Monthly News -March 11, 2024

President’s Message

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Angela-e1687538751109.jpgMarch will be here shortly!
  This is the time of year when I just hold my breath and wait for warm weather.  I guess after 35 years in Arizona, I have become a desert rat. 

On another note, the guild cannot run without volunteers. There will be board positions-which are open to anyone-and non-board positions. Please consider something!  We can’t run without YOU!

Make sure you check the website for guild information. Our speaker this month is Kim Oleson and she will be presenting on Zoom due to an injury. There will be no class on Tuesday.

I hope you are working on your President’s Challenge. I happened to meet some volunteers from Honor Flight and they are excited about this project. They said that 42-45 inches is awesome and the veterans love them. If you are doing a Quilt of Valor, please follow their guidelines: The recommended size of a Quilt of Valor is 60″ x 80″; it must be a minimum of 55″ x 65″ and maximum of 72″ x 90.

In closing, our membership is growing! This means we have so many opportunities to learn from each other. Be sure to reach out and make everyone feel welcome and make new friends.

Thank you and happy quilting!

Angela Smith – President


We want to welcome four new members in February: Kim Hastings, Barbara Krit, Barbara Peteron, and Barb Saia. Please be sure to seek them out and show them how much our guild offers.


March party hostesses are:  Patty McClearn, Joan McGivern, Sheryl Mclain, Melodie Merino, Sandy Mitchell, Linda Morriston, Dawnell Muecke, Jenne Kern, Ellen Baker, Sharon Harris,  CoCo Alaniz, and Deena Knight.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

March Birthdays — Dianne Schmitt, Deb Johnson, Nan DeChant, Jimi Heneger, Terry Purkable, Kathy Spry, Mary Ellen Coe, Norma Enfield, Pam Calhoon, Barb Saia, and Kim Hastings.

Ways and Means

Company Store

😃TBQ Company Store Upcoming ALERT‼️

💲5.00 Bag💰Sale at the March TBQ meeting is scheduled!👏👏👏

SO…PLEASE come to the meeting with your $5.00 bills in hand, because you have no idea what amazing goodies you will find to stuff into one of the plastic grocery bags we provide for you to fill to the max! And the best part, it’s only $5.00 per bag!😝👍🏻‼️ We look forward to seeing your smiling faces as you fill your bags! Look forward to having fun!

Pam Jones – Chair

Quilt Camp

Our 2024 Quilt Camp is almost here.  We have 2 openings.  The camp is 4 days long, March 25,  26, 27, and 28th.  It will be at the Bank of America/Masonic Lodge bldg. in Prescott, on Willow Creek  Rd.   We start at 8am and finish around 6pm.  The fee is $125.00 for all four days.  This includes lunch every day, snacks, coffee and tea.

We plan on a of couple demos and the Right-Left-Center game, so please bring 6, 10″ squares to play.

There is always fun to be had.  Bring your UFOs, new projects, things you need help on.  If you have not paid for your spot, please bring a check made out to TBQ, to the March 11th meeting.

Can’t wait to see you all.

  Cathy Day – Chair

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