Monthly News – August 8, 2022

President’s Message

Hello Thumb Butte Quilters!

I hope everyone was able to attend the July meeting and enjoy the fun festivities put on by our party committee.  Everyone was very impressed with all the fun decorations, yummy food, games and fun times had by all.  They put so much work into this event that they deserve a WOOT WOOT!! 

Speaking of the party committee…….did you know that the party committee members are actually listed in our membership directory?  Look under the Hostess Roster when the new directory comes out.  If you are asked to bring a treat in the month of July or December then you are on the party committee for that month.  Someone will contact you as the month approaches and get your input on the party.  Are you obligated to help?  Of course not!  This is a volunteer-based club.  The solution would be to ask someone to take your place or offer to help in a way that you can participate that fits your situation.

As the year progresses there will be lots of ways to get involved with the guild.  Some take a lot of time, but most are very simple and fun in the process.  I encourage everyone to help in some way during the upcoming year and make new friends while doing it!  Take a workshop, sit by a newcomer who may not know anyone or grab a friend and volunteer for a job and share the load!

Moving on…..I’m going to announce the President’s Challenge for this year at the August meeting and give all the details to participate, but I’ll give you a heads up before we meet so you can start thinking about it.   It’s a challenge that has certainly been done before in most guilds, but it’s so much fun that I think you will enjoy it.   It’s called ‘Name that Quilt!’  Pick a popular song and make a wall hanging to represent the title of the song.   You will have until June or July (not sure yet!) to complete.  Anything goes!  Pieced, applique, art quilt…anything you want!  We will then display them and have a contest to see who can name the most quilts (songs)!  Prizes for the entries will be based on various categories.  Have you done this challenge before??  Yes???  Bring it to the August meeting so other members get an idea of what direction to head in.  I’ll bring in mine and I’ll see who can guess the ‘Name that Quilt!’

Please be sure to read your newsletter every month!  Our web team puts in a lot of work to make our guild website professional, fun and informative.  This year we are going to focus on getting more information on the site so that you have a place to go with questions and get more detailed information about upcoming events and ways to participate.

Happy Quilting my friends and I will see you at the August meeting!

Dawnell Muecke, President

Installation of Officers – 2022 – 2023


Angela Smith

Welcome new members Michelle Anderson, Jessica Bodnicki, Alicia Czuzak, and Sharon Harris.

Thank you!

Angela Smith – Chair


Our August guest speaker is Lenna DeMarco. Her presentation will be “How to Read a Quilt”. You may bring your favorite antique quilt and Lenna may tell you something you don’t know about it.

Kathleen Bond, Vice-President


TBQ members have been hard at work selling tickets for our beautiful opportunity quilt! We will need help from EVERYONE to sell tickets and meet or exceed our targeted goal for the TBQ 2023 Quilt Show drawing. This is our major fundraiser, and the TBQ budgeted amount is $4500. We have already sold $1107 at previous venues, including Mountain Top Quilt show, Prescott Frontier Days, and TBQ Meetings, so we are almost a quarter of the way to that goal! Thank you to all those that have already volunteered!

“La Rosaraie” will be on display at Quilt and Sew Connection for the Northern Arizona Shop Hop at the end of July, so be sure to support them!

Stay Tuned! Further information is coming at the next meeting and on the TBQ website next month regarding other venues already scheduled in September. Signup sheets are coming with ample opportunity for you to volunteer. We are also brainstorming ideas to incorporate more online marketing and sales this year. Remember, social media is a fantastic way to sell tickets to your friends!

Aim high! Let’s meet/exceed our goal! Thank you.

Kathy Spry and Liz Hart, Co-chairs


August hostesses are:  Olivia Turnham, Mary Vaughan, Sharon Watt, Marilyn Weber, Sue Weisshaupt, Kay Wentworth, Kristine White, Sally Thomas, Stephanie Fullerton, and Cathi O’Neill,.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

August Birthdays – Kathleen Semereau, Shirlee Smith, Lola Dyroy, Nancy Stuart, Linda Morriston, Melodie Merino, Molly Haney-Burleigh, Vickie Sawyer, Joy Swartz, and Patti McClearen.

Community Service

Handmade Hugs

What a year for Handmade Hugs!  We delivered 487 items within the community. A huge thank you to every contributor.  A special thanks to Kathy Hoffmeister who quilts many of our larger quilts for the Cancer Infusion center.

Our next workday is August 6 from 9 to 3 at the Stoneridge Community Center. Just bring your machine – most other items will be supplied. We will be working on baby quilts, burp pads, & lap-sized quilts.

(Maybe some items for Marketplace  or auction items?)

Faith Chaney and Olivia Turnham, Co-Chairs

Donation Station

On a monthly basis on the website newsletter, we are going to start listing items that the guild is looking for in the way of donations.  Think of a list of items that teachers send out to parents for school supplies!  Any item that you donate at a guild meeting will be sorted and will either be given to Handmade Hugs, Marketplace (a booth at our bi-annual quilt show) or the company store.  We have several ambitious members already wanting to get a jump start on making items for the quilt show Marketplace and they need supplies!  Their ideas are dog beds, placemats and sewing machine pads. 

Look for the Donation Station at the next meeting!


Marketplace needs:
    – Batting at least 24” Square
    -Christmas/Holiday Themed Fabric 
    -Dog/Cat material 

Handmade Hugs
    -Batting  (crib size or larger)
    -Completed quilt tops
    -Flannel fabric
    -Rotary blades

Company Store
    -Sewing related items (patterns, notions, etc.)

Dawnell Muecke, President

Monthly News – July 11, 2022

President’s Message

Hello Thumb Butte Quilters! 

My name is Dawnell Muecke and I’m so happy to be this year’s guild President.  I started quilting about 20 years ago and collected many new friends and fabrics along the way.  I enjoy being part of a guild to learn new ideas, foster friendships and have a good time in the process.   I have volunteered for many different jobs in guilds over the years, but this will be my first time as President!  I hope you’re as excited as I am for the upcoming year and I look forward to any suggestions and input you have to make this a fun and memorable quilting year. 

Here are some of the 2022/2023 events planned:

  • 2–day Quilt show in June 2023
  • Monthly speakers and workshops
  • Christmas party
  • Opportunity quilt raffle
  • Retreat
  • President’s challenge quilt
  • Handmade Hugs
  • Block of the month
  • Show and Tell
  • Meeting new members

Be on the lookout for more details of the planned events and new items to be added as the year progresses.  My monthly news article will highlight what events are coming up and how you can get involved. 

The 2020/2021 year was definitely enjoyable with more and more people feeling comfortable to venture back out.  The newcomer group had their end of year luncheon in June with 22 people able to attend!  That didn’t include ALL of the new members, just the ones who could make the lunch.  That might be a record for new members!  In April, I had the group fill out a survey about what they wanted/liked in the Thumb Butte quilters guild and the overwhelming comments were – inspiration, a welcoming atmosphere and fun activities.   I think these are pretty simple ideas that we all enjoy in any activity we choose to participate in!

So, let’s come to each meeting with the idea to inspire, welcome others and have fun!

Dawnell Muecke, President

Past-President’s Message

Greetings Sisters of the Thread,

My goodness, what a year it has been!  We started off losing the roof from the Elk’s Lodge due to 80 mph winds, and quickly found new ‘digs’ at the Prescott Rodeo Fairgrounds, Freeman Building…Thank you, Suzy Davidson!

We “weathered” through until the end of December setting up tables and chairs, having a fun Christmas Party with delicious food, fellowship and “Left-Right-Center” with fat quarters!

In November, we lost one of our dear members, Norma Kurr to COVID-19, and shortly after I contracted Omicron pneumonia.  For the most part, January was a blur for me, but with a great Vice President, Cathy Day, and a caring Board, I came back in February a little wobbly, but so glad to be anywhere after Covid!  

In January, we returned to a newly renovated Elk’s Lodge, with a new roof, sound system, refreshed restrooms, bright lights and painted walls!  And, home it remains for the coming years.  We also found a permanent home for our full day workshops at the Aztlan Masonic Lodge off Willow Creek Road…Thank you, Pat Noel!  It makes for lovely workshop surroundings with skylights, and all the conveniences required for quilt classes.  

We have had some fascinating speakers, with Carolyn Seagraves-Wright, Wendy Knight, Patti Pierce, Suzie Parron, Tori McElwain, Jean Impey,  Veronica Sandoval, Trish and David Charity, Swan Sheridan.

During this term, we also lost one of our local quilt shops as a result of Covid, Turquoise Threads.   However, we are gaining a new shop, with the opening of the Prescott Quilt Company in Frontier Village. 

We had a great March Quilt Camp, thank you, Cathy Day and Kristine White!  It was described as Fun, Food, Fellowship and we even did some sewing!  Looking forward to the next camp in March 2023, Cathy and Kristine have already committed to do it again!!

Speaking of 2023, Thumb Butte will have its quilt show June 16-17 at Prescott High School in the Dome Gymnasium. The 2023 TBQG quilt show still has needs for volunteers to oversee the various aspects of the Show.  Please check out the sign up board at July’s Guild Meeting to find out  how you can help make our show a great success!

Our Opportunity Quilt made its debut at the Mountain Top Quilt Show in the Findlay Event Center, where it was warmly received with an outstanding number of ticket sales!  I want to personally thank, Claire Bell, for her beautiful work, and all of the hand quilters that helped in its completion.  Beautifully done, Ladies of the Thread!  Bravo!

We will also have at least one of the 2023 Quilt Shows themed patterns available to purchase at July’s Meeting.  Remember, our theme is Bloom Where You Are Planted, and Trish Charity certainly depicted the theme in her artwork pattern!  Thank you, Trish!

Now for the hard part…I want to thank all of you for making my Presidency such a wonderful experience!  I have certainly enjoyed being an integral part of our Guild.  From the very beginning you have made me feel welcome and appreciated.  When I was sworn in as President, my husband, Tom, said to me, “Well, enjoy being sworn in, from this point on, you’ll be sworn at.”  If you did, thank you for whispering!  You all supported me through some very difficult lows, my nephew Michael’s passing and losing our sweet girl, Daisy, the loss of our meeting room, Covid and this past month of bronchitis and sinus infection.  Your kind deeds, well wishes and prayers were, and are, greatly appreciated.

I had a wonderful Executive Board, Vice-President Cathy Day, Secretary Julie Eastman, Treasurer Carol Wright , plus Chairs, Angela Smith, Membership; Faith Chaney, Phyllis Byrnes, & Olivia Turnham, Community Service & Handmade Hugs; Liz Hart, Ways & Means; Kathleen Bond, Workshops.

I love seeing our guild grow and reach out in the communities in which we live.  I want to wish the incoming Board the best of 2022-2023 year.  


Nan DeChant, Past-President


Angela Smith
Angela Smith


Please remember that your membership dues of $35.00 are due by June 30, 2022 in order to make it to the directory.
Welcome new members Donna Osborne, Pamela Hengeveld, Zoe Charon, Carol Rabbitt, David Charity, Ellen Baker, and Kate Parsons.
Thank you!

Angela Smith – Chair


Hello Ladies,    I hope you are all excited for the July meeting, we will be electing the officers and installing them. We will also be voting on the new budget for the next year .

 A super party is planned for you all.  Lots of friends, food, fun.

 Just a reminder that we will be playing 2 games of “Right, Left, Center”.  Please bring six 10-inch squares of yellow or lemon fabric.  The theme of our party is when life gives you lemons make lemonade.

We will be having a lunch menu and lots of lemon themed desserts.   Some gifts and prizes, a lot of relaxing, enjoying time.  

Then looking into August 8th, we will be having Lenna Demarco for our lecture on “How to Read a Quilt”.  You may also bring your antique quilt and she will tell you something you might not know.  

Then on Tuesday, August 9th, Kathleen Bond will be doing her class on Paper piecing on freezer paper. 

Hope you are all having a great summer so far.    Can’t wait to see you all. 

Cathy Day,  Vice-President


July hostesses are: Judith Ritner, Vickie Sawyer, Mary Scherer, Dianne Schmitt, Kathleen Semerau, Connie Sieh, Shirlee Smith, and Chris Summerfelt.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Planto arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

July Birthdays -Candice Tomlinson, Jude Bentley, and Judith Ritner.

Community Service

Handmade Hugs

Community Service has done incredibly well this year with donations throughout the area. Final numbers will be totaled for the end of the fiscal year; so be sure to check in with us next month!

Our work day was held on Saturday, June 25, at Stoneridge Community Center .

Faith Chaney, Co-Chair

Monthly News – June 13, 2022

President’s Message


Greetings Sisters of the Thread!

Well, is anyone in doubt whether summer has arrived here in the High Country?!

So far we have managed with ceiling fans and open sliders to keep us comfortable, even in my sewing room!  

Many decades ago, when I first started my banking career, 1969 to be exact.  I was assigned to a branch office that was pre-WWI.  We froze in winter and died of heat exhaustion in the summer.  The Powers-That-Be brought in large fans to circulate air, but if the fans were aimed at us, our paperwork would fly all over, so the fans were aimed well above our heads.  Which was fine if one was 7 feet tall, but didn’t help much for those of us who were five feet something.  Yes, the proverbial ‘good ole’ days.’  So the moral of the story is, it can always be worse, but now with AC it can be remarkably better,. That is, until the APS bill arrives.

I understand the Swan Sheridan class was great fun and informational!  Many have stated that watching her use her ‘Muscle Memory’ to free motion quilt was unbelievable.  I know I loved her guild meeting lecture, so the class must have been even more so!  Thank you, Kathleen & Cathy, for getting her on our meeting agenda!

June’s meeting will be Veronica Sandoval and her sharing ‘Thread’ with us.  If you pick thread because it is the correct color or amount, Ronnie will enlighten you to know there is a lot more to the thread world than we ever knew.  Ronnie launched my love of quilting.  She was the instructor at JoAnn’s, Chino, CA, when I signed up for a $20 quilt class decades ago.  The class was $20, but I spent over $100 getting ready for the class!  However, in retrospect, it was worth every cent, and some things never change!

Thank you, Mary Vaughn, for the wonderful Block-of-the-Month patterns, and to the Guild Members for the enthusiastic response in making the blocks!  Good job!

The 2023 Quilt Show is picking up steam!  Our theme is, “Bloom Where You Are Planted.”  We have TB guild artists working on patterns to be shared with members in the next month or two. Thank you, Chris Sommerfelt & Trish Charity, for your talent and willingness to help a non artist out!  I get these great ideas in my head, but unfortunately, that is where they remain.  We anticipate having 2 to 3 patterns from which to select, and like the Javelinas, completed pieces may be sold, at the maker’s discretion, at 2023 Quilt Show.  Stay tuned for additional updates!  We continue to fill Chair positions for the Show, and the sign up board will be available at June’s meeting until all positions are filled.

Sandy Mazzurco, has stepped up to chair the 2023 Quilt Show Marketplace.  Between Sandy’s quilt room inventory and mine, we can supply just about everything needed to make Marketplace items.  (Marketplace is the Quilt Show area where handmade items are for sale to attendees.). We will need a good variety and amount to cover us for the two-day show.  Thank you, Sandy!  And, you will be amazed how many will be willing to help out during the next 12 months!

Our June meeting is Monday, June 13, 2022.  We are adding new members and excited to see our guild grow!  Welcome to our new members, and we are so glad to have you join in our love of quilting!

May your seams be straight, your bobbins be full and your quarter inch precise.


Nan DeChant, President


Angela Smith
Angela Smith


Please remember that your membership dues of $35.00 are due by June 15, 2022 in order to make it to the directory.
There were no new members this month.
Thank you!

Angela Smith – Chair


We are having a “Thread Therapy” class in June with Veronica Sandoval.  No workshop is scheduled.  

 Cathy Day,  Vice-President


June hostesses are: Angela Smith, Pat Noel, Susie Opdahl, Pam Peters, Sharla Peterson, Ruthe Petty, Sally Plummer, Edyth Pries, and Ann Ramsey.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

June Birthdays – Cynthia Falzone, Dawnell Muecke, Carol Godfrey, Kay Wentworth,  Jean Ehlers, Cathy Day, Debbie James, Sandy Mazzuro, and Carrie Casto.



Monthly News – May 9, 2022

President’s Message

Greetings Sisters of the Thread!

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter and/or Passover.  We had a fun time celebrating the holiday with our son and his family.  I have come to realize that a 4-year old has two speeds, On and Off!  My goodness, if I could capture my granddaughter’s energy and bottle it, I could own every die, machine, BOB and Cube sizes Accuquilt sells!  Hope you enjoyed some great family time, and chocolate bunnies, too!

I think Spring is here to stay!  Our maple is leafing, our lemon and apple trees are in bloom and the deer are eating the foliage off of our roses.  We finally were able to get the netting around our trees so the trees actually have a chance to produce fruit this year!  I love the deer who visit our backyard, but I prefer they eat the grain and not our fruit trees!  We now have a beautiful buck and doe who frequently visit.  What a treat as they jump the wall and venture to the birdfeeders, quail block and bird bath to wash everything down.  We love the nature that frequents our yard.

If anyone is interested in a large quilting frame, please contact me, as Norma Kurr’s daughters are wanting to find a home for Norma’s floor frame allowing for hand quilting of larger quilts.

Our May meeting will include the display of the Lonesome Valley Opportunity Quilt, and provide the ability to buy tickets from the LVQ Guild.  I always love to see how creative other guilds are with their Opportunity quilts.

Our next meeting will be Monday, May 9.  May 9 also happens to be Tom and my 35th wedding anniversary!  We’ll be celebrating on the 10th with an excursion on the Verde Canyon Railroad.  I’ve been wanting to experience this train ride ever since our arrival in Prescott four years ago.  My paternal grandfather was a ticket agent for the Union Pacific RR long before I was born, and my Dad loved trains, too.  The last big trip we took with my parents was in 1996 when on our cruise to Alaska we took the White Pass railroad up the mountain in Skagway, Alaska.  My Dad loved that trip, and the history it held from Jack London’s, “Call of the Wild” and he would love this one, too!  This time, he’ll travel with me in my heart and memories.

Things are slowly moving along with the upcoming 2023 Quilt Show.  With the venue secured for June 15-17, 2023, at Prescott High School, and the Opportunity Quilt tickets procured, progress is being made.  A sign up board will be displayed at May’s meeting for the Quilt Show tasks. Take a look and see how you can help to make our show a great success! 

Handmade project ideas and materials for the Marketplace are underway, we have a chair for vendor solicitation and a volunteer to ‘hang’ the show quilts.  There will be something for everyone in the guild to do!  So let us know how you would like to help!  It is hard to believe our show is just 14 months away.  

Our Guild is growing!  Every month we are adding new members and increasing our numbers!  Don’t let June slip up on you!  Submit your dues for the coming year.  See Angela Smith at Membership so you can be in the 2022-2023 Directory when we go to press with the new Directory.

Enjoy this beautiful weather, and, if you have been putting off outside activities waiting for warmer weather, now’s your chance to take a walk, or hike a new trail! We quilters seem to enjoy sitting at our sewing machines, so now is the time to get out and get our circulation going!

May your seams be straight, your bobbins be full and your quarter inch be precise.

May Blessings,

Nan DeChant, President


Angela Smith
Angela Smith


Please remember that your membership dues of $35.00 are due by June 15, 2022 in order to make it to the directory.
There were no new members this month.
Thank you!

Angela Smith – Chair


We will be having Swan Sheridan as our speaker on Contextualized Quilting.  She will also be doing a full day class for us on Organic Machine Quilting.   So much to learn and see. We do have a few openings for the class so let Kathleen Bond know if you want to participate.

We are having a thread therapy class in June with Veronica Sandavol.  No workshop is scheduled for June.  

Hope you all had a great Easter weekend.  Can’t wait to see you all on the 9th and 10th of May.     

Cathy Day,  Vice-President


May hostesses are: Patty McClearn, Joan McGiven, Sheryl McLain, Melodie Merino, Sandy Mitchell, Linda Morriston, Connie Muecke, and Dawnell Muecke.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

May Birthdays – Marilyn Weber, Karen Comeau, Gayle Deboom, Ruthe Petty, Julie Eastman, Karen Johnson, Susie Davidson, and Angela Smith.

community service

Handmade Hugs
Faith Chaney
Community Service Co-Chair

Another successful workday in April. Thank you ladies for all your diligent, awesome work.  A dozen teen quilts were delivered to Teen Closet. They now have sufficient supply to get to the end of the school year.  Six quilts of various sizes were given to the Cancer  Infusion Center in Prescott Valley.

There will NOT be a work day on May 7th since the Stoneridge Community Center is otherwise occupied for the day.  Be sure to pick up kits available at our guild meeting on May 9th.

Faith Chaney, Co-chair

Monthly News – April 11, 2022

President’s Message

Happy Spring, Sisters of the Thread!

I just love when the trees begin to bud, the Ornamental Plum trees turnout with their pink blossoms and everything looks fresh and new here in the High Country!

Wow! What a busy March we’ve had, and April is looking like a lot of fun, too!

Quilt Camp was a great success and a fun time was had by all in attendance!  Kudos and GREAT JOB, Cathy Day and Kristine White!  Fun games, wonderful food, a lot of fellowship; and if clothes with threads all across the front was any indication a lot of sewing was done, too! We even had a former member, Carol Godfrey from Lusk, Wyoming, join in the fun, and renew her membership with the Guild!  Great to have you back, Carol!

We are fortunate to have our tentative Executive Board for the coming year:
President, Dawnell Muecke
Vice President, Kathleeen Bond
Secretary, Nancy Lande
Treasurer, Cathy Day

In order to make our guild successful and grow, there are many committee positions that need to be filled, so please take a look at open positions at the April meeting. See what you can do to make the 2022-2023 year a great success!  Dawnell will have the sign-up board with the open roles that need to be filled. So see Dawnell at the April 11 meeting!

The Opportunity Quilt is currently being hand quilted for our first showing, and ticket sales, at the June, 2022 Mountain Top Quilt Show, Findlay Event Center.  Faith Chaney, had the quilt at her work station at Quilt Camp, as she diligently hand stitched the quilt.  Ladies, it is beautiful!   If you would like to assist in taking the quilt to various High Country events & guilds, please see Liz Hart for information.

We have some great workshops on the calendar this spring, so please check the website and/or contact Kathleen Bond for information and sign up.  Full  day workshops are held at the Aztlan Masonic Lodge on 1028 Willow Creek Road, Prescott.  It is a lovely facility and a great place to meet and learn new techniques.


Nan DeChant, President

“Don’t be afraid to take risks with your quilting. 
If you succeed, you’ll be ‘sew’ happy.  
If you fail, you’ll be ‘sew’ smart.”


Angela Smith
Angela Smith


We want to welcome our new members Pauline Singleton and Carol Godfrey. 

Angela Smith – Chair


Carthy Day
Cathy Day



Wendy Knight will give a presentation at our meeting on April 11th. Wendy will have a full-day workshop on April 12th — “High Key Design”. Check under “Programs and Workshops” for further information.

Quilt Camp

The Quilt Camp for 2022 was a huge success! Please go to “Quilt Camp” tab to see more pictures of this fun event.




April hostesses are: Iris Lacey, Nancy Lande, Nancy Lefler, Dani Lerberg, Pat Little, Sherrye Loveland, Anne Marston, and Sandy Mazzurco.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

April Birthdays – Nancy Delmar, Pam Peters, Susan Sweet, Barb Robinson, and Linda Hill.

community service

Handmade Hugs
Faith Chaney
Community Service Co-Chair


Pick up a kit at the next meeting or join us on Saturday, April 2nd at Stoneridge Community Center in Prescott Valley from 9 – 1. Call Faith Chaney if interested.

Faith Chaney, Co-chair

Friendship Groups

You are invited to a new Friendship Group!

Hi!!  My name is Martha Ferriera and I’m hosting a new Thumb Butte friendship group called ‘Shuffle Around the Block’

What we will do: Each member will purchase 4 to 5 yards of fabric of their choice and it will be placed in their box (provided). Each month we will meet and your box will be “shuffled” between other members. The receiver will make a 12-1/2″ block (12″ finished) from this box.  At the end of one year we will have a reveal party where you finally get your own box back with 12 finished blocks to make a quilt top!   What a fun surprise to see what everyone has made for you.

This swap works best with a minimum of 12 members and a maximum 18.

Other nice things to put in your box – You can place a journal in your box to let others know if you just love applique (or not) or if it’s okay to add some different fabrics, or any other requests.  Block makers can also add a fun note in the journal before passing it to a different person.

You can also add a treat or a small gift for the next person who gets the box.  It’s like a ‘secret santa’ gift every month!  This friendship group is just that…a Friendship Group!  No sewing machine required at the box swap and you have a month to make one can’t get an easier then that.

Start date:  After the required number of people sign up we will establish our meeting schedule and decide when to get started.  Our target month to begin is May, but that may change based on when we reach our required number of members.

Will you join me??  To sign up contact Martha Ferreira.



Monthly News – March 14, 2022

President’s Message

Greetings Sisters of the Thread,

After 73 Februarys you’d think I would no longer be surprised by these short months, but February always seems to catch me off guard.  However, March is just a few days away, and gads, do we have a lot going on!

First off, we have members that have expressed interest in filling three of the four board positions for the coming year–President, Vice President and Treasurer. We also have someone who has volunteered for the 2023 Quilt Show Chair.  That being said, we still need a Secretary for the coming year.  Are you a good note taker, can you listen and write down the gist of a message or discussion?  If so, have we got a job for you!   If this is something you would like to do, please see or contact me by March’s meeting.

Speaking of Secretary, Julie Eastman has returned and will resume her role as Secretary for the remainder of our current term.  Welcome back, Julie!  I would like to thank our Treasurer, Carol Wright, for pinch hitting for Julie these last several months.  Thank you, Carol Wright, for stepping up and your willingness to serve!

March Meeting reminders: 

  • There will be rotary blades for sale from Arlene, cash sale.
  • Christmas Cards.  If you have stacks of old cards, one of your fellow members uses the cards for charity.  Nan will have a bag for collection.
  • Soft baby yarn for Diana Dunn to use for newborn knitted caps, as part of Handmade Hugs.  If you have extra skeins, now is your chance to thin out your yarn bins and baskets!
  • Misc. fabric for dog beds…Suzy Davidson.

I hope you were able to stay inside and enjoy the ‘White Rain’ we had.  Snow is much more enjoyable when you are warm, dry and tucked away at home working on a project, than having to schlep around in the cold, wet and slippery outdoors.

2022 is going to fly by with all we have going on! 

Blessings, and may your 1/4″ not vary, your bobbins be full and your seams be straight.  And, may God keep our military safe during these trying times.

Nan DeChant, President


Angela Smith
Angela Smith

We want to welcome our new members Stephanie Fullerton, Marie Gniazdowski, Donna Hickish, Sharon Luebkin, Cathi O’Neill, Lorraine Owen, Barbara Roberts-Hartman, Sally Thomas.

Angela Smith – Chair


Carthy Day
Cathy Day



For the March 14th program, we will be having a lecture by Trish Charity.  It is called “Two artists/one studio”. 


Quilt Camp

We are on target and at full capacity for March 2022 Quilt Camp!  There will be 23 quilters attending this year where a fun time will be had by all!  The most challenging part of any Quilt Camp is selecting what or which projects to work on!  I have so many projects started and those I want to start, that it really will be a challenge of what to pack up and take with me.  Regardless of choice, it will be a great time with friends and fellow Sisters of the Thread.

Nan DeChant – President

quilt show

I mentioned the 2023 TBQ Guild Quilt Show.  This is a huge undertaking for the Guild, and our main source of revenue and sustainability for the next two years (2024 & 2025). The revenue pays for workshops, speakers, venues, and other expenses to sustain and keep our guild moving forward.  So as we get closer to forming the Quilt Show team, give some thought in how you would like to participate.  The show has:

  • Raffle baskets, 
  • Silent & live quilt auction, 
  • Vendors, 
  • Attendants to talk about the hanging quilts, 
  •  Marketplace with handmade items, 
  • Bottled water sales, 
  • Opportunity Quilt display & last chance ticket sales,
  • Publicity
  • Art work in logo/theme design
  • As well as, a host of other functions to make the show a great success.

Due to Covid the 2021 show was a one day outdoor event, and did extremely well!  Dawnell Muecke and Julie Eastman did a fantastic job of making it a fun day for the guild and those attending, but Quilt Shows are like making a salad.  It takes as many ingredients to make a small salad as it does a large one, and the same goes for a Quilt Show.  All the ingredients make up the taste and appearance, but like any successful salad it needs all of the key components to make a great one, which includes the volunteers.  So would you like to be a tomato, carrot or crouton?  Think about it, and as we get closer to a venue and date, there will be a call for key roles to the show. 

Nan DeChant – President



March: hostesses are: Sherry Hubbs, Debbie James, Deb Johnson, Karen Johnson, Pam Jones, and Shirley Kelliher.


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

March Birthdays – Dianne Schmitt, Deb Johnson, Nan DeChant, Kathy Spry, Norma Enfield, and Pam Calhoun.

community service

Handmade Hugs
Faith Chaney
Community Service Co-Chair

Eight guild members met February 5 to work on baby blankets & teen quilts.  We had so much fun while completing 14 teen quilts and 31 self- binding baby blankets. Not all were completed that day – some were returned to our TBQ meeting on Feb 14. Five lap quilts for the cancer infusion center were also turned in.  Thank you ladies!

Pick up a kit at the next meeting or join us on Saturday, March 5, at Stoneridge Community Center in Prescott Valley from 9 – 1. Call Faith Chaney if interested.

Faith Chaney, Co-chair
Adult Center

These quilts were made by TBQ member Cheryl Giovenco.  They are currently on display at the Adult Center..  Please stop by to see this one-woman quilt show!

These members’ quilts were on display in February at the Adult Center. 


Monthly News – February 14, 2022

President’s message

Greetings Sisters of the Thread,

You have no idea how pleased and blessed I am to be writing this message to you!  My January was not what I had planned!  Spending four hours in the YRMC-East ER’s COVID Broom Closet was not part of my January To Do list, but after two doses of vaccine and one booster shot, I had a breakthrough case of Omicron pneumonia!  Not fun!

I can’t imagine this being a ‘mild’ case…I haven’t been this sick in years!  Thankfully, through lots of prayers, Ivermectin and soup, I finally was able to make a prescheduled doctor appointment on the 19th.  I even ventured out to Sprouts for fresh fruit and boxed cookies!

Now onward and upward to 2022!  I am gradually doing simple tasks in my sewing room, and looking forward to multiple projects sitting on my work and machine table.

I was able to venture out and join the new Accuquilt friendship group, Cut Ups.  We will be meeting the third Thursday of the month from 9-12 at the Stoneridge Community Center.  If Accuquilt fascinates your quilting interests, contact Jamie Davis for details!

Also, Thumb Butte’s 2022 Quilt Camp is set for March 21-23 at the Garden Inn in Prescott.  If you would love to join in the fun, food and fellowship, and we even get some sewing done, too, see website, or contact Cathy Day for details.

Kudos and BIG THANKS to Community Service’s Handmade Hugs for the delivery of numerous bibs and receiving blankets to YRMC Birthing Center.  Our members are so willing in meeting community needs for not just the birthing centers, but Teen Closet and oncology/ infusion centers, as well.  Bless you!

I am so looking forward to February 14’s ❤️❤️❤️❤️ meeting, and hope you are, too!

Lots of activity going on including Opportunity Quilt, workshops and friendship groups.

As a side note, if an emergency, illness or unexpected event occurs, and you have a designated duty for meeting day, PLEASE contact me or VP Cathy Day.  By just not showing up or providing a ‘heads up’ causes the guild to scramble for coverage.  Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.  

Get involved and spread the word on our Guild!  Everyone brings talent, enthusiasm and friendship to those with a common interest of being Sisters of the Thread.


Nan DeChant, President


We want to welcome our new members Michaelyn Boyle, Charlotte York,  Arleen Morris and Sally Thomas.

Angela Smith – Chair


February’s program is “Table Talk” by Patti Pearce – It is a 1-hour trunk show of quilts, wall hangings, and table runners created from vintage tablecloths and dish towels. Patti will show vintage kitchen linens that have yet to be repurposed and discuss design ideas. You’ll leave with ideas and inspiration for your own kitchen linens.      

The March 14th program, we will be having a lecture by Trish Charity.  It is called “Two artists/one studio”.  We will have a half-day workshop on “Making a statement with color, value and contrast”.

 Quilt Camp

Quilt Camp will be held this year on March 21st, 22nd and 23rd at the Hilton Garden Inn located in downtown Prescott.  8am to 8pm all three days.  The cost is $125.00 which needs to be paid at our next meeting, February 14th.  Please don’t forget your checks.  Daily lunch and snacks will be provided along with coffee and ice tea.  If you would like to stay at the hotel you must make your own reservations.  We have no group rate.   Bring your UFO’s and any other things you would like to work on.  We will have a really good time and we do get some things accomplished.

We will be having a Pot Luck on Tuesday night so think of something wonderful to bring.  There is one opening left and a waiting list in case of extra room.

If you have any questions, please contact Cathy Day or Kristine White.

Cathy Day – Chair



February: hostesses are: Norma Enfield, Catherine Ericsen, Cynthia Falzone, Martha Ferreira, Betty Foley, Pat Gentner, Cheryl Giovenco, Molly Haney-Burleigh, and Liz Hart.


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

February Birthdays – Dani Lerberg, Dianna Dunn, Cheryl Giovenco, Betty Foley, Pat Noel, Barbara Sweeney, Michaelyn Boyle, Sharon Andrews, Mary Scherer, MaryAnn Conner, Sherri Hubbs, Cheryl Bouquet, Carol Brownlow, Charlotte York and Sally Thomas.

community service

Handmade Hugs
Faith Chaney
Community Service Co-Chair
Reserve the first Saturday of January through June from 9 – 1 at Stoneridge Community Center (turn right at 89 & Culvers). There will be a cutting table and setups for several machines.  Bring machines, pins, rotary cutter, and scissors.
Mats & rulers will be provided. We will be working on teen quilts and self binding baby blankets.  There will be space for 15 – 18 people. Please email Faith Chaney if you can be there.
See you on February 5th.
Faith Chaney, Co-chair


Monthly News – January 10, 2022

president’s Message

Greetings Brothers and Sisters of the Thread & Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and Hanukkah season, and ready as we jump into 2022.  I, for one, am happy to start a new year and a fresh start on many projects that have been neglected…cleaning out closets, drawers, cupboards, and the garage.  

We have so many events to look forward to, including March’s Quilt Camp, new AccuQuilt and applique Friendship groups, and the Guild’s Opportunity Quilt.  Plus, getting together each month for Community Service and Handmade Hugs, Saturday, January 8 at the Stoneridge Community Center.  Please contact Faith Chaney if you would like to participate in the sewfest and fellowship of Handmade Hugs. 

We want to welcome all of our new members, and invite these Newcomers to our monthly get together.  January’s Newcomer’s event will be Wednesday, January 12 at Mary Vaughn’s home.  An email with all the info will be forthcoming from Dawnell Muecke, the Newcomer’s Chair.

Great News!  I have been to the Elk’s Lodge and they are ready and waiting for us to return on Monday, January 10!  The Bingo room is so bright with fresh painted walls, and new tile floor. I turned in the set up diagram this morning so the room should be ready for us when we arrive!  For new members, the Elk’s Lodge #330 is located next to Antelope Bowling Lanes at, 6245 2nd Street, Prescott Valley, or just a block up and on the left from Quilt & Sew!

If you were not aware, we will be losing one of our local quilt shops, Turquoise Threads, in the new year.  If you have not had an opportunity to stop in, there are some great sales as the store is closing, and is liquidating its inventory.  Dagmar, Phillip and Carie will be greatly missed and we wish them the best in 2022.

Well, I think I hit the high spots for January and a brief glimpse of what is in store for our Guild in 2022.  With workshops, the development of our Opportunity Quilt and guest speakers we have a lot to look forward to in the coming New Year.

Blessings to you all,

Nan DeChant, President


See above tab, “Programs and Workshops”, for more photographs of our Merry Holiday Party!

ways and means

Opportunity Quilt

The opportunity quilt for next year is a beautiful pattern from French General titled “La Rosaraie” or The Rose Garden.  The fabric is from their La Rose Rouge collection by Moda.  It will be 84” x 96” finished.  We thought to quilt it by hand and we will need volunteers.   I would like to meet with anyone interested in helping after the meeting in January to discuss it further.  See you then!

Claire Bell – Chairperson



January hostesses are: Judith Dobke, Lois Doerr, Dianna Dunn, Lola Dyroy, Karen Eads, Julie Eastman, Carolyn Edwards, and Jean Ehlers


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  Also note that the December birthday celebrants should also bring a birthday gift to the January meeting.

December Birthdays – Sharla Peterson, Karen Adams, Catherine Ericsen, Phyllis Byrnes, Carol Wright, Linda Craig, Nancy Lefler and Iris Lacey.

January Birthdays – July Brungardt, Sherrye Loveland, Yvonne Blitch, Kathleen Bond, Jamie Davis, Susie Opdahl, Pam Jones, Karen Eads, Kate Browne, Shirley Kelliher, Claire Bell and Sue Weisshaupt.

community service

Adult Center
Well…we’ve missed the window for Christmas quilts at the Adult Center.  So, we’ll now CALL FOR “first quilts”.  Do you have your first quilt…or an early quilt you’ve made?  Let’s “Show Off” those first quilts!!!  Let me know if you have a quilt to share!  Call me!  They hang “safe”…and will be up for a month or so.  Let me know if we can include your FIRST (or early) quilt in the next display at the Adult Center!

Carolyn Edwards – Chairperson

Handmade Hugs
Reserve the first Saturday of January through June from 9 – 1 at Stoneridge Community Center (turn right at 89 & Culvers). There will be a cutting table and setups for several machines.  Bring machines, pins, rotary cutter, and scissors.
Mats & rulers will be provided. We will be working on teen quilts and self binding baby blankets.  There will be space for 15 – 18 people. Please email if you can be there.
See you on January 8.
Faith Chaney, Co-chair


Monthly News – December 13, 2021

president’s Message

Happy Holidays Brother & Sisters of the Threads!

Do you ever dread the holidays, knowing the words ‘rest and glad tidings’ won’t necessarily be the focus for the next 30 plus days?  Especially as you search for a parking space at Costco or other popular store location. 

Do you realize at some point, buying a 9-foot tree to decorate sounded good at the time, but ended up being a nightmare to decorate, knowing in a matter of a few weeks it will need to be undecorated, boxed and stored?  Or, how about all those recipes you have been collecting for great holiday treats and goodies actually don’t turn out to look like the picture posted with the recipe?  And, hours of baking actually cut into your already overbooked calendar?  Well, welcome to December, 2021!

Not sure about you, but I for one, will be happy to see 2021 in my rearview mirror.  This has been a tough year for our family, but even when we silently ask, “Why me, Lord?” the rational response is, “Why not me, Lord?” 

When we watch the news we are so blessed to live in a safe community where we daily celebrate our country’s freedoms, have great healthcare, sunny days and sisters and brother to share our talents of quilting with.  We support one another as we battle with sharp points, geese flying straight. and smooth curves on wedding rings.  We mourn when our sisters have passed and will no longer share their latest creations.  COVID has taken three of our talented and beloved quilters Rachael Severance, Lynda Ruiz and Norma Kurr.  We are blessed to have met and known these three wonderful women and shared their talents in our love of quilting.

We are also blessed with many new and existing members.  Dawnell Muecke will be taking over Newcomers, and Joy Swartz has stepped up and will assume Show & Tell at the monthly meetings.  Thank you, ladies, for seeing the need and filling it.  

What a fun meeting we had in November with Caroline Wright of Wright Fabric!  I know I added to my stash and projects list!  I think it is accurate to say, a fun time was had by all!

I hope everyone will be able to join us for the December 13 meeting for TBQG Holiday Brunch and meeting.  And, please remember to bring 3 fat quarters for a jolly good time! Bring your appetites, as there will be a sit down brunch following an abbreviated meeting. Vegetarian options will be served.

We also have a chair for the 2023 Opportunity Quilt, Claire Bell, and if you would like to assist in this endeavor, please contact Claire.  Remember this is a BIG fundraiser for the guild, and will be awarded to the lucky winner at our 2023 Quilt Show!

Also, starting January 13, 2022, we will return to the Elk’s Lodge in Prescott Valley for our monthly meetings, the Lodge will reopen to Lodge members early December after many months of restoration and improvements. 

Our December Newcomer’s gathering will be at my house in Stoneridge, December 15 at 1 p.m.  7333 E Cozy Camp Drive, Prescott Valley.  Newcomers is for any member who has joined in the last 12-18 months.  An email will be sent prior to, but mark your calendar to reserve the date.  We had a wonderful time at the November gathering at Dawnell’s home!  My goodness, I think we all left with sewing room envy, and learned how to hang our quilts with one simple magnet and curtain rod!  Thank you, Dawnell, for hostessing our Newcomers group!

Faith Chaney, co-chair of Community Service has scheduled/reserved a room in the Stoneridge Community Center for the first Saturday of each month  to work on Handmade Hugs projects.  See Community Service below for more information. 

One last note before I close.  Many of us have our fur babies who often are our quilt companions, non-judgemental sans makeup and styled hair, and our loving four-legged children.  We had one in particular that left us this past weekend, Daisy, our 12 year old Lab/Aussie Shepard mix.  Those who have entered our home know she was there, along with her Springer Spaniel sister, Zoe, to greet all who arrived.  She would spend hours in the sewing room with me, of course, laying right where I needed to walk or stand.  Daisy will be missed in our daily lives, but forever in our hearts. I was right by her side as she made her journey across the Rainbow Bridge.  You are forever our sweet, sweet girl.

Blessings, as we enter this Christmas & Hanukkah season,

Nan DeChant, President


Hello Ladies – hope this finds you well.

A reminder of our CHRISTMAS PARTY on Monday December 12th. Sit down style brunch. Come hungry! There will be an UGLY sweater contest. We will play the “Right, Left, Center” game ( please bring 3 fat quarters). Lots of fun, food, friends and gifts!  Don’t miss it!

January 10th is our Trunk Show with Sandy Mitchell, Pat Noel, Joy Swartz and Kay Wentworth. Something for everyone to see and learn. We will have an all-day workshop on Tuesday the 11th. “Face It”.  Material list is under Programs & Workshop on the website. 

February 14th, we have Patti Pearce lecture on “Table Talk” and an all-day workshop on the 15th, “Vintage Linen Table Runner”.

Looking into March of 22, we will he holding our QUILT CAMP. March 21st, 22nd and 23rd. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Cost is $125.00 per person, includes lunch daily and snacks. Bring your UFO’s or anything you have been wanting to start. It’s a great time to work together, no interruptions, games and prizes! So much fun and productivity. Limit of 20 openings. Sign up soon. Can’t wait to see you there and spend some time together. For more information see Cathy Day or Kristine White.

Cathy Day, Chair 


December  hostesses are: Faith Chaney, Trish Charity, Maryann Conner, Linda Craig, Karen Danknick, Suzy Davidson, Jill Davis, Jamie Davis, Cathy Day, Gayle Deboom, Nan DeChant


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

December Birthdays – Sharla Peterson, Karen Adams, Catherine Ericsen, Phyllis Byrnes, Carol Wright, Linda Craig, Nancy Lefler and Iris Lacey


The Happy Birthday girls – Shirley Kelliher & Anne Marston

Be sure to stop by the Birthday table to purchase your chance to win a birthday gift bag.


Community Service

Handmade Hugs
Reserve the first Saturday of January through June from 9:00- 1:00 at Stoneridge Community Center (turn right at 69 & Culvers). There will be a cutting table and setups for several machines.  Bring machines, pins, rotary cutter, and scissors.  Mats & rulers will be provided.
We will be working on teen quilts and self-binding baby blankets. There will be space for 15 – 18 people.
Please email if you can be there. See you on January 8, 2022.
Faith Chaney, Chair





Monthly News – November 8, 2021

president’s Message

Welcome to Fall, Sisters of the Thread!

I would like to first off welcome our new members to the guild, and remind all new members, in the last 12-18 months, to join us at the Newcomers’ coffee, Wednesday, November 8.  Our Newcomers’ chair, Norma Kurr will be sending out the details in an email. We had a wonderful time and fellowship at October’s gathering, so please plan on joining us for November’s event.
Years ago when we were looking forward to moving to Gig Harbor, WA, a friend commented that she went to bed when it was summer, and woke up, and it was Fall.  I thought she was joking, but it is so true!
A couple of weeks ago, I went to bed and it was summer, and woke up to that crisp morning air of Fall in the High Country.  We also govern Fall by our maple tree, in a matter of a couple of weeks, it has gone from green to amber to gorgeous red leaves.
I love Fall and the colors it brings to the landscape, and sends the message that Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner.
How are you preparing for the Fall festivities?  Do you have pumpkins and fall leaves in your table centerpieces?  I think my pumpkin patch in the dining area has a very authentic feel with the dust accumulation on the table top.  Is it just me, or does dust accumulate at a rapid rate here in the High Country?  I think someone needs to create a furnituroomba.
Anyway, I love working on Fall and Holiday theme quilts. I have three quilts needing binding for upcoming events.  Three down, two more to go before December 25.
It seems everyone enjoyed the enthusiastic presentation of Suzi Parron at our October meeting.  One has to love the excitement and joy she brought to the journey through the rural countryside of beautifully decorated barns, and I loved the stories she had for each design.
Our November meeting is Monday, November 8 at the Freeman Building.  It looks very promising that we will be able to return to the Elks Lodge for monthly meetings beginning January, 2022.
As a reminder, full day classes will be held at the Aztlan Masonic Lodge on Willow Creek going forward.  The room we will use is on the third floor and has an elevator to transport us and our machines.  Kathleen Bond & Cathy Day will have all the details when sending out info on the upcoming classes.
Save-the-date for December 13 TBQG holiday party and lunch.  More details to follow. 
The final item before I conclude, if someone is talented or willing to take meeting minutes for the November and December guild meetings, please contact me.
Our secretary, Julie Eastman, has been called away to California until the end of 2021.  As many of you know Julie is a retired school principal, and was asked to return to her position due to a dire medical circumstance of her successor.  Julie, being our sweet Julie, saw the need and agreed to the request.  Our temporary loss is her school’s gain, and we look forward to her return in January.
Nan DeChant, President

block of the month

Congratulations to Pam Calhoon, winner of the September Block of the Month.

Block of the Month
October BOM

 Be sure to bring your completed October BOM to our next meeting.  Instructions are on the website under Block of the Month.



Programs & Workshops

Hello ladies, just a reminder of what’s coming.  November is Carolyn Seagraves-Wright.  Lecture “The Wright fabric”  workshop “piecekeeper” project bag.  What a great gift idea! 
December is our Christmas party.  Get ready for a great day!
January is our trunk show and we will have a workshop called “Face It”.   Workshop is $25.00 for a full day.  The photo is an example of what the class is about.   Hope you all are having a wonderful month.
Cathy Day, Vice President


If you cannot attend the meeting when it is your turn to be a hostess, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for set-up and stay for clean-up as needed.

November hostesses are: Cheryl Bouquet, Kate Brown, Carol Brownlow, Phyllis Byrnes, Pam Calhoon, Gerry Carr, Debbie Casali, and Carrie Casto.


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

November Birthdays – Pat Little, Azalene Allen, Laura Stone, Erin Sullivan, Olivia Turnham, Sharon Watt, Karen Danknick, Patty Brownsberger, Jeanne Dunk

The Happy Birthday girls – Shirley Kelliher & Anne Marston

Be sure to stop by the Birthday table to purchase your chance to win a birthday gift bag.




Community service

Handmade Hugs
Faith Chaney
Community Service Co-Chair

Faith Chaney and Phyllis Byrnes have been working hard to get kits ready for you to take and complete. These kits are for receiving blankets and teen blankets. Everyone who receives these are so very appreciative. Thank you for all who have contributed.







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