Next Meeting – December 9, 2019


Dear TBQ Friends,

A good day is a day spent quilting, laughing and sharing with friends. It was great to see so many wonderful friends at our November meeting! The 5×5 quilt show was really awesome and inspirational! I think everything went pretty well. I promise to get there early to turn the heater on. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. My door is always open.

I am looking forward to the Christmas party! I understand the committee is doing a fantastic job, so it should be a fun time for all!  See you all in December!

Linda Craig – TBQ President 2019-2020

Advice from a quilt
Make lasting memories
Block time for family
Cherish tradition
Find common threads
Know when to cut corners


There will be no Company Store in December due to our party.
If you have any donations, I would be happy to take them. 
Merry Christmas 🎁
Lorraine Owen, Chair


The Mentor’s Table for November showed a quick and easy way to check your needle and thread size compatibility to avoid breakage when sewing. Simply thread the needle with the thread you are using before putting it in your machine. The needle should glide easily back and forth on the thread, kind of like ziplining.
Simple ways to check for 1/4″ seams were also shown. You can use ruler and tape or another way was to sew three 1 1/2″ strips together with a quarter inch seam. The middle strip should measure 1″ exactly. Strips were available for members to try at home.
But, the biggest part of the Mentor’s Table was the announcement of doing Bonnie Hunter’s Winter Mystery Quilt 2019, Frolic! for anyone wanting to do the journey together. As of now the introduction is available and anyone wanting to do this should go to and download and/ or print the introduction. This is also the same place to go to each week for the new clue. The clues start on Black Friday and will probably go to the first of the year. Ten support sessions have been scheduled for participants. Contact Cheri Heinecke for more information or to join in the fun.

Cheri Heinecke, Chair

Block  of the Month



The December Hostesses are graciously hosting our December Party.

December Hostesses:  Shon Wellborn, Kay Wentworth, Ara Whetten, Kristine White, Anita Wilbur, Martie Winkelman, Carol Wright, Bunny Autrey, Pat Autrey, Cheryl Bouquet, Maria Boren, Beverly Bowe, Carlotta Brandenburg

Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive with a value of at least $10.  A reminder to December celebrants to bring your gifts to the January meeting.

December Birthdays:  Janet Bailey, Brenda Norris, Carol Rabbitt, Karen Adams, David Charity, Catherine Ericksen, Phyllis Byrnes, Gerry Healy, Carol Wright, Sylvia McIntosh, Eva Lively, Linda Craig, Arlene Gordon, Nancy Lefler, and Iris Lacey


On November 19, 2019 we had a TBQ Newcomers Meeting at the home of Sharon Harris.  Fifteen members were in attendance.  We discussed the development of new Friendship Groups to meet the needs of this year’s Newcomers. The information gathered will be forwarded to our Friendship Group Chairwoman.  We also enjoyed sharing some show and tell quilts and chatting about various quilting techniques.  After snacks Sharon gave a tour of her amazing quilt studio, as well as a few of her quilts. In addition, Sharon let several present try her long arm. We all had such a nice afternoon.  Thank you Sharon.  Please see the following photographs. 

Pat Gentner, Chair


Adult Center Display
Merry Christmas and Happy Happy Holidays!!!  The Christmas Quilts will be up before you know it!!  And guess what?!  They’ll probably be down before you know it!  Soooo, don’t delay in getting on over to 1280 Rosser Street to see all things Christmas!  Woohoo!  You’ll be glad you did, and it will get you into the Christmas spirit!!  And be sure to take your holiday visitors to see THE QUILTS at the Adult Center!  No matter what time of year it is, there is always a Quilt Show of TEN gorgeous quilts at the Adult Center–rain or shine!  It’s divine!  Don’t miss it!
We’re making plans for the 2020 Quilt exhibits.  If you have some suggestions, LET US KNOW!  Your Hanging Team consists of Jane Holland, Carol Sweeden, Cheryl Giovenco, Erin Sullivan, and Carolyn Edwards.  Let us know what ideas you have!
Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE:  from 60″ to 90″, any length.  (Need SIX.)
SMALL:  from 45″ to 60″ wide, any length.  (Need FOUR.)

Carolyn Edwards, Chair
Handmade Hugs
Hi everyone!  I hope you are all busy with your holiday plans and catching up on some last minute sewing for gifts, charity or just for fun.
We won’t be meeting for Handmade Hugs in November or December to give everyone a chance to spend quality time with family or near and dear projects you may be working on.
We will see you in January for some fun new events and projects.
Dawnell Muecke & Nancy Lande, Co-Chairs

Next Meeting – November 11, 2019

President’s message

Dear TBQ Friends,
Gather the threads of your life and stitch them into joy.
Thank you all for coming to the Rodeo grounds for our meeting!  We had a great turnout!  It is a very awesome place to be in. The speaker Gail Shannon, was hilarious! We all enjoyed her.  I know several of you are either traveling or about to travel, so please have fun and be safe.  I hope to see more of you next month.
It’s really exciting to tell you at our October meeting we had 14 people sign up for Quilt Camp and have since filled it.  Kathy and Mary are taking names for cancellations, so if you want to be on that list please let them know. I am looking forward to Quilt Camp!

See you all in November!
Linda Craig TBQ President 

Quilter’s Blessing
May your Bobbins be full and overflowing.
May your stash be rich, colorful, and abundant.
May your stitches-in-the-ditch be even and straight.
May you always be comforted by the warmth and joy of a thread made Quilt.
And may your heart be joy filled and your life Sew Blessed!



We had a great turnout for our first meeting at the new location at the Rodeo Grounds, 94 attendees.
I have just a few reminders:
· New Members: If you are a new member and have any burning questions about what goes on at the meetings, mini groups, block of the month, birthday drawings, company store, newcomers group, handmade hugs or any of the goings on that you hear about, please do not hesitate to contact myself or any of the other board members listed in the directory and we will be more than happy to point you in the right direction. Also listed are the names, numbers and email addresses for the Chairs in charge of each of these areas. Please do not hesitate to call of any of us for help.
· Changes in Contact Information: Please report any changes in your contact information to the Membership Chair as soon as possible to ensure that you are informed of current happenings in the guild.

Dianna Dunn – Membership Chair


The October Block of the Month was won by Maryann Conner.  Bring your completed blocks to the November meeting for a chance to win the blocks!  One entry for each block submitted!  Join in on the fun!


If you cannot attend the meeting when it is your turn to be a hostess, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for set-up and stay for clean-up as needed.

November Hostesses:  Marilyn Weber, Sue Weisshaupt, Anne Abrams, Karen Adams, Sally Agnew, Azelene Allen, Pat Armstrong, Diane Belveal, Jude Bentley, Nancy Burnas, Yvonne Blitch, Kathleen Bond, Sharon Andrews, Carol Rabbitt.


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive with a value of at least $10.  A reminder to July celebrants to bring your gift to the November meeting.

November Birthdays;  Pat Little, Ronnie Sandoval, Laura Davis, Cindy Steyer- Lukowiak,  Kay Case, Azelene Allen, Pat Autrey, Judy Lundquist, Mirta McKay, Laura Stone, Erin Sullivan, Jani Melton, Sharon Watt, Maria Boren, Karen Danknick, Suzie Fields.

community service

Yea!  By the time you read this, the halls at the Adult Center will be decked out in glorious BLUE and WHITE happy quilts!  The stars are aligning, and we’re actually going to get the Red and White quilts DOWN and the Blue and White quilts UP!  Woohoo!  We will have a fabulous display of blue and white quilts shared by Nancy Bernas, Pam Calhoon, Maryann Conner, Cheryl Giovenco, Tina McCowan, Carol Miller, Pam Peters, and Shirlee Smith.  Big, big thank yous to the Quilters!!  Did you know that blue and white quilts are the most favorite–the most popular–of any and all quilt colors!  Make a date to get on over to 1280 Rosser Street to see them!!
You’ll see what I mean!

These quilts will only be up for about a month, then it’s time to celebrate the holidays with all things  ‘Merry Christmas’.  If you have a Christmas quilt to loan to this exhibit, holler out!  We’ll hang them around the end of November until about mid-January.  If it turns out that the crowd really loves, and didn’t get enough of, Blue and White, possibly we can re-run that exhibit! 
Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE:  from 60″ to 90″ wide, any length.  (Need SIX.)
SMALL:  from 45″ to 60″ wide, any length.  (Need FOUR.)

Carolyn Edwards – Chair

Hi Everyone!  We have had such a productive month in Handmade Hugs.
We completed and delivered 87 burp rags, 22 receiving blankets and 12 hospice quilts.  A big thank you to everyone who contributed!!
This month at our workshop we had a jelly roll race and completed 12 quilts in 4 hours.  All of the fabric was from our community stash and what a fun bunch of quilts we finished.  In fact, we had so much fun that we have decided that each month we will do the same concept.  We will have a pattern picked out, all the kits cut and ready to sew and you can just come and enjoy the day.  Stay tuned for more info!
We won’t be having Handmade Hugs workshops in November or December to give everyone a chance to finish up their current charity projects.  At the November guild meeting we will have lots of kits ready to pick up.  These will include LOTS of burp rags, receiving blankets, quilt kits and quilts that need to be quilted.  Please come visit our table and take a few to complete over the holidays.  It will make someones day to receive a handmade item from our guild.

Reminder of what we are working on for 2019/2020 year

Thanks again!  Nancy Lande and Dawnell Muecke

Next Meeting – October 14


Dear TBQ Friends,
A good friend, like an old quilt, is both a treasure and a comfort.
I hope this note finds you all healthy, happy and quilting like crazy. I am excited to tell you all we found a new home!  We will be meeting at the Rodeo Grounds in the Danny Freeman building.  I sent out a map of the area and places to park.
Show and Tell was so exciting!  It just keeps getting better and better!  Congratulations to everyone!  Also, the program was fantastic too!  I can’t wait to see your finished projects!
I bet you were all shocked with the fabrics for the president’s challenge.
If you have any questions please let me know.
See you all in October!
Linda Craig – TBQ President 2019-2020

Quilting is powerful!
It gets rid of
relieves anxiety,
and improves
creative thinking.
Be Powerful!
Wish upon a quilt!

Block of the month

September Block of the Month
October Block of the Month

If you cannot attend the meeting when it is your turn to be a hostess, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for set-up and stay for clean-up as needed.

October hostesses are: Laura Stone, Ann Stowell, Erin Sullivan, Joy Swartz, Carol Sweeden, Susan Sweet, Mary Temme, Candice Tomlinson, Mary Vaughan, Tess von Nessi, Linda Ward, Sharon Watt, and Carol Rabbitt.


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive with a value of at least $10.  A reminder to July celebrants to bring your gift to the October meeting. 

Anne Marston, Sally Agnew, Sheryl McLain, Linda Ward, Debby Casali, Lorraine Owen, Mary Vaughan, Pam Kidd, Connie Sieh, Judy Eppler, Doris Robak, Earlene Springs, Carolyn Edwards and Sally Plummer

Adult Center Display

It’s a good thing everyone l.o.v.e.s. the Red and White Quilt Display as much as they do, because those quilts are going to be up a while longer.  And I’m sure that everyone who has had any kind of a joint replacement understands that it doesn’t always go like clockwork!  We recently rallied to hang the Blue & White Quilts but our man Steve at the Adult Center is having some issues with his knee replacement, so our Hanging Team had a good visit, admired the Red and White quilts, and took a “rain check” to meet again later when Steve is able.  The good news is that the lift (electric ladder) has been repaired!  We’ll get it all together eventually!  So until then…if you haven’t seen the Red & White Quilt display, you still have time to sneak on over to 1280 Rosser Street.  It will make you very, very happy!

The way it’s going, the Blue & White quilts will be up until it’s time to hang Christmas quilts.  (This year, it looks like we’ll be skipping Fall altogether…as far as hanging quilts goes.)  I can’t believe I’m talking Christmas!  So if you have Christmas quilts to loan to this exhibit, let me know.  We’ll hang them around the end of November until about mid-January.  
Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE:  from 60″ to 90″ wide, any length.  (Need SIX.)
SMALL:  from 45″ to 60″ wide, any length. (Need FOUR.)

Carolyn Edwards – Chairperson

Handmade Hugs

Hi Everyone – Did you know that Sept 21st was National Jelly Roll Day?  Yes it was and  Handmade hugs thought it would be fun to participate.  At our September workshop we cut  LOTS of 2 ½ inch strips to make our own jelly rolls to get ready for a Jelly Roll Race for charity.

The Jelly Roll Race will be a day of just sewing for fun!   Here’s how it will work:  The cost to sign up is a promise to complete 1 quilt (quilted and bound) by May 2020.  This can be something you already have complete, your jelly roll quilt or even a quilt kit that is ready to go from the Charity supply.  If you take a jelly roll that Handmade Hugs charity supplies then we would like that to be the quilt you donate.  If you have a special jelly roll of your own and just want to sew that day you are MORE than welcome to participate if you promise a completed quilt by May of your choice.   At future workshops we will have batting, backing and binding for you to use as well.    Sound like fun?  Let the signups begin!  Remember…ANYONE in the guild is welcome and it’s a great way to get involved and meet people.  You do not need to know how to make a jelly roll race to join…but beware…they are addicting!!  It’s a quick, fun way to finish a quilt top.  Would you rather do burp rags and receiving blankets instead of a quilt??  Just let me know and we can work out a deal!

If you want a spot in the Jelly Roll Race or have a question contact Dawnell.   20 spots available!   Jelly Roll Race day is Oct. 28th  9:30-3:30pm!

Reminder of what we are working on for 2019/2020 year

Reminder of where/when Handmade Hugs will be:
Hugs is a group that is open to anyone who wants to attend
4th Monday at St. Lukes from 10 am – 2pm.
Look for the Hugs email that is sent out to the general membership that will verify the time, place and projects we are working on. No sewing machine or supplies are needed to attend. 
Dawnell Muecke & Nancy Lande, Co-Chairs


On September 30th the 2019 TBQ Newcomers gathered at the home of Barbara Merkel.  We had a fun afternoon getting to know one another.  However, the highlight was seeing all the wonderful quilts Barbara has hanging on the walls of her home as well as on quilt racks in the corners of her living room.  We send a THANK YOU to Barbara Merkel! 






Next Meeting – September 9


There’s nothing that a day of quilting can’t cure.
You are all such an inspiration to me! After the last meeting and seeing your Show & Tell items, I couldn’t stand it! So, I came home and have worked on five small quilts! It felt great!  Now I just have to finish them!
We are working on finding a new facility and have some good prospects. We will be making an announcement as soon as a decision is made.
See you at the next meeting.

Linda Craig – TBQ President 

keeps my hands busy,
my mind calm,
my heart happy,
and my
family warm!


Please welcome our three new members who joined in August.  Their names are listed below with the month they have been assigned to the Hostess Roster.
Carol Rabbitt – October 2019
Sharon Andrews – November 2019
Barbara Sweeney – February 2020

Dianna Dunn, Membership Chair


If you cannot attend the meeting when it is your turn to be a hostess, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for set-up and stay for clean-up as needed.

September hostesses are Vickie Sawyer, Mary Scherer, Michele Schneider, Jeanne Sellers, Kathleen Semrau, Rachel Severance, Connie Sieh, Shirlee Smith, Earlene Springs, Kathy Spry, Nancy Stewart, Cindy Steyer-Lukowiak. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive with a value of at least $10.  A reminder to July celebrants to bring your gift to the September meeting.

Cheri Heineke, Nancy Lande, Joan McGivern, Jill Davis, Trish Charity, Carol Peters, Connie Muecke, Margaret Roselle, Barbara Merkel, Alice Obrenovich, JoAnn Salem, Patricia Gentner, Angie Christy, Kristine White


Our first Newcomers’ meeting took place at Kathleen Bond’s home.  Nineteen members were in attendance.  We  enjoyed getting to know each other and seeing Kathleen’s wonderful quilts.   Pat Gentner, Chair



Our 2019/2020 community service projects are off to a great start.  We have completed and donated 81 infant burp cloths, 11 receiving blankets and 7 hospice quilts in our 1st month!  Everyone has been very generous with their time, effort and donations.  Kudo’s to the Thumb Butte Quilt Guild membership! 

Our first hugs meeting was spent doing demos of the various projects and was well attended.  Our August meeting was spent putting kits together for the general membership to take home and complete at their leisure.  Be sure to look for the hugs table at the regular meeting and see if there is a project that you might be willing to complete.  Each item will be clearly marked with what to do and there is no time limit.  Finish when you can!  Everyone’s skill level is welcome and there will be something for everyone. 

At this time we have all the fabric, batting and supplies we can store in our storage unit so for right now we really just need help getting things completed so we can donate to the various charities and use up all the good stuff we currently have.   Last month we asked for baggies to sort, package and contain fabric and you answered the call!  We have enough for at least 6 months.  Amazing group of members! 

Reminder of what we are working on for 2019/2020 year:

  • Hospice quilts about 40 X 50 for adult hospice patients.  These tops can be made from your own stash and patterns or one of the kits that we will provide at the meeting. 
  • Infant burp cloths – Pattern link is located in the August monthly news.
  • Infant receiving blankets – Pattern link is located in the August monthly news.

Reminder of where/when Handmade Hugs will be: 

  • Hugs is a group that is open to anyone who wants to attend   
  • 4th Friday at St. Luke’s from 10 am – 2pm 
  • Look for the Hugs email that is sent out to the general membership that will verify the time, place and projects we are working on. 
  • No sewing machine or supplies are needed to attend.   

 Dawnell Muecke and Nancy Lande, Co-Chairs 

Here’s hoping you didn’t mind the commercial I ran about the Adult Center at TBQ’s August meeting.  I just think we (The City) are so fortunate to have that facility available to us, and we (The Guild) are so lucky to be able to display our quilts there!   A tiny bunch of us went to the Adult Center after the meeting for lunch and a tiny Quilt Show!  If ever you want to go to lunch there after the meeting…just let me know!  Their meals are delightful and reasonably priced.
You still have time to see the Red & White Quilts that are now hanging.  Per Barbara Brackman, 1880 to 1920 was the heyday of the red and white quilts.  Since Joanna S. Rose displayed ALL 650 red and white quilts in her personal collection in June 2011 in New York City, I would say there is a red and white quilt revival NOW, too!  Let me know if you have made a red and white quilt since 2011!
I promised you that next up would be BLUE AND WHITE quilts.  Well…that is still true, but it may be delayed a bit.  Our man Steve has had a knee replacement and is out of commission for a bit.  I am still collecting BLUE AND WHITE quilts.  I have 7, but need 3 more:  one small and two large.  Let me know if there is a blue and white quilt in your stash that is dying to come hang with friends!
Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE:  from 60″ to 90″ wide, any length.  (Need SIX.)
SMALL:  from 45″ to 60″, any length.  (Need FOUR.)
Carolyn Edwards, Chair

TBQ members continue to contribute graciously to the efforts of St. Luke’s Community Cupboard.  As you shop, please pick up a few extra items to contribute to the food wagon usually found near the door of the Parish Hall when we arrive at St. Luke’s.


Pictures from the Sisters of the Thread Quilt Show are available on the TBQ website tab “Quilt Shows“.  Enjoy!


Next Meeting – August 12, 2019

President’s message

Dear TBQ Friends,
I hope this note finds everyone enjoying the rain and sunshine. I sure am! Although I don’t know how to dress when it says it’s going to be 90 degrees and clear, then it is pouring rain and 66 degrees out.
Thank you for voting me into this office. I hope I can make this year a good one for everyone. If you have concerns please feel free to let me know.
See you all at the meeting.

Linda Craig, TBQ President 2019-2020

cut with hope
stitch with grace
quilt with dreams
bind with laughter
share with love.


TBQ tradition designates that the immediate Past President of the Guild take charge of completing a quilt for the current President, to be presented at the July celebration of the Guild birthday and the conclusion of the Guild year.

ways and means

Company Store
Looking forward to all the cleaning you have been doing in your quilting room. Bring it all to the company store. Also be sure to come and shop! It all counts for TBQ Quilt Guild! 
Lorraine Owen-Chair


If you cannot attend the meeting when it is your turn to be a hostess, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for set-up and stay for clean-up as needed.

Susan Perry, Carol Peters, Pam Peters,  Paula Pilcher, Sally Plummer, Ann Ramsey, Judity Ritner, Doris Robak, Barb Robinson, Margaret Roselle, Lynda Ruiz, JoAnn Salem, and Ronnie Sandoval


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive with a value of at least $10.  A reminder to July celebrants to bring your gift to the August meeting.

Kathleen Semrau, Shirlee Smith, Nancy Stewart, Nancy Bernas, Ann Stowell, Linda Morriston, Melodie Merino, Molly Haney-Burleigh, Pat Armstrong, Vickie Sawyer, Joy Swartz, Carol Sweeden, Paula Pilcher, Michele Schneider, Patty McClearn, Lola Dyroy


Newcomers are defined as any new member to the Guild for the entire year since their “application date.”  As a new member, you are encouraged to participate in Newcomers gatherings held throughout the year.  This is a great opportunity to “connect” with other new members, and to get to know others on a more personal level, outside of our Guild meetings.  Our most recent “class” of new members just created a new Friendship Group called “The Mod Squad,” and many make up the core of regular volunteers at our “Handmade Hugs” work sessions on the 4th Monday of each month at St. Luke’s.

The “Newcomers” first gathering will take place on Thursday, August 29th.  All Newcomers will receive an invitation in early August.  We look forward to a fun year!
Pat Gentner, Chair

community service

Adult Center Display
W.O.W.  Have  you seen it?  Have you seen the Red & White Quilt Display at the Adult Center — 1280 Rosser Street?  It’s definitely worth checking out!! The red and white quilts are hanging…and they look marvelous, darling!  There is nothing that can beat the beauty of red and white quilts!  They are breathtaking!!!  If you have been hesitant about going to the Adult Center, now’s your chance to join us in a visit to the Adult Center to see the quilts!  Meet us after the August 12th TBQ meeting and we’ll trek on over to the Adult Center to see the quilts!  And lunch will be on the agenda, too!  More info will be available at the TBQ meeting!!!
The Red & White quilts will be up until around the first of September, then we’ll sweep in with Blue & White quilts.  The transition from Red and White quilts to Blue and White quilts is this year’s replacement for red/white/blue quilts–just for something different!  Next year, we’ll resume with the Red, White, and Blue display in the summer!  Let me know if you have Blue & White quilts to include in our next exhibit!
Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE:  from 60″ to 90″ wide, any length.  (Need SIX,)
SMALL:  from 45″ to 60″ wide, any length.  (Need FOUR.)
Carolyn Edwards, Chair
Handmade Hugs

For 2019/2020 we will be focusing our charity efforts on infants and Hospice recipients. We have some fun projects to get everyone involved.  For infants we will be making receiving blankets and burp cloths for Yavapai Medical Center and the Healthy Families Resource Center.  These projects are quick to make, don’t require any batting or quilting.  The Hospice quilts will be lap size about 40 x 50, fabric with adults in mind, and can easily be quilted with a domestic machine or even tied.  Attached are the instructions and pattern for the receiving blanket and burp cloths.

Nancy and I went through all of the fabric and batting that TBQ currently has and we are currently busting at the seams with how generous our members have been!  Wow!!!  We have a lot to work with and such a small storage place to put it all.  Our goal in the next few months is to get lots of hospice kits ready with all this great fabric and try and make some space before we take anymore fabric.  Of course, if you really need to clean your stash out, then we would always welcome your donations.

Right now we really need large gallon size baggies to package all of our kits if anyone has some to donate.

 Our Handmade Hugs workshop will be on the 4th  Monday of each month at 9:30 – 1:30 pm at St. Lukes.  We want to make this a fun event for anyone who comes.  We will organize kits, cut and prepare backing and batting, and do work on quilts in progress.  Please be on the lookout for our monthly reminder email for Handmade hugs for more information.  Instructions are available at the links below.  Dawnell Muecke & Nancy Lande, Co-Chairs

TB! Burb rag pattern-1

TBQ -directions for receiving blanket and burb rag-1

Community Cupboard

TBQ members continue to contribute graciously to the efforts of St. Luke’s Community Cupboard.  Even in the midst of our explosion of patriotic reds, whites, and blues as we celebrated the 24th Birthday of TBQ, we still remembered to keep those less fortunate in mind through our contribution of 70 non-perishable food items.

As you shop, please pick up a few extra items to contribute to the food wagon usually found near the door of the Parish Hall when we arrive at St. Luke’s.





Next Meeting – July 8, 2019

President’s Message

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is IMG_2289-256x300.jpgHello Quilters, 

The Board Transition Meeting/Potluck is past and things appear to be headed to another wonderful year for all our quilting friends in TBQ. The July Hostess Committee sure know how to throw a party.  I think I need a summer break just to quit eating all the wonderful food you all make!  
I had the pleasure of hosting the Newcomers Group spearheaded by Molly and Kathleen at my house for their last gathering of the year.  What an amazing group of ladies!  Dawn Mueucke and Nancy Lande were there also and gave some wonderful highlights of what next year’s Community Service projects will be.  We have some very exciting times ahead.  There is so much enthusiasm to do acts of kindness.  It’s just heart warming. 
I wish you all a healthy and enjoyable SEWING filled Summer! 
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Celtic-cross-300x300.pngMay your bobbin always be full,
May your seams be straight and quarter inch,
And your fabrics fall soft upon your lap,
And until we meet again,
May all your finished quilts be bound with love.

Erin Sullivan – TBQ President 2018 – 2019

July Hostesses
Lorraine Owen, Iris Lacey, Nancy Lefler, Lorie Lopez, Judy Lundquist
Anne Marston, Sandy Mazzurco, Sharon McAlister, Joan McGivern,
Sylvia McIntosh, Mirta McKay


We had a great turnout in June with 8 visitors; 6 returned their application for membership effective in July. 

FINAL DUES REMINDERA big THANK YOU to those who have paid their membership dues. The July meeting is the cut off date for renewing your membership with the guild.  If you have not done so, PLEASE pay your dues by the July Meeting (JULY 8th) to ensure that your contact information is included in the new directory.   

Dianna Dunn, Membership Chair

mentor’s table

Thank you for your support and encouragement. It was a great two years for me. I only hope that I have given you useful ideas and inspiration for your love of quilting. With that I leave you with this fun way to use your scraps or choose from your special fabrics to create a beautiful gift item.  
Shirlee Smith
Just a note:  There will be no Mentor’s Table at the July party.

Block of the Month                        

June Block of the Month recipient Rosemary Carr                        


July Birthdays

July birthday members bring your birthday gifts to the August 12th meeting.  There will be no drawing at the July party.

Susan Perry, Candace Tomlinson, Jude Bentley, Jeanne Sellers,
Judith Ritner, Phyllis D-Ambrosio, and Shon Wellborn


The Newcomers met in June at the home of President Erin Sullivan for the last 2018-2019 TBQ year.
Kudos were expressed for Erin’s work in TBQ along with all the volunteers from the Newcomers at the TBQ Quilt Show.
Introductions from 16 Newcomers along with the committee, show & tell and a tour of Erin’s sewing room were enjoyed along with snacks and cookies.
Handmade Hugs new focus was shared and kits were handed out.  They ran out of kits.
WHAT a wonderful bunch of new members allowing TBQ to be great as always!

Molly Haney-Burleigh, Chair

Community Service

Adult Center Display
With any luck at all, by the time the TBQ website is updated with July news, RED & WHITE quilts will be gracing the halls and walls at the Adult Center!  Woohoo!  And they will take your breath away!  BIG, BIG t.h.a.n.k. y.o.u.’s. to the following quilters who have loaned RED & WHITE quilts to create this fabulous collection:  Pam Calhoon, Jean Ehlers, Cheri Heinecke, Barbara Merkel, Lorraine Owen, Shirlee Smith, and Nancy Stewart.  Thank you, Girlfriends!  You are my heroes!  Joanna S. Rose (who displayed her collection of 650 red and white quilts in New York City in 2011) would be V.E.R.Y. proud of you!  These quilts will be hanging for a couple of months, so you have time to gather up your besties, plan an Adult Center “drive-by”…followed by lunch with the ladies!  I call that a perfect day!  
In a couple of months, this collection will change to Blue and White quilts.  If your quilt wants to come play in a Blue and White display, please let me know!
Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE:  from 60″ to 90″ wide, any length.  (Need SIX.)
SMALL:  from 45″ to 60″ wide, any length.  (Need FOUR.)
We still need HELP! on our Hanging Team!  Last month I pleaded for HELP! and didn’t hear a peep out of any of yous-guys.  🙁  You can still volunteer, but until then, I will be going through TBQ’s roster, calling and begging for one-time help…that means meeting the Hanging Team at the Adult Center for an hour’s worth of work–GORGEOUS work!  Hanging TEN quilts…and they are all gorgeous!  It’s a delightful way to start ANY day!  Call me!

Carolyn Edwards, Chair

Handmade Hugs

Welcome to a new year for Handmade Hugs!
Each fiscal year we have an opportunity to reevaluate the needs of Yavapai County and decide where our efforts might make the most impact with the resources we have available to us at Thumb Butte Quilt Guild.
Last year’s focus was on children and teens in need which the guild did a fantastic job helping to make it a successful and productive project. Our guild completed and gave away 107 quilts and there are 34 tops that are in various stages of completion that will be completed this year and given to the appropriate charities.
This year we have had the pleasure of working with our sister guilds to see where their focus is and how many quilts they are distributing to various charities in our community so we can align ourselves to fill in where there is still a need in Yavapai County.
After much contemplation we have decided to focus our efforts on infants and hospice patients. The goal is to give all of our guild members an opportunity to participate in charity programs. Not everyone has the time and ability to come to the monthly charity workshops, but would still like to make a difference in our community. We have chosen some projects that can easily be done on your own time and then brought to the meeting when completed as well as other projects that are a little more labor intensive, but may appeal to our avid piecers.
Our workshops are held on the 4th Monday of the month at the same location as our regular guild meetings.  Each month we will have a focus and a goal on what we will accomplish at each event. The focus may be sorting fabric, putting together kits, sewing projects or even educational opportunities that pertain to our projects. Everyone is invited and encouraged to participate in one way or another during our guild year. We are excited to get started and we hope you are too!
Be sure to look for our Handmade Hug emails that will remind you of the date, time, focus and goal of our workshops!
Your 2019/2020 Handmade Hugs coordinators – Dawnell Muecke and Nancy Lande

Next Meeting – June 10, 2019

President’s message

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is IMG_2289-256x300.jpgHello Quilters,

The Presidents Challenge brought in some beautiful and creative works of art from 24 different members. If you haven’t received your participation ribbon please contact me so I can get it to you.   All but three of you then donated your quilts to the Small Quilt Auction for a record breaking reward. What fun we had participating in the Auction! It was hard to believe our Auctioneer wasn’t a pro! Thanks again, Michael Gunn (Jude Bentley’s husband), you were great.
What an amazing, hard working and talented group of members you all are. From all the many hours the Quilt Show Committee Chairs put into organizing and planning, to the actual set up and execution of an outstanding 2019 Quilt Show, I am truly honored to be a part of this Guild! 
I spoke with numerous people raving about what a great show TBQ  had put on.  Our Vendors were thrilled with our turnout of visitors who then purchased their products. I’m sure they will all want to return in 2021. 
Next up is our July Birthday party that I hear will be spectacular too, hoping to see you all there.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Celtic-cross-300x300.pngMay your bobbin always be full,
May your seams be straight and quarter inch,
And your fabrics fall soft upon your lap,
And until we meet again,
May all your finished quilts be bound with love.

Erin Sullivan – TBQ President 2018 – 2019

quilt show 2019

Wow!  The “Sisters of the Thread” 2019 Quilt Show met and exceeded all expectations!  What an amazingly rewarding experience to see this all come together in a few hours, after a year of planning!  We received countless congratulatory compliments throughout the two days, to which Suzie and I continually replied, “Thank you so much, but we did not do this alone.  We had a tremendous team!”  We had the entire Guild behind us!  We are going to admit that we were concerned following the May meeting that we would not have enough volunteers to pull this all together.  But you came, you worked, you smiled, and you continually asked, “what else can I do?”  From both of us, we say thank you!
I likened the experience to that of an Amish barn raising, when the entire community comes together to accomplish an enormous task in a matter of a day…with everyone working together.  Those of you taking down the quilts, and pole and drape were in the middle of it, and did not see it from afar.  What appeared to be a Quilt Show at 4 pm on Saturday at closing was non-existent at 4:35 pm.  Everything was down, granted, it took a bit longer to pack it all up and return it to storage, but the tremendous task was completed by 6:30 pm!!
Well done, Thumb Butte Quilters!!  Heartfelt Gratitude!  It was a GREAT Show!  Rosemary Carr and Suzie Fields, 2019 Quilt Show Co-Chairs

2019 quilt show awards

Congratulations to our award recipients.  We want to showcase our award winners at the June meeting.  (Please plan on bringing your quilts and ribbons to the June meeting)
Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame Award recipient:
    Cheryl GiovencoA Primitive Garden
Co-Chair’s Choice Award recipients:
    Mary VaughanChristmas Star
    Shirlee SmithFeatherweight Christmas
Viewers’ Choice Award recipients:
    1st Place – Cheryl GiovencoA Primitive Garden
    2nd Place – Norma KurrLatte Quilt
    3rd Place – Laura DavisBasket Full
    4th Place – Mary VaughanChristmas Star
    5th Place – Shirlee SmithHanging Gardens II
    6th Place – Norma KurrSassy Flowers
    7th Place – Karen AdamsBlue Eyes
    8th Place – Trish CharityMe, My Selfie, and I
    8th Place – Eva LivelyDragonfly Circus

New Members:
We had a great month in April, with 13 visitors and 6 new applications for membership submitted. Give a big welcome to our 2 new members who joined in May (the remaining 4 applications will become effective in July).  Welcome Brenda Metz and Anita Wilbur.

Important Reminders:
(1) DUES for 2019-2020 MUST BE PAID NO LATER THAN JUNE 15.
(2) The new TBQ directory is currently being developed. PLEASE review your listing in the current directory and report any changes or corrections to the Membership Chair as soon as possible. Forms are available on the website or at the welcome table.  Dianna Dunn, Membership Chair

ways and means

We are winding down with promoting the Opportunity Quilt. Thank you to

all our volunteer members who manned the booth at the Home and Garden Show. It was very busy. “Joyful Garden” was a hit. We ended up making $475.00 !! Another outstanding outcome was we handed out many bookmarks inviting the Garden Show participants to our Quilt Show! We also invited interested quilters to our Guild meeting. It was a fun venue. I will send out an email reminder for the volunteers who will be working the Opportunity Quilt booth at the Show.  I look forward to seeing who will be the lucky person to win our beautiful quilt.  Patty McClearn and Yvonne Blitch, Co-Chairs

mentor’s table

After two years at the Mentor’s Table, I will be retiring and leaving this fun position for another creative member to take on. It is a great part of the meeting and a very fun and rewarding position to hold in the guild. 
That being said (I hate that expression) – I have a big surprise and a great ending for my two-year term. SO be prepared to be surprised and be prepared to learn something you may have never seen. Is that possible? Maybe – maybe not. But stop by the Mentor’s Table and see the great surprise I have for you at this last meeting of our fiscal year. 
Keep quilting and remember that you are limited only by your imagination. 
Shirlee Smith, Chair

block of the month


If you cannot attend the meeting when it is your turn to be a hostess, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for set-up and stay for clean-up as needed.

Sharon Melpolder, Melodie Merino, Barbara Merkel, Donna Meyer, Mary Anne Meyer, Sandy Mitchell, Linda Morriston, Pat Noel, Brenda Norris, Alice Obrenovich, and Susie Opdahl


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive with a value of at least $10.

Cynthia Falzone, Carol Godfrey, Dawnell Muecke, Kay Wentworth, Cynthia Crull, Pat Hopgood, Jean Ehlers, Cathy Day, Sharon Melpolder, Ara Whetten, Carlotta Brandenburg, Diane Grayson, Norma Kurr, Sandy Mazzurco, Janet Shields, Carrie Casto, Barbara Gall, Lori Sandura, Brenda Metz


Friday May 3rd the Newcomers gathered at the home of Betty Foley.  What an exciting and special visit it was!
As we were “going to the country”, carpooling was a plus.  10-12 of us were there to share ideas and techniques, projects in progress projects completed and inspirations. 
Betty shared some of her favorite pictorial quilts, with a couple featuring her mom. We then toured what Betty calls “her Room” and perused her books of finished quilts and were again INSPIRED.  ( was so in awe of our Newcomers’ projects and Betty’s that I failed to take pictures!) Molly Haney-Burleigh and Lynda Ruiz, Chair

community service

Adult Center Display
The glorious Medallion Quilts are hanging at the Adult Center.  Take ten minutes to stop by 1280 Rosser Street to take a look!  You’ll be glad you did!  These quilts will be hanging out waiting for your visit until around the 1st of July. 
Then we’ll deck the halls with Red and White quilts.  If you have Red and White Quilts to loan to this exhibit, let me know, and bring them to the June 10th general meeting.  Red and White quilts will be a good way to kick off the July 4th holiday celebration, don’t you think?!
Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE:  from 60″ to 90″ wide, any length.  (Need SIX.)
SMALL:  from 45″ to 60″ wide.  (Need FOUR.)
Help Wanted:  One of our Hanging Team members needs to step away from TBQ for a while…so we will be looking for a  replacement to fill her shoes on our Hanging Team.  The job entails meeting at the Adult Center for an hour only about six times a year to change the quilts hanging at the Adult Center.  That doesn’t sound too hard, does it?  If you are interested, let me know.
Handmade Hugs
St. Luke’s Community Cupboard

Please remember to keep those less fortunate in your thoughts as you shop, and pick up a few extra food items for the St. Luke’s Community Cupboard benefiting the food banks of the Quad-City area.  Throughout this past year TBQ contributed over 1900 food items!  Thank you all for your continued support!!  Place your contributions in the food wagon as you enter the Parish Hall.

Ideas for things to bring:  peanut butter, macaroni & cheese, canned tuna, canned fruit, canned beef, canned vegetables, tomato sauce, canned beans, canned chicken, boxed cereals, powdered milk, pasta, rice, canned soups, and dried beans.










Next Meeting – May 13, 2019

President’s Message

HThis image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is IMG_2289-256x300.jpgi Quilters, 
Well after saying last month I couldn’t wait to see all the green trees and blooming flowers boy did I get  a surprise. Sadly along with that came A LOT of wind blowing pollen everywhere! Not only was I hit hard, but sadly so many of our members were too. I hope you are all resting up and staying inside as much as possible. I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to lead the April meeting, but I knew I could count on our Vice-President, Karen Adams and others to get the job done.  
I was able to attend a portion of Janet Carruth’s class on Tuesday before I had to head home.  I understand her presentation on Monday was excellent. 
The plans for our upcoming 2019 Quilt Show are humming right along thanks to our Co-Chairs, Suzie Fields and Rosemary Carr and the hard working Quilt Show Committee. If you haven’t given your raffle basket to Kathleen Semerau, please contact her right away. We will have amazing items to purchase in the Market Place and some excellent vendors at our show too. All vendor space has been filled! 
I can’t wait to see your President’s Small Quilt Challenges due at our May meeting.  Thank you for all you do to make Thumb Butte Quilters Guild the best!
As always, I leave you with these words:
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Celtic-cross-300x300.pngMay your bobbin always be full,
May your seams be straight and quarter inch,
And your fabrics fall soft upon your lap,
And until we meet again, May all your finished quilts be bound with love.

Erin Sullivan – TBQ President 2018 – 2019


The candidates for President will have the opportunity to address the membership prior to balloting.  Members of the nominating committee will then distribute, collect and count the ballots.


New Members
We had a great month in April, with 4 members joining at the meeting and 2 more after the meeting. Give a big welcome to our 6 new members:
            Mary Temme, Kathy Spry, David Charity, Trish Charity, 
Barbara Robinson, and Eva Lively.
(1)  We are continuing to collect $30 annual dues.  If you have not renewed your membership, please pay at the May or June meeting at the welcome table.
(2)  Remember to report any address, phone or email changes to the Membership Chair, so the guild membership can always have updated contact information.  Forms are available on the website or at the welcome table. 
Dianna Dunn – Membership Chair

Ways and means

Our 2019 Quilt Show pins will be available to purchase for $5.00 at the Ways and Means table May 13.
If you haven’t picked up your packet of 12 Opportunity Quilt tickets, please plan on picking them up at our meeting. The packets are $10, payable when you pick them up.  Let’s make this Quilt Show a record year for selling Opportunity Quilt tickets.
Thanks to all of you who signed up to sell tickets at the Mountain Artist Guild’s Art and Wine Festival in May.  We are waiting to hear if we will have a booth there and will notify you as soon as we find out.
If you hear of any other opportunities to sell tickets, please let Patty or Yvonne know so we can follow up.
Patty McClearn and Yvonne Blitch, Co-chairs

Due to generous fabric donations last month, we nearly doubled our monthly income at our Company Store at the April meeting. Thank you for your continued generosity.
Lorraine Owen – Chair

mentor’s table

This month Carlotta Brandenburg will be the guest mentor. Carlotta is a member of TBQ and a local long arm quilter. We have all seen her work on some of the Show and Tell quilts that are shared at each meeting.  She will be sharing the information you need to know when preparing your quilt top for the long arm quilter. Understanding this information is important in helping your long arm quilter create for you that beautifully finished quilt. So be sure to stop by and learn what Carlotta has to share with you.
Enjoy – Shirlee  Smith – Chair


block of the month

April’s block, the Friendship Star was won by Nancy Bernas.
This month our block is May Flower Basket. Remember to make two, for two chances to win – one for the Block of the Month drawing, and one for the Quilt Show Market Place.   Also, a special request to those submitting Market Place blocks, please submit your June block at the May meeting to be included in the Calendar Block Sampler kits for the Quilt Show.  Thanks everyone!  Cheryl Giovenco – Coordinator, and Rosemary Carr, Quilt Show Co-Chair who has been requesting all those extra blocks each month.


If you cannot attend the meeting when it is your turn to be a hostess, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for set-up and stay for clean-up as needed.


Jane Holland, Pat Hopgood, Wanda Hughs, Karen Johnson, Pam Jones, Shirley Kelliher, Pam Kidd, Norma Kurr, Patty McClearn, Tina McCowan, and Sandy McGarry.


Marilyn Weber, Cindy Phare, Karen Comeau, Suzy Davidson, Gayle DeBoom, Mary Anne Meyer, Tina McCowan, Karen Johnson, Diane Belveal, and Lynne Chamberlin.


Newcomers gathered at the home of Cheri Heinecki in Chino Valley late in March. We shared “Show n Tell”, new ways of doing simple things and discussed our various interests in quilting.
Cheri served some delicious goodies (HAND dipped, yes by her, chocolate strawberries) and we toured not only her sewing room (oh so organized) but her lovely home. Quilt Show Co-Chairs, Rosemary Carr and Suzie Fields came by to share behind-the-scenes happenings of the Quilt Show and to recruit volunteer workers.
Our next “gathering” will be early in May.  Molly Haney-Burleigh – Chair

community Service

Adult Center Display
The Medallion Quilts are hanging as of April 29th!  Woohoo!  With a couple of quilts from Jean Ehlers and myself…it’s pretty much the “Kathleen Bond Medallion Quilt Exhibition”!!  No one loves a Medallion Quilt like she does…and no one makes a Medallion Quilt like she does!  Her Medallion Quilts take my breath away!!  Head on over to 1280 Rosser Street to see for yourself!  Hopefully you will feel the same way!  Thank you, Kathleen!!!  
These quilts will be up for a couple of months, and then we’ll be hanging Red & White Quilts.  Remember the Joanna S. Rose exhibit in New York City in March of 2011.  She made Quilt History…and who doesn’t love a Red and White quilt!  So we’ll be looking for some Red & White quilt volunteers!  Let me know if you have a quilt to share.
Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE:  from 60″ to 90″ wide, any length.  (Need SIX.)
SMALL:  from 45″ to 60″ wide, any length.  (Need FOUR.)

Handmade Hugs
A BIG THANKS to ten busy ladies for their dedication at the March Hugs Workshop.  Twelve quilts were put together with batting and backing.  As you see in one of the photos below, we were very saddened because we used up our yearly allowance of batting.  All twelve quilts have been generously taken home by various ladies to be quilted by long-armers (as I call them) and will soon be returned for distribution. 
The Hugs Team is working fervently finishing up quilts for the big Adoption Day with CASA.  I hope some of our quilts will be selected by the children being adopted.  Watch for photos to follow, in May, from the heart-warming Adoption Day.  CASA should be receiving about 20 quilts  for the Adoption.
Stepping Stones recently received 11 quilts and 20 pillowcases and Hospice of the Pines was thoroughly delighted with the ten quilts that were delivered to them for their clients. 
We love your fabric, backing, and batting donations, just please remember that the fabric should be at least 5″ x 5″ square or larger.
Karen Johnson – Chair
Community Cupboard

Our monthly contributions continue to surpass  those of St. Luke’s parishioners in the same week!  Last month we contributed 124 non-perishable food items to their Community Cupboard.  Thank you all for your continued support!


“sisters of the thread”
quilt show
May 31 – June 1

We are less than a month away from our premier event!  Your Quilt Show committee has been working non-stop behind-the-scenes since last July!  As Co-Chairs, we have been orchestrating the efforts of this committee of 29 since our first meeting nearly a year ago.  Accolades to Molly Haney-Burleigh and Anne Marston for their unending enthusiasm to put together a fabulous Market Place with all your generous contributions.  It has become a task much greater than they anticipated, and their efforts have not gone unnoticed.  Kathleen Semerau and Pat Noel are coordinating your Raffle Basket contributions.  Your additional contributions to our Small Quilt Auction have added significantly to the success of the show.  Our unsung hero, Carol Sweeden has assured that every corner of the state has been touched in some way with publicity of our BIG EVENT!!  
The work continues as Susan Perry organizes our 230 quilt entries, and Kathleen Bond determines where they will hang on the show floor.  As Vendor Chair, Erin Sullivan has assured every linear foot of space has been sold, including a space outside for a vintage trailer housing Sewbella quilt shop on wheels.   Be sure to support our Vendors.  We want them to come back!

And now it’s your turn…the general membership of TBQ. We need the help of each and every member to put our best foot forward and lend a hand to make May 30, 31, and June 1 a tremendous success.  Many of you have signed up on the work crew sheets, yet we need more.  We have big gaps in areas of Quilt Check-in and set-up and tear-down.  It takes all of us, from taping the gym floor to mark where the quilt stands will be placed, setting up pole & drape, hanging quilts, serving as hostesses throughout the show, working Admissions, the Quilters’ Cafe, and hanging banners, to tearing things down after the 4 pm closing on Saturday and getting it all back to the storage unit.  The job isn’t done until the last pole and drape is tucked back away in storage.  If you’ve signed up to help for only one 2-hour shift on a single day, please consider a second shift on another day, or coming at 4pm to help tear down. 

And yes, we are all working, and we are contributing to Raffle Baskets, the Market Place, the Opportunity Quilt, the Small Quilt Auction, and committee work, and yes, we are asking every TBQ member (including all of us on the committee) to contribute the $5 admission fee (it’s good for both days).  The funds we raise from this two-day event enable us as a guild to bring in our guest lecturers and teachers, and fund our operating expenses, social events, and special projects for two years, without raising the cost of dues.
We so appreciate your contributions and continued commitment to TBQ! 
Rosemary Carr and Suzie Fields, Quilt Show Co-Chairs

Small Quilt Auction

Quilts Needed for Small Quilt Auction!!!
The Small Quilt Auction will take place on Saturday, June 1st at 1:00 p.m. at the  Sisters of the Thread Quilt Show. We need your quilts! We are hoping to have 40 small quilts to auction. Please consider donating your President’s Challenge Quilt or any other small quilts on or before May 13th. This auction is a fundraiser for TBQ.
We know we can count on you!! – Yvonne Blitch and Carol Wright, Co-chairs

Have you checked the calendar lately?!  TBQ’s Quilt Show is fast approaching!  This will likely be the last ‘regular’ Quilt Show news prior to the Quilt Show.  Here it comes, ready or not!  Woohoo!
If you have a small quilt for display in the “Sisters of the Thread” Welcome Booth, bring it to the Welcome Booth table after you take your Quilt Show entries to Check-In on Thursday, May 30.  All you will need to do is sign on a page with your name and a brief description of your quilt (like we do for “Show & Tell” at regular meetings)!
Sign-up sheets for “working” in the Welcome Booth will again be available at the May 13th meeting.  Last month was a little overwhelming with 26 sign-up boards calling for your help!  Now perhaps you’ve had a little time to think about where you will spend your time…but don’t forget to allow time to spend a little money!  “Work” in the Welcome Booth will consist of sitting and stitching on your own project and visiting with your “Sisters of the Thread” as they come into the Quilt Show.  WOW!  Can hardly call that ‘work’!

Four Vignettes are being designed by four mini-groups, and will be positioned in the four corners of the Quilt Show.  They are AppliQueens (formerly a chapter of The Applique Society), Designing Women, Featherweights, and Quilt History Study Group.  These Vignettes will display things each group does–their challenges, group projects, quilts their members have made, antique quilts. etc.  Hopefully these Vignettes will tell our Sisters of the Thread stories.  Carolyn Edwards –  Chair


president’s message

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is IMG_2289-256x300.jpgHello Quilters,

I am so happy spring is finally here. I can’t wait to see all the colorful flowers and green trees that will be popping out everywhere after the winter weather we have had. We quilters all love color right?
A reminder of the rules for the President’s Challenge Small quilts (wall hanging size) is the challenge, no smaller than 24″ x 24″.  The theme is your choice and deadline is at the May 13, 2019 Guild meeting.  We are hoping that after the challenge you will  donate them to the Guild for the Small Quilt Auction portion of our 2019 “Sisters of the Thread” Quilt Show.
This year’s show is really coming together nicely. The Marketeer’s group has been sew very busy.  After the sneak peek I had last week  you might want to be there to shop first thing! The entire Quilt Show team is working diligently to make this show the best ever. Remember to spread the word to your friends, family and even your hairdressers! Mine has asked me for more bookmarks to hand out twice already. The other part of our Quilt Show fundraising year is of course marketing and selling tickets to win the our beautiful Opportunity Quilt. If you haven’t had a chance to pick up your tickets yet, please see Patty McClearn or Yvonne Blitch at the April meeting.
I’m happy to let you know that both the 2020 Quilt Camp Chair and the 2021 Opportunity Chair jobs have been filled and they will be announced at the April Guild meeting.

As always, I leave you with these words:

May your bobbin always be full, May your seams be straight and quarter inch, And your fabrics fall soft upon your lap, And until we meet again, May all your finished quilts be bound with love.

Erin Sullivan, TBQ President 2018-2019


Welcome to Sheryl McLain who joined TBQ in March.
(1) We will begin collecting your $30.00 payments for 2019-2020 dues in April.
(2) Remember to report any address, phone or email changes to the Membership Chair, so the guild membership can always have updated contact information. – Dianna Dunn, Membership Chair

A fat quarter is not a body part, and has fewer calories than a hot fudge sundae.

ways and means

We will have our 2019 Quilt Show pins available to purchase for $5.00 at the Ways and Means table April 8th.
“Joyful Garden”



If you haven’t picked up your packet of 12 Opportunity Quilt tickets, please plan on picking them up at our meeting.  The packets are $10, payable when you pick them up.  Let’s make this quilt show a record year  for selling Opportunity Quilt tickets.
We have successfully taken the quilt to the Chino Valley and Mountain Top Quilt Guilds and the Prescott Chapter of the American Sewing Guild.  We’re working on getting into Mountain Artist Guild’s Art and Wine Festival and Sedona’s Quilt Show. Hopefully if we get in we’ll have sign up sheets at the April meeting. 
If you know of any upcoming event please let Patty or Yvonne know. We will do the follow-up to try and market the quilt. Thanks for all your help. Patty McClearn and Yvonne Blitch, Co-chairs


Thank you for all your welcomed donations. The Company Store made over $200.00 the March meeting.  Keep your donations coming.  Your unwanted items are someone’s new treasures. – Lorraine Owen, Chair

Mentor’s table

Dyeing our fabrics – painting our fabrics – coloring our fabrics. Some of us do this and some of us think about the possibilities of doing this, but just don’t make the time or are intimidated by the process. In September, Karen Adams showed you how to add color to your quilt with ink pencils and sent you home with lots of ideas. 
But what about deleting color from your fabrics instead of adding color? Or doing both – deleting and adding color and creative creative ways for doing this? 
Well –  this month I am going to present ideas with decolorant. Nothing fancy – just decolorant and an iron – plus a few fun ideas for design. Adding color – subtracting color – not math – just fun. Let’s have some fun and  just play with fabric?  Who knows what you will come up with.
So come by the Mentor Table and see what fun we can have this month.  – Shirlee Smith, Chair

block of the month

Congratulations to our Block of the Month winners.

April’s block is the Friendship Star variation.  Remember to make two, for two chances to win – one for the Block of the Month drawing, and one for the Quilt Show Marketplace.


If you cannot attend the meeting when it is your turn to be a hostess, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for set-up and stay for clean-up as needed.

Pat Gentner, Cheryl Giovenco, Carol Godfrey, Arlene Gordon, Diane Grayson, Sandy Grepling, Kathy Grimes, Molly Haney-Burleigh, Marti Harbour, Sharon Harris and Linda Hill

Birthday girls are reminded to bring a quilt-related gift for the monthly drawing.  Happy birthday to our April members:

Nancy DelMar, Pam Peters, Rosemary Carr, Lynda Ruiz, Becky Cook, Susan Sweet, Sharon McAllister, Bunny Autrey, Linda Hill, Anne Abrams, Rachael Severance


The TBQ Newcomers gathered at the home of Jill Davis with approximately 10 newcomers in attendance. We shared ideas, recent quilt show trips along with interest in upcoming quilt show classes this summer.  “Electronic” research was shared, recently completed quilts shown, and Jill shared her first quilt made for her daughter a lot of loving years ago. We toured Jill’s fabulous sewing room. A discussion developed for beginning a new friendship group of modern quilters or those with that interest. – Molly Haney-Burleigh, Chair


WOW!!!  You ladies overwhelmed us with your gifts of donated fabric.  Please look for a few photos with this article.  Remember, unless you are sending 2 1/2″ jelly rolls, please make contributions 5″ square or larger.  Your Hugs Team is furiously sorting the donations so that we can best utilize the fabric.  Large pieces and even medium to large batting pieces are always welcome.  
Special ladies gathered at my home recently to label, sort fabric and help distribute quilts for three worthwhile organizations.  Hospice of the Pines, Stepping Stones and CASA will be receiving the recently finished and bagged quilts.  We also shared some of our older flannel with the Tribal Nations who are desperate for blankets.  They have a group of ladies in Prescott Valley that sew quilts for them, and we have been storing several bins of flannel and decided to answer their call for help. 
Remember, we would love to have anyone join us for sewing and comradery on the fourth Monday, 9:30 am at St. Luke’s or just drop off a completed quilt, or quilt top at the Hugs table at the Guild Meetings.
Thanks for your support.  – Karen Johnson and the Hugs Team
Adult Center Display
OK, here we go again!  “Love Is In The Air” is still happily hanging out at the Adult Center, just waiting for you to come by to see it!  Swing by 1280 Rosser Street to take a peek!  Go around lunch time, M-F, and take advantage of the tasty and inexpensive lunch menu while you’re at it!  I’m not really sure how long these quilts will be up.  Our plan is that they will come down sometime the week of April 22nd (after Easter)…but I’m working on finding out the latest status of the Adult Center’s electric ladder.  Ack!
The next scheduled exhibit will be Medallion Quilts.  I’ve heard comments that some of you needed an explanation of a Medallion Quilt.  Well…it’s a quilt where a central area dominates the overall design.  The center starts with a block which is then surrounded with a row of perhaps flying geese which is then surrounded with perhaps squares, and so forth…around and around we go.  Are you aware of “Round Robin” quilts–starting with a center block, passed to the next person on the list who adds another row of something around the quilt, and etc.  Well, that is a type of Medallion quilt!  Kathleen Bond makes A LOT of Medallion Quilts!  🙂  This could almost be a “Kathleen Bond One Woman Medallion Quilt Show”.  I love Medallion Quilts, too, although I have only two completed and two others “in the works”.   We are in need of the SMALL quilts for the Adult Center:  From 45″ to 60″, any length.  Need FOUR.  Let me know if you have a SMALL Medallion quilt to loan to the next exhibit at the Adult Center.  – Carolyn Edwards, Chair
St. Luke’s Community Cupboard

Our contributions this past month topped of at 145 food items!  Thank you everyone, for your generosity.  Remember to pick up an extra can or two, or an extra package of pasta or rice, or box of cereal.  Our donations are distributed to local food banks and the St. Luke’s Community Cupboard.  Please keep your donations coming!

quilt show 2019

This month, the Quilt Show table will be set with clipboards bearing work assignment sign-up sheets.  Please be generous with your volunteer time.  We encourage you to work at least one shift each day.  There will be plenty of work to go around, and we certainly want to put our best foot forward to the hundreds of guests we will be welcoming to our Show.

  • Quilt Show pins are available at the Ways & Means table.  These are limited in number, so buy yours early.  $5 each
  • Entry forms are available under the forms tab on the menu of the website.  Print 1 for each quilt you plan to enter.  They are due at the upcoming April 8 TBQ meeting, though your quilt does not need to be finished by then.  There will be a basket for forms at the Membership Table when you enter the Parish Hall.  See Susan Perry
  • The Country Register – As with the previous issue, the April/May issue will be featuring a nice show ad with color logo.  Carol Sweeden has done a fabulous job with our state-wide publicity!
  • Friendship Groups – Pictures are still coming in of many of our Friendship Groups.  Shirlee Smith has been visiting several group meetings to take a commemorative photo to be used at the Show Welcome vignette!  Look at the Friendship Group menu tab to see these photos!
  • Raffle Baskets – Kathleen Semerau has asked that filled baskets be brought to the May meeting.  Her committee will put the final wrapping and bows on each basket.
  • Market Place –  What a fabulous Market Place we have in store for this year’s Show!  Cheryl Boquet is putting together a Christmas tree filled with hand-crafted ornaments.  We need your contributions to decorate the tree.  A dozen sock monkeys are being crafted and dressed, and each will be packaged with and outfit, a pillowcase, and certificate of adoption.  Dozens of hot pads, sewing kits, thread catchers, pincushions, and pins boxes are being decorated, stitched, and assembled.  All Market Place contributions can be submitted to Anne & Molly at the Quilt Show table at the meetings.
  • Marketeers – this task specific friendship group meets the 2nd Thursday of each month from 10am – 2pm.  The April gathering will be held at the home of Dianna Dunn.  This group continues to make things for the the Quilt Show Market Place.  We need your help and participation.  This is a great opportunity for new members to get to know other members of the guild in an informal, fun setting.
    Rosemary Carr & Suzie Fields, 2019 Quilt Show Co-Chairs

Sisters of the Thread ~ Time is running out!  If your mini-group has not had your picture taken yet, figure out when you can do it, call Shirlee Smith, and get ‘er done!  It’s fun!  It feels “special”, and you’ll love it!  Mini-group pictures will be on display in the Welcome Booth at the Quilt Show (May 31 and June 1).  When we asked for a ‘show of hands’ at the March meeting of those who are making or who have small quilts for the Welcome Booth which represent our “Sisters of the Thread” theme, about SIX hands went up.  We probably could use more than that.  You still have time to get one made up!  🙂  This quilt will be yours–just on loan to the Welcome Booth…unless you want to donate it to the Small Quilt Auction!  We will figure out a way to display ALL of the “Sisters of the Thread” small quilts that you bring us.  The Welcome Booth will be the first thing quilt-show-go-ers see as they enter the Show.  
Quilts for display in the Welcome Booth do not need an Entry Form filled out.  After you take your Quilt Show entries to Check-In, bring your Welcome Booth quilts to the Welcome Booth.  All you will need to do is sign a page with your name and a brief description of your quilt (like we do for “Show & Tell” at regular meetings)!
Sign-up sheets for “working” in the Welcome Booth will be available at this meeting.  Please sign up to “work”!  It’s the easiest “work” you’ll ever do–sit and stitch on your own project and visit with your “Sisters of the Thread”.
Vignettes are being designed by the following mini-groups:  AppliQueens (formerly The Applique Society), Designing Women, Featherweights, and Quilt History Study Group.  These Vignettes will display things each group does–their challenges, group projects,  quilts their members have made, antique quilts, etc.  The Vignettes will be placed in the four corners of the Quilt Show Display Floor.   – Carolyn Edwards, Chair

Quilts Needed for Small Quilt Auction!!!

The Small Quilt Auction will take place on Saturday, June 1st at 1:00 p.m. at the Sisters of the Thread Quilt Show. We need your quilts! We are hoping to have 40 small quilts to auction. Please consider donating your President’s Challenge Quilt or any other small quilts on or before May 13th. This auction is a fundraiser for TBQ.  We know we can count on you!! – Yvonne Blitch and Carol Wright, Co-chairs

Next Meeting – March 11, 2019

President’s message

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Hello Ladies,
What a winter we are having, definitely the most snow I have seen since relocating to this awesome state back in 2014! While I’m enjoying the different seasons I missed your smiling faces in January and our wonderful Speaker, Cindy Seitz-Krug, but safety of our members was more important.  I had great feedback about her class on February 12th. I’m hoping we can reschedule her sometime in the near future.
While I’m amazed it’s already March I know that puts us that much closer to our wonderful Quilt Show that so many of us have been working on. I’m excited to see the Small Quilts that come in for The President’s Challenge and/or the Small Quilt Auction. We have so many talented ladies in our Guild! Remember the rules for both are NO larger than 24×24, your choice for the theme. For the Auction, contact either Yvonne Blitch or Carol Wright.
I had mentioned at the January Guild meeting that we need chairpersons for the following committees for the 2019-2020 year:
1) 2020 Quilt Camp – I have been contacted by a member who wants to Chair Quilt Camp and has helpers lined up.

2) The 2020 Opportunity Quilt – We need a committee for our next amazing Opportunity Quilt! 

If you haven’t picked up your tickets for this year’s beautiful Opportunity Quilt, please see Yvonne or Patty at our March meeting.

As always, I leave you with these words: 

May your bobbin always be full,
May your seams be straight and quarter inch,
And your fabrics fall soft upon your lap,
And until we meet again,
May all your finished quilts be bound with love.

Erin Sullivan, TBQ President 2018-2019

ways and means

We will have our 2019 quilt show pins available to purchase for $5.00 at the Ways and Means table March 11th.

If you haven’t picked up your packet of 12 opportunity quilt tickets, please plan on picking them up at our meeting.  The packets are $10, payable when you pick them up.  Let’s make this quilt show a record year for selling opportunity quilt tickets!

Patty McClearn and Yvonne Blitch, Co-chairs

A lot of good treasures have come into The Company Store in the last 2 months. We have lots of videos, patterns, cotton and upholstery fabric. First come first served. Please remember your donation.
We always appreciate your support for TBQ Quilt Guild.  Lorraine Owen, Chair

mentor’s table

Dyeing our fabrics – painting our fabrics – coloring our fabrics. Some of us do this and some of us think about the possibilities of doing this, but just don’t make the time or are intimidated by the process. In September, Karen Adams showed you how to add color to your quilt with ink pencils and sent you home with lots of ideas. 
But what about deleting color from your fabrics instead of adding color? Or doing both – deleting and adding color and creative creative ways for doing this? 
Well –  this month I am going to present ideas with decolorant. Nothing fancy – just decolorant and an iron – plus a few fun ideas for design. Adding color – subtracting color – not math – just fun. Let’s have some fun and  just play with fabric?  Who knows what you will come up with.
So come by the Mentor Table and see what fun we can have this month. 
Shirlee Smith, Chair

block of the month

We will be drawing for both February and March Blocks of the Month at the March meeting.  Remember, make 2 for 2 chances to win each month; one for the drawing and one for the Quilt Show Market Place.  We will be selling Calendar Quilt Sampler kits at the Market Place this year.  Your continued contributions are so appreciated!!  – Cheryl Giovenco, Chair


If you cannot attend the meeting when it is your turn to be a hostess, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for set-up and stay for clean-up as needed.

Nancy Delmar, Dianna Dunn, Karen Eads, Carolyn Edwards, Jean Ehlers, Judy Eppler, Cynthia Falzone, Suzie Fields, Linda Fisher, and Betty Foley


Birthday girls are reminded to bring a quilt-related gift for the monthly drawing.  Both February and March gals bring your gifts this month.  Happy birthday to our March members:

Nan DeChant, Sandy McGarry, Roberta O’Mara, Pam Calhoon, Deb Johnson, Norma Enfield


The TBQ Newcomers Group gathered on Jan. 21 in the home of Molly Haney-Burleigh for an afternoon of fun, meeting new people and a terrific demo by Kathleen Semerau.






She showed us the One Block Wonder concept; discussed types of fabrics that work best (and some that don’t) and encouraged all to be creative!  About ten ladies attended with many bringing contributions for our Quilt Show Basket of “Anything Southwest.”  Our next gathering is scheduled for Feb 27, 1:00-3:00 in the home of Jill Davis

Molly Haney-Burleigh, Chair


community service
Adult Center Display –
“Love IS in the Air”!!  Finally!  Whew!  The Adult Center was able to rent an electric ladder from Prescott Equipment Co., and we got the new “Love Is In The Air” exhibit hung on February 6th!  So Christmas quilts were up for a really long time this year.  Thanks to all who were patient in allowing their Christmas quilts to be out of the house for TEN weeks!  That was “above-and-beyond”…and we really appreciate it!  Photos of our new exhibit will be on the website, so if you can’t make it personally to 1280 Rosser Street to see the quilts, you can check them out on-line within this newsletter!  BIG thanks again to Barbara Gall, Cheryl Giovenco, Jane Holland, Pam Jones, Tina McCowan, Lorraine Owen, Kathleen Semerau, Nancy Stewart and Carol Wright for sharing quilts for this exhibit.  
The next scheduled exhibit will be Medallion Quilts, and should go up around Easter.  AND to expand on that theme, we will include Strippy Quilts.  Here’s hoping some of you out there have quilts in these categories to share.  Please, please, please give me a call to let me know!
Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE:  From 60″ to 90″ wide, any length.  (Need SIX.)
SMALL:  From 45″ to 60″ wide, any length.  (Need FOUR)
Carolyn Edwards, Chair
Chamber of Commerce –

Kay Wentworth is our featured quilter.  Stop in at the Chamber on Goodwin Street and view the mini quilt show!

Handmade Hugs –

HELP!!  The Community Service Team a.k.a. Hugs Team is running short of fabric.  We will welcome ANY clean 5 “squares or larger selections of fabric, from now on…

Hospice of the Pines has recently asked for our help with quilts for their terminal patients and in order to be able to help their terminal clients, children, women and men, we have to have TBQ members help us.  1)  Members could donate fabric or gift cards to JoAnn’s to purchase fabric, 2) Join us at our many Hugs workshops, on the 4th Monday of each month at St Luke”s, 9.30 am,  until 2.30 pm, to sew. Iron, match fabrics, …there are lots of ways to help.  3) Work at home on quilts for Hugs and turn them in at Guild meetings, or phone me for pick-up.
Our group of dedicated ladies have a great time at the Hugs Workshops.  We have FOOD!  I will include a few photos, from some recent workshops.

The weather got the best of us again this month and our February workshop was cancelled.  Plan to join us on the 4th Monday of March at St. Luke’s. – Karen Johnson, Chair

Community Cupboard –

Since we cancelled our February meeting, please consider doubling up on your non-perishable food contributions to the St. Luke’s Community Cupboard.  Our donations are distributed to all the area food banks. 

2019 Quilt show


Your 2019 Quilt Show committee has been working behind the scenes for several months now, and with the first of the year, you’ll begin to see even more activity from this core of 21 dedicated members.  A Quilt Show table will be set up near the Company Store at the TBQ meetings until Show time.

  • Quilt Show pins will be available at the Ways & Means table at the March meeting.  These are limited in number, so buy yours early.  $5 each
  • Entry forms are available under the forms tab on the menu.  Print 1 for each quilt you plan to enter.  They are due at the April 8 TBQ meeting, though your quilt does not need to be finished by then.  See Susan Perry
  • The Country Register – The Feb/Mar Issue is now in Arizona quilt shops and features a very nice article about the TBQ show and a color photo of our Opportunity Quilt, in addition to a nice show ad with color logo. Pick up your copy at the Quilt Show table. Check us out on pages 6 & 7!
  • Friendship Groups – we need your pictures.  Be sure to call Shirlee Smith to come take a wonderful photo to be used at the Show Welcome vignette!  It’s a fun experience!
  • Raffle Baskets – We currently have 12 commitments.  See Kathleen Semerau if you would like to participate.
  • Small Quilt Auction – quilts are being accepted by Yvonne Blitch.  These are wall hanging sized quilts.  You can even do a two-for-one by submitting a quilt for Erin’s President’s Challenge, and donating it to the Small Quilt Auction.
  • Market Place – contributions.  Cheryl Boquet is putting together a Christmas tree filled with hand-crafted ornaments.  We need your contributions to decorate the tree.  All Market Place contributions can be submitted to Anne & Molly at the Quilt Show table at the meetings.
  • Marketeers – this task specific friendship group meets the 2nd Thursday of each month from 10am – 2pm.  The March gathering will be held at the home of Dianna Dunn.  This group continues to make things for the the Quilt Show Market Place.  We need your help and participation.  This is a great opportunity for new members to get to know other members of the guild in an informal, fun setting.
  • Work Assignment Sign-up Sheets – will be available at the April 8 TBQ meeting.  There is something for everyone to do, even for those members with physical limitations.  There is more to do than hang quilts.  Please consider getting involved.

Rosemary Carr & Suzie Fields, 2019 Quilt Show Co-Chairs

Vignettes –  
Sisters of the Thread ~ Don’t you just l.o.v.e. to while the day away with your quilter pals…stitching and visiting and laughing.  Aaaahhhh…what great medicine for the heart and soul!  So, has your mini-group had your picture taken yet?  Don’t miss out!  You won’t be sorry!  Get in touch with Shirlee Smith to reserve a date!  The plan is to have mini-group pictures on display in the Welcome Booth at the Quilt Show (May 31–June 1), because we are all Sisters of the Thread!  The group photos that we have so far will be on display at the Quilt Show Table at the March 11th meeting.  Check it out!
We are still looking for small quilts to display in the Welcome Booth–especially quilts including spools of thread!  Do you have one to share?  If not, you still have time to make one!  And after the Quilt Show, it can be on permanent display in your Quilt Studio! OR, it could be your President’s Challenge…OR, it could be a donation to the Small Quilt Auction!  The Welcome Booth will be the first thing quilt-show-go-ers will see as they enter the Quilt Show.  Sign-ups to “work” in the Welcome Booth will take place in April and May!  And in this case “work” is not “work”!  Workers will be stitching and talking and enjoying their Sisters of the Thread!  How fun is that?!  Carolyn Edwards, Chair


























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