“Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Crazy Quilting”. Our own member, Pam Jones, will give a lecture and trunk show featuring her collection of Crazy Quilts.
Category: Speakers’ Trunk Shows
P.I.G. Challenge
Lenna DeMarco & Anne Hodgkins
Lecture by Lenna DeMarco: “When This You See Remember Me”
Two Centuries of Friendship Quilts
Maggie Ball
Maggie Ball is an internationally known traveling instructor, author and pattern designer born in England and currently residing in WA State on Bainbridge Island.
Maggie enjoys creating innovative designs from elements of traditional patterns. She relishes the challenge of inventing new techniques to make complex looking quilts easy to piece and is known for her ability to inspire and teach quilters of all skill levels.
Her most recent innovation is a template-free method for making Kaleidoscope blocks. She enjoys watching her students develop what she initiates and encourages them to audition multiple options for creating unique designs.
Maggie has been to Mongolia four times as a volunteer to teach low income and unemployed women and raised funds to purchase a permanent facility for the Mongolian Quilting Center in Ulaanbaatar.
Felicia Brenoe
This month we are hosting Felicia Brenoe. Check her out at felicia’sworld.com. I think you will want to stay for her class, so, bring a lunch and plan to have an awesome afternoon.
Lecture by Felicia Brenoe: “Trunk Show and Talk”
Gina Perkes
Lecture by Gina Perkes: “How Do I Quilt This?”
Bring a quilt top or a picture of your quilt top. Follow her on social media and You Tube.