Monthly News -March 11, 2024

President’s Message

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Angela-e1687538751109.jpgMarch will be here shortly!
  This is the time of year when I just hold my breath and wait for warm weather.  I guess after 35 years in Arizona, I have become a desert rat. 

On another note, the guild cannot run without volunteers. There will be board positions-which are open to anyone-and non-board positions. Please consider something!  We can’t run without YOU!

Make sure you check the website for guild information. Our speaker this month is Kim Oleson and she will be presenting on Zoom due to an injury. There will be no class on Tuesday.

I hope you are working on your President’s Challenge. I happened to meet some volunteers from Honor Flight and they are excited about this project. They said that 42-45 inches is awesome and the veterans love them. If you are doing a Quilt of Valor, please follow their guidelines: The recommended size of a Quilt of Valor is 60″ x 80″; it must be a minimum of 55″ x 65″ and maximum of 72″ x 90.

In closing, our membership is growing! This means we have so many opportunities to learn from each other. Be sure to reach out and make everyone feel welcome and make new friends.

Thank you and happy quilting!

Angela Smith – President


We want to welcome four new members in February: Kim Hastings, Barbara Krit, Barbara Peteron, and Barb Saia. Please be sure to seek them out and show them how much our guild offers.


March party hostesses are:  Patty McClearn, Joan McGivern, Sheryl Mclain, Melodie Merino, Sandy Mitchell, Linda Morriston, Dawnell Muecke, Jenne Kern, Ellen Baker, Sharon Harris,  CoCo Alaniz, and Deena Knight.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

March Birthdays — Dianne Schmitt, Deb Johnson, Nan DeChant, Jimi Heneger, Terry Purkable, Kathy Spry, Mary Ellen Coe, Norma Enfield, Pam Calhoon, Barb Saia, and Kim Hastings.

Ways and Means

Company Store

😃TBQ Company Store Upcoming ALERT‼️

💲5.00 Bag💰Sale at the March TBQ meeting is scheduled!👏👏👏

SO…PLEASE come to the meeting with your $5.00 bills in hand, because you have no idea what amazing goodies you will find to stuff into one of the plastic grocery bags we provide for you to fill to the max! And the best part, it’s only $5.00 per bag!😝👍🏻‼️ We look forward to seeing your smiling faces as you fill your bags! Look forward to having fun!

Pam Jones – Chair

Quilt Camp

Our 2024 Quilt Camp is almost here.  We have 2 openings.  The camp is 4 days long, March 25,  26, 27, and 28th.  It will be at the Bank of America/Masonic Lodge bldg. in Prescott, on Willow Creek  Rd.   We start at 8am and finish around 6pm.  The fee is $125.00 for all four days.  This includes lunch every day, snacks, coffee and tea.

We plan on a of couple demos and the Right-Left-Center game, so please bring 6, 10″ squares to play.

There is always fun to be had.  Bring your UFOs, new projects, things you need help on.  If you have not paid for your spot, please bring a check made out to TBQ, to the March 11th meeting.

Can’t wait to see you all.

  Cathy Day – Chair

Monthly News – February 12, 2024

President’s Message

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The year sure is flying by.  I feel like I should be starting the Christmas projects now so that maybe I will actually get everything done, but we know that will not happen.  It was a good thought.

Pretty soon we will get to see our opportunity quilt.  I know everyone is anxious to see it.

This time of year is filled with reminders.  Reminders that we need a nominating committee, a quilt team for the next year and a potential slate of officers in the coming months.  There are many capable and talented people in our guild, so please don’t be afraid to step up and take a position.

At our February meeting, we will have Joyce Larson who is a quilt appraiser. There are forms on the website, under “Programs and Workshops” with prices if you want to have a quilt appraised. Also, on February 13, Kathleen Bond will be teaching a paper-piecing class so if you are interested and you haven’t signed up contact her and she can help you out.

Until then, stay well, and I look forward to seeing you at the February meeting.

Angela Smith – President


Please welcome our three new members, Sandra Turczak, Martie Winkelman and Mary Turley.


Febuary party hostesses are:  Nancy Lande, Nancy Lefler, Dani Lerberg, Pat Little, Anne Marston, Sandy Mazzurco, Dana Swain, Kim Keogh, Judy Peyret, Terry Purkable, Paula Bryant, Terry Grenier, and Sari Butler.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

February Birthdays — Dani Lerberg, Dianna Dunn, Cheryl Giovenco, Betty Foley, Pat Noel, Martie Winkelman, Sally Thomas,  Barbara Sweeney, Mike Boyle, Kathy Oppelt, Carol Miller, Mary Scherer, MaryAnn Conner, Donna Osborne, Sherri Hubbs, Cheryl Bouquet, and Carol Brownlow.


You are going to want  to join us on February 13th for a day of fun and learn a different technique for foundation paper piecing.  

You do not sew through the paper, so there is no paper to tear away and the pattern is reusable.

The supply list is on the Workshop Page on the website.

The class is $35 and the pattern is included.

Kathleen Bond, Chair

community service

Adult Center Display

It was our intention to have a “one-woman” display with the quilts from our talented member Kathleen Semerau. However, Kathleen only makes large quilts and so Linda Craig offered two of her quilts to fill the small areas on the back wall. As you can see, Kathleen is multi-talented and a prolific quilter. She
quilts all of her quilts on her domestic sewing machine. We always look forward to seeing what her latest work of art is at our monthly Show and Tell. Linda also produces quilts with various techniques as you can see with her hand embroidered quilt and hand appliqued quilt.

Maryann Conner, Chair

Ways and means

 Ways and Means would like to thank Amy Stark, Kathleen Semerau and Pat Noel for their work and donation of a beautiful black, white and red quilt, which was used as an opportunity quilt. Tickets were sold at guild meetings and the Yavapai Jeep Posse Last Minute Stocking stuffer more than $250.00 was raised in ticket sales. Sharon Bais of Chino Valley won the quilt, “first time winning anything and is large enough to fit her bed and tuck around the pillows.”

I am looking for ideas for another fundraiser…. “Silent Auction” anyone?

Liz Hart, Chair

Quilt Camps

Hello Ladies!

 Just a reminder, we are taking reservations for our 2024 Quilt Camp.  We have 9 openings left.  It will be at the Masonic Temple/Bank of America Building on the 2nd floor.

The Quilt camp will be March 25, 26, 27, 28th, that is a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We will be having a continental breakfast and a lunch daily.

There  will be a pot luck on Tuesday and on Wednesday nights.  Once the sign up is complete we will let you know what night you will be responsible.

You can bring anything you want to work on.  UFOs, new projects etc…..  We open at 8am and closing between 5 to 7 pm.  You can come and go as you need to.  We will be playing R-L-C, so bring 6 10″ squares so we can play 2 games.  We are going to have so much fun and fellowship!!  Not to mention food.  There will be daily gifts and some prizes also.  

THE PRICE FOR ALL FOUR DAYS IS $125.00.  Please bring your check, payable to TBQ, or cash to the February 12th meeting or you can mail it to me.  

Cathy Day, Chair 

Retreat Lite Returns!

For those lucky 24, who quickly added their names to our attendance list, we’ll see you on Monday morning, February 5th at the Aztlan Lodge (Bank of America) building, floor two for TWO FULL DAYS of sewing and creating in community with your fellow guild members. Watch your emails around February 1st for last minute reminders. 

If you would like to be added to our waitlist just in case we have a last-minute cancellation, please contact Dana Swain. 

Happy stitching, Thumb Butte Quilters!

Dana Swain, Chair

Monthly News – January 8, 2024

President’s message

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Happy Winter Solstice everyone!  I would like to thank Martha for organizing a lovely party. I hope you all enjoyed it and if you missed it, I’m sorry because it was very fun.  Jean Impey will be doing a zoom presentation at our next meeting. So make sure you are there.  Also, Mountain Top will be selling tickets for their opportunity quilt at our January meeting.

I know as I write this, it is still before Christmas and you must all be scurrying around trying to get everything finished, mailed and delivered.  I received very nice feedback about my President’s Challenge, so I hope that you will all take part in it.  It has been a fun year, and I can’t believe how quickly this year is going. 

That’s about all I have to say for now. So everyone enjoy your holiday and if you are traveling, be safe. See you next year!!

Angela Smith – President


We have one new member who has joined us in December — Chris Campos.  Please welcome her.


January party hostesses are:  Sherri Hubbs, Debbie James, Deb Johnson, Karen Johnson, Pam Jones, Shirley Kelliher, Jeanne Dunk, Dave Charity, Sue Parks, Kate Parsons, Alicia Czuzak, Sue Hansen, Dede Erceg Lori Allaire, Gayle Lee, and Carol Miller.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

January Birthdays — Edyth Pries, Yvonne Blitch, Deena Knight, Susie Opdahl, Sue Hansen, Jamie Davis, Pam Jones, Karen Eads, Kate Brown, Shirley Kelliher, Claire Bell, Sharon Harris, Sue Weisshaupt, and Ellen Baker.


January brings us a zoom presentation from Jean Impey.

February will bring Joyce Larson.
If you have a quilt you would like to have appraised, this is your chance. Please let us know so we can make sure there is plenty of time for each person.

Martha Ferriera, Vice President

retreat lite update

Thank you to all 24 of our Thumb Butte Quilters’ Guild members for your enthusiasm in signing up for our upcoming two-day RETREAT LITE day camp set for February 5th and 6th, 2024.  Based on our venue size, we are at capacity!!  That means that we can place names on a waiting list if you’d like to be included should someone’s plans change and they cannot attend.  Please contact Dana Swain to add your name to the waitlist.  If you should make it into an opened space, your $15.00 fee will be collected at that time.

Once again, thank you Thumb Butte Quilters!

Dana Swain & Jamie Davis – Coordinators

Monthly News – December 11, 2023

President’s message

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Angela-e1687538751109.jpg

This year has flown by!  Thank you again to Joy Swartz for that great presentation and an enjoyable sweatshirt class from Pat Noel. This month we will be having our annual Christmas party and it will be a tea party. Don’t forget to wear your hats and bring you favorite teacup. Make sure you check to website for any further party news. Of course, don’t forget your orphan blocks for left, right, center.  We will have the P.I.G. reveal, so don’t forget that. We will be having Show & Tell, but the rest of the business will wait till January.

I will be announcing my President’s Challenge due in May and hope many of you will participate.

Hope to see you December 11, 2023!!

Angela Smith – President


We have three new members who have joined us in November — Jeanie Elaine Braheme, Mary Lou Clemmons, and Elizabeth Phinder.  Please welcome them.


The P.I.G. Reveal.

At the Tea Party, we will be having our ” Project In a Grocery bag”  Show and Tell.  14 brave ladies brought two unfinished projects in January and let The Guild Members vote for the one they would finish by our December Meeting!

If you were in the audience and made a commitment to finish one of your projects, bring it for the special Show and Tell.

Kathleen Bond – Workshop Chair


December party hostesses are:  Norma Enfield, Cynthia Falzone, Martha Ferreira, Betty Foley, Cheryl Giovenco, Molly Haney-Burleigh, Liz Hart, Jessica Bodnicki, Georgia Lindsey, Shelli Leffert, and Laura Davis.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

December Birthdays — Sharla Peterson, Mary Lou Clemmons, Shirley Fox, Shelli Leffert, Carol Rabbit, Karen Adams, David Charity, Phyllis Byrnes, Carol Wright, Linda Craig, Barbara Stein, Nancy Lefler, Coco Alaniz, and Judy Peyret.

“retreat Lite” returns in 2024

The members of our wonderful guild are all invited to participate again in our “Retreat Lite” program twice in 2024!  “Retreat Lite” is just that – a two-day sewing and creating retreat put on locally for our guild members. We gather and work on projects in the community of other guild members, building friendships, sharing ideas, laughing, and just spreading the joy of quilting. The guild will provide the retreat space and some of the quilting supplies (cutting mats and rulers, ironing stations, etc.) while the attendees provide their own sewing machines, projects, lunches, and personal drinks. We meet on the second floor of the Aztlan Masonic Lodge building in Prescott from 8:30 to 5:30 each of the two days.

So, let’s set those dates and let you know when you can sign up.  (Please refer to the Guild’s “Class Payment and Reimbursement Policy” for registration details.)

Monday, February 5 through Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Monday, September 30 through Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Sign-ups for our first RETREAT LITE in 2024 will start two months before the retreat at the Guild meeting. So, for our February retreat, sign-ups will start being taken at the December 11th Guild meeting. Look for Dana Swain to be sitting at a perimeter table to sign up and pay your $15.00 registration fee (preferably by check, please.) Enrollment is held to the first 24 guild members who sign up and pay their registration fee.

Questions? Call Dana Swain.

Dana Swain and Jamie Davis — RETREAT LITE co-coordinators


What a great group of newcomers we have in TBQ…so many nice people to add to our guild!!
Our November get together was spent making handy dandy project bags and getting to know each other a bit more!We will meet again after the holidays In January. During this get together we will begin making a Patriotic quilt for “Quilts of Valor”.ANYONE new to the guild in the last year(ish) is welcome to join us!!
Deb Johnson & Carrie Casto, Co-chairs


Adult Center Quilt Display

We just changed the quilt display at the Adult Center to show off our wonderful Christmas quilts. The members who contributed their quilts for the display are Mary Lou Clemmons, Deb Johnson, Jenne Kern, Barbara Merkel, Pat Noel, Lorraine Owen and Barbara Stein. They also decorated the lobby and it looks amazing. Please stop by to see our mini quilt show at the Adult Center on Rosser St. and just listen to the comments from the visitors. They love our quilts!
This is one of the many ways our guild meets its purpose to advance the art and appreciation of quilting.
Thanks again to all members who have been participating in this community event since 2007.

Maryann Conner, Chair

To see descriptions and locations of quilts, click on Quilt Descriptions 11 27 23

Monthly News – November 13, 2023

President’s message

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Angela-e1687538751109.jpg

Hi everyone!  I keep waiting for the crispness in the air, I guess it’s just wishful thinking because I’m not sure 80° is really crisp. I guess when it snows, I will eat my words.

This month Joyce Lawson, who is a quilt appraiser will be at our meeting.  Our class on Tuesday will be presented by Pat Noel.  So make sure you check the website for the details and sign up.  We will be working to reschedule Jean Impey’s lecture.  I stopped in to the class that she held on Tuesday and everyone was having so much fun, so I hope some of the participants will bring their “faces” with them.  

Also, this month Red Rock Quilters will be bringing in their opportunity quilt to sell tickets.  Also, if you have taken blocks to for our opportunity quilt, please don’t forget to return those to Cheryl Giovenco, Sherry Hubbs or Sharon Harris. 

Don’t forget to support our company store and thank you in advance for your help in helping pack out the boxes. It gets done really quickly when everybody can help a little.  

That’s all for me at the moment.  Hope to see you all at the meeting!

Happy quilting!

Angela Smith – President


We have two new members who have joined us in October — Judie Foster and Nita Stevens.  Please welcome them.


November  hostesses are:  Patty Brownsberger, Judith Dobke, Lois Doerr, Diana Dunn, Lola Dyroy, Karen Eads, Julie Eastman, Carolyn Edwards, Linda Royce, Dianna Atkins, Michelle Anderson, and Rosemary Driscoll.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

November Birthdays — Pat Little, Michelle Anderson, Pamela Hengevild, Laura Stone, Paula Bryant, Erin Sullivan, Patty Brownsberger, Olivia Turnham, Shelley Graham, Karen Danknick, and Donna Hickish.


We had a GREAT first Newcomer Gathering in September! What a lovely group of clever ladies! We made badge holders and enjoyed meeting our newest members!

We won’t be meeting in October but will meet again on Saturday, November 4 to work with our Hand Made Hugs ladies, the community service branch of TBQ. We will meet at 9:00 at the Stone Ridge Community Center. If you can’t be there at 9:00, no worries…come when you can for as long as you can.

All you need is your sewing machine and your tool bag…scissors, thread, seam ripper etc. All the other sewing materials will be provided. During this time we will work on baby blankets, small lap quilts, burp cloths etc. These are all projects donated to community organizations for our community members. Feel free to bring snacks or your lunch.

We will also meet again on Monday, November 27 at 10:00 at Trinity Presbyterian Church. We’ll be making a handy dandy project bag…you won’t want to miss this gathering.

Come join us on November 4th and November 27th for fun and fellowship…we look forward to seeing you!!!

Deborah Johnson – Chair

Monthly News – October 9, 2023

President’s message

Well, I don’t know about you, but as much as I love this weather, I am not looking forward to dark  mornings and early sunsets. The plus side is having the windows open, the air-conditioning off, crisp weather, fall colors, pumpkin spice, a fire and a cozy quilt.

October brings a meeting lecture by Jean Impey, followed the next day by a class on collage faces. Make sure you check the website and contact Kathleen Bond to sign up for classes if there are still spots available.  October also brings “Quilt Lite” which will be held October 30 and 31st. I am not sure if there are any spots left, so contact Dana Swain if you are interested.

Don’t forget Community Service. They can always use some extra hands at their get together and if you can’t make it there, please check with Jamie or Olivia at the meeting and take some thing home and finish it there.

To those who have taken advantage of the suggestion box or have emailed me, thank you. We will be going over those at our next executive board meeting.

That’s it for now.  See you in October.

Angela Smith – President

Ways and Means

Company Store

PLEASE come shop the TBQ Company Store at our October meeting because we are having our special $5 bag sale (WE provide the bags so you don’t have to!) SO you can fill as much as you can fit into that bag or multiple bags for $5 EACH!!! 

OH, think of all the quilting goodies you can find!

We look forward to seeing you in the back at our tables, full of treasures!

Pam Jones – Chair


October hostesses are:  Faith Chaney, David Charity, Trish Charity, Maryann Connor, Linda Craig, Karen Danknick, Arlene Morris, Barbara Merkel, Suzie Davidson, Jamie Davis, Cathy Day, Gayle DeBoom, and Nan DeChant.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

October Birthdays — Sandy Mitchell, Martha Ferreira, Leslie Gellerman, Ann Marston, Sheryl McLain, Jenne Kern, Debby Casali, Stephanie Fullerton, Judith Dobke, Faith Chaney, Arleen Morris, Lorraine Owen, Mary Vaughan, Connie Sieh, Janey Friedrich, Gerry Carr, Carolyn Edwards, Sally Plummer, Dede Erceg, Lydia Figueroa, and Sharon Silva.


This gathering is for all Newcomers and ANYONE who would like to make a name tag holder!

September TBQ Newcomer Gathering

When: Monday, September 25

Where: Trinity Presbyterian Church
630 Park Ave….Corner of Copper Basin and Park Ave.

Time: 10:00-2:00ish

Our Newcomer Gatherings are open to ALL new TBQ members within the last year or so. During this first gathering of the 2023-2024 TBQ year, we will be making name tag holders. Below is the list of supplies to bring to the gathering.

Please bring the following:
Sewing machine
General sewing tools and supplies…scissors, thread, etc.
2 coordinating fat quarters…or equivalent coordinating fabric cuts…batiks work well but not necessary.
Extension cord, if you have one
Your TBQ Directory

We will provide:
Cutting stations
Ironing stations
Project pattern

Deb Johnson & Carrie Casto, Co-chairs

COmmunity service

Adult Center Display

Our beautiful Scrap Quilts are on display at the Adult Center. It’s so amazing to see what our talented members can do with scraps!  The members who contributed their quilts for the display are Mary Ellen Coe, Maryann Conner, Carolyn Edwards, Stephanie Fullerton Deb Johnson, Barbara Merkel, Lorraine Owen and Connie Sieh.
If you are in the area of the Adult Center on Rosser St., please stop by and see these amazing quilts. It’s also fun to listen to the people commenting on the quilts. This is one of the many ways our guild meets its purpose to advance the art and appreciation of quilting.  Our next display will be going up in November and our theme will be Christmas Quilts. So, if you have any to spare for the holidays, plan on letting me know prior to the November meeting where I will be collecting them.
Thanks again to all members who have been participating in this community event since 2007.

Maryann Conner, Chair

Monthly News – September 11, 2023

President’s Message

You can smell the crispness in the air! Another month and we can have some great weather. I am a spring/fall kind of person. I love fall quilts.

Welcome to all the guests and new members. It was great to see so many people at the meeting and you could feel the excitement. I hope you did too. Remember, there is a suggestion box on the front table for YOUR suggestions.

Hope you all enjoyed Jill Finley. I’m sorry I missed that class.

The September meeting on the 11th will feature a zoom lecture with a zoom class (from your own home) the next day. There might be a location or two to attend that lecture, so check the website and/or with workshop person, Kathleen Bond.

Also, don’t forget Community Service. They can always use extra hands! Anyway, that is it for me. See you on the 11th.

Angela Smith, President


Please welcome our newest members -Sheryl Goddard, Melanie Korzep, Cheryl Peterman, Mary Quinddry, Otto Rolwing, Barbara Stein, Linda Tudau, Maria Williams, and Karen Varela.  Let’s make them feel welcome!



September hostesses are:  Cheryl Bouquet, Kate Browne, Carol Brownlow, Phyllis Byrnes, Pam Calhoon, Gerry Carr, Debbie Casali, Carrie Casto, Lorraine Owen, Mike Boyle, and Kathy Oppelt.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

September Birthdays — Lori Allaire, Nancy Lande, Joan McGivern, Jill Davis, Sari Butler, Trish Charity, Barbara Merkel, Chris Sommerfelt, Lynda Royce, Terry Grenier, Kristine White, Pauline Singleton, Jessica Bodnicki, Liz Hart, and Sheryl Goddard.

PROGRAMS & workshops

September’s lecture will be on color and design, presented by the talented Tara Faughnan.  She draws inspiration from the simple bold geometry of antique quilts, the gorgeous bright colors from textiles around the world, and freedom and spontaneity found in unconventional and improvisationally pieced quilts.  She likes to use simple geometry, complex color interaction and find the line that exists somewhere between harmony and discord.

Tara Faughnan’s “Vintage Star” Zoom Workshop is on the Tuesday after our Guild Meeting from 9:00 to about 4:00.  She will be teaching Hand Piecing, but you can also machine piece this quilt using her instructions for “Y” seams used in hand piecing.  
The main focus of her Workshop is using color and value to make your stars sparkle and to bring new life to any future projects.  Imagine spending a whole day with a master colorist for $45.  
It’s not too late to sign up! – See Kathleen Bond, Workshops Chair
Jean Impey

October will bring the fabulous Jean Impey.  Her lecture is titled “cre-a-tiv-i-ty and has someone stolen yours”  This is a not to be missed event!



Martha Ferriera,  Programs, and Kathleen Bond, Workshops Chair

community service

Handmade Hugs
Olivia Turnham, Community Service Co-Chair

Are you looking for a Fun Sew Day with amazing ladies, please join us for a day of Sewing Fellowship.

Please join us at Stoneridge Community Center,  1300 Stoneridge Drive, Prescott Valley, Suite 101.

Time:  9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Dates:  September 30, 2023; November 4, 2023; December 2, 2023

Jamie Davis,  & Olivia Turnham – Co-chairs

quilt retreat

A New Idea for TBQ … “Retreat-Lite” Coming Soon

Do you love sewing and sharing your quilting ideas with other members of our Guild? We noticed what a happy and productive environment was present at our TBQG retreat earlier this year and thought we should try to do it again!  This retreat will be slightly different in format, but we hope you’ll consider joining us for “Retreat-Lite” this coming October.

Here are the details:

Who: Twenty-five members of the Thumb Butte Quilters’ Guild

What: A daytime retreat for sewing and sharing. The hours will be from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM each of the two days. Members’ machines and materials may be safely left overnight. Members are to provide their own lunch, drinks, and snacks.

When: Monday, October 30 and Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Where: Aztlan Lodge, 1028 Willow Creek Road, Prescott, AZ 86301 (floor two of the Bank of America building). Please be aware that once you unload your car, you’ll need to move it to an adjacent parking lot, and it cannot be left in the Bank of America lot during the day.

Why: So many of us like sewing together and sharing our ideas/techniques/tools. Here’s another opportunity to build the community of our Guild together. The Lodge has space for 25 members to participate sitting at shared round tables.

How: The Guild will provide extension cords, ironing boards, cutting mats. This is a “lite” retreat, so plan to provide your own sewing machines, notions, rotary cutters, and any display boards you might need during the two days. 

We will be asking for a $15.00 participation fee which will cover some rental and logistical expenses, so the guild’s annual budget is not impacted by our retreat.

Now what? Please contact Dana Swain with your intention to participate. Payments may be mailed to Dana or made at the guild meeting on September 11th. We must hold enrollment to 25 members due to table space, so payment must be secured by Dana no later than our October guild meeting on October 9th. (Please refer to our Guild’s new Class Reimbursement and Payment Policy emailed to members on August 13, 2023.)

Here’s to building connections together over fabric and thread!

Dana Swain

Monthly News – August 14, 2023

Now that the quilt show is behind us, I hope you are all surviving the heat, earthquakes and fires. We are almost into August and on the downside of summer. Good time to stay inside and work on all the UFOs that have accumulated.I hope you all enjoyed our end of the year birthday party.  We had a great turnout. I’m looking forward to digging in this year to make it a fun year (I have a hard act to follow).  The directory will be done thanks to our quick study, Coco. She has made the transition to a new position (hers and mine) very easy. As always, please be patient. We are all new.I am going to be putting a suggestion box on the table. Feel free to drop in suggestions regarding things you might like to see. Remember, this is your guild! Don’t miss the August meeting. Jill Finley of Jillily Studio will have a trunk show and a class the following day. Check with Kathleen Bond to see if there are any spaces left.Well, that’s all I have for now. See you at the meeting!Angela Smith, President


Please welcome our newest members – Ara Whetten and Janyce Waldbaum.  Let’s make them feel welcome!


August hostesses are:  Carol Wright, Karen Adams, Sharon Andrews, Claire Bell, Jude Bentley, Yvonne Blitch, Kathleen Bond, Donna Hickish and Sharon Luebkin.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

August Birthdays — Kathleen Semrau, Shirlee Smith, Sharon Luebkin, Janyce Waldbaum, Lola Dyroy, Nancy Stewart, Dana Swain, Carolyn Seagraves-Wright, Linda Morriston, Melody Moreno, Molly Haney-Burleigh, Vicki Sawyer, Joy Swartz, Patti McClearn

Community service

Handmade Hugs

Welcome to another year of Handmade Hugs. As in the past, the TBQG Community Service, continues to provide Baby Receiving Blankets and Burp Bibs to the Yavapai Regional Medical Centers. Last year, the guild provided the Medical Center with 175 Baby Receiving Blankets and 250 Burp Bibs. We thank everyone who participated in the sewing and the generous donations of flannel fabric. (Did you know the YRMC has approximately 1,200 babies born each year?)

Baby Receiving Blankets and Burp Bibs are easy and quick to make. Kits are prepared and distributed at our meetings monthly. Pick yours up at your convenience. Directions are available on the Community Service link or, YouTube baby receiving blankets Missouri Star Quilt,  or attend one of the Handmade Hugs Sew Days to learn this easy and darling blanket.  The link for the Missouri Star self-binding baby blanket is YouTube·Missouri Star·Mar 1, 2012

The community also has a serious need for lap quilts for Gentiva Hospice Center, Good Samaritan Recovery Center and Foster Teen Lap Blankets through the Catholic Charities. We thank you for your generous cotton fabric donations for the Hospice Quilts and the Good Samaritan Quilts, as well as the time you give sewing these appreciated items. Kits are assembled and a pattern is provided for these easy to put together quilt tops. Kits can be picked up at our monthly meetings.  If you like to Top Quilt or are looking for practice, we have quilts for you to help complete. Last year, 30 Teen Closet Blankets were donate, 85 lap or larger Quilts were donated to YRMC Infusion Center, Gentiva Hospice and Good Samaritans Recovery Center of Prescott Valley.

Please join us at: Stoneridge Community Center, 1300 Stoneridge Drive, Suite 101, Prescott Valley.

Are you looking for a Fun Sew Day with amazing ladies, please join us for a day of Sewing Fellowship.

Time: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Sew Dates: September 30, 2023, November 4, 2023, December 2, 2023

Jamie Davis – Chair and Olivia Turnham – Co Chair

company store

Hello everyone!  With the great help of the other Company Store team members, Lorraine Owen, Carol Brownlow, Joan McGivern, and Sharla Peterson, we all ask that you PLEASE come to the back of our guild meeting room to come shop and see the plethora of quilting goodies you can find!!  We will have a great deal of new donations for you to look through at the August meeting. You all support the Company Store generously each month and we are, as the TBQ Guild, extremely grateful for that!  THANK YOU!!!!

Pam Jones, Chair






Monthly News – July 10, 2023

President’s Message

Happy summer, everyone!
As we start another quilt season, I would like to thank everyone for their faith in me, and I will do my best to keep the guild a fun place. I would also like to congratulate the show team for a wonderful quilt show.
For the next month or so I will still be working with Coco to get her up to speed and have that directory off to print. We will start making phone calls to those who have not yet pay dues so that we know and hope that you will continue to spend another year with us.
This position is very new to me, so please be patient as we all transition into new positions.

If you have been in a quilt guild before, please feel free to share with me any new and fun ideas that we can bring to the group. I am always open to listen.
The July meeting will bring us our annual party which I am sure will be loads of fun, so I hope as many of you can make it as possible. So let’s get this party started!!

Angela Smith – President


Welcome four new members in June:  Lydia Figueroa, Patti Gerlite, Carol Miller, and Sheryl Townsend. Please make them feel welcome.


We will be celebrating our “Bloom Where You Are Planted Birthday” with a brunch, quilt show reports will be given, and the winning quilts will be revealed. Installation of new officers and all other presentations will be given.

We will play two games of Left/Right/Center, so bring 6- 10″ squares of floral fabrics in order to play.

We will enjoy a brunch provided by the July Hostesses and Dawnell’s cookie favors.

Plan on signing up for Jill Finley’s Applique Workshop. She is teaching turned- under-edge applique.  This can be applied by hand or machine.  Jill is a nationally known educator and we are so happy to be hosting her.  

See you at the Party!

Kathleen Bond – Vice President

ways and means

Opportunity Quilt

We did it!!  Our beautiful “LaRosaraie” Opportunity Quilt was a big hit at our “Bloom Where You are Planted” quilt show and we have surpassed our goal and earned a grand total of $5004 for our guild! AND, the winner is … Linda Morriston!!!!!

This was a big project for our Thumb Butte Quilt Guild’s volunteer members to undertake.   We started two years ago with the creative group that selected the pattern and fabrics, and then pieced and hand quilted such a stunning quilt.  During the last year, our guild members concentrated on marketing and selling raffle tickets at over 30 events.  We have been very successful in our endeavor!

I would like to thank everyone that contributed with their time, talents, and donations to the Opportunity Quilt fundraiser in any way!! It doesn’t take a village; it takes a wonderful guild!

Kathy Spry – Opportunity Quilt Chair


July hostesses are: Kathy Spry, Nancy Stewart, Laura Stone, Erin Sullivan, Joy Swartz, Barbara Sweeney, Susan Sweet, Pauline Singleton, Carolyn Godfrey, Marie Gniazdowski, and Pamela Hengeveld.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

July Birthdays — Jude Bentley, Judith Rittner, Kim Keogh, Sue Parks, Patti Gerlite, and Rosemary Driscoll.

Community service

Handmade Hugs / Community Service has had a very successful year.  Members have donated yardage, batting, their quilting and sewing skills, and most of all—their time.

Our beneficiaries have been Dignity Cancer Infusion Center, Teen Closet, Gentiva Hospice, Dignity Birthing Center, and Good Samaritans.  There have been 95 lap size or larger quilts given away and over 200 baby blankets, over 300  burp cloths in addition to over 3 dozen crocheted infant caps and blankets made by Dianna Dunn. At least 20 of the larger quilts were given to Market Place for sale at our June show.

Six to eight people have met regularly at Stoneridge Community Center to work on projects. Olivia Turnham & Jamie Davis have contributed cut flannel for kits that are sewn on workdays or offered at our meetings. Kits for teen blankets and lap size quilts are also available at meetings.

Faith Chaney and Olivia Turnham – Co-Chairs

quilt show

A giant “THANK YOU” to all the ladies and gentlemen who helped this year’s Quilt Show become such a success!  What a wonderful thing to see how well we all worked together.  Like a “well-oiled” machine. 

How quickly everything went up and came down, WOW!  Kristine and I would like to shout out to everyone who made things for the Marketplace and all who signed up to work.  There were so many unique and great things to choose from that everyone found something that they could love.   We heard only great reviews from the quilters and visitors alike who came to the show.  It was a beautiful show from all angles.  

Every area made or exceeded their goals but for a few exceptions.  This is how we make the money to keep us going and you should all be proud of the Amazing Guild we are a part of.  

Thank you again,

Cathy Day (Co-Chair & Marketplace)  and Kristine White (Marketplace).

Way to go TBQG’s Bloom Where You Are Planted!

What a great three days of fun and fellowship with great attendance and everyone pitching in to help make our show a great success!

Kudos to all who helped hang the quilts, set up displays, sold raffle tickets, as well as bought said tickets!  

As of this writing we don’t know what the bottom line is, but whatever it turns out to be, we will be blessed and grateful.

So many beautiful quilts, colorful vendor displays, sewing machines to add to our ‘wish’ lists and beautiful handmade Marketplace items.  

Thank you all for your time, dedication and effort in making our show successful and enjoyable!

Remember, Bloom Where You Are Planted, wherever you may be.


Nan DeChant –  Show Chair


Monthly News – June 12, 2023

presidents Message

Hello Thumb Butte Quilters!

Only 1 more meeting to go before our Quilt Show!!  I’m so excited that everyone has stepped up and put quilts in the show and will be volunteering to help out on that weekend to make it happen.  If you are new to the guild, please be sure to come and see what a great event it is.  Bring your friends and enjoy the day.  Mark your calendars, June 16th & 17th.

I hope everyone enjoyed May’s meeting with the UFO auction and the President’s Challenge, “Name that Song” Quilt.  We had over 30 entries for the quilt challenge and I was so impressed by everyone’s entry.  We have some really creative artists in our guild.  If you missed the meeting, be sure to look at this month’s pictures on the website.  All of the president’s challenge quilts will all be displayed at our quilt show in a special area so our show visitors can play along.  The UFO auction was also a big success and I have already seen a few of the projects completed!  Stephanie Fullerton finished a One Block Wonder quilt in no time!  Hopefully she will bring it to Show and Tell at the June meeting.

June will be our last meeting for the 2022/2023 year.  I have had a great time being President this year and look forward to next year with a new slate of officers and committee volunteers.  We will be voting on the new board and budget.  Some of our members have already stepped up and thrown their name in the hat for 2023/2024 board positions.   You will get an email before the June meeting with the proposed budget and the slate of officers for the new year.  Please read both of them and if you have questions, please ask! 

You will also be getting your quilt packet at the June meeting.  This packet is VERY IMPORTANT!!  Inside the envelope will be the following items: 

  • A labeled bag for EACH quilt you are entering in the show.
  • A detailed instruction sheet for drop off/pickup of your quilts
  • Claim ticket for each quilt for pickup

Be sure you have followed the instructions on your quilt entry form for the sleeve and label for your quilts that will be in the show.  The sleeve is important so we can properly hang your quilt.  The label can be anything that identifies your quilt.  If you don’t have time to sew one on, you can use steam a seam or any other method.  We just want to be sure YOUR name is on YOUR quilt!

What a fun year this has been!  Thank you for participating and being a member of Thumb Butte Quilt Guild!!

Dawnell Muecke – President


Welcome three new members in May:  Sari Butler, Shirley Fox, and Gayle Lee. Please make them feel welcome.

Don’t forget your TBQG $35.00 dues for 2023 – 2024 are due by June 15 (or the June meeting).

ways and means

Opportunity Quilt

Through everyone’s hard work, we have raised $3893 toward our goal of $4500 and that puts us at about 87% of our goal!  We just need a little over $600 to reach it, and I know we can do it!

May has been a very busy month!  We have showcased our quilt at these events so far: 

  • Lonesome Valley Quilt Guild meeting
  • TBQ Guild meeting
  • Chino Valley Quilt Guild Meeting
  • Quail Country Quilters Guild meeting in Cottonwood
  • Winey Cats at Granite Creek Vineyard Mother’s Day event in Chino Valley

These will be our last events:

  • “Antique Show and Vintage Market” will hold their event on Friday and Saturday, May 26-27th. This will be a great opportunity to showcase our quilt in the Findlay Toyota Center!
  • “Bloom Where You are Planted Quilt Show on June 16-17th at Prescott High School will be our grand finale.  The drawing will be on June 17th at our quilt show.  Good luck to all those tickets holders!

I would like to extend a huge “thank you” to everyone that has helped with the Opportunity Quilt in any way!!

Kathy Spry –  Opportunity Quilt Chair


June Hostesses are: Judith Ritner, Vickie Sawyer, Mary Scherer, Dianne Schmitt, Kathleen Semerau, Connie Sieh, Shirlee Smith, Chris Sommerfelt, Sherri Hubbs, and Donna Osborne.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

June Birthdays — Cynthia Falzone, Kate Parsons, Dawnelle Muecke, Carol Godfrey, Alicia Czuzak, Kay Wentworth, Gayle Lee, Debbie James, Sami Logan, Sandy Mazzurco, and Carrie Castro.

quilt show


Let us start by thanking all of our wonderful Thumb Butte members for being gracious enough to share their talents and treasures by displaying their quilt(s) at our upcoming bi-annual “Bloom Where You Are Planted” Quilt Show this June. The committee is hard at work cataloging your entries and preparing labels and show cards for hanging them. 

Here is a timeline for you to use in preparation for the show.

Monday, June 12 ~ Pick up your envelope with all the information and items needed for your show quilt(s) at the Thumb Butte general meeting.

Thursday, June 15 ~ Arrange to drop off your quilt at Prescott High School’s gym sometime between 9:00 AM and noon. (1050 Ruth Street, Prescott) Please allow ample time to be checked in fully before leaving.

Friday, June 16 and Saturday, June 17 ~ Come and admire all the beautiful work displayed at our quilt show, bring a friend or two, support our vendors, and spread the good word about our amazing quilt guild! We also hope you have plans to work a volunteer shift or two!

 Saturday, June 17 ~ Plan to return to the Prescott High School gym between 4:30 and 6:00 PM to retrieve your beautiful quilts.  This is a busy time with many hands at work, so please be patient as we gather your quilt(s) for you.

Our committee is here to help you. If you are needing assistance or have further questions, please don’t hesitate to call one of us. You will see us at drop off and check out and most likely hanging around during the two days of the show to be of help.

Contact Alicia Czuzak, Dana Swain, Dawnell Muecke, or  Jamie Davis if you have any questions.

Thanks again for participating in this year’s quilt show.


We are getting to the end of our goal to get a wonderful store to sell your amazing items.  Please bring all the items you have been working on so we will have time to price them and see what we are short on.  Anything made with fabric that a guy would like, any specialty items that are not necessarily quilt related.  We do have some jewelry and some really cool little boxes made from rulers!

We have no weaving or knitting items. These are just a few ideas.  We would like to thank you all so much for all your hard work and beautiful things.  If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask Nan, Kristine or myself.  We are very excited to see how much we can make for the Guild.  

If anyone has an in with a food truck, we are still looking for one.  We have RJ’s hot dogs and Penny’s Place.  It has been difficult to pin the other ones down.  Please see me if you can help in this matter.

Looking forward to a wonderful show.     

Cathy Day


Hard to believe we are just weeks out from our 2023 “Bloom Where You Are Planted” Quilt Show! The Quilt Show Committee will have it’s last or next to last meeting Friday, June 2 at Stoneridge Community Center Conference Room.

We are thrilled to announce that one of our new members, Georgia Lindsey, has stepped up to chair/coordinate the White Glove Hostesses!  Thank you, Georgia!  We love it when new members jump in to answer a need for the Guild! 

We had a great Marketplace work session last week and are in awe of the beautiful and creative items that have been made/donated.  Thank you so very much!

We also have been blessed with Carrie Casto stepping up to be our Small Quilt Auctioneer! Thank you, Carrie!!

We are looking forward to this show, as it is the major fundraiser for our Guild, and a great showcase for the creations of our members’ talents.

If you have not yet purchased your show pin for $5, the pins will be available for purchase at our June 12 meeting!

Remember to “Bloom Where You Are Planted”!

Nan DeChant – Show Chair

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