very brief period of 3 days following the June 4 meeting of the Executive Committee, we secured a venue and date, and filled all the sub-committee chair positions!  Thanks go out to everyone who committed to the success of another memorable TBQ Quilt Show.

Mark your calendars for the TBQ “Sisters of the Thread” Quilt Show, May 31-June 1, 2019 at Prescott High School.  Woo Hoo, Gals…we’re on our way, yet again!

The first meeting of the Quilt Show Committee will be July 9, immediately following the TBQ meeting and guild birthday lunch at St. Luke’s.

 Additionally, since March, I have been chairing the WEB Team meetings as Carol Wright, Yvonne Blitch, Jude Bentley, and Suzie Fields have joined me in developing the new TBQ website.  Although we are still in the infancy stage as web developers, we are very close to going live.  I plan to give you a sneak peek of what to expect at the July meeting.  We are very excited to share what we have so far, though it continues to be a “work in progress”.  We do hope to go “live” in late July.

St. Luke’s Community Cupboard reaped the benefit of our benevolence again this past month with 135 items added to our tally of annual giving.  Please keep those less fortunate in mind by remembering to bring your food contributions to the meeting.

Because of our “party” theme for the July meeting, we will not be having the Birthday Drawing.  There will be plenty of other opportunities to win a prize.  July b-day gals need to bring their gifts to the August meeting.  Additionally, the Company Store will be closed, as will the Mentor’s Table, and the DVD Library.  Carolyn and Kathleen will be able to take sign-ups for workshops, so just look for their sign.  Because our July and December “parties” are a benefit of our membership, please remember that guests are not invited to these special events.

I forgot to mention that ALL the committee chair positions have been filled for the 2018-19 Guild Year.  I can’t thank you all enough for your continued commitment to our wonderful guild.  You’ll also be happy to learn that Shirlee Smith will be returning to The Mentor’s Table to share more of her tips and techniques.

Please welcome our newest members, Veronica (Ronnie) Sandoval, Cynthia Falzone, Lorie Lopez, Phyllis Byrnes, Phyllis D’Ambrosio, Beverly Bowe and Cathy Day.  Introduce yourselves, invite them to sit with you, ask them to serve on a committee with you, or join in on a Friendship Group, and make them feel welcome.

And please, keep our absent members in your thoughts (and prayers, if you so believe), as they face the struggles and challenges that life brings to all of us.  We hope they are able to join us once again before long.

Thank you all for entrusting me to serve as your President this past year.  It truly has been a joyful journey for me, and I’m so glad you were all along for the ride!

And sew it goes…pedal on gals!!

The Joy TRULY IS in the Journey!

Rosemary Carr
TBQ President

July Birthdays

 Jude Bentley                                   Judith Ritner
Carol Cone                                      Jeanne Sellers
Susan Perry                                   Candace Tomlinson
Mary Queen

Please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, with a value of at least $10, to the next meeting. A good rule of thumb for the gift is something that you would really like to receive. If you missed your birthday month, please bring your gift at a later meeting.

Shirley Kelliher and Susan Sweet
Birthday Committee Co-Chairs



Judy Lundquist                        Pat Noel
Carol Miller                               Brenda Norris
Sandy Mitchell                        Alice Obrenovich
Linda Morriston                             Linda Ward
Dawnell Muecke

Pat Hopgood and Becky Cook
Refreshment Committee Co-Chair


 Welcome new members, we are very happy to have you join us!  They are: Beverly Bowe, Phyllis Byrnes, Phyllis D’Ambrosio, Cathy Day, Cynthia Falzone, Lorie Lopez, and Veronica (Ronnie) Sandoval.

Let any of us if you need anything or have questions.

“In the quilt of life, friends are the stitches that hold it together.”

Linda Craig
Membership Chair

Block of the Month

Summer came in fast and hot, but we all keep our sewing room cool, so lots of our Guild’s BOM can be made!

Thank you, Cheryl Giovenco, for taking over this fun task, so if you’re the lucky one to win blocks, show us what you have done with them…no time limit!

Happy stitching
Carol Sweeden
Block of the Month Coordinator

Ways and Means

 Linda Morriston won the June raffle drawing of the eagle quilt made by Marilyn Thompson and quilted by Shirlee Smith. The guild made $205 selling the tickets.

There was a lot of last minute bidding going on as time was running out for the UFO silent auction.  It was fun for all and the guild made $539.25.

Thank you to everyone who signed up to sell raffle tickets for our “Garden of Joy” opportunity quilt at the Mountain Top Guild Quilt Show.  We sold 331 tickets, so are off to a good start.

Thank you all for supporting our guild.

Yvonne Blitch
2017-2018 Ways and Means Chair

Greetings from your 2018-2019 Ways and Means Committee.  As this is the year of our biannual quilt show (mark your calendars for May 31-June 1 2019), it will be a busy and exciting year indeed.  I am very fortunate and excited to have not one, but TWO co-chairs for our committee; Sharon Melpolder and Patti McClearn.  Thank you both!

One of the many responsibilities the Ways and Means committee is charged with is the marketing and selling raffle tickets to our very special Opportunity Quilt during the quilt show year.  This, in addition to the actual quilt show income, is a huge source of TBQ revenue and carries us forward for our charitable programs, classes, TBQ programs not only for quilt show years but the off years as well.

As we ramp up for the numerous fairs, quilt shows, etc. in our region, we are asking for you, our fabulous members, to sign up to help staff the opportunity quilt booth.  It’s just a 2-hour commitment at a time, and then you are off to enjoy the fair or festival.  There will be notes available (from our Opportunity Quilt Committee) at the table for you to refer to about the making of our quilt in order to share with the public as to how special this quilt is, Ways and Means will be available to set up, take down, and help with the selling of the tickets.

All members of our guild are asked to purchase $10 worth of tickets (12) as part of their commitment to the guild.  Tickets are being readied for sale, you may pick up your tickets at our next meeting.  Please have correct cash ready.  We will be sending around a clipboard each meeting for signups to help staff the booth.  We really need your help with this.  TBQ’s goal is to try to sell at least $5,000 worth of tickets.  Please come out and enjoy the weather and help TBQ remain the fabulous, supportive guild it is!

Sharon Harris
TBQ Ways and Means Chair 2018-2019

Company Store

 Company store closed July. We’re having a party. If you have donations and want them out of your way, I will take them at the meeting.  Happy 4th of July and thanks for your generous donations.

Lorraine Owen
Company Store Co-Chair

Prescott Adult Center Exhibit

 Have you been over to see the ALL STAR REVIEW at the Adult Center yet?  OMG!  What a great SHOW–literally a show-stopper!  Put it on your “TO DO” list to swing by 1280 Rosser Street after the next TBQ Guild meeting–it’s almost on the way home!  It’ll be a happy ending to a fun TBQ birthday party!  The STAR quilts will be up until the middle of August, then we’ll hang our annual display of patriotic, red, white, and blue quilts.  If you have a patriotic quilt to loan over the last patriotic holiday of the summer (Labor Day), let me know.  We already have three quilts lined up for display…but we’ll need seven more!  This red, white, and blue exhibit is a favorite at the Adult Center, so join the fun!

Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE:  from 60″ to 90″ wide.  (Need SIX.)
SMALL:  from 45″ to 60″ wide, any length.  (Need FOUR.)

Carolyn Edwards
Adult Center Quilt Coordinator

Chamber of Commerce Quilts

The quilts currently on display at the Prescott Chamber of Commerce are from Carolyn Edwards.

Kay Wentworth
Chamber of Commerce Chair

Next Meeting – June 11, 2018

President’s Message

Greetings Sisters of the Thread!

My message is somewhat bittersweet this month, as it will be my final President’s message to all of you. What fun we have had this year! “Thank you” is clearly not strong enough to express my gratitude to all of the volunteers who have made this year such a success, and to the entire guild membership for your continued support.

I have so enjoyed sharing my passion for antique and vintage machines by introducing so many members of my “choir” of Singers (and a few other brands) throughout the year. I had a few more I wanted to acquaint you with, however, our very full agendas these last two meetings have not allowed for this to occur. More and more of you have come to me to share your stories of machines that have been in the family for decades. I have truly enjoyed this opportunity. The Pedal Pushers friendship group continues to be quite active, as many of you have even attended a single gathering just to get that family heirloom cleaned up and running again.

It has been a fun year with our “block of the month” activities. Although the numbers of participants are down from that initial month in September, with 42 blocks submitted, the enthusiasm and anticipation has continued all year. Thank you, Carol Sweeden for making this happen. It has been a fun trip!

Kathleen Bond and Carolyn Edwards have brought us ongoing inspiring educational opportunities through our guest lecturers and workshops. I even incorporated techniques from two of our guest speakers into my own President’s Challenge quilt… Maggie Ball’s template free kaleidoscope quilt (October), quilted with Gina Perkes’ rulers (August) on my domestic Husqvarna sewing machine. And yes, I do own a “modern” machine which I sew on from time to time.

Our contributions of quilts through our “Handmade Hugs” project has expanded to outreach beyond our initial efforts of serving foster children in Yavapai County, and I am happy to say that President-Elect, Patti Taber, wants to continue these endeavors. Although our mission focuses on “education”, community service is a major portion of what we are about as a guild.

The Silent Auction of contributed UFOs will take place at this June meeting and is being coordinated by Yvonne Blitch, Ways and Means Chair, and Carol Wright, Treasurer. Thank you all for your contributions to the success of this event. Response has been phenomenal to our “call for UFOs”. What fun!

The presentation of the 2018-19 Opportunity Quilt by Shirlee Smith and her committee of Susan Joy Noyes, Karen Adams, and Iris Lacey was very emotional for all of us. Our guest, Lorne Noyes added so much to the story. “Joyful Garden” will always bring fond remembrances of Susan Joy and her gifted artistic talents. Thank you, ladies, for your generous contribution to the Guild. Now the work begins in marketing this quilt for the next year.

I know my monthly messages may have become a bit repetitive in content, but I cannot stress enough my gratitude for our continued response to the call for donations to the St. Luke’s Community Cupboard food campaign. 187 items were contributed by TBQ members last month, more than double of what St. Luke’s members contributed in the same week! We have contributed more than 1600 items since last August! Amazing!! Let’s keep that momentum going!!

It is through the tremendous combined efforts of all of us as members and volunteers that we have had such a successful guild year. We can’t do what we do without each of us stepping forward to contribute in some way. Patti is still looking to fill some of the committee positions for this next year, so please consider your commitments.

I have heard from time to time that someone just isn’t enjoying the guild or getting much out of their membership. There is an old adage that you get back what you put in to it. I can personally attest to that. The gatherings at the Handmade Hugs workshops are a great way to get to know others in the guild. Yes, we can make quilts at home, but it’s not that same as working with a group. Our workshops and friendship groups afford us additional opportunities to “build community” and to develop relationships and friendships. And more importantly, our committees that work behind the scenes as the mechanisms that run the guild provide even greater opportunity to connect, commit, and contribute.

Thank you all again, for entrusting me with the leadership of the Guild throughout this past year. Your individual and combined contributions have made this year the success it has been.
It has truly been a wonderful and joyful journey.
And Sew it Goes…Pedal on, Girls!

Find Joy in the Journey!

Rosemary Carr, President
Thumb Butte Quilters’ Guild

Officers and Committee Chairs – End of Year Reports Due
It is that time of year for those of you who have served as an officer or committee chair to prepare a brief summary of your year to turn in to the President, as well as to share with your successor. These need to be submitted and available for the June 23 Transition Meeting to be held at Kathleen Bond’s home beginning at 10 am. Be sure to include where you found success, and what where your greatest challenges.

A transition meeting/lunch will be held for all of us on Saturday, June 23, 10 am at the home of Kathleen Bond. Time will be allotted for outgoing officers and chairs to meet with their successors to share the responsibilities of that position. This gathering is an essential start to the new guild year. Your attendance and participation is strongly encouraged. Watch your email for final details.

June Birthdays

Carlotta Brandenburg, Pat Hopgood
Cynthia Crull, Norma Kurr
Cathy Day, Sandy Mazzurco
Jean Ehlers, Sharon Melpolder
Carol Godfrey, Dawnell Muecke
Diane Grayson, Kay Wentworth

Please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, with a value of at least $10, to the next meeting. A good rule of thumb for the gift is something that you would really like to receive. If you missed your birthday month, please bring your gift at a later meeting.

Shirley Kelliher and Susan Sweet
Birthday Committee Co-Chairs

Handmade Hugs

June Hostesses

Tina McCowan, Mirta McKay
Patty McClearn, Sharon Melpolder
Sandy McGarry, Melodie Merino
Joan McGivern, Barbara Merkel
Syvia McIntosh, Mary Anne Meyer

We encourage you to bring healthy refreshments. We look forward to working with our members this year.

Hostesses should arrive by 8:30 a.m. to assist chairperson in setting up if needed. Bring a refreshment item; such as finger food – cheese, crackers, sweet treats, fruit, etc. Please bring your foods on disposable trays or label your dish with your name. Beverages and paper products are provided by the Guild.

Pat Hopgood and Becky Cook
Refreshment Committee Co-Chair


I would like to take this time to welcome Cathy Day. We are happy to have you join us. If you have any questions just ask anyone in the group, everyone is very helpful.

Also, don’t forget to pay your dues for the coming year. It is going to be fun! I look forward to seeing everyone at the next meeting.

Linda Craig
Membership Chair

Block of the Month

My sincere thanks to Marti Harbour for covering the BOM Tulip Time. I heard we had a beautiful garden of 🌷 tulips! Congratulations to Linda Fisher for winning the garden  blocks!

The June “Card Trick” instructions will be sent out via email and I hope to see a full deck at the TBQ June meeting.

My recovery may be slightly longer than I had hoped but gives me time for some handwork…thank you all for your kind words.

Carol Sweeden
Block of the Month Coordinator

Company Store

The Company Store did not get a chance last meeting to thank Sharon McAllister for her generous donation. We would also like to thank membership for their donations.

There is a lot of fabric to choose from, zippers to make small bags, a quilt stand and scraps for your small projects. Fill up a bag for .50 cents. Please come and shop and remember your donation, we can always use more.

Lorraine Owen
Company Store Co-Chair

Adult Center Quilt Display

It’s an ALL STAR REVIEW! 🙂 And you’re going to l.o.v.e. it!! I would be willing to bet that every one of you have made a Star Quilt! It was easy to round up TEN star quilts for this exhibit! Be sure to stop by 1280 Rosser Street and let the STARS shine down on you! BIG, BIG Thank You’s to the following quilters who have loaned a STAR quilt to this heavenly display: Pat Armstrong, Kathleen Bond, Rosemary Carr, Molly Haney-Burleigh, Jane Holland, Sandy Mitchell, Lorraine Owen, Pam Peters, and Paula Pilcher! Thank you, thank you, Quilters!

These quilts will be up for a couple of months. After that, we will be looking for a batch of red, white, and blue quilts to round out our summer patriotic decorating holidays. If you have one to share, let me know!

Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE: from 60″ to 90″ wide, any length. (Need SIX.)
SMALL: from 45″ to 60″ wide, any length. (Need FOUR.)

Quilts for Sale

Continuing with the effort initiated last TBQ Guild year by Pat Armstrong, if you have a quilt or quilts you’d like to sell, we are working on making that happen. When the TBQ website is up and running again, a “QUILT FOR SALE” form will be on-line. Until that time, Carolyn Edwards will have forms available. Just get in touch with her. A 4” x 6” photograph will be needed in addition to the completed form. The completed form along with the photograph will be kept in a binder at the Reception Desk at the Adult Center. Your Quilt for Sale does not have to be hanging in the Atrium in order to be for sale. You will name your asking price, and all proceeds will go to you.

Carolyn Edwards
Adult Center Quilt Coordinator

President’s “Brown Bag Ugly Fabric” Quilt Challenge

Congratulations to all of you who accepted the challenge presented last September. 39 of you completed your quilts to be displayed in our outdoor mini quilt show at the May meeting. It was quite festive, and the wind even cooperated for the most part. A few of the quilts lost their participants ribbons, so if you got home without one, please see me at the meeting.
I was thrilled with the turnout. You all are amazing. Our Members’ Choice Award recipients were as follows:
1st Place – Sandy Mitchell
2nd Place – Marilyn Thompson
3rd Place – Lorraine Owen
4th Place – Anne Marston
And my President’s Choice Award went to Marilyn Thompson for her very creative use of a scrubby purchased at the TBQ Quilt Show Marketplace last summer to create the illusion of horsehair pottery, in her stunning hand-appliqued and hand-quilted wall hanging.
Remember, for those of you who are not quite finished with your challenge quilt, you can still get them done to share at Show & Tell at a future meeting and receive your special commemorative participant’s ribbon.

Next Meeting – May 14, 2018

President’s Message

 Greetings Sisters of the Thread!

Does anyone else, besides me, feel that the weeks pass so quickly with each year we grow older?  It is hard to believe we are again coming up on another gathering of our quilting community, and time of another President’s message in our monthly newsletter.

It is also FINALLY time for the President’s Challenge “Big Reveal.” We’ve had the past 9 months to cultivate our creativity and complete our “Ugly Fabric Challenges.”  Some of us (myself included) are scurrying to put the finishing touches on our projects. I truly am excited to see all the entries and can’t express enough how thrilled I am with all of you who accepted the challenge.  As of press time, the Executive Committee is tweaking the meeting agenda to accommodate the quilt viewing, and voting, and the expanded Show and Tell.  Please anticipate a departure from our typical agenda.  Those of you who indicated participation last fall will receive an email from me just prior to the meeting outlining check-in instructions when you arrive at the church that morning.

Karen Johnson, our chair of Handmade Hugs has been notified of a “Foster Event” to be held in May, where our Handmade Hugs contributions will be distributed to children under the wing of the CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) office of Yavapai County.  Additionally, Karen has contacted the Center for Compassion and Justice and is coordinating donations of pillowcases to the homeless men’s shelter in Prescott.  They are looking forward with grateful anticipation of the arrival of our special gifts.

Heartfelt accolades to the Quilt Camp Committee Suzie Fields – chair, Erin Sullivan, and Maryann Conner for putting on a most memorable camp.  What fun was had by all in attendance!  What tremendous camaraderie!  It truly was a great 3 days.  There was fabulous food, fun & games, mentoring, and tons of tips of the trade, and did I mention, we even did some sewing…lots and lots of uninterrupted sewing.  If you’ve ever been hesitant about attending a quilt camp, you might want to put this on your quilter’s bucket list.

Remember to continue your Spring Cleaning efforts and clean out those project boxes, and bring in your unwanted UFOs for our June Silent Auction.  Yvonne Blitch and Carol Wright are coordinating that upcoming event.

The Company Store will be up and running again at the May meeting.  Your unused quilty items are always accepted and appreciated. Thank you all for understanding the necessity to accommodate the church’s need at the April meeting and the closed partition and abbreviated Company Store.

Please, remember also to thank any of the St. Luke’s staff when you see them.  They are truly good to us.  Your continued response has been tremendous for the donations to the St. Luke’s Community Cupboard food campaign.  Please continue to keep those less fortunate in your thoughts and remember to pick up an extra can or two when you shop.  Hunger knows no calendar.

On a final note, with the February resignation of Maryann Conner as our webmaster due to personal commitments, and then extensively investigating the use of an outside web developer to rebuild the TBQ website, as of the March Executive Committee meeting, there is a recently appointed committee continuing work on the new TBQ website.  It’s a big learning curve for the WEB Team, but we are making progress on our brand-new website.  Please keep in mind that the current TBQ website is not being updated, however, we wanted to keep archival information available to you in the interim.  And as a reminder, current Guild activities are announced through this monthly newsletter and are not available on the website.  Our goal is to have the new site up and running this summer, and the current committee members all plan to continue as the WEB Team next year.  We appreciate your continued patience in the interim.
And Sew it Goes…Pedal on, Girls!
Find Joy in the Journey!

Rosemary Carr, President
Thumb Butte Quilters’ Guild

Handmade Hugs

No Handmade Hugs workshop for the months of May or June.  The next workshop TBA.

Karen Johnson
Handmade Hugs

Ways and Means

There is still time to finish your spring cleaning and bring any UFO’s you no longer want to finish to the May TBQ meeting. The more projects we have, the more fun it will be.  We’ll have our UFO Silent Auction at our June 11th meeting.

Yvonne Blitch
Ways and Means Chair

Block of the Month

This is a great wall hanging if made with 4-6 total units. Using different bright colored prints for Tulips and Pinwheels.

Carol Sweeden
Block of the Month Coordinator

Company Store

It’s still Springtime in Prescott. Time to clean unwanted items out of sewing room to donate to the Company Store. All is appreciated. Thank you, ladies.

Lorraine Owen
Company Store Co-Chair

Prescott Adult Center Exhibit

1280 Rosser Street, Prescott

Well…I hate to admit it, but SPRING hasn’t been hanging around nearly as much as I thought she should be!  Do you know where she’s hiding?  One place you can find her is at the Adult Center where it’s SPRING!  SPRING!  SPRING! all over the place!  Once word gets out that you can hang out at 1280 Rosser Street to soak up a little SPRING, watch out for the stampede!

The SPRING quilts will be up into the middle of May, so you still have time to see them!  Plan a “Girls Day Out”!  Go to lunch, then go see the quilts at the Adult Center, then go shopping!  Aaahhhh, perfect!

Our next theme will be “Stars”.  It’s a fairly popular pattern…we have several Star quilts promised to us already…but we still need a few more.  If your Star quilt wants to hang out with the rest of the Stars, let me know!

Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE:  from 60″ to 90″ wide, any length.  (Need SIX.)
SMALL:  from 45″ to 60″ wide, any length.  (Need FOUR.)

Carolyn Edwards
Adult Center Quilt Coordinator

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