Monthly News – June 12, 2023

presidents Message

Hello Thumb Butte Quilters!

Only 1 more meeting to go before our Quilt Show!!  I’m so excited that everyone has stepped up and put quilts in the show and will be volunteering to help out on that weekend to make it happen.  If you are new to the guild, please be sure to come and see what a great event it is.  Bring your friends and enjoy the day.  Mark your calendars, June 16th & 17th.

I hope everyone enjoyed May’s meeting with the UFO auction and the President’s Challenge, “Name that Song” Quilt.  We had over 30 entries for the quilt challenge and I was so impressed by everyone’s entry.  We have some really creative artists in our guild.  If you missed the meeting, be sure to look at this month’s pictures on the website.  All of the president’s challenge quilts will all be displayed at our quilt show in a special area so our show visitors can play along.  The UFO auction was also a big success and I have already seen a few of the projects completed!  Stephanie Fullerton finished a One Block Wonder quilt in no time!  Hopefully she will bring it to Show and Tell at the June meeting.

June will be our last meeting for the 2022/2023 year.  I have had a great time being President this year and look forward to next year with a new slate of officers and committee volunteers.  We will be voting on the new board and budget.  Some of our members have already stepped up and thrown their name in the hat for 2023/2024 board positions.   You will get an email before the June meeting with the proposed budget and the slate of officers for the new year.  Please read both of them and if you have questions, please ask! 

You will also be getting your quilt packet at the June meeting.  This packet is VERY IMPORTANT!!  Inside the envelope will be the following items: 

  • A labeled bag for EACH quilt you are entering in the show.
  • A detailed instruction sheet for drop off/pickup of your quilts
  • Claim ticket for each quilt for pickup

Be sure you have followed the instructions on your quilt entry form for the sleeve and label for your quilts that will be in the show.  The sleeve is important so we can properly hang your quilt.  The label can be anything that identifies your quilt.  If you don’t have time to sew one on, you can use steam a seam or any other method.  We just want to be sure YOUR name is on YOUR quilt!

What a fun year this has been!  Thank you for participating and being a member of Thumb Butte Quilt Guild!!

Dawnell Muecke – President


Welcome three new members in May:  Sari Butler, Shirley Fox, and Gayle Lee. Please make them feel welcome.

Don’t forget your TBQG $35.00 dues for 2023 – 2024 are due by June 15 (or the June meeting).

ways and means

Opportunity Quilt

Through everyone’s hard work, we have raised $3893 toward our goal of $4500 and that puts us at about 87% of our goal!  We just need a little over $600 to reach it, and I know we can do it!

May has been a very busy month!  We have showcased our quilt at these events so far: 

  • Lonesome Valley Quilt Guild meeting
  • TBQ Guild meeting
  • Chino Valley Quilt Guild Meeting
  • Quail Country Quilters Guild meeting in Cottonwood
  • Winey Cats at Granite Creek Vineyard Mother’s Day event in Chino Valley

These will be our last events:

  • “Antique Show and Vintage Market” will hold their event on Friday and Saturday, May 26-27th. This will be a great opportunity to showcase our quilt in the Findlay Toyota Center!
  • “Bloom Where You are Planted Quilt Show on June 16-17th at Prescott High School will be our grand finale.  The drawing will be on June 17th at our quilt show.  Good luck to all those tickets holders!

I would like to extend a huge “thank you” to everyone that has helped with the Opportunity Quilt in any way!!

Kathy Spry –  Opportunity Quilt Chair


June Hostesses are: Judith Ritner, Vickie Sawyer, Mary Scherer, Dianne Schmitt, Kathleen Semerau, Connie Sieh, Shirlee Smith, Chris Sommerfelt, Sherri Hubbs, and Donna Osborne.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

June Birthdays — Cynthia Falzone, Kate Parsons, Dawnelle Muecke, Carol Godfrey, Alicia Czuzak, Kay Wentworth, Gayle Lee, Debbie James, Sami Logan, Sandy Mazzurco, and Carrie Castro.

quilt show


Let us start by thanking all of our wonderful Thumb Butte members for being gracious enough to share their talents and treasures by displaying their quilt(s) at our upcoming bi-annual “Bloom Where You Are Planted” Quilt Show this June. The committee is hard at work cataloging your entries and preparing labels and show cards for hanging them. 

Here is a timeline for you to use in preparation for the show.

Monday, June 12 ~ Pick up your envelope with all the information and items needed for your show quilt(s) at the Thumb Butte general meeting.

Thursday, June 15 ~ Arrange to drop off your quilt at Prescott High School’s gym sometime between 9:00 AM and noon. (1050 Ruth Street, Prescott) Please allow ample time to be checked in fully before leaving.

Friday, June 16 and Saturday, June 17 ~ Come and admire all the beautiful work displayed at our quilt show, bring a friend or two, support our vendors, and spread the good word about our amazing quilt guild! We also hope you have plans to work a volunteer shift or two!

 Saturday, June 17 ~ Plan to return to the Prescott High School gym between 4:30 and 6:00 PM to retrieve your beautiful quilts.  This is a busy time with many hands at work, so please be patient as we gather your quilt(s) for you.

Our committee is here to help you. If you are needing assistance or have further questions, please don’t hesitate to call one of us. You will see us at drop off and check out and most likely hanging around during the two days of the show to be of help.

Contact Alicia Czuzak, Dana Swain, Dawnell Muecke, or  Jamie Davis if you have any questions.

Thanks again for participating in this year’s quilt show.


We are getting to the end of our goal to get a wonderful store to sell your amazing items.  Please bring all the items you have been working on so we will have time to price them and see what we are short on.  Anything made with fabric that a guy would like, any specialty items that are not necessarily quilt related.  We do have some jewelry and some really cool little boxes made from rulers!

We have no weaving or knitting items. These are just a few ideas.  We would like to thank you all so much for all your hard work and beautiful things.  If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask Nan, Kristine or myself.  We are very excited to see how much we can make for the Guild.  

If anyone has an in with a food truck, we are still looking for one.  We have RJ’s hot dogs and Penny’s Place.  It has been difficult to pin the other ones down.  Please see me if you can help in this matter.

Looking forward to a wonderful show.     

Cathy Day


Hard to believe we are just weeks out from our 2023 “Bloom Where You Are Planted” Quilt Show! The Quilt Show Committee will have it’s last or next to last meeting Friday, June 2 at Stoneridge Community Center Conference Room.

We are thrilled to announce that one of our new members, Georgia Lindsey, has stepped up to chair/coordinate the White Glove Hostesses!  Thank you, Georgia!  We love it when new members jump in to answer a need for the Guild! 

We had a great Marketplace work session last week and are in awe of the beautiful and creative items that have been made/donated.  Thank you so very much!

We also have been blessed with Carrie Casto stepping up to be our Small Quilt Auctioneer! Thank you, Carrie!!

We are looking forward to this show, as it is the major fundraiser for our Guild, and a great showcase for the creations of our members’ talents.

If you have not yet purchased your show pin for $5, the pins will be available for purchase at our June 12 meeting!

Remember to “Bloom Where You Are Planted”!

Nan DeChant – Show Chair

Monthly News – May 8, 2023

President’s Message

Hello Thumb Butte Quilters!

Our year is quickly coming to an end in a BIG WAY!

I hope that everyone can make the next 2 meetings, because they will be jam packed with fun!  In May, we will be having the President’s challenge ‘Name that Tune’ quilt reveals.    The quilts will be around the room and you will get a chance to guess the name of the song that inspired the quilt.  Prizes will be given out to participants and the person who guesses the correct songs/quilts.  Turn that radio on and start listening!  I have had a sneak peek at them and I know it will be a fun event.

In addition to the President’s Challenge, we will have a silent auction.  This isn’t just any silent auction…. this is for quilts that have all the pieces, parts and patterns to complete!  Other goodies will be available as well.  I think we have well over 40 items!  Come prepared with cash or check.

Are you still working on you quilt show quilts??  The May meeting is the final day to turn in your entry forms, but remember your quilt doesn’t have to be complete until the day before the show opens!  You can do it!!!  We will be having signup sheets for quilt show duties, so get involved and have some fun. Kathleen Bond will be doing a demo on how to add a quick sleeve and label to your quilts.  After the meeting, Carrie Casto will be doing a workshop on ‘Best Practices’.  She is a fabulous teacher and I think everyone can benefit from her knowledge and skill.

Our June meeting will feature Lindsey Neill of Pen + Paper designs.  She is young, fun and very inspirational.  We are lucky to have her so close to Prescott!  She will be doing a fun workshop on Forest Fungi!  I’m a huge Pen + Paper fan, so I hope we get a big turnout for her lecture/trunk show and the workshop.  I’ll be there!  We will also be handing out the quilt show packets so it’s important for you to come if you have a quilt in the show….and I know that means everyone will be there!!

As our year comes to an end, we also have some housekeeping to do.  Our volunteer board members will be stepping down and opening the door for a new board.  The nominating committee has worked hard and SO MANY PEOPLE have already volunteered to be on the next board.  I know you will be thrilled at who is stepping up!  We will have the signup board in May, so you can take a look at who is wanting to volunteer and if you are interested you are also welcome to add your name.  At the June meeting we will be voting on the next year’s budget and the new 2023/2024 board members.

In closing, I want to invite anyone who has volunteered in some way to the guild to participate in an outside activity on Thursday, June 22nd at 1pm – 3pm.  This is not a guild sponsored event, but just a crafty, fun way to end the year.  I will be hosting a paint party and a location to be determined, based on the attendance.  The cost is $35 and will be put on for us by the Caffeinated Crafter.  If you belong to the guild and did anything at all to volunteer (bring snacks, sit with the opportunity quilt, paid dues, etc)  you are invited.  RSVP to Dawnell by the May meeting. 

See you at the May meeting!!!

Dawnell Muecke – President


Welcome three new members in April:  Lori Allaire, Mary Ellen Coe and Leslie Gellerman. Please make them feel welcome.

Don’t forget your TBQG $35.00 dues for 2023 – 2024 are due by June 15 (or the June meeting on June 12).

Angela Smith – Chair


Carrie Casto is teaching a half day class in May on “Best Practices” as a beginner quilter. Some experienced quilters have problems from time to time and would probably benefit from going back to the basics. 

In this class you will improve your accuracy in: rotary cutting, finding your quarter inch and scant quarter inch, pressing, piecing, half-square triangles and borders.  

Check it out! on the Website under Programs/Workshops.

Also check out our June Speaker Lindsey Neill.  Her trunk show featuring “Precision Piecing” will inspire and give you ideas for future projects.  

See you this month for the “Fun Day”.

Kathleen Bond – Vice President  

ways and means

Silent Auction

Don’t forget at the May 8th guild meeting we will present a silent auction with over 60 items to bid on. This is a way to support your guild, challenge yourself to completing an unfinished project and purchasing new products. For those high bidders keep in mind we can only accept cash or checks.

Liz Hart – Chair


May Hostesses are: Angela Smith, Pat Noel, Susie Opdahl, Pam Peter, Sharla Peterson, Ruthe Petty, Sally Plummer, Edythe Pries, Ann Ramsey, Zoe Charon, and Carol Rabbit.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

May Birthdays — Diana Atkins, Marie Gniazdowski, Angela Smith, Gayle DeBoom, Ruthe Petty, Julie Eastman, Cathi O’Neill, Karen Johnson, and Suzy Davidson.


We are nearing the end of our Opportunity Quilt fundraiser! Currently we have earned $3297 of our $4500 goal, and that puts us at 73% there!
May is going to be a very busy month! Thank you to all the volunteers that have signed up to help with our final push!

The quilt will be shown at these May events:
May 1st – Lonesome Valley Quilt Guild evening meeting
May 8th – TBQG meeting
May 9th – Chino Valley Quilt Guild meeting
May 13th & 14th – Winey Cats at Granite Creek Vineyard Mother’s Day Weekend in Chino Valley
May 26th & 27th – Prescott Antique Show at Findlay Toyota Center
Our grand finale will be at our very own “Bloom Where You are Planted” Quilt Show on June 16th & 17th at Prescott High School.  Drawing will be on June 17th, so buy or sell your tickets by then!
I would like to thank everyone that has participated in our Opportunity Quilt fundraiser and know that I greatly appreciate your support! It is fun to be a part of this great guild!
Kathy Spry –
 Opportunity Quilt Chair

quilt show

We are coming up on less than two months until set up, and two days of oohs and aahs as visitors  wander through the many quilts on display.

The Marketplace committee spent an entire day counting, categorizing and marking quilts, pin cushions, steering wheel covers, totes, cozies, project bags and tissue holders, etc., for sale during the two-day show.  

We had a real opportunity to see examples of incredible talent from our members!  Who would have thought a candy bag could be turned into a sturdy zippered bag?  Or, a yardstick could become an adorable wooden tray?  Just wait until you see the offerings of the Marketplace!  Great creativity, Members!

Show meetings will be held weekly in the last few weeks before the show.  Our next meeting is 9:30 Thursday morning, May 4 at the Stoneridge Community Center.  

We still need volunteers to work the show.  If you haven’t signed up yet for show shifts, please do so at May’s Guild Meeting.  No one person makes the show a success, it takes a ‘village,’ or in our case, a Guild to accomplish it!  

Nan DeChant – Chair


Just a reminder that we need your items for the Quilt show “Marketplace”.  We have received wonderful things from you all and cannot thank you enough for all you have done.

The show is for 2 days so we really want to have enough to keep people buying for both days.  We still have no items that have masculine fabric,  we know the ladies will buy for their men, lol.

Any items that you enjoy making we would love to have.  Also remember it you have done a “Bloom Where You Are Planted” quilt, let us display or sell it for you.  

Any group or individual who is getting a basket ready for the raffle we need your baskets a.s.a.p. to get it wrapped and ready for sale.  Remember there is a drop off at my house – 3690 N. Pleasant View Dr. Prescott Valley.

Thank you so much.

Cathy Day and Kristine White – Co-Chairs

Small Quilt Auction

We will again have a container at the May guild meeting for your small quilt donations for the Small Quilt Auction.  So far we have received almost 20 small entries.  Our goal is to have a minimum of 40.  So we welcome more of your small quilts to sell for the benefit of our guild and its programs which we all enjoy so much.  Remember, the auction itself is on Saturday, June 17 at 2:00 pm.

If you are working on one and not quite finished, please let us know and we will work out a time to get it.  

Sheryl McLain, Olivia Turnham, and Arlene Morris – Co-Chairs

Quilt Camp

Hello ladies !  I just wanted to update you on our Quilt Camp that was held at the end of March.  It was a wonderful time.  We had an amazing facility this year and a lot of sewing was done.  Alot of fun and laughter also.
The food and snacks were a hit(from what I was told).  We had a total of 20 ladies that showed up.  We had 2 ladies that were not able to make it.  We are already planning next year’s Camp and adding another day.  This one will be a 4-day camp (by popular demand.)  We had a really big gift give-a-way.  Georgia Lindsey won a “Koala” Sewing Chair.  It was very exciting.  We had special
gifts for everyone, each day.  Hope that you can make it next year, It will be another great time.  Thanks, to Kristine White and Pat Noel for all their help. 
Cathy Day – Chair

Monthly News – April 10, 2023


President’s Message

Hello Thumb Butte Quilters!

I can’t believe it’s already April!  We have so many things planned for the last 3 meetings of the 2022/2023 TBQ quilt year that I don’t want anyone to miss out on the fun.

I hope everyone enjoyed Jeanie Ehlers’ presentation at the March meeting.  She had some wonderful tips for quilters’ ergonomics and so did our members!  I have already put some of them into practice, because I am notorious for not getting up and moving once, I start sewing.   I would have typed this message earlier in the morning, but I was busy stretching my hands before typing! 

Debbie Gansberger will be the speaker in April.  I can’t wait to see how to foundation paper piece and not remove the paper.  It looks like it’s not even paper you have to sew on, but a foundation!  Come and see how it’s done and then attend the workshops to get some practice. 

April is also the month that you need to turn in your quilt show entries.  These quilts do not have to be finished…so you still have time to SEW, SEW and SEW some more!  They also don’t have to be quilts you finished in the last 2 years.  I’m sure that every one of us has a quilt that we are proud to show off.  Please enter yours!  We would love to have several from all the members!  Turn in those forms!!

May and June will be jam packed with activity at the meetings.  So be prepared to have FUN!

In closing, I want to remind everyone of a few important events coming up.

  • Turn in your quilt show entry forms
  • Are you making a small quilt to donate for the small quilt show auction at the show?  Signup and complete the quilt before the June show
  • Finish your president’s challenge quilt if you are participating and turn it in at the April meeting
  • Buy tickets for the Guild’s Opportunity Quilt. The tickets make great gifts!
  • Read the website for more updates and don’t miss out on the fun!

See you in April!!!

Dawnell Muecke – President

PS – Have you ever seen how hard the ladies at the company store work?  They go to the storage location every month and lug all of those books, bins and fabric to the meeting and back.  If you see an open parking spot right by the front door…leave it for them so they don’t have to slug all the stuff from a faraway parking spot.


We want to welcome our new members, Sami Logan, Linda Bagby, Diann “Dede” Erceg and Jimi Henagar.  Be sure to give them a warm greeting in April and ask them if you can answer any questions for them.

Angela Smith – Chair

ways and Means

Opportunity Quilt

We have raised $3094 toward our goal of $4500 and that puts us at about 69% of our goal.  Keep up the great work and I know we will get there!

I will be taking our quilt to the Chino Valley Quilters Guild meeting on May 9th.  

“Eggstravaganza,” a new outdoor event featuring egg hunts, inflatables, art vendors, food trucks and more will be held on April 1st from 10am – 1 pm at the Prescott Valley Civic Center. This is a new event, so be sure to check it out!

I will have sign-ups for the following events at our April meeting, so I will be looking for volunteers to work 2-hour shifts.   This is a great way to get to know your fellow guild members while helping fund TBQG!  I could really use your help as we only have about 2 months left to raise money for our Opportunity Quilt.    

“Antique Show and Vintage Market” will hold their event on Friday and Saturday, May 26-27th and we still need sign-ups for Saturday.  This will be a great opportunity to showcase our quilt in the Findlay Toyota Center so, hopefully ticket sales will be great!

“Winey Cats at Granite Creek Mother’s Day Weekend Craft Show” will be on Saturday and Sunday , May 13-14th.  What a nice way to relax and enjoy your weekend!

Our grand finale will be our very own “Bloom Where You are Planted Quilt Show on June 16-17th at Prescott High School. This will be our last chance to sell tickets, and the drawing will be on June 17th.  Good luck to all those tickets holders!

Please check the dates for our events and sign up to volunteer a couple of hours if you can! Thanks to all of you for your support!

Kathy Spry – Opportunity Quilt Chair


April  Hostesses are: Patty McClearn, Joan McGivern, Sheryl McLain, Melodie Merino, Sandy Mitchell, Linda Morriston, Connie Muecke, Dawnell Muecke, Jenne Kern, Ellen Baker, and Sharon Harris.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

April Birthdays — Pam Peters, Susan Sweet, Carolyn Seagraves-Wright, and Lois Doerr.


Our April Newcomer Gathering will be a ROAD TRIP on Monday, April 17  to Phoenix to visit some Quilt shops in the Valley. Mark your calendar, and save your money! We’ll have more info about times, meeting place etc. at the April 10th meeting!

Deb Johnson – Chair

community service

Adult Center Display

TBQ displays members’ quilts at the Prescott Adult Center on Rosser.  Please stop by to see the current beautiful display by Lorraine Owen.

Handmade Hugs

Our next workday will be Saturday, April 1, from 9 – 12.  There will be kits for baby blankets and quilt tops. We meet at Stoneridge Community Center in Prescott Valley.  Stop by to pick up kits…or drop off completed ones. Otherwise, bring your machines and join us.

If anyone has any sizable/useable batting pieces they would like to donate, please bring them to the next meeting. Please, no high loft.

Happy stitching!

Faith Cheney – Chair

quilt Show

We are in full swing for our Quilt Show coming up June 16th and 17th.  If you are entering a quilt, you will need to fill out your entry form a.s.a.p.  It can be dropped off at Quilt Works in the Frontier Village shopping center, Prescott or bring your entry forms to our meeting in April. 

Start thinking about doing a basket for our basket raffle.  It can be small or large.  Pat Noel and Kathleen Semerau are collecting them. If you’re in a small group think about everyone pitching in to make one.  They can also be donated by an individual. 

Our Marketplace is getting a lot of great things but we still really need your help.   We are loaded on quilts but all other items are still needed. If you have any time that you could make some of your favorite things that we could sell, it would really help. We would LOVE to see your imagination go wild; LOL. 

We only have 2 ½ months before the witching hour!  How time flies.  Thank you ahead of time for all you are doing to help out the Guild.

Cathy Day

If you are like the three of us, you are “knee deep” in projects  for our  upcoming quilt show.  

You may bring your small quilts for the small quilt auction to the April guild meeting.  We will have a container for them and a sign-up card  for you to sign.  Your quilts will be due by Tuesday May 8th guild meeting.  The auction will take place on Saturday June 17th at 2:00.  You won’t want to miss it.

Thanks and happy sewing.

Sheryl McLain, Olivia Turnham and Arlene Morris


We have two urgent needs for the quilt show:

* Someone to head up White Glove Hostess recruitment.  This position gives assistance to show guests, answers questions regarding the Guild, Displayed Quilts and Show activities & events.  White Gloves are Quilt Show Ambassadors!

* Water Sales.  Pretty simple, sell bottles of water for $1 each.  This is a ‘sit down’ position, for those who have difficulty standing for lengths of time.  

Deb Johnson has created sign up sheets for all needed positions/functions for the two-day show.  Each signup is a two-hour commitment.  If you would like to volunteer, it need not be at one function or position, but can be spread out over multiple positions during your time at the show.

I remember my Thumb Butte Quilt Show experiences beginning in 2019.  I spent two days at the show volunteering at Raffle Baskets, Water Sales, Check out, etc.  It broke up the day and exposed me to all the various activities within the Guild and Show.  

We are still needing Marketplace merchandise!  We will need enough inventory to carry us through the show’s two days.  The Marketplace Committee is looking for items you enjoy, or zero in on when attending other craft or quilt shows’ Marketplaces.  Depending on the items, we don’t need hundreds, but 12-18 pieces for each day’s display of goods for sale, providing us with a nice variety of items for sale.

We will have an adequate number of ‘Squares’ for Credit Card sales.  The Squares will be attached to personal cellphones of Committee members.  Credit card sales will be accepted for larger purchases.

Remember, We “Bloom Where You Are Planted,” and we need to be in full bloom on June 16 & 17!  Don’t second guess yourself on whether your creation if ‘good enough’.  To a non-quilter, it may be the most beautiful quilt he/she has ever seen!  Spread your love of quilting in each of your creations!

Nan DeChant, Co-Chair

Monthly News – March 13, 2023


President’s Message

Hello Thumb Butte Quilters!

I hope you were able to make it to February’s meeting and enjoyed Elizabeth Phinders presentation.  I was amazed at all of the handwork on her quilts.  I think there was over 100 French knots in a 1-inch space on her Round the Garden quilt.  That would make about 5,000 French knots in total!  We are so lucky that she decided to move to our town!  I look forward to seeing more of her work.

The year is just marching along and everyday I wonder… did I ever have time to have a full time job?  My days are just busy, busy, busy and I keep trying to add a few more time slots to do one more thing!  As the days get warmer, the sun coming up earlier and the snow days less frequent I’m happy to wake up and get going!  Pickleball, quilting, hiking and friends are waiting!

Our guild meetings are also getting busier as we have many fun things planned!  Here are a few to look forward to in the upcoming meetings:

  • Jean Ehlers will be our speaker on quilters ergonomics and Kathleen Bond is having a hand-piecing workshop with pizza for lunch in March.
  • Turn in your quilt show forms. (Quilt doesn’t need to be completed until the quilt show!)
  • Quilt camp for 20+ lucky quilters who sign up! Cathy and Kristin have a fun- filled event planned.
  • Signups for June quilt show volunteers will begin. (It’s a great way to get involved and have fun!)
  • Get your President’s challenge quilt turned in (or at least the form!) Not sure what this is??  Check out the website under President’s Challenge quilt for more info.
  • May we have a Funday? Yes!  Our May meeting will be a really Funday! 
    • President challenge unveiling
    • Guess the songs that go with the quilts on display…there will be prizes!
    • UFO auction (We have over 50 items collected so far!)
    • Snacks, goodies, music, friends
    • Finalize quilt show preparations
  • New board members and budget gets approved for the next quilting year!

So much is going on and we don’t want you to miss a thing!  Have you noticed that our monthly meeting minutes are on the website?  If you can’t make a meeting, check out the minutes to see what you have missed.  We are also sending out the monthly financials in the email you get when the updated website is announced.  Take a look and please ask if you have any questions or suggestions! 

Have fun quilting!!

Dawnell Muecke – President


We want to welcome our new members, Laura Davis, Rosemary Driscoll, Terry Gnier, Mary Anne Haberkorn, and Kathy Oppelt. Please be sure to give them a warm greeting in March and ask them if they have questions.

Angela Smith – Chair 


“Slow down you’re movin’ too fast”.

After the Guild Meeting on Monday March 13th, we will stay at the Elks Lodge to “Sew Slow”. 

Do you have trouble getting four to six seams to come together at one point?  Learn how to avoid a “cone” when all these pieces meet.  You will learn about grain and how it affects the stretch of fabric. Best of all, you will learn 2 ways to hand piece a block.  You will go home with a 6” Basket Block. 

This is a great class for beginners too. The pattern and pizza lunch are included. The supply list is on the Workshop Page.

Kathleen Bond – Chair


March Hostesses are: Nancy Lande, Nancy Lefler, Dani Lerberg, Pat Little, Anne Marston, Dana Swain

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

March Birthdays — Dianne Schmitt, Deb Johnson Nan DeChant, Kathy Spry, Norma Enfield, and Pam Calhoon.

quilt show


Hello everyone, just a reminder to think of our Marketplace that we are having at our Quilt Show.  We really need your help.  If you find yourself with a few hours and you would like to  make something for the Marketplace that would be so appreciated.  The quilt show is our BIG money maker that gives us the funds we use for 2 years.  We are looking for things for kids, women, men, dogs, and cats.  All seasons and holidays —  Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Fourth of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving and so on.

Some ideals are:  Aprons, full and half sizes, for men (BBQ) women, and kids.  Water bottle holders,  any purses, bags or zipper pouches, laundry lingerie bags, adult or kids bibs, pillows,(regular, neck, travel) any kind of decorative item, If you do another craft you can do that.  Stone painting, small paintings, watercolor, soap making, homemade cards.  Anything, we could offer for sale.  Anything you like to make or you use.  The sky’s the limit.  We do need all your items by the first of June at the latest.          

Thank you so much.  If you have any questions let us know.

Nan, Cathy and Kristine – Co-Chairs

quilt retreat

Calling all Quilt Campers!

 It’s final call to sign up for Quilt Camp.  The camp is March 20th, 21st and 22nd.  The cost is $125.00.  Lunch and snacks are provided daily and we have a pot-luck dinner on Tuesday night.  Bring your machines, UFO’s, new projects, etc. The room will be locked every night so your things are safe.  We have 6 more openings.

It’s a great time to sew, be with friends, get to know new people and of course eat!  There are games, a camp challenge and prizes.  We always have so much fun learning new things from each other, seeing everyone’s things can give you such inspiration!

It will be held at the Bank of America building on Willow Creek Rd. in Prescott (across from the hospital). We will be on the 2nd floor.  There is an elevator and we enter in the back of the building.  For information or to sign up please call or email Cathy Day.  We will have one last sign up day on March 13th  during our meeting.  (If there are openings left).  Please get your money to me as soon as you can.

Cathy Day – Chair

Monthly News – February 13, 2023

President’s Message

Hello Thumb Butte Quilters!

Hi everyone!  At January’s meeting we all voted on PIGS…everyone has a project to finish and our goal is December 2023.  I’m pretty sure we can do it!!    All we need is to be snowed in for about 4 weeks and then we will be forced to work on them.

At our February meeting we will be hosting Elizabeth Phinder as our guest speaker.  She will have a workshop on 2/14 where she will be giving us a lesson on easy turned applique.  I encourage you to sign up if you haven’t yet!

The last 2 months have been all about family for me!  I feel like I haven’t had anytime to quilt, organize, plan or even think about sewing.  It’s been a whirlwind of jumping at the new trampoline park, mini-bowling at  Espire in the old Sears building, playing in the snow and picking up toys from my sewing room which has turned into a playroom for all the grandkids.  We only had 2 sewing pins found in the carpet by the eagle-eyed moms.  No kids were poked in the process!

My life gets back to normal next week and I’m really looking forward to jumping into all my projects…right after I clean my house up!  It’s a hot mess right now, but it was worth all the playtime with the grandkids.

I hope everyone is working on their President’s challenge, quilts for the quilt show, marketplace items and charity items.  Quilters are a busy, generous, happy, social and creative group of people!  They are certainly my kind of friends!!

Dawnell Muecke – President


We want to welcome our new members, Paula Bryant, Sue Hansen, and Janet Freidrich. Please be sure to give them a warm greeting in February and ask them if they have questions.

Angela Smith – Chair 


Opportunity Quilt

I displayed our quilt at Thumb Butte Quilt Guild meeting on January 9th, and at the Mountain Top Quilt Guild meeting on January 16th. We earned another $133 toward our goal, and there were many comments about how beautiful the quilt was. I will be taking the quilt to Chino Valley Quilters meeting on February 14th. Faith Chaney and Debbie James are planning a trip in March or April to Flagstaff to show it off there. I will also be looking into a Lonesome Valley Quilters meeting soon.

Quilt and Sew Connection has agreed to display our quilt again, so look for it there!

“Eggstravaganza,” a new outdoor event featuring egg hunts, inflatables, art vendors, food trucks and more will be held on April 1st from 10am – 1 pm at the Prescott Valley Civic Center. I will be looking for volunteers for this event at our next meeting.

I will be notified when the next “Antique Show and Vintage Market” holds their event and we have been granted a vendor spot so watch for more information when it becomes available.

There are still a few other venues I am investigating, but please let me know if you have any suggestions for events that do not charge a venue fee!

The total sales for our Opportunity Quilt are $2864. Our goal is $4500, so we are about 64 % there.

Opportunity Quilt Charts January 2023

Kathy Spry – Opportunity Quilt Chair

Company Store

The Company Store, in the back of the room at TBQ’s monthly meeting, will be having a $5 FILL the plastic grocery bag sale at the February meeting!!! We have the grocery bags SO all you need to bring is your $5 so you can fill the bag to your heart’s delight!!!

Pam Jones – Chair

UFO Silent Auction

Fellow Quilters, as the New Year is upon us, now is the perfect time to reorganize your sewing rooms. Browse through your old projects and ask yourself “Do I really want to finish this?”

If the answer is NO then now is the right time to get rid of that UFO.

Consider donating it to TBQ’s UFO Silent Auction where another quilter will fall in love with your project and want to take on the challenge. The Silent auction will take place at the May meeting.

We ask that you provide the UFO pattern and any accompanying fabric that you might have.

Finished Objects

As you go through your sewing room and all those places you stash your projects if you come across any small projects in good condition that no longer suit your household decor, please consider donating them to TBQ. We will make use of them in a variety of ways.  We are looking for placemat sets, mug rugs, table runners, wall hangings, etc.

  • Small quilt auction at our June show
  • Marketplace at our June show
  • Additional sale items when we display our Opportunity Quilt.

Liz Hart is collecting the UFO and finished objects. Thank you for your supporting your guild.

Liz Hart – Way and Means Chair


February Hostesses are: Sherry Hubbs, Debbie James, Deb Johnson, Karen Johnson, Pam Jones, Shirley Kelliher, Jeanne Dunk, David Charity, Kate Parsons, and Alicia Czuzak.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

February Birthdays — Dani Lerberg, Dianna Dunn, Cheryl Giovenco, Betty Foley, Pat Noel, Sally Thomas, Barbara Sweeney, Mike Boyle, Sharon Andrews, Mary Scherer, MaryAnn Conner, Donna Osborne, Sherri Hubbs, Cheryl Bouquet, and Carol Brownlow.

Community Service

Handmade Hugs

Community service has been gifted so much fabric…and talent. Thank you for loading us up with plenty of items to deliver to Hospice, birthing center & infusion center.  They are so appreciative. 

Kits will be available for making lap size quilts, flannel kits for self-binding baby blankets and bibs.  Come to our workday, Saturday, January 28 at Stoneridge Community Center from 9 -3. Bring your sewing machine – most everything else will be provided.

Faith Chaney & Olivia Turnham – Co-Chairs

quilt show

“Bloom Where You Are Planted” Show Quilts

This year’s quilt show will be held on Friday and Saturday, June 16 & 17, 2023 at the Prescott High School gymnasium.  We’re so excited to be back in the business of sharing our quilt craft with the greater community of Prescott and beyond.  Please consider sharing your quilting gifts at our quilt show this coming summer. 

All TBQ members are encouraged to participate in showing their quilts whether you are a new member to our guild, a long-standing member, someone new to quilting, or someone lucky enough to have been quilting forever. 

For each quilt entry we ask that you complete an entry form. These forms can be located under the forms tab on the TBQ website. The form should be self-explanatory, but should you need ANY help, please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of us on the CHECK-IN/CHECK-OUT committee listed below. 

Please complete your entry forms no later than the end of April so that we can prepare to distribute the items for quilt collection to our members at the May 8th TBQ meeting. Remember ~ your quilt does not need to be finished upon submission of your entry form. Submitting your entry form with a picture of your progress – even a picture of the pattern – is necessary to help us prepare the layout for our show. 

Alicia Czuzak, Jamie Davis, Dawnell Muecke, and Dana Swain – Quilt Check-In/Check-Out committee

Quilt Show Committee Update

It is hard to believe we are halfway through January and five months away from our 2023 ‘Bloom Where You Are Planted’ Quilt Show!

The quilt show team held a meeting, after touring the Prescott High School Gymnasium, on Wednesday, January 11.  It was beneficial for everyone to physically become familiar with the layout and space the gym provides. Especially for Suzy Davidson as she coordinates with the vendors that will be onsite during the two day show.  

Everyone was able to identify the various spaces for admissions, marketplace, opportunity quilt, small quilt auction, vendors, raffle baskets and President’s Challenge. 

The next Quilt Show committee meeting will be Wednesday, February 15, at the Stoneridge Community Center, 2nd Floor Conference room, starting at 9:30 a.m.

Nan DeChant – Chair


Now that the holidays are over, hopefully you will have some extra time to make some goodies for the Marketplace that will be in our quilt show in June!  Please bring any completed Marketplace items to February’s Guild meeting or contact Cathy Day, Nan DeChant or Kristine White. We have a good start but need a lot more items for our sale.  

Cathy Day –  Chair 

Small Quilt Auction
Now is the time to let your creative talent “bloom” in making a small quilt for the small quilt auction at the quilt show.  It may be pieced, appliqued, collaged, or any combination of.  It may be square, rectangle, table runner or topper, or small wall hanging no larger than 40″ x 40″.  It may or may not be seasonal.  Maybe you already have something hidden away that would be the perfect item someone would like to purchase.  
We will be ready to take yours at the guild meeting in April.  Deadline for the quilts is May 8.  The live auction will take place at 2:00 at the quilt show on Saturday, June 17.  
We will have a sign up list at the check in table at the guild meeting.  You’re not signing your life away, simply giving us an idea of how many we will have to work with.  We can’t wait to see your contribution!  Any questions, feel free to ask anyone of us. 
Sheryl McLain, Olivia Turnham, Arlene Morris – Co-Chairs
Designing Women Challenge

Designing Women art quilt small group would like to invite TBQG members to join us in a challenge called “The Eyes Have It”.  The requirements are:

  • 5” tall x 20” wide
  • Faced, not bound
  • Due: April TBQ meeting

You can see examples from the Designing Women at The Eyes Have It

Questions?  Contact Karen Adams


Monthly News – January 9, 2022

President’s Message

Hello Thumb Butte Quilters!

Hi everyone!  We just wrapped up our Thumb Butte Christmas party and what a fun time we all had.

I didn’t need to eat dinner after our fiesta luncheon with all the goodies we received at our Mexican feast!  Our party committee did a great job pulling it all together and making sure we had games, prizes, decorations, goodies and food.  Most of us where able to brave the snowy roads and attend.  When the party was over…so was the snow! 

January is here and you know what that means!  PIGS*, WIPS**, PhD***, WIWMI**** AND UFO’S******!  OK…they are just other terms for resolution, but quilters have their own speak and I prefer a PIG to a promise.  I have only met a few quilters that don’t have a half-finished project and for whatever reason, that project just sits and lingers. Never fear!!!! We have a solution to your PIG problem!!

At our January meeting we are having a PIG party!  Oink, Oink!  Here is how it will work.

15 pre-selected people (these people have already volunteered) will bring 2 PIGS to the January meeting.  They will present both PIGS to the guild and the audience will vote on which one they need to complete by December 2023.  But wait……we want everyone to participate!!!  So, we are asking each member to select 2 of their own PIGS from their quilting stash.  You can bring them to show your friends, take a picture of each, write down a description or just bring the pattern for your reference.  Mark each PIG with a 1 or 2.  You will then be assigned a PIG 1 or PIG 2 to complete by December, 2023 as well!  How you ask???  It’s a secret until you come to the meeting!!  If you are PIG resistant (or just don’t want another task on your plate) just pick something really simple. Still need ideas??  How about organizing your fabric or cleaning out that notion drawer?  Anything can be a PIG in your world! Come for the fun and tackle a PIG in the process.

Dawnell Muecke – President

*PIGS – Project in grocery sacks
 **WIP – Work in progress
***UFO – Unfinished Object
****PhD -Projects half done
****WIWMI – Wish it would make itself



Wishing you a happy holiday and many blessings in the New Year! It’s now time to think about New Year Resolutions and my resolution is to get back to selling tickets for our beautiful Opportunity Quilt after the holidays.    I am researching new venues, but please let me know if you have any suggestions for events that don’t charge a venue fee.  I am also hoping to get our quilt to the local quilt guild meetings in the next couple of months to show it off and generate some ticket sales.  If you belong to another guild and would like to show it at a meeting, please contact me! I already have awesome volunteers that have offered to take it to the Flagstaff Guild!

We finished out our December Last Minute Stocking Stuffer event with $123 in Opportunity Quilt raffle ticket sales.  We also sold a few small quilts and items for the Ways and Means Committee for $115.  Great job ladies!

 The total sales for our Opportunity Quilt are $2681.  Our goal is $4500, so we are about 60 % there.  Look for more information at our next meeting!  Thank you!

Opportunity Quilt Charts Dec. 2022

Kathy Spry, Opportunity Quilt Chair


January Hostesses are: Norma Enfield, Cynthia Falzone, Martha Ferreira, Betty Foley, Cheryl Giovenco, Molly Haney-Burleigh, Liz Hart, and Jessica Bodnicki.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

January Birthdays — Edythe Pries, Yvonne Blitch, Kathleen Bond, Susie Opdahl, Jamie Davis, Pam Jones, Karen Eads, Kate Brown, Shirley Kelliher, Clare Bell, Sharon Harris, Sue Weisshaupt, Ellen Baker, and Deena Knight.

Community service

Handmade Hugs

What a fun fiesta in December.  Thank you committee and helpers for a memorable morning.  Victoria Spears,  Dignity YRMC volunteer coordinator, was able to personally thank the guild for contributions to the Infusion center and birthing center.

Members continue donating their time and efforts to these organizations as well as the Teen Center and now Gentiva Hospice.  There will be kits available for pick up at the January meeting.  Our next workday will be Saturday, January 28, at Stoneridge Community Center from 9 – 3. Bring your machines and stay as long as you can.  There will not be a workday the first Saturday in February.

Faith Chaney and Olivia Turnham – Co-Chairs

Quilt show


We are moving ahead with accumulating Marketplace items.  Remember, what grabs your attention or interest when you attend or visit a craft show?  Those are the types of items we are looking to have during the two day show in June, 2023. 

The show committee chairs are planning a visit to the Prescott High School gymnasium in January. 

We have a graph of the layout, but want to walk off the layout for a better understanding of the show’s flow.   

As mentioned in the December Guild meeting, if anyone has an interest in learning how to ‘hang’ the show (quilt display), please contact Kathleen Bond or Nan DeChant.  Kathleen is the official quilt show ‘hanger,’  and we need someone to learn and assist.  

If anyone has questions regarding the quilt show, please contact Nan DeChant or Cathy Day.

Nan DeChant and Cathy Day -2023 Quilt Show Chairs

Quilt Show Entry

Enter Your Show Quilts ~ Blooming Encouraged!

Yes, it is that time once again to BLOOM and DISPLAY your amazing quilting talents at our bi-annual TBQ quilt show. This year’s show will be held on Friday and Saturday, June 16 & 17, 2023 at the Prescott High School gymnasium.  We’re so excited to be back in the business of sharing our quilt craft with the greater community of Prescott and beyond. 

As you may already know, the theme of this year’s TBQ quilt show is “BLOOM WHERE YOU ARE PLANTED”.  Coming out of a long period of COVID isolation, we all must feel a bit of re-birth and blooming. Being at home all those months, your quilt making must have been “a-bloom” with time to dream and create.

Please consider sharing your quilting gifts at our quilt show this coming summer.  For each quilt entry we ask that you complete an entry form. These forms can be located under the forms tab on the TBQ website. The form should be self-explanatory, but should you need any help, please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of us on the CHECK-IN/CHECK-OUT committee listed below.  All TBQ members are encouraged to participate whether you are a new member to our guild, a long-standing member, someone new to quilting, or someone lucky enough to have been quilting forever.  Quilting, some say, may be a lost art. Sharing your quilts (or what we like to think of as “BLOOMING” year after year) helps ensure that our beloved quilt art continues for generations to come.

Alicia Czuzak, Jamie Davis, Dawnell Muecke, and Dana Swain – Committee Members



Monthly News – December 12, 2022

President’s Message

Hello Thumb Butte Quilters!

Hi everyone!  I’m sorry I missed the November meeting, but my new granddaughter was not informed of the guild meeting schedule.  She arrived on 11/4 @ 11:04 pm.  Mama and baby are doing great and Mimi (me) has been busy running errands, watching other grandkids, and getting baby snuggles on the side. 

I’m staying in our 5th wheel in Santee, California for 30 days.  It certainly has been bringing back memories of our nomad days, before we established our home base in Prescott.  We traveled all over the United States for 5 years after we sold everything we owned and left San Diego.  My husband was a trouper and would drive me to quilt shops in every town that we visited.  I usually purchased a few fat quarters at every shop and fought the urge to stock up on all the fun stuff I was seeing!  Space is limited, so I had to be picky.  I also had not heard of Missouri Star yet, so we were within an hour drive and never stopped!  Same with Paducah, KY…so sad.  Sewing in a small space was a challenge.  I usually talked my husband into going to play golf for the day so I could really take over all of the space.  I didn’t really enjoy it, like I had hoped I would.  Just too darn cramped!  That’s when I really got into hand sewing, embroidery projects and finding quilt shops that would let me sew for the day.  My favorite quilts were made in our trailer and my favorite scrap quilts came from all of those fat quarters I collected.

On this trip, I thought I would have a lot of free time after the day was over.  I brought lots of projects and tons of ambition, but I’m getting old!  By the time I’m done watching all the kids, I’m exhausted!

Very little quilting is getting done!

I will be back for the December party and I hear it’s going to be fun, fun, fun!  See you there!

Dawnell Muecke – President

PS –  Kathleen Bond produces the most beautiful and complicated quilts….her sewing room is in her laundry room!  How does she do it???

past-president’s quilt

Nan DeChant’s quilt for her service in 2021-2022 as President of the Thumb Butte Quilters was presented at the November meeting.

The portrait of Nan was done by Kay Wentworth.



On November 28th a dozen newcomers met. During our time together we shared ideas for making excellent 1/4 inch seams, had some great show and tell items shared, made no-sew Scandinavian Stars for Christmas and enjoyed Faith Chaney sharing with us the projects the guild makes for our Prescott community.The Newcomers are the nicest group of talented women…the guild is lucky to have them!Our next Newcomer Gathering will be after the holidays on Monday, January 23 at 10:00 at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Park Ave.

Deb Johnson & Carrie Casto, Co-Chairs


Angela Smith

Welcome new member Matilda Bristow.

Thank you!

Angela Smith – Chair



 December 12th, we will celebrate with a “Christmas Fiesta Party” and lunch.  

We will be playing the Left Right Center Game twice.  Please bring 3 – 10″ squares of bright, jewel toned fabrics for the first round and 3- quilty notions for the second round. (examples -. a thimble, spool of thread, button, needle threader, pin cushion, fat quarter, pencil) 

Don’t forget all of those wonderful quilts for Show and Tell

January is the time for New Year’s Resolutions.  At Thumb Butte Guild, we call it the P.I.G. (Project In a Grocery) bag.   Ten brave ladies have already signed up to show two unfinished projects that they need a little encouragement to finish.  You get to pick one for them to  complete by next December.

We have more spaces, so be sure to sign up in December.

February Elizabeth Phinder is presenting a beautiful Trunk Show/Lecture.  She will also teach a Workshop all day on Tuesday showing Applique techniques.

Kathleen Bond, Vice-President

ways and means

Opportunity Quilt

Once again, our TBQ volunteers did a great job marketing our Opportunity Quilt at the “Holiday Boutique Lonesome Valley Quilt Guild” show in Prescott Valley held on November 12th.  We sold $175 in tickets and another $81 at our last TBQ meeting! That puts our total at $2608 or about 58% of our goal of $4500. 

We have two events scheduled in December, so there are ample volunteer opportunities!

First, we are entered in a new event this year, the “Winter Spectacular” at the Prescott Valley Civic Center at 7501 E Skoog Blvd, Prescott Valley, AZ on Saturday, December 3rd from 2-8 pm.  It looks like a fun event for all ages!

The second event is the “Last-Minute Non-Profit Stocking-Stuffer Bazaar”.  It will be held at Prescott Activity Center “The Old Armory” 824 E. Gurley, Prescott, AZ from 10-4 pm on Saturday, December 17th

I am hoping to display our quilt at various guilds in our area after the holidays and will keep you updated as I find more events for us in the new year.

Thank you to all the volunteers that step forward to help so graciously!  Volunteering is a great way to connect with your fellow guild members and it’s an easy way to contribute to your guild’s fundraising efforts!

Remember, Christmas is coming, so think about buying some tickets for your friends and relatives for Christmas gifts!

Happy holidays and may you all finish your holiday projects on time!

Kathy Spry – Chair


December hostesses are:  Patty Brownsberger, Judith Dobke, Lois Doerr, Dianna Dunn, Lola Dyroy, Karen Eads, Julie Eastman, Carolyn Edwards, Linda Royce, Dianna Atkins & Michelle Anderson.  These ladies will be hosting our Christmas Fiesta Party.


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

December Birthdays — Carol Rabbitt, Jill Norcross, Karen Adams, David Charity, Catherine Ericsen, Phyllis Byrnes, Carol Wright, Linda Craig, Nancy Lefler, and Iris Lacey.

community service

Handmade Hugs

Our next workday will be Saturday, Dec. 3, from 9 – 3 at Stoneridge Community Center.  Kits for baby quilts, bibs, teen quilts and maybe some kits for making tops will be our task for the day.

 What a great turnout of finished quilts at our last meeting.  Many of them will be auctioned at our show in June since they were so spectacular!  If you have time after the holidays, sew up an easy pattern. Community service will take your lap size tops, add batting & backing and have one of our amazing quilters finish it off.

Thank you members for your generosity and talent. Your work makes many recipients happy!  Keep up the awesome work.

Faith Chaney, Olivia Turnham – Co-Chairs

Adult Center Display

Stop by the Prescott Adult Center on Rosser to see the latest TBQG display.  These beautiful quilts were made by member Barbara Merkel.

Carolyn Edwards, Chair

quilt show

We had our first Quilt Show meeting Wednesday, November 9. The meeting went well; identifying tasks for each area of responsibility, such as, Silent/Live Auctions, Quilt Check In/Out, and MarketPlace.

An update was made to the MarketPlace Chair. Sandy Mazzurco had to bow out of the Chair position due to health reasons. Cathy Day, Kristine White and Nan DeChant will step up to fill the void that Sandy has left. We wish Sandy a successful and steady recovery in the months to come.

As mentioned in the November Guild Meeting, what catches your eye when you visit the marketplace of any quilt or craft show? Are you drawn to pincushions, zippered bags, totes or quilt carry bags? Do you like witty sayings or signs depicting the uniqueness of a quilter? These are the types of things we are looking to have for sale in the MarketPlace. The show is two days, so enough inventory is needed to cover the two days. We don’t need hundreds of any one item, but a nice variety to display and sell. As the items for sale are completed, Cathy, Kristine and/or Nan will price mark and store until Show time, so bring items to guild meetings or contact one of us to arrange pick up or delivery. All members of the guild are encouraged to contribute to the MarketPlace.

The meeting touched on all aspects of the show from Admissions, Vendors, to Publicity. When discussing Kathleen Bond’s role of hanging the quilts, drafting the layout and identifying space for all aspects of the show, Kathleen needs a Co-Chair. If any guild member would like to be mentored and work with Kathleen on what it takes to ‘hang’ a quilt show, please let Kathleen Bond or Nan DeChant know!

Like all Chair positions we need a team to ensure the show will run smoothly and successfully, and that includes being a team member that can step up if an unforeseen event occurs.

As members work on their Bloom Where You Are Planted pattern quilts, keep in mind it is up to the maker to decide if the quilt will be available For Sale or Display Only. The maker will be able to indicate the disposition at the time the quilt is entered into the show.

Don’t forget there will also be a small quilt auction. So give some thought to starting a quilt for the auction.

The next 2023 Quilt Show Meeting will be held in January.  An email will be generated in early January providing date, time and location.

Nan DeChant and Cathy Day – Show Chairs

Monthly News – November 14, 2022

president’s Message

Hello Thumb Butte Quilters!

It’s already November and I’m excited for sweater weather!  Goodbye shorts and flip flops…I will see you sometime in June next year.

We had a great October meeting with lots of new guests and members.  I hope everyone was inspired by our speaker, Cindy Seitz-Krug.  Her presentation was very informative and her work is amazing.  I’m already giving her tomato paste can trick a try and I WILL give my invisible thread another attempt.  I have a love/hate relationship with that thread, but the message I got from her lecture was, ‘maybe it’s user error and not the thread’!  You just have to figure out how to make something work for you and don’t fight it, just play around until it’s happy.  Sounds like a life lesson as well.

We talked a lot about our quilt show, birthday raffle, company store and opportunity quilt that we do as fund (and fun) raising events throughout the year.  The majority of the guild’s funds are used to bring us these fantastic speakers and workshops at a cost you could never get at a major quilting event. We keep the cost very low to give everyone an opportunity to take the workshops and the guild usually just break even if the workshop fills up. Please consider taking advantage of learning something new by taking a workshop during the year.   It’s an inexpensive way to learn a new technique!

Our guild is always looking for new ideas and inspiration to offer the members, so if you have an idea or maybe something you did at a previous guild, I would love to hear from you.  We may not be able to incorporate them for this year, but I think it’s always fun to try new things!  After all, we don’t make the same quilt time and again….unless we are in a hurry for a gift.  Then it’s …where is that ‘Turning Twenty pattern!’

The Elks Lodge is having a toy drive for underprivileged children and our next meeting is last opportunity to donate before the Dec. 1st deadline.  If you would like to participate, please bring an unwrapped gift for a 2-12 year old, under $20 and leave in the Christmas box in the meeting space or on the back table for them to collect when we leave.   Let’s share the love!

Have fun at the November meeting, my quilting friends!  I will be in San Diego welcoming my new granddaughter, Indy.  Kathleen Bond will be running the show in my absence!

Dawnell Muecke, President

President’s challenge

Everyone is invited to enter a quilt into the President’s Challenge “Name that Song” contest this year.  The challenge is to make a quilt based on a popular song.  You will have until May to complete and turn in.  Anything goes!  Pieced, applique, art quilt…anything you want!  We will then display them and have a contest to see who can name the most quilts (songs) and  prizes for the entries based on various categories. There is an entry form under the forms tab. 

Here is an example I came up with, can you guess the song title???  Find the Donation Station article and you will find the song that goes with this quilt.


Angela Smith

Welcome new members Shelley Graham, Terry Purkable, Judy Peyret, and Sharon Silva.

Thank you!

Angela Smith – Chair


In November we are happy to have Kay Wentworth demonstrate her method of making quilts that represent pictures. As you well know, Kay is a wonderfully fun presenter! 

The party committee is planning a fun December Party and lunch. It’s a “Fiesta”. 

Kathleen Bond, Vice-President


We had another successful venue at Chino Valley Quilt Guild’s “A Stitch in Time” show on October 14th and 15th! Our volunteers sold $388 in ticket sales, and that puts our grand total at $2252. That’s half-way to our goal of $4500!

Our next event will be Lonesome Valley Quilt Guild’s “Holiday Boutique” on November 11th and 12th, at Trinity Lutheran Church in Prescott Valley. Several volunteers have signed up to work on Friday, but I still need to find volunteers for Saturday afternoon. If you are available to help then, please call/text/email me!

I have submitted our entry form for the “Last Minute Non-Profit Stocking Stuffer Bazaar” sponsored by Yavapai County Jeep Posse. It will be on Saturday, December 17th from 10-am to 4 pm at the old Armory in Prescott. Save the date for that and look for sign-up sheets at our next meeting in November.

If you haven’t bought your tickets yet, think about getting them for Christmas gifts!

Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers!

Opportunity Quilt Charts Nov. 2022

Kathy Spry, Chair


November hostesses are:  Faith Chaney, David Charity, Trish Charity, Maryann Conner, Linda Craig, Karen Danknick, Arlene Morris, Barbara Merkel, Suzie Davidson, Cathy Day, Gayle DeBoom, and Nan DeChant.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

November Birthdays – Pat Little, Michelle Anderson, Pamela Hengeveld, Laura Stone, Erin Sullivan, Patty Brownsberger, Olivia Turnham, Sharon Watt, Karen Danknick, Jeanne Dunk, Donna Hickish, and Shelley Graham.


At our October meeting, we made name badge holders.  Check out the photos under the “Newcomers” tab on the main menu.

Our next meeting is  Monday, November 28 at 10:00 a.m. at Trinity Presbyterian Church on 630 Park Ave.  Hope to see all the Newcomers then.

Deb Johnson & Carrie Casto, Co-Chairs

ufo silent auction

Do you have projects, partially completed or never started, which you know you will never finish? Sewing tools, which you will never use or just want to clean up your sewing room? If so, consider donating those items to the Thumb Butte Quilt’s (TBQ) silent auction.

TBQ is planning on having a silent auction at our May 2023 meeting. I would like to collect these items no later than April 2023. That gives you 6 months to dig deep into your UFOs, TOADs, Some Day, and Why Did I Ever Buy This Item and make room for newer projects.

I will be collecting and storing those items. Bring them to our guild meeting or contact me and I will be happy to take them off your hands.

Thank you for supporting our guild.

Liz Hart, Ways & Means Chair

Donation Station

The donation station is taking in a lot of items each month. The table is located in the back by the company store.  If you are not sure where….ask the company store gals and they will help you.  They will sort the items and distribute to the best group in the guild that can utilized your donation.   More information will be coming about a UFO auction that will be held in May.  Look thru your stash and donate any half-done project (that has all the parts, pattern and fabric)  that you just can’t bring yourself to finish.  It may be the perfect item for someone else to complete.

Look for the Donation Station at the next meeting!

Items in need:

Quilt Show Marketplace needs:
   –  any old/new yardsticks for Dianna Dunn (she makes and donates LOTS of items to the marketplace)

Handmade Hugs
    -Batting  (crib size or larger)
    -Completed quilt tops
    -Flannel fabric
    -Rotary blades

Company Store
    -Sewing related items (patterns, notions, etc.)

UFO Auction
    –UFO in your stash (with all the parts, pattern and fabric)

Answer to the song title for the Presidents challenge
 – Muskrat Love!

Dawnell Muecke, President


Monthly News – October 10, 2022

President’s Message

Hello Thumb Butte Quilters!

We had a great September meeting with lots of new guests and members.  It’s so nice to see so many enthusiastic quilters that want to get involved and make new friends.  The 2022/2023 membership directories were passed out along with your guild membership card, so if you missed the meeting be sure to get yours in October.  A big shout out to Angela Smith who is the membership chair for this year.  Getting the directories organized and printed is a big job and she made it look easy!  Woot Woot!!

Our October meeting will host Cindy Seitz-Krug who will be giving a presentation on ‘Better Machine Quilting’.  Her website is and it’s worth taking a look at her amazing work.  I have taken many machine quilting workshops and I always come away with a new tip, trick and inspiration.  Her workshop will be the following day on Tuesday, October 11th from 9-4.  Head over to the program and workshop tab on the website for a supply list and description of the class.  If you want to sign up, use your new directory to contact our workshop chair, Sherri Hubbs. 

Thumb Butte guilds’ upcoming ‘Bloom where you are planted’ quilt show in June seems so far away, but it’s really not! I’m already busy making cute bowl cozies for the Marketplace and planning which quilts I’m going to put in the show. It takes an entire year to plan and organize our 2 day show which is our biggest fundraiser for the year.  The money earned from the show funds speakers, workshops, the rent on our meeting place and so much more.  Julie Eastman and I co-chaired the 2021 quilt show and we had a great time!  Neither of us had ever put on a show and Julie hadn’t even been to a quilt show before.   The guild members were amazing and volunteered for everything we needed.  We worked together and all of the things we needed to do were in very detailed binders with directions.  The show was a really fun success and we loved doing it together. This year we have Nan DeChant as the chair and she is already getting everything started.  Nan is also very experienced in putting on a show like this, but she really needs a co-chair or even 2 co-chairs.  Splitting up different responsibilities makes the work more manageable and enjoyable and most of the other show jobs already have volunteers in place, so all the hard work is already done.  Take a look for a more detailed job description under the want ad section of the website and maybe you and a friend will want to volunteer as co-chair!

On a personal note, I’m expecting grandbaby #5 on Halloween I’m busy working on her quilt!

Happy Quilting my friends and I will see you at the October meeting.

Dawnell Muecke, President


 All of our volunteer jobs can be done by 1 or several people.  If you have a friend, consider sharing a job.  Half the work and twice the fun!  New members are always welcome to volunteer and there will be someone who has done the job before to help you.  Just ask our membership chair, Angela Smith!  She was a member for about a month or two before she took over membership and that’s a big job! 

Job:                Co-chair or co-chairs for June 2023 quilt show

Qualifications:                Enthusiastic, easy going and willing to help                                                                           No experience necessary

Job description:              Work with the current Chair person, Nan DeChant, to organize and facilitate the June 2023 Quilt Show.  The quilt show has many job chairs to break all the show functions down and make them more manageable.  The co-chairs make sure the show has all the pieces in place before the show and is responsible for smoothing out any issues on the day of the show.  Think of this job as the circus ringleader!  You don’t have to ride the elephant…just direct him.

Help guides:                    There are VERY detailed binders for this job so you are not re-inventing the show.  Just follow what has already been done, put your own touch where you want and the individual job chairs (already in place) will do the rest!

Why co-chair:                 Every job is easier if you have a backup.  Vacation, sickness, need a hand, bounce ideas off each other and it’s just more fun.

When:                               ASAP!

How to apply:                 Use your directory and contact Nan DeChant to help!


 Job:                 Publicity chair or co-chairs for June 2023 quilt show

Qualifications:                Organized and no experience necessary

Job description:               Use the detail binder to advertise the quilt show.

Help guides:                    The job binder lists each contact to advertise the show.  Just reach out, send them the already completed information about the show and they will advertise.

Volunteer time:              This job does not involve much time.  It’s completed mostly thru email contact and a few phone calls.  Easy, peasy  but important job!

When:                              Volunteer now to get involved with the show, but most of the work won’t take place until June 2023.

How to apply:                 Use your directory and contact Nan DeChant to help!


Job:                            TBQ Treasurer  

 Qualifications:       Accounting background; organizational skills, knowledge of Quickbooks 

Job Description:    Available upon request 

Help Guides:            Treasurer’s Notebook and Job Description 

Volunteer Time:    Approximately 7 to 10 hours per month for a knowledgeable finance person 

When: Immediately 

How to Apply: Contact Dawnell Muecke (use directory for contact information) 


 Recent Jobs filled:  Small quilt auction co-chair and 2024 Opportunity quilt team! 

Thank you to all of our volunteers!  Your participation is greatly appreciated and recognized by all!  

Dawnell Muecke, President


Angela Smith

Welcome new members Shelli Leffert, Kim Keogh, and Deena Knight.

Thank you!

Angela Smith – Chair


Cindy Seitz-Krug will be teaching “Beginning Machine Quilting” on Tuesday October 10th from 9-4:00 for $45.

This class includes free motion quilting and how to use your walking foot for foundation and decorative quilting.  

You will learn how to handle large quilts on your home machine.  

Kathleen Bond, Vice-President


Over 20 TBQ volunteers sold tickets for our beautiful “La Rosaraie” quilt over a 4-day period at the Yavapai County Fair this month! The 2-hour shifts went by quickly and we all enjoyed connecting with our fellow TBQ quilters while making money for our main fundraiser. Thank you to everyone who helped with your time and talents!!

Our next venue will be “A Stitch in Time” Quilt Show and Marketplace, at Del Rio Elementary School in Chino Valley. The event will be on Friday and Saturday, October 14-15th. Several volunteers have signed up to work on Friday, but I still need to find volunteers for Saturday. If you are available to help then, please call/text/email me and I will sign you up!

Upcoming in November is the Holiday Boutique Lonesome Valley Quilt Guild event in Prescott Valley. Look for sign-up sheets at our next meeting in October.

Remember, social media is a great marketing tool!

We have currently sold $1909 of our $4500 budgeted amount. That is 42% of our goal! Keep up the great work and we will get there before you know it!    Click on the link below to see charts of our progress:

Opportunity Quilt Charts

Happy Quilting!

Kathy Spry – Chair


October  hostesses are:  Cheryl Bouquet, Kate Browne, Carol Brownlow, Phyllis Byrnes, Pam Calhoun, Debby Casali, Carrie Casto, Lorraine Owen, and Mike Boyle.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

October Birthdays – Sandy Mitchell, Martha Ferreira, Ann Marston, Jenne Kern, Debby Casali, Stephanie Fullerton, Judith Dobke, Faith Chaney, Arleen Morris, Lorraine Owen, Mary Vaughan, Connie Sieh, Jerry Carr, Carolyn Edwards, and Sally Plummer. 

Community Service

Handmade Hugs

Another productive month and oh so generous ladies! Olivia Turnham delivered 43 baby blankets and 19 burpees to the Yavapai Birthing Center.  Seven beautifully quilted quilts were received at the Cancer Infusion Center.

So many guild members to thank for their talents. I especially want o thank Kay Wentworth and MaryAnn Connor for donating their lemon yellow quilt to Handmade Hugs. They both won fat quarters at the July party and showed them at last month’s meeting. MaryAnn also gifted the group with a 37 pound box of fabric.  What a terrific gift ….soon to be cut, pieced and quilted.  Someone gave us two boxes of small pieces of the identical batting (measured & labeled). These are being picked and used for our lap quilts.  Again ladies, thanks for these donations.

Next workday at Stoneridge will be Saturday, October 1, from 9 – 3. It’s always a fun time…many hands make light work!

Happy stitching!

Faith Chaney and Olivia Turnham, Co-Chairs

Elks Club Christmas Party 

Every year the Elks Lodge has a Christmas Party for disadvantaged children.  This year the party will be held on Saturday, December 17th.  Let’s participate and make this a special Christmas for children in need!

If you would like to help out, bring an unwrapped toy for ages 2 -12 years old that is under $20 to the Elks Lodge no later than Dec. 1st.  We will be collecting at our next 2 meetings on October 10th and November 14th.  You can also drop off at the Elks Lodge at your convenience.

We can make it a Merry Christmas for kids in need!

Dawnell Muecke, President

Donation Station

On a monthly basis on the website newsletter, we are going to start listing items that the guild is looking for in the way of donations.  Think of a list of items that teachers send out to parents for school supplies!  Any item that you donate at a guild meeting will be sorted and will either be given to Handmade Hugs, Marketplace (a booth at our bi-annual quilt show) or the company store.  We have several ambitious members already wanting to get a jump start on making items for the quilt show Marketplace and they need supplies!  Their ideas are dog beds, placemats and sewing machine pads. 

Look for the Donation Station at the next meeting!


Handmade Hugs
    -Batting  (crib size or larger)
    -Completed quilt tops
    -Flannel fabric
    -Rotary blades

Company Store
    -Sewing related items (patterns, notions, etc.)

Dawnell Muecke, President

quilt show/MARKETPLACE

The Quilt Show Bookmarks have been approved, & at the printers. Bookmarks will be available within a week or 10 days!  

The Marketplace had its first official meeting, and here are some of the items we are looking for:
* Armrest pockets, for remotes, phones, newspaper, pen or pencil pocket.  
* Cell Phone purses (Jamie Davis has volunteered to teach a group on ‘How To Make’, if anyone is interested.)
* Sewing Machine covers, in all sizes, from Featherweight size to larger embroidery machines.
* Tote bags of all sizes.

The Marketplace crafters can always, use:
* Candy Bags … preferably without the candy, but M&M, Miniatures like Snickers, Heath, etc., Jamie Davis creates waterproof zippered pouches for treats, supplies, dog treats, etc., from the candy bags!
* Zippers for zippered bags lengths of: 18″, 22″, 26″, 30″.  Lightweight/nylon; no metal or sports zippers, please.
* Fat quarters, 1/2 to full yard cuts of, masculine, dog, cat, hunting, western & juvenile fabrics. 
* Small Wallhangings, such as, Christmas, Halloween, Fall, Valentine or Easter or holiday themes.

As we start collecting/making items, there will be drop off places for price marking & storage until the Show.  Drop off locations will be announced in the next couple of months.  However, until then items can be delivered to the Marketplace table at the monthly guild meetings.

If an item you have seen, purchased or liked that you know sells well, feel free to create or share with Sandy Mazzurco, Marketplace Chair.  We love new inspiration!

Quilt Show pins ($5), and patterns ($2 & $3) can be purchased at the guild meetings…look for Nan at the desk.  Exact change is appreciated.

Nan DeChant – 2023 Quilt Show Chair


Monthly News – September 12, 2022

President’s Message

Hello Thumb Butte Quilters!

It’s already September!  Hobby Lobby  has Christmas decorations up…it’s making me anxious to start working on my Christmas quilts that I want to give as gifts.  I started too late last year and they ended up as pillow cases!

If you weren’t able to attend the August meeting, you missed a great speaker!  Lenna DeMarco put on an interesting show and was very knowledgeable about dating antique quilts and giving a brief history.  Members were able to bring their own quilts in, and she was nice enough to give a history of each one.  The moral of the story is to check out the local antique shops and garage sales.  There is a treasure out there to be found!

Kathleen Bond gave a workshop on Freezer Paper Foundation Paper Piecing the following day.  The class was full and she is going to hold a second workshop on September 13th for everyone who was not able to sign up.  If you HATE ripping out paper from a paper pieced project then this workshop is for you!  NO RIPPING out paper!  Contact Kathleen Bond if you are interested in getting on her class list.  I highly recommend it.

Next month we will be hosting Joann Hankey who will give a lecture on ‘For the Love of Feedsacks’.  Joann has a great collection and I’m sure we will all be on the hunt after her lecture.  You won’t want to miss this presentation.

Our meetings start at 9:30am, but please feel free to come early!  You can buy your raffle tickets, visit the BOM table, workshops, Handmade Hugs, Marketplace, the Company Store, Opportunity Quilt and more!  Sometimes our breaks don’t feel long enough to visit our friends and get our quilting fix in.  Our general meetings are also growing so we are never sure of the number of chairs to set out.  Grab a seat when you walk in the door so we can add chairs, if need be, before the meeting begins.

Did you know that anyone in the guild can attend the monthly board meeting if they are interested in finding out what goes on behind the scenes?  You are welcome to stop by on the 1st Monday of the month from 10:30am – 12:00 at Prescott Quilt Works.  Email me if you want to come!

Happy Quilting my friends and I will see you at the September meeting!

Dawnell Muecke, President

president’s challenge – 2023

Name that Quilt!

Everyone is invited to enter a quilt into the President’s Challenge ’Name that Song’ contest this year. The challenge is to make a quilt based on a popular song. You will have until May to complete and turn in. Anything goes! Pieced, applique, art quilt..anything you want! We will then display them and have a contest to see who can name the most quilts (songs) and prizes for the entries based on various categories. There is an entry form under the forms tab.

Here is an example of a ‘Name that Song’ quilt that I made in a San Diego guild. It was lots of fun! Can you guess the song?

My momma told me….You Better Shop Around!


Angela Smith

Welcome new members Georgia Lindsey, Sue Parks, and Secorro “Coco” Alaniz

Thank you!

Angela Smith – Chair


Cindy Seitz-Krug started quilting in 1992 when her mom signed her up for a quilting class.  She combines traditional and innovative ideas in her quilting.  Cindy has won many awards in national and international shows.  Her latest was Best of Show at The Lancaster AQS Show for her “Simply Santa Fe” Quilt.

Kathleen Bond, Vice-President


Our Opportunity Quilt is currently on display at Quilt and Sew Connection, but I will be collecting it soon so that we can display it at the Yavapai County Fair at the Rodeo Grounds. We will have TBQ volunteers selling tickets from Thursday through Sunday, September 8th through the 11th, from 10 am to 6 pm each day. Enter the Rodeo Grounds from Gail Gardner Way onto Rodeo Drive at Gate 1 and the quilt will be on display in Building A which is the first building on the right after entry. I am still in need of a few more volunteers on Saturday and Sunday, so please contact me if you are available for a 2-hour shift and I will sign you up! Remember, you get a free fair bracelet/pass, so you can come and volunteer and then also visit the fair!

There are several venue possibilities in October, so stand by for an update at our next meeting with more volunteer opportunities!

Our TBQ goal for the Opportunity Quilt for the year is $4500. Currently we have a net total of $1223. We are on our way, so let’s keep selling those tickets at our venues, online, or to our friends and neighbors! 

Kathy Spry – Chair


September hostesses are:  Carol Wright, Karen Adams, Sharon Andrews, Claire Bell, Jude Bentley, Yvonne Blitch, Kathleen Bond, Donna Hickish, and Sharon Luebkin.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

September Birthdays – Nancy Lande, Joan McGivern, Jill Davis, Trish Charity, Connie Muecke, Chris Summerfelt, JoAnn Salem, Patricia Gentner, Kristeen White, and Liz Hart.


Welcome to TBQ Newcomers!

Please join us for the 1st Newcomer Meeting of the 2022-23 TBQ Year!

When:  Monday, September 19
Time:  11:00 – 1:00ish
Place:  Trinity Presbyterian Church, 630 Park Ave. (corner of Park Ave. & Copper Basin)
Bring:  TBQ Handbook & a sack lunch

Carrie Casto & Deb Johnson, Co-chairs

Community Service

Handmade Hugs

It’s been a very productive month. Had an awesome workday on August 6th with many blocks and burp pads cut by Jamie Davis with her Accuquilt.  Thanks Jamie – you keep us working!  Had a few quilt tops put together and they are off to our volunteer quilters.

Try to come September 3rd for our next workday at Stoneridge Community Center from 9 – 3 or however long you can stay.

Next meeting, stop by the Donation Station to check out what you might be able to use to create something for the quilt show’s Marketplace. You can also drop off fabric/flannel for community service use.  We love getting large workable pieces.

A big shout out to Cloth Plus!!! They gave TBQ a terrific discount when I purchased 108” fabric for backing quilts for the Infusion Center.

See you in September!

Faith Chaney and Olivia Turnham, Co-Chairs

Donation Station

On a monthly basis on the website newsletter, we are going to start listing items that the guild is looking for in the way of donations.  Think of a list of items that teachers send out to parents for school supplies!  Any item that you donate at a guild meeting will be sorted and will either be given to Handmade Hugs, Marketplace (a booth at our bi-annual quilt show) or the company store.  We have several ambitious members already wanting to get a jump start on making items for the quilt show Marketplace and they need supplies!  Their ideas are dog beds, placemats and sewing machine pads. 

Look for the Donation Station at the next meeting!


Marketplace needs:
    – Batting at least 24” Square
    -Christmas/Holiday Themed Fabric 
    -Dog/Cat material 

Handmade Hugs
    -Batting  (crib size or larger)
    -Completed quilt tops
    -Flannel fabric
    -Rotary blades

Company Store
    -Sewing related items (patterns, notions, etc.)

Dawnell Muecke, President

quilt show

We are progressing in putting everyone and everything in place for our June 2023 Quilt Show.  We have our two patterns for sale at the monthly Guild meetings, and starting with September’s meeting, the pins will be available for sale.  

The pin is based on Chris Sommerfelt’s design of,” Bloom Where You Are Planted”.

The Friendship group, CutUps, created a flower motif for Guild Members to wear during the Show to denote them as guild members.  The pin fits well into the center of the flower, and allows for attaching to one’s shirt/top.

Those signing up to participate in making items for the Show’s Marketplace, the first meeting will be held in the Stoneridge Community Center’s 2nd Floor Conference Room, Tuesday, September 20.  Based on the Marketplace Sign Up sheet, individuals will be receiving an email from Marketplace Chair, Sandy Mazzurco with time and agenda.  Details will be shared at the September 20 meeting.

There are still several committee positions open for the Quilt Show.  Take a look at the sign up board at the September 12 Guild meeting to see how you can participate.

Nan DeChant – 2023 Quilt Show Chair

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