Monthly News – October 11th, 2021

president’s Message

Greetings, Sisters of the Thread!

Does it feel like fall is creeping in at your house?  It sure felt like it when I went out early this morning to feed our backyard birds!  

I love Fall.  Our Maple tree leaves are starting to turn from green to dark yellow & amber colors.   Always inspirational colors for quilts!

I went to Hollywood, CA, this past weekend to celebrate the life of a long time colleague.  I chose to stay in Palm Springs rather than in Hollywood…just felt safer in PS.  As the car & I  were climbing the 89 back into Prescott, I gave thanks for living in such a pretty place, not filled with homeless encampments and graffiti.  The downside of my trip was my schedule was such that there was no time, or opportunity, to find a quilt shop! I didn’t even have time to visit the Brighton & Pandora outlets at the Cabazon Mall.  Major bummer.  Anyway, glad to be home.

What a wonderful turnout we had at our September meeting!  It was so great to see so many smiling faces and to meet our visitors!  I really enjoyed Tori’s presentation on colors, hues and contrasts.  Such good information when selecting fabrics for one of our beloved creations.

I was asked about the progress at the Elk’s Lodge.  Work is in progress, but it will not be fully operational until early 2022.  I spoke with the Lodge Treasurer last week, and she and the Secretary will be able to move back into the office next week, but all of the drywall had to be removed 24 inches from the floor due to water damage.  Work is in progress, and steady, but slow going. So Freeman Building will be our ‘Go To’ for the remainder of 2021.

Don’t forget to check the new Turquoise-colored 2021-2022 Directory for Hostess assignments!  Cari and Deb are depending on us to fulfill our commitment in providing snacks & goodies at the meetings.  Also, if you have a September Birthday, don’t forget your raffle gift, it is a minimum of $10 gift to be raffled off at the September meeting.

For those new to our guild in the last year or 18 months…a reminder of our Newcomers Gathering at Norma Kurr’s home at 1 p.m., Wednesday, October 6.  Norma’s address is in the Directory. Please RSVP to Norma if you are planning to attend.

I look forward to seeing you all at the October meeting, and until then, may  all your seams be straight and your bobbins full!


Nan DeChant, President

block of the month

Norma Enfield won the September Meeting’s Block of the Month. 

Don’t forget to bring your autumn block to the October Meeting!


If you cannot attend the meeting when it is your turn to be a hostess, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for set-up and stay for clean-up as needed.

October hostesses are: Carol Wright, Karen Adams, Azelene Allen, Sharon Andrews, Claire Bell, Jude Bentley, Yvonne Blitch, and Kathleen Bond.


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

October Birthdays – Sandy Mitchell, Martha Ferreira, Ann Marston, Sheryl McLain, Debby Casali, Judith Dobke, Faith Chaney, Mary Vaughn, Connie Sieh, Gerry Carr, Carolyn Edwards, and Sally Plummer.

Community service

Handmade Hugs
Faith Chaney
Community Service Co-Chair

Faith Chaney and Phyllis Byrnes have been working hard to get kits ready for you to take and complete. These kits are for receiving blankets and teen blankets. Everyone who receives these are so very appreciative. Thank you for all who have contributed.


Monthly News – September 13, 2021

president’s Message

Greetings, Sisters of the Thread!

Can you believe how green our fields and hills are?!  So beautiful from all the rain!

I love the Monsoons, our Daisy says she could do without the Thunder Guys, but I never get tired of the showers we have been blessed with.  Even when wheeling my Costco or grocery cart to the car…keep hoping I’ll shrink if I get wet!

We were blessed that the rains skipped the Quilt Show event, and as the saying goes, “A fun time was had by all!”

Looking forward to the final report on the show itself, from Dawnell, Julie and Carol.

We had a fun Spider Web class with Jean Impey!  A very detailed and helpful instructor!  My pillow is still in process, but now that I have my relocated quilt room set up…I can get back to it!

Remember, we have a couple more classes during the remainder of the year, so see Kathleen or Cathy to sign up.

We will also continue to meet in the Freeman Building at the Prescott Rodeo Fairground through the remainder of 2021.Progress is slowly being made at the Elk’s Lodge, but we are committed to the Freeman Building through December.

If you can help out picking up and setting up Company Store merchandise, please see or contact Pam Jones, as she can always use help in hauling the bins back and forth from the storage unit.

May your seams be straight and your bobbin be full!


Nan DeChant, President

Carolyn Edwards installed our new officers – Nan DeChant, President, Cathy Day, Vice-President, and Julie Eastman, Secretary. (Carol Wright, Treasurer not pictured.)

Past President’s Quilt

It is our tradition that we award our past president with a quilt made up  by our members. Thank you Carolyn Edwards for all that you’ve done for our guild.


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

September Birthdays – Nancy Lande, Joan McGivern, Jill Davis, Trish Charity, Connie Muecke, Chris Sommerfelt, Joann Salem, Patricia Gentner, Kristine White, and Liz Hart.

community Service

Handmade Hugs

In August we donated 9 flannel teen blankets to the Teen Closet run by Catholic Charities. Thanks to those who made these. We’ve been told these are the top appreciated items by the teens transitioning out of foster care. You can pick up more kits at the meeting. Please remember to stitch 2 rows vertically and 3 rows horizontally for stability.

We donated 5 small dog/cat sized blankets to the Prescott Humane society. The critters were very thankful! !

Right now we have 8 lap/throw size quilts in the hands of Kathy Hofmeister and Pat Noel for log arm quilting. If there are some members who would like to use their machine quilting talents, either long arm or domestic, please volunteer. They are a manageable enough size to be done on any machine. Or if hand quilting is your thing, please be our guest! We will have some tops, backing and batting available at our meeting.

Faith Chaney is binding and labeling 4 quilts now. If you like binding let us know. We could use your help. Hand or machine no matter. These lap/throw quilts will be going to the chemo infusions centers in the area.

Phyllis Byrnes and Faith Chaney, Co-Chairs

Adult Center

The Adult Center is finally open again. We have our quilts on display for a Red, White, and Blue welcoming. Stop by to see how wonderful they look.

Monthly News – August 9, 2021

President’s message

Greetings, Sisters of the Thread!

I hope you are enjoying the Monsoons as much as I am!  I love the lightning, thunder, and the rain is turning everything so pretty and green!  The only time I don’t care for the wet stuff is when exiting Costco or the grocery store with a basket full to transfer to the back of the car!  Oh well, even our weather isn’t always perfectly timed, but we are blessed to receive every drop that falls.

We are coming up on our Quilt Show, August 7, at the Grand Hotel, in downtown Prescott.  Everyone involved is diligently working on items to sell in the Marketplace.  Our Committee is pulling out all the stops to make it a great success, and many of us are volunteering to provide service and information to those in attendance.  I hope to see everyone of our members attend the show, if not volunteering throughout the day.

We had an unfortunate set of circumstances occur with the huge storm Sunday evening, July 11.  The Elks Lodge suffered severe damage as 70 mph winds tore the roof nearly off and exposed the structure to rain damage.

Currently, crews are working on the Lodge’s roof, but we had to find an alternate location for the remainder of 2021.  So come Monday,  August 9, our next meeting date, we will be meeting in the Freeman Hall at the Prescott Rodeo Fairgrounds.  More details will follow, but thanks to Sue Davidson, we were able to procure the dates through December to hold our meetings.  For those who have been to meetings at the Hall, yes the chairs are metal, so if you don’t personally have the ‘cushion’ you may want to bring one.

I am also thrilled to share that we have a new Ways & Means leader, Liz Hart.  Liz is coordinating the Quilt Show Raffle Baskets and the guild’s Friendship groups.  With her enthusiasm and organizational skills, she is a perfect fit!  Thank you, Liz, for stepping up to help us out!

Our membership is growing, and we look forward to introducing more quilters to our guild as 2021 continues.  

I am excited to see what 2021-2022 holds for us; How we can grow our guild and learn from one another along the way.

May your seams be straight and stitches strong,


Nan DeChant, President



Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive with a value of at least $10.  

August  Birthdays – Kathleen Semerau, Shirlee Smith, Nancy Stewart, Linda Morriston, Melodie Merino, Molly Haney-Burleigh, Vicky Sawyer, Joy Swartz, , Patty McClearn.

Community Service

Handmade Hugs

Community Service/Handmade Hugs presented the Yavapai Regional Medical Center’s Birthing Centers with approximately four dozen self-binding receiving blankets, and a dozen burp cloths. The Teen Closet received a dozen flannel blankets for the young people they serve.

Like a lot of our Handmade Hugs volunteers, everyone continues to supply the communities with lap quilts for local oncology infusion centers, 2 1/4 yard length flannel blankets for Teen Closet and flannel self-binding receiving blankets for the birthing centers.

If anyone would like to contribute to our Hugs, please contact Phyllis Byrnes or Nan DeChant for kits, and patterns.  These items will also be available at the August 9 Guild Meeting.

Thank you all for sharing your time and talents in our communities!

Phyllis Byrnes and Nan DeChant, Co-Chairs

Monthly News – July 12, 2021

President’s Message

Greetings, Quilter Pals!

WOW!  I just realized that this is my LAST President’s Message!  WOW!  What a year it’s been!  Let’s just put COVID aside and remember the good things about our most recent year–speakers:  Barb Janson, Kathleen Bond, Cindy Lohbeck.  The UFO Sale!  And next up is our year-end party!  Think about all the out-of-this-world “Show & Tell” we’ve seen!  Woohoo!

Thank you, Quilt Sisters!  And Thank You all for your friendship!  I truly don’t know what I would do without my quilter pals!  And thanks to all of you who took on my President’s Challenge!  What fun quilts you created with your orphan blocks!  We’ll look forward to seeing them on display in future quilt shows!!  Woohoo!  Special thanks to my Executive Committee.  Your being there for me did a lot to contribute to the success of this year!  I love you all!!

Carolyn Edwards, Out-Going President

President’s Challenge

incoming president

Greetings, Sisters of the Thread!

The threads that bind us and identify us are in our quilts, on our clothes, embedded  in our rugs and carpets, and more often than not, at our house, on the floor rather than in my quilt room trash can.  However, it is a small price to pay when we present our treasures to loved ones, friends and Quilt Sisters.

I am so looking forward to our Guild’s new year of projects, fun and fellowship.  Carolyn is going to be a tough act to follow, but I promise that we will have a great time supporting our August 7th Quilt Show, monthly meetings, quilt classes and our guild endeavors.

Speaking of the upcoming Quilt Show, if you have scraps needing a project look for handmade projects to donate to the Show’s Marketplace!  I am creating steering wheel covers, snap bags and self-binding receiving blankets with coordinating burp cloths to sell for the Guild.  You don’t need to make dozens, 6 plus items would be a great donation to generate guild income.  If you need ideas, please contact Karen Danknick for assistance, and I will be glad to share my ideas with you, too.

We still have some positions that need filling for our guild.  Ways & Means, and Community Service (Phyllis Byrnes is willing to help out and mentor…thank you, My Dear Friend) need people willing to take on the required tasks to move our guild forward.  Both positions come with a key and code to our TBQG storage facility! Woohoo…now that’s an offer that doesn’t come around everyday! So, if you have a heart to help your guild in the 2021-2022 year, please let me know, because we could really use your help.

Let’s grow our membership, encourage one another and let our talents shine in the warm Arizona sun!


Nan DeChant, President Elect


You Are Invited to Our TBQ Installation/Birthday Social on July 12th.

This is a special time to recognize our outgoing officers and committee chairs and install the new.  We have a game of Left Right Center planned and of course “Show and Tell”.

There will be lemonade and lemony treats.  After all, “When Life Gives you Lemons, Make Lemonade”.  Right?

For the game of Left Right Center, please bring 3- 10″ squares of “lemony” fabrics (yellow or fabric with yellow in it).  The winner at each table will go home with a “Lemon Layer Cake” (all of the 10″ squares from your table). 

Your Party Committee

ways and means

The Company Store will set up for the July meeting. Come prepared to shop.


Birthday celebrants – For all July Birthdays, save your gift for the August meeting.

July Birthdays – Candace Tomlinson, Jude Bentley, and Judith Ritner.

Community Service

Adult Center Display

Our yellow and blue quilts have been hanging at the Adult Center now for nearly a year!  OMG!  How did that happen?!  That is way way too long!  We’ll be scrambling to replace them with Red/White/Blue quilts for the rest of the summer!  As a reminder to everyone…we hang TEN quilts year-round at the Adult Center…changing them every two months or so.  If you’re ever driving down Rosser Street, stop in at the Adult Center (1280 Rosser)–and take in “the best little Quilt Show in town”!

Carolyn Edwards, Chair

quilt show

Watch your email for important information about the quilt show.

Here are some of the newest javelina quilts.


Monthly News – June 14, 2021

president’s message

Greetings, Quilter Pals!

I’m headed to a Quilt Retreat!  Woohoo!  And I’m hoping that ALL of you will have a chance to gather for a Quilt Retreat/Getaway one of these days soon!  “Eat-Sleep-Sew!”  It’s pretty dang w.o.n.d.e.r.f.u.l.!!!  It’s magical!  It’s a treat you deserve…because you’re worth it!  I usually go on two retreats a year–spring and fall!  But one of my quilter pals goes on FOUR a year–WOW!  Go on a quilt retreat and then tell us about it!  

I encourage you to finish up your President’s Quilt Challenge!  Remember that it was an Orphan Block quilt or quilt top.  It doesn’t even have to be quilted…it can just be a top…for this time around anyway!  Next year, it can be a quilt!  I’m re-writing the rules as we go along!  🙂  Prepare to show it at the June TBQ meeting!  Woohoo!  

OK…our next gathering is June 14th.  That’s flag day.  Bring your flag quilts for Show & Tell!  Wow!  We’re going to have a great Show & Tell at the June meeting!  We’ll see you at the Elks Lodge in Prescott Valley (6245 E. Second Street).

Love and hugs to all!  Be well!  Stay healthy!  

Carolyn Edwards, President



Community Service

Ways & Means


As we head into our new term for the Guild’s 2021-2022 year, we need some additional help in a few areas.

We need two members, or one Superhero, to step up and take charge of our Community Service’s Handmade Hugs.  If I could, I would be President and Community Service, too, but I don’t see how I can do both justice, and remain happily married to my husband of 34 years.

We have three established entities, YRMC Birthing Center, Teen Closet and Oncology infusion centers.

If you have a heart for those facing challenges & caring, please send me a message or call me.  There are plenty of projects and fabric to get, and keep, you going!

Our Ways & Means team is stepping down after several years of service, so the Guild needs some of you to step up and take over!  Refer to your TBQG Directory for position responsibilities.  

All of our past co-chairs are more than willing to coach & mentor, if you are unsure in taking on the position.  Remember, without help our guild will suffer, and a few people can’t do it all.

Please search your heart and let me know if you can assist in the above areas.


Nan DeChant, President Elect


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive with a value of at least $10.  

June Birthdays – Cynthia Falzone, Dawnell Muecke, Carol Godfrey, Kay Wentworth, Cynthia Crull, Jean Ehlers, Cathy Day, Carlotta Brandenburg, Diane Grayson, Norma Kurr, Sandy Mazzurco, Carrie Castro.

Quilt Show

Howdy all of you Cow Pokes! We are getting down to the last couple of months before the Wildwest Quiltfest!!! Yahooooo!!!!

If you plan on entering a quilt in our quilt show your entry form is due  at our June 14th meeting.  The form is on our website click on  TBQ QUILT SHOW FORM . Please turn in one form per entry. We request a picture of your quilt on the entry form. Your quilt does not have to be complete at this time!  You can find instructions for making the quilt sleeve by clicking on Quilt Sleeve

We are looking for items to make our Market Place a great success! Please think about putting your creative juices to work. We are looking for pin cushions, cosmetic bags, napkin sets, coin purses, and any other clever items you design!

Be sure to turn in your Javelinas by the July meeting. We are also looking for pennants to decorate our event. Let us know if you want to keep your Javelina or if it is up for sale!

If you are donating a quilt for the sale/auction you can turn it in to Carol or Yvonne. Don’t forget we are looking for Raffle Baskets as well.

Ask a friend or get your friendship group to put one together!

And…..last but not least…..Please be sure to signup to help on August 7th!

Julie Eastman and Dawnell Muecke, Co-Chairs

Monthly News -May 10, 2021

president’s message

Greetings, Quilter Pals!

Wow!  The months are flying by!!  Isn’t it great to be nestled in your comfortable space…stitching to your heart’s content!  YES, YES, YES it is!!!  In case you missed it…and just so you know, the Nominating Committee presented their Slate of Officers at the April meeting…as follows: President–Nan De Chant, Vice President–Cathy Day, Secretary–Julie Eastman, and Treasurer–Carol Wright.  Election of Officers will take place at the May meeting.  Those elected will assume their duties at the July meeting.  Please take note:  the Elected Officers and the Appointed Chairpersons shall serve as the Executive Committee.  The Standing Committees are appointed by the President.  If you are interested in any of the Standing Committee positions, and/or want to keep the position you are now holding, please notify the President!  A sign-up sheet will be available at the May meeting.  It’s a g.r.e.a.t. way to get involved in TBQ activities, and to get to know your sister quilters!  

This may look like old news…but it’s really NEW news AGAIN!  Last month we announced that Cathy Day had volunteered to take over the duties of Hospitality Chair after Linda Ruis’ passing…BUT she then accepted the Nomination for Vice President of TBQ…so we were again looking for a Hospitality Chair!  Well, guess what…Cheryl Bouquet accepted the position for Hospitality Chair!  Yea, Cheryl!  Woohoo!   And thank you!  thank you!

If you have any address information changes, let Cheryl know!  And again…write this information on page 4 of your TBQ directory!  Cheryl will also be reading the list of visitors each month at our meetings!  Yea, Cheryl!

We’ll see you May 10th at the Elks Lodge in Prescott Valley (6245 E. Second Street).  We are pretty much “all systems GO”!

Until then, dear Quilters…KEEP ON QUILTING!  There is nothing…just nothing…as rewarding as quilting!  You get beautiful quilts…and beautiful friendships!

Love and hugs to all!  Be well!  Stay healthy! 

Carolyn Edwards, President

Presidents Challenge

Hey Friends!

Early in this TBQ Guild year, I issued my President’s Quilt Challenge:  make an orphan block quilt or quilt top in time to share/show at our May TBQ meeting.  This is just a reminder!  I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it if you could manage to get this done for me by next month–May meeting!  Woohoo!  Now…go sew!

Thanks a million! 

Carolyn Edwards, President


MEMBERSHIP DUES ARE NOW DUE – $30 annually.  According to our bylaws, (pg. 20), “Annual dues shall be $30 for Active Members payable prior to June 15 each year”.
(1) If you wish to maintain your membership but will not be attending meetings at the current time, please mail your dues check to me. Doing so will ensure that your picture and contact information will remain in our current directory.
(2) Likewise, as a courtesy to me, please notify me directly at if you do not plan to renew your membership; failure to pay your dues by the deadline will result in the removal of your picture and contact information when our new directory for FY 2021- 2022 goes to print.

Dianna Dunn, Membership Chair

Ways and Means

Opportunity Quilt

Tickets will be available for $1 or 6 for $5 at the May 10th meeting. BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW!!!

Pat Noel, Chair


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive with a value of at least $10.  A reminder to December, January and February, March, April celebrants to bring your gifts to the May meeting.

May Birthdays – Marilyn Webber, Angela Mullaney, Karen Comeau, Irene Starr, Ruthe Petty, Julie Eastman, Dagmar Morgan, Tina McCowlan, Karen Johnson, Susie Davidson.

Quilt Show

Howdy Cowgirls and Cowboys!!

The Wildwest Quiltfest will soon be upon us!!  We want to thank everyone for all of the support you have given to ensure it is a success.

Please visit the sign-up table at our next TBQ meeting to volunteer your time on August 6th for set-up or August 7th at the Event or we are happy to see you both days!

Liz Hart is the chair for the Auction Baskets.  She is asking that each member donate a fat quarter for a basket that she will put together!  Bring your fat quarter to the next meeting.  Liz also has baskets if you are interested in preparing a basket yourself or through your friendship group. 

We will have the sign-up forms for quilts being entered into the show at the May TBQ meeting.  We will also get it onto the website as well.

Please connect with Carol or Yvonne if you have a donation quilt for the sale or auction.

We have had some very productive meetings with our team as we prepare for The Wildwest Quiltfest.  We have decided that our quilt show would not be complete without “The Market Place”!  We are asking y’all to get your creative juices flowing and donate some of your creative gifts.  Here are some suggestions to get you started…coin purses,make-up bags, place mat sets, eyeglass/rotary cutter cases, pin cushions, journal covers….grab a friend or a friendship group and start creating.

We will have Javelina patterns for $1.00 and Wildwest Quiltfest pins for $5.00…for sale at the TBQ meeting. 

Yahoo to all of you!

Dawnell and Julie, Quilt Show Chairs

Monthly News – April 12, 2021

President’s Message

Greetings, Quilter Pals!

What a glorious time of year it is!  Spring has sprung!  We all celebrated Worldwide Quilting Day on Saturday, March 20th, which coincidentally is the FIRST day of SPRING!  That evil COVID is beginning to appear in the rearview mirror!  We are digging out our beautiful springtime quilts, and Spring flowers are beginning to poke up in our gardens!  Aaahhhh…life is good!  Here’s hoping there will be lots of Springtime quilts in Show and Tell at our next TBQ meeting–April 12th!  Springtime quilts will give us all a lift and bring smiles to our faces!  I can hardly wait!  See you at the Elks Lodge in Prescott Valley (6245 E. Second Street).  Refreshments and coffee will be provided.  Mask up!  And let’s see LOTS  and LOTS of Show & Tell and catch up with each other!! 

Cathy Day has volunteered to take over the duties of Hospitality Chair!  Thank you, Cathy!  With the passing of Linda Ruiz, R.I.P., we needed someone to take over the duties of Hospitality Chair…and Cathy Day has volunteered!  Woohoo!  If you know of any members who are ill or need a little help, please let Cathy know.  Take a quick minute to jot a note on page 4 of your TBQ directory.  She will also be reading the list of visitors each month at our meetings. 

The Nominating Committee has been hard at work and will be presenting their Slate of Officers at the meeting!

Keep on quilting!  Stay well!  Be safe! 

Carolyn Edwards, President


MEMBERSHIP DUES ARE NOW DUE – $30 annually.  I will begin collecting dues at the April meeting. According to our bylaws, (pg. 20), “Annual dues shall be $30 for Active Members payable prior to June 15 each year”.
(1) If you wish to maintain your membership but will not be attending meetings at the current time, please mail your dues check to me at the address listed below; doing so will ensure that your picture and contact information will remain in our current directory.
(2) Likewise, as a courtesy to me, please notify me directly at if you do not plan to renew your membership; failure to pay your dues by the deadline will result in the removal of your picture and contact information when our new directory for FY 2021- 2022 goes to print.

Dianna Dunn, Membership Chair

Ways and Means

Opportunity Quilt

The Opportunity Quilt is at Quilt & Sew in Prescott Valley, it will be on display there until the April meeting. Tickets will be available for $1 or 6 for $5 at the April 12th meeting.

We have made arrangements to take it to the Mountain Top meeting on April 19th.

Pat Noel, Chair

The Company Store

Our Company Store has had a donation of several tubs of beautiful fabric. There is a lot of Christmas fabric just in time for those Christmas project.  Please stop by and check out our special sales!


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive with a value of at least $10.  A reminder to December, January and February, and March celebrants to bring your gifts to the April meeting.

April Birthdays – Nancy Del Mar, Pam Peters, Susan Sweet, Barb Robinson, and Linda Hill.

Quilt Show

We need volunteers to make our quilt show a success. Please review the Quilt Show tab above for the plans and how you can help.

Raffle Baskets:

We are asking for a donation of a fat quarter from each of you, which will be used in a raffle basket at our August quilt show.
Please get those fat quarters to me as soon as possible so I can get the basket(s) put together.
Thank you in helping to make our quilt show a success.

Liz Hart, Quilt Show Raffle Baskets

Quilt Sale:
As part of the August 7th, 2021 Wildwest Quiltfest, we will be offering quilts for sale as a Silent Auction or Buy Now option.
Here’s what we need from YOU, our TBQ members: Donated quilts made by TBQ members, no larger than 45 x 60. We are looking for approximately 50 quilts.
The proceeds from the sales of these quilts will go directly to the TBQ treasury. No proceeds will be given to members.  Unsold quilts will be returned to members.
Carol Wright and Yvonne Blitch will begin collecting quilts at the April 12, 2021 guild meeting.


Monthly News – March 8, 2021

President’s Message


Greetings, Dear Quilters!

Here’s hoping you are staying healthy AND happy!  I know…under the circumstances…that’s a little hard to do!  But you have your quilting to fill your time and your hearts!  Quilting can take you to your happy place–JUST DO IT!  We thank God that we have this little place that we can escape to!!!  

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm…do you recognize any of those words???  Well…I said that exact same thing to you last month….  The words still apply, and I still mean them.  I really was hoping that we’d be in a better place by now!  BUT, we have to first get there from here.  And it’s pretty dang slow going.  Sigh…  Here’s hoping that the majority of you are well on your way to being vaccinated…and completely out of the woods…in this race to beat that evil COVID 19 monster that has been invading our world!  

Our next regular TBQ Guild meeting is March 8th…and we will be keeping that date!  Gather at 9:30 a.m. at the Elks Lodge in Prescott Valley (6245 E. Second Street).  There will be no refreshments served.  Mask up!  Bring your own water and snacks. There will be a speaker–yippee!  We haven’t met as a Guild since November.  Isn’t that sad…  🙁  You should have LOTS of Show & Tell to share–things you’ve made during the pandemic shut down!  Now’s the time!  Show your stuff!!! 

Love and hugs to all!  Stay healthy!  Be well! 

Carolyn Edwards, President

Ways and Means

Opportunity Quilt

Donation tickets will be available at the Guild’s meeting in March. Price is $1.00 each or $5.00 for 6 tickets. Contact Pat Noel and Kathleen Semereau for tickets.

block of the month

Detailed instructions are under the tab above, “Block of the Month”.


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive with a value of at least $10.  A reminder to December, January and February, and March celebrants to bring your gifts to the March meeting.

March Birthdays – Diane Schmidt, Deb Johnson, Nan DeChant, Kathy Spry, Sandy McGarry, Norma Enfield, and Pam Calhoon.

Community service

Adult Center Display

Help!  Help!  It’s time to change the quilts hanging at the Adult Center.  There are a couple of Jane Holland’s quilts on display…and she’s in upheaval mode with Allan’s passing.  The quilts that are hanging will come down.  Therefore…we need a few of you to loan a quilt or two to this exhibit!  We’re thinking that the next quilt exhibit at the Adult Center should be TWO COLOR quilts.  What do you think?!  Have you got a two color quilt that you could loan to this exhibit?  They will go up sometime the first week of March, and hang for a couple of months. 

Please, please, please give me a call if you have a quilt to spare and share!!!  I’ll make arrangements to get your quilt from you and we’ll go from there!

Thanks a million! 

Carolyn Edwards

Quilt show

Howdy Pardners!!

Just a little ole update about the Wildwest Quiltfest!!

We had a darn good meeting in February to continue to iron out our plans.  We need everyone of you cowpokes to start deciding on which of your beautiful quilts you’d like to submit for the show.  Due to space we will begin with one entry per person.  More information to follow about the actual submission for the show.

Please plan on attending the March TBQ meeting with your calendar!  We will have sign-ups available for Volunteers.  If you can’t make the meeting please get a hold of the chair-people listed below:

Hanging Quilts – Kathleen Bond

Raffle Baskets – Liz Hart

Vendors – Karen Danknick

Information Booth – Nancy Lande

Admissions – Suzy Davidson

Hostesses – Sue Weisshaupt and Cheryl Bouquet

Quilt Sale – Yvonne Blitch and Carol Wright

We are looking for some woodworking help to build several Quilt stands.  The directions for the stand are  attached!  These stands will be used for the Quilt sale/auction.  If you will be making a stand please contact Dawnell and Julie.  We are looking for 4 or 5 to be made!

quilt rack instructions

We have also included a pennant pattern.  We plan to use pennants to decorate the outdoor area.  This is a great way to use up extra fabric!

Pennant instructions

Don’t forget to work on your Javelina quilts.  Patterns will be available at the TBQ Guild meeting or contact Dawnell for a copy. 

Yvonne Blitch

We look forward to a Rootin’ Tootin’ good time!! 

Thank you to everyone for your support!

Dawnell Muecke and Julie Eastman, Quilt Show Chairpersons    

Quilt show sale

As part of the August 7th, 2021 Wildwest Quiltfest, we will be offering quilts for sale as a Silent Auction or Buy Now option.

 Here’s what we need from YOU, our TBQ members: Donated quilts made by TBQ members, no larger than 45 x 60. We are looking for approximately 50 quilts.

The proceeds from the sales of these quilts will go directly to the TBQ treasury. No proceeds will be given to members.  Unsold quilts will be returned to members.

We will begin collecting quilts at the April 2021 guild meeting.

You are all very talented and creative quilters, so we look forward to many beautiful, fun quilts to showcase and sell at the 2021 Wildwest Quiltfest!!!
Thanks much!

Yvonne Blitch and Carol Wright, Quilt Sale Co-Chairs



Monthly News – February 11, 2021

President’s Message

Greetings, Dear Quilters!

Here’s hoping you are staying healthy AND happy!  I know…under the circumstances…that’s a little hard to do!  But you have your quilting to fill your time and your hearts!  Quilting can take you to your happy place–JUST DO IT!  We thank God that we have this little place that we can escape to!!!  

As stated earlier…much much earlier…the February TBQ meeting has been cancelled.  Hopefully this will be the last time we will need to do this.  Instead of going to the regular TBQ meeting…go to your sewing room and create something that makes you smile!  Write it on your calendar NOW!  And let nothing interfere!  February is the month for hearts and love!  Let’s think positively, and believe that all we do is filled with love and things that make us happy!  And let’s plan on an abundant parade of quilting SHOW & TELL in March!!!  Woohoo!  We can do this!

I went to a Quilt Show planning meeting last week.  Look for news about TBQ’s upcoming quilt show in this edition of the newsletter!  Keep working on your Quilts-in-Progress!  And let’s have a fabulous show of TBQ member quilts!  It’s gonna be g.r.e.a.t.!

Love and hugs to all!  Stay healthy! Be well!

Carolyn Edwards, President

Ways and Means

Opportunity Quilt

Donation tickets will be available at the Guild’s meeting in March. Price is $1.00 each or $5.00 for 6 tickets. Contact Pat Noel and Kathleen Semereau for tickets.

block of the month

Detailed instructions are under the tab above, “Block of the Month”.


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive with a value of at least $10.  A reminder to January and February celebrants to bring your gifts to the March meeting.

February Birthdays – Dianna Dunn, Dani Lerberg, Cheryl Giovenco, Betty Foley, Pat Noel, Barbara Sweeney, Sharon Andrews, Maryann Conner, Mary Sherer, Sherri Hubbs, Cheryl Boquet, and Carol Brownlow.

Quilt show

Howdy Pardners!!!

This is Cowgirl Dawnell and Cowgirl Julie coming to you from the great town of Prescott where the Wild West Quiltfest is sure to take place!!

As we know this last year has seen us struggle to enjoy each other’s company whether it be at a quilt meeting, class or a neighborly hello! Since we don’t know what to expect we have decided to do a little “two-step” outside of the box as we prepare for our Quilt Show.

Here is the Plan!

Our Wild West Quiltfest will be held at The Grand Highland Hotel at 154 S. Montezuma in the heart of Whiskey Row.  This will be a One-Day show held on Saturday, August 7th.  (We will have Friday, August 6th to prepare for our event.)

                        *Quilts will be displayed in the Ballroom

                        *Quilt Sale:  Rather than a Marketplace. We will be asking for Donations of Quilts to sell. (If your item doesn’t sell it will be returned to you.)

                        *Silent Auction Gift Baskets

                        *Vendors in the Outdoor Courtyard

                        *Admission will be $5.00

                        *There will be no café

                        *Community Quilt will be on display

We are aware it is monsoon season.  The hotel has several large tents for the courtyard that will be set up. 

We want people to stroll through a lovely setting, enjoy our beautiful quilts and indulge in our other offerings.  We understand there will be an Art event across at the courthouse as well.  We hope to capture some of those visitors as well!

We are in need of volunteers to support this event and hope many of you will be able to mosey up to the table and join a team.  Listed below are the Chair-people.  Please choose a team and contact that chairperson as soon possible!

Sue Weisshapt

Also, please continue to work on your Javelina display quilt! If you need a pattern, contact either of us!  And thank you to Carolyn Edwards for the winning Javelina names:  Harvey and Hannah!!

Hanging Quilts – Kathleen Bond

Raffle Baskets – Liz Hart

Vendors – Karen Danknick

Information Booth – Nancy Lande

Admissions – Suzy Davidson

Hostesses – Sue Weisshaupt and Cheryl Bouquet

Quilt Sale – Yvonne Blitch and Carol Wright

We look forward to a Rootin’ Tootin’ good time!! 

Thank you to everyone for your support!

Dawnell Muecke and  Julie Eastman, Quilt Show Chairpersons

Monthly News – January 11, 2021

President’s Message

Happy New Year, dear quilter pals!  

Can you believe we are rolling into the year 2021?!  Holy cow!  🙂  Here we come, ready or not!  But oh my goodness aren’t we glad to get rid of this year!  Woohoo!  It’s certainly been a challenge!  But we are QUILTERS!  We shall survive!  Maybe our points haven’t matched perfectly this year…but it’ll quilt out!  🙂  I’m usually not one to wish my time away…but this year–it’s kind of like good riddance!  I am ready for the New Year…for new projects D.O.N.E.!  And new goals!  How about you?  

Hopefully you are remembering my President’s Challenge ~ dig out all those Orphan Blocks you have hanging around your sewing room and get them sewn together!  (They are due at the June 14th meeting.)  While on retreat recently with one of my mini-groups, one of the quilters in the group was whimpering about having finished all of the projects she brought (is that even possible?).  And since I was working on my Orphan Block quilt, I shared my box of orphan blocks!  Woohoo!  She was thrilled to have something different and fun to work on.  And guess what–she put a bunch of the pink blocks together and made a quilt!  And guess what…she gave it to me!  Woohoo!  I’m a happy camper!  I will show it to you at our next meeting!!  

Speaking of our NEXT meeting…at this point we are cancelling the January and February meetings due to the rampant spread of COVID in our area.  We want to keep everyone safe and healthy. 

Please keep the families of the two members we have lost recently, Rachel Severance and Lynda Ruiz, in your thoughts and prayers.

Until we meet again, keep on quilting!

Carolyn Edwards,  President

Show & Tell

The Friendship Group, known as the “Designing Women”,  sent photographs of two of their challenges for the year 2020. Please go to the “Show & Tell” tab at the top of the page to view the wonderful and creative quilts.

If anyone would like to share photographs of your recent quilts, please send them to Be sure to caption each one of them with the title of quilt and the name of the creator.  You must save each one as a jpeg image. Be sure to tell us in the subject area what you are sending.  We will put it into the Show and Tell section on the Website. What a wonderful New Year’s Treat!!!!

The Web Team

Ways and Means

Opportunity Quilt

Donation tickets will be available at the Guild’s meeting on November 9th. Price is $1.00 each or $5.00 for 6 tickets. Contact Pat Noel and Kathleen Semereau for tickets.

block of the month

Detailed instructions are under the tab above, “Block of the Month”.


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive with a value of at least $10.  A reminder to December celebrants to bring your gifts to the March meeting.

January Birthdays – July Brungardt, Sherrye Loveland, Yvonne Blitch, Kathleen Bond, Susie Opdahl, Pam Jones, Karen Eads, Kate Browne, Shirley Kelliher, and Sue Weisspaupt.

Quilt show

Howdy TBQ Quilters!!

It’s Julie & Dawnell, co-chairs for the Wild West Quiltfest!  Mark your calendar for June 4th & 5th, 2021 for a real hoedown of a quiltshow!  

Our Prescott Javelina with a quilt cape will also be our special show exhibit.  We have printed up a pattern for this little guy and would LOVE it if you would make your own version.  You can do this with your favorite method, collage quilt, embroidery, pieced, with little javelina babies, big, small, you name it!  We want your interpretation of our mascot to decorate the venue.   The full size pattern is just $1 and our show pin is being sold for $5.  You can pick them up at the meeting or again…just email Dawnell or Julie and we will arrange to get you a pin or pattern.  Since we love our mascot so much, we will have a limited number of t-shirts available with our logo as well.  Interested??  Just ask!  Can’t make it to the problem!  Julie and Dawnell to the rescue!

We still need a few more volunteers to make this show a success and we are asking for your help.   These jobs can be done solo or with a friend!  Think about it…no experience necessary.  Every job has a detailed binder of what to do and we are here to help you!!

Julie & Dawnell, Co-Chairs


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