General Meeting Minutes – March 10, 2025

9:00 Hospitality time and $5.00/Bag shopping at the Guild Store

9:30 Meeting called to order by President Coco Alaniz

● Approval of the General Meeting minutes from February was posed to the membership. Approval was motioned by Georgia Lindsey and seconded by Gerry Carr. No discussion. Motion approved.

● Welcome to speaker, Dora Cary of Orange Dot Quilts


● Membership: Dawnell reported that we have two visitors today. Please note that membership sign-ups for the next year will start at the May meeting. Reminder to pick up your membership directories. Additional reminder: Please attend our Newcomer Group that is here to help our newest members connect with our guild.

● Handmade Hugs: Jamie reported that in our current fiscal year, our guild has made a total of 578 donation projects ranging from receiving blankets, burp cloths, to full quilts. Also noted that with JoAnn’s going out of business, Handmade Hugs will gladly accept your 2 ½ yard flannel donations. Always seeking top quilters ~ stay tuned for announcement about a free class on quilting offered to our guild members.

● Newcomers: Georgia announced that all are invited to make a trip down to the valley to visit quilt shops next Wednesday, March 19th. Meet at Costco at 8:00 AM to carpool/caravan. The April meeting for Newcomers will be held at Coco’s Prescott Quilt Works. Half-page flyer was made available to all.

● Newcomers Part Two: Carrie Casto held up a beautiful Red/White/Blue quilt completed by last year’s Newcomers Group that will be donated to the “Honor Flight” program. Carrie donated the quilting work and Angela Smith accepted the quilt for donation.

● Programs & Workshops: Deb reminded those who have pre-order tee shirts and bags to come and pick them up today. The bags will be sold at $15.00. Shirts for sale as well.

April: Our own Martie Winkelman will be showcasing her wearables in a trunk show. The workshop the following day (4/15) will be a FREE QUILTING CLASS taught by member Carrie Casto. Carrie will teach various techniques to help our members learn the quilting process. The quilting completed at this workshop will help our Handmade Hugs group to fully complete quilts for donation. Max. 20 people – sign ups taken today.

May: Rob Appell will be our guest speaker. He will teach a “Wonky Log Cabin” class on Monday afternoon at the Trinity Presbyterian Church. The cost is $25.00 and supply lists are available today. Sign up today! On Tuesday, May 13th, Rob will teach his “Super Sampler” class. The price is $35.00 (some pre-registered folks will receive a $10.00 refund today.) Sign ups are now being taken as there are a few new openings. The class requires a pattern and rulers.

June: This is the month of our quilt show. Our very own Shirlee Smith will present a truck show for the program and there will be no class in June. EVERYONE WILL BE PREPARING FOR THE QUILT SHOW.

● Introduction of Dora Cary and her presentation followed by a trunk show and pattern giveaway.

11:05 TO 11:20 BREAK

11:22 President Coco calls the meeting back to order.


● Opportunity Quilt Tickets: Liz Hart reviewed that our progress at ticket sales is only at 20% of our goal for opportunity quilt tickets. Please do what you can to purchase for yourself, sell to your neighbors, relatives and friends, and get the word out about these tickets. Liz will be traveling to Sedona tomorrow to sell. Share new venues with Liz and help us make our goal.

● Quilt Show: Pat Noel reminds us that our Quilt Show is coming and had these announcements:

○ Quilt Show entries should be to Carrie Casto by April 15th.

○ Raffle Baskets are being accepted now. Pat showed us one that was turned in today. (suggested baskets: plants/gardening, pets, wine/cheese as basket ideas – they don’t all have to be about quilting)

○ Small Quilt Auction items to Angela Smith by the May general meeting.

○ Items for the Marketplace should be to Cathy Day by the May general meeting.

○ Suzy Davidson reports that the vendor space for our show is sold out!!!!

○ Ribbons will be made this year by Martie Winkelman.

○ Georgia (Hospitality hostess) reminds us that ALL of our members at the Quilt Show will be “White Glove” equipped. These gloves will be available when you “check-in”.

○ The Quilt Show committee will start meeting at Coco’s Prescott Quilt Works after today. Next meeting is Monday, March 31st at 10:35.

● Marketplace: Cathy Day reminded the members that we need great participation in donated items that can be sold at the Quilt Show Marketplace. The deadline for these will be the May general meeting, however Cathy has a tub on her porch and can accept items there. Cathy also offered Kristine’s and Pat’s homes in Prescott for drop off.

● Quilt Camp: Cathy Day announced that there are still openings for our annual Quilt camp scheduled for March 24-27 at the Trinity Presbyterian Church in Prescott. Registration fee $125.00 covers lunch meal, treats, retreat center space, and prizes.

● Block of the Month: Shirlee Smith showed an example of the upcoming block which is a chocolate bunny. Patterns will be posted on the website. Fabric choices are up to the maker but should be spring like. The drawing for the 23 heart blocks turned in through February netted two winners – Kathleen Semerau and Barb Krit.

● Birthday Drawing

● Show & Tell

12:08 Meeting adjourned by President Coco

Respectfully submitted by Dana Swain, Secretary 

General Meeting Minutes – February 10, 2025

9:00 Hospitality time begins

9:30 President Coco calls the meeting to order

● Approval of the December General Meeting minutes was motioned by Michelle Anderson and seconded by Georgia Lindsey; vote taken, motion by Kathleen Semerau and seconded by Sally Thomas; vote taken, motion passed.

Welcome to our speaker today, Jean Impey.

President Coco completed the nominating committee for the 2025-2026 executive board positions: Martha Ferreira, Georgia Lindsey, and Michaelyn “Mike” Boyle.

● President Coco reminded all members to add their name so the nominations poster for the positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary


MEMBERSHIP: Alicia welcomed and introduced our guests. She reminded everyone to pick up their membership packets if they have not already done so.

Alicia also reminded our members that if they know of someone in the guild that needs a Get Well card or needs extra support, please contact one of the membership committee.

HANDMADE HUGS: Jamie reported that today we took in two carts full of completed quilts and burp cloths. She reminded our members that we can ALWAYS use help from top quilters to complete projects. Jamie also noted Alicia’s help in securing top quilters.

NEWCOMERS: Mary Ellen and Georgia reported on their community project made by the members of the Newcomers group over the past months. This group will meet on Thursday, February 27th to assemble all the blocks and again on Friday, February 28th to quilt the completed quilt top. The meetings both days will begin at 9:00 AM and will be held at Mary Ellen’s home.

RETREAT LITE: Coco reported that there is one remaining spot in this two-day retreat to be held February 24-25. Please contact Dana Swain if you’d like to enroll or be on the waitlist.

FOUR-DAY RETREAT: Cathy reported on the plans for the annual 4-day retreat set for March 24-25-26-27. The retreat will be held at the Trinity Presbyterian Church in Prescott and the cost will be $125.00 which includes a daily lunch, snacks, and prizes. Sign ups are half full and will be taken through the March meeting.

PROGRAMS: Deb reminded the members that T-Shirts orders can still be taken this week and she has a few for sale today.

Deb made a special thank you to Jamie Davis for her AccuQuilt demonstration last month.

Looking ahead: Dora Cary will be here presenting in March.

Our April program is not determined yet, but we will be welcoming Ron Appell in May.


● Kathleen reminded the members that today’s workshop with Jean Impey is full.

● Tomorrow’s “Spiderweb” workshop with Jean still has space. It will take place at the Trinity Presbyterian Church on Tuesday, February 11. See website for details.

● Kathleen is taking sign ups today for Dora Cary’s Fusible Applique workshop offered Tuesday, March 11. See the website for details and supply lists. Class fee $35.00; pattern fee $10.00. Location: Trinity Presbyterian Church. Time: 9:00-4:00.

● May’s workshop will be Ron Appell’s scheduled for Tuesday, May 13th and it will cost $45.00. Details to follow ~ watch the website for updates.

SPEAKER: Deb introduced our speaker for today: Jean Impey. Jean delivered a wonderful program from the podium and also used the screens to illustrate her program. After the presentation, Jean provided a beautiful and inspiring trunk show.

10:50 – 11:00 BREAK

Reports/Presentations continued:

QUILT SHOW: Pat Noel provided an update on our forthcoming quilt show. She reminded the members of the importance of everyone’s participation. We call on our members to display their quilts, make raffle baskets, make quilts displaying the courthouse patterns, and to purchase Quilt Show pins. There will be no Quilt Show Committee meeting today, but please call Pat if you have any questions or concerns regarding the quilt show.

● MARKETPLACE: Cathy Day reminded us that all Marketplace donations should be collected by the May General meeting. They may be brought to the meeting or dropped at Cathy’s home.

● QUILT SHOW ENTRIES: The quilts to be displayed in the show this year will be registered electronically. Please contact Carrie Casto if you need help in registering your quilts. The deadline to register your entries will be April 15th.

● SMALL QUILT AUCTION: Angela Smith reminded the members to donate small quilts (lap size or smaller) no later than May 12th. Angela hopes to collect enough to have auctions on both Friday and Saturday.

● RAFFLE BASKETS: Please create raffle baskets, either on your own or with a small group, to donate to the Quilt Show. Please have these turned in at the May 12th General meeting.

● COURTHOUSE PATTERNS & SHOW PINS: Please see the ladies at the quilt show table for pins today. Patterns will be available next month as Sharon is not here today.

DOG BEDS: Karen Varela asked that we be cautious in donating fabric and batting scraps. Please assure that there are no pins, paper, or Steam-a-Seam on the scraps turned in. She also requested that batting donations be cut into small pieces.

BLOCK OF THE MONTH: Shirlee showed the “Hearts” block that will be collected this month and next ~ to be raffled in March. (See website for details/pattern) She had 24 “Bird” blocks turned in and raffled these off to three lucky members.

BIRTHDAY DRAWINGS: Arleen and her team called off and distributed multiple birthday bags collected over the past few months!

SHOW & TELL: Mary led the display of beautiful quilts made by our members.

PRESIDENT’S CHALLENGE: Coco reminded the membership that her challenge this year was to create a baby quilt inspired by a Nursery Rhyme. Please bring your quilts to next month’s meeting for viewing.

TBQ STORE: Lorraine from the Company Store wanted to say THANK YOU to the membership. The store had a record day today! Many thanks to the family of Karen Johnson who donated many items to the store to be shared with our membership.

MEETING ADJOURNED by President Coco at 11:38 AM


General Meeting Minutes – January 13, 2025

9:00 General Meeting opens with hospitality time.
9:32 President CoCo Alaniz called the General Meeting to order.

*Welcome to members…Happy New Year!
*Motion to accept October 14, 2024 minutes by Terry Grenier, seconded by Pat
Noel. Motion carried.
* It is time to select a 3 Member Nominating Committee. Those interested can sign up on board in the front, or those interested in serving can sign up.
* Top Quilters needed for Handmade Hugs. Please contact Jamie or Kristine.
* Hospitality team needs some helpers. Please see Nan DeChant.
* Many are interested in sending quilts for the various disasters. Hancock Fabrics and Jean Impey are collecting new or gently used quilts.

Membership – Dawnell Muecke
Welcomed 3 visitors and one joined today.

Programs and Workshops– Deb Johnson February Program will be Jean Impey.
*On Monday afternoon at the Elks she will be teaching her Faces class. There is a waiting list. The cost is $25. The supply list is on the website.
* Tuesday Jean is teaching her Spider Web in an all day class at Trinity Church. The cost is $35 with a $12 kit fee due on the day of. A supply list is on the website.
*March Program will be -Dora Cary from Orange Dots Quilts
* Workshop on Tuesday will be on Fusible applique. There are 2 patterns to choose from. The cost is $35 and will be held at Trinity Presbyterian Church.
* Sign up with Kathleen Bond at break or after the meeting for the February or March workshops.
* January Workshop- is Jamie Davis
AccuQuilt Demonstration and Trunk Show following today’s meeting. Free to all who attend.

Retreat Lite – Dana Swain is taking signups for our 2 day Sit and Sew to be held February 24-25, 2025. The cost is $15 and she is taking signups with payment today.

Today’s Program – Deb Johnson explained the itinerary for the day. Quilt Show “Qick-Off” to learn about the various aspects of and opportunities to serve at TBQ’s bi- annual quilt show.  She thanked the Quilt Show Committee for “coaching” the stations the members will be rotating to. Program began at 9:46am and was completed at 10:25.

P.I.G. Activity with Kathleen Bond and Dawnell Muecke
Aka Project in Grocery Bag. Several members presented 2 projects they have not
completed. All members voted by paddle to determine which project they were
challenged to complete by our December 2025 meeting.

Newcomers-Mary Ellen and Georgia
Tomorrow Newcomers and all interested are invited to meet at 10:00am at PrescottQu ilt Works. Shirlee Smith will be doing demos.

Announcement by Sharon Harris that MountainTop Quilt Guild has class seats available for Karen Bolan on 01-22-25.

Block of the Month –Shirlee Smith shared the current block which is a bird. It will be drawn for in February. Shirlee has patterns or it can be found on the website. Drawings were made for October and November.

Birthday Drawing
Quik off Drawing
Show and Tell-Mary Vaughan
President CoCo Alaniz thanked Deb Johnson for the fun and creative program today.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:50
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Fullerton, Guild Co-Secretary

General Meeting Minutes – December 9, 2024

9:00 General meeting opens with hospitality time.

9:30 President CoCo Alaniz calls the General Meeting to order

Claire Bell – Treasurer’s Report

● Due to no general meeting in November, there was nothing to report.

Liz Hart – Ways & Means Report

● Our Opportunity Quilt ticket sales have only reached the 20% mark thus far.

● Due to cancellation of the November guild meeting, Liz will manage the “Last-Minute Stocking Stuffer” annual event.

● Liz asked the members to make suggestions on other low cost venue locations.

Alicia Czuzak – Membership Report

● No report because we did not meet as a guild in November.

Jamie Davis – Handmade Hugs Report

● As of December 2024, the following donations have been made:

○ Yavapai Birthing Center – Bibs 170 and Receiving blankets 108,

○ Gentiva Hospice – 13 quilts,

○ Good Samaritan Recovery Center – 57 quilts,

○ Prescott High School No Sew Blankets 32,

○ Blankets-4-Kids – 35 quilts

● TBQ Marketplace has received 12 quilts to be sold at the Quilt Show.


Mary Ellen Coe & Georgia Lindsey – Newcomers – No report

Deb Johnson/Kathleen Bond – Combined & Workshops Programs Report

● January’s program will be the Quilt Show “Qick-Off” and the “P.I.G.” (project in a bag). After the meeting, Jamie Davis will be doing a short demonstration and truck show on the Accuquilt…for free. Everyone is welcome!

● February’s Program – Jean Impey will be our guest presenter.

● Following the meeting on Monday, Jean will be teaching her “Faces” class. The class is full but Kathleen is keeping a waiting list. This class will be held at the Elks.

● Tuesday Jean will be teaching her “SpiderWeb” class at Trinity Presbyterian Church. There is a $12 kit fee for this class.

● March’s program will be Dora Cary from Orange Dot Quilts in CA. She will be teaching a fusible applique class. There are 2 patterns for participants to choose from for this class which will also be at Trinity Presbyterian Church.

Pat Noel – Quilt Show Report

● No meeting took place in November due to cancellation of the general meeting.

● The Quilt show Committee continues to prepare for the January Kickoff meeting in cooperation with the program director and Vice President.

Block of the Month Report – No report

Show & Tell – Mary Vaughn

Birthday Drawings

9:55 Meeting adjourned by President CoCo Alaniz

~~~ BREAK ~~~

Holiday Party – “A Winter Wonderland” brunch and gift exchange

Respectfully submitted,

Dana Swain, Guild Secretary

General Meeting Minutes – October 14, 2024


9:00 General meeting opens with hospitality time.

9:30 President CoCo Alaniz calls the General Meeting to order

  • Approval of Minutes – Deb Johnson made a motion to accept the September 9, 2024 General Meeting Minutes as presented. Seconded by Sherri Hubbs and Georgia Lindsey

Liz Hart – Ways & Means Report

  • Thank you to all volunteers for working at Chino Valley show.  .We raised $146 first day and $79 the second.
  • The upcoming Opportunity Quilt ticket sales will be:
    •  Lonesome Valley Boutique October 25-26 at Prescott Valley Elks Lodge
    •  High Desert Art Guild November 23 from 8 am to 1 pm
    • The Armory – Last Minute Stocking Stuffers in December 
  •  Please contact Liz to sign up for what times you can  sit with the quilt to sell tickets .  Also,  pass along other venue ideas to Liz. Consider taking the quilt out of the area if you are planning a trip where it can be shown. Also consider showing at your neighborhood community garage sales.

Dawnell Muecke – Membership Report

  • We have 1 Re-Member  and 1 guest today.
  • Pick up your new Membership Directory if you have not already. 

Kristine White -Community Service 

  • Many completed projects have been turned in and kits have been picked up.  Thank you.  

Mary Ellen Coe & Georgia Lindsey – Newcomers Report

  • The next gathering will be Tuesday, October 22nd, beginning at 10:00 at Prescott Quilt Works. This month’s project will be Storage Bags.  All are welcome.  Please let Mary Ellen or Georgia know so that they can have enough supplies ready.

Deb Johnson – Programs Report

  • Deb read the names of the Hostesses for our December Christmas party.  A planning meeting will be held immediately following our meeting today.
  • Our November program will be devoted to our Quilt Show “Qick-Off”. A fun and informative program is planned to learn all about our June guild show.
  • January program will be conducted by Dawnell and Kathleen “P.I.G.” Project in Grocery Bag.
  • February program will be Jean Impy.
  • Our  program  today will be Heidi Pridemore presenting her tips, tricks, tools, and shortcuts on both construction and finishing projects.

Kathleen Bond – Workshops Report

  • Tuesday, October 15th: Heidi Pridemore will teach “Rippling Waves,” a curved seams technique workshop. We still have class openings.  Several class tuitions have been added to the Birthday drawing.  If you’d just like to make a small sample/project, bring five fat quarters.
  • Monday, November 11th: Following the general meeting starting at 1:00 PM, Jamie Davis will present a demonstration on how to use an AccuQuilt fabric cutting system. 
  • February Workshop will be 2 different classes by Jean Impy. The first will be on Monday after the meeting on her Faces.  The second will be a full day on Tuesday at the Trinity Presbyterian on her Spider web technique.  Sign ups being taken now. 

Speaker: Heidi Pridemore

President CoCo Alaniz – Further announcements: Shop Heidi’s store, Purchase Birthday tickets, Company store, Workshop Sign ups, BOM, Community Service

~ Break ~

Shirlee Smith – Block of the Month Report

  • Block of the Month – She has patterns available at her table or you can find on the Guild website for the months of October and November. 

Mary Vaughan – Show and Tell 

  • Please line up, sign in, and share your talents and treasures. 

Arleen Morris and Sheryl McLain – Birthday Drawing

11:55 Meeting adjourned by President CoCo Alaniz

Respectfully submitted,

Stephanie Fullerton, Guild Secretary

General Meeting Minutes – September 9, 2024

9:00 General meeting opens with hospitality time. 

9:30 President CoCo Alaniz calls the General Meeting to order 

  • Announcement: We must be out of the building today by 12:00 noon in order that the Lodge can perform some maintenance.  
  • Reminder: Shirlee Smith and CoCo Alaniz read through the “High Five Promise” as printed in the Membership Directory reminding all members of our call to participate. 
  • CoCo shared that member Karen Johnson is in hospice care. A card will be sent to her. 

Liz Hart – Ways & Means Report 

  • Thank you to all volunteers for working at the county fair. We raised $479.00! 
  • Two new venues for Opportunity Quilt ticket sales: Chino Valley Quilt Show and Lonesome Valley Boutique. Future venues: High Desert Art Guild and “Last Minute Stocking Stuffers” ~ PLEASE SIGN UP TO SIT WITH THE OPPORTUNITY QUILT. 
  • Please pass along other venue ideas to Liz. Consider taking the quilt out of the area if you are planning a trip where it can be shown. 

Dawnell Muecke – Membership Report 

  • To date our guild has 155 members. 
  • Reminder to pick up your new Membership Directory from Dawnell today. Be sure to look through it and mark the month that you will help to hostess at a monthly meeting.  

Jamie Davis – Handmade Hugs Report 

  • Jamie shared that thirteen members helped at Handmade Hugs this past week. 
  • Kristine White thanked the members for flannel donations ~ always appreciated!! 
  • Please continue to pick up packets of projects that you can complete and return on your own schedule. 
  • Next Handmade Hugs gathering will be Saturday, October 5th, from 9:00 to noon. 

Mary Ellen Coe & Georgia Lindsey – Newcomers Report 

  • The next gathering will be Tuesday, September 24th, beginning at 10:00 at Prescott Quilt Works. This month’s focus will be a name badge “make and take” workshop and ALL interested in making a name badge/lanyard are welcome. Please let Mary Ellen or Georgia know so that they can have enough supplies ready. 

Deb Johnson – Programs Report 

  • Deb expressed thanks to everyone that took the time to complete the Programs interest survey last month.  Fifty-eight were completed and returned.  If you’d like to complete a survey or submit another one, please contact Deb as she is happy to accept them. 
  • Today’s presenter will be our own CoCo Alaniz and her “Mish-Mash Trunk Show”. 
  • Our October program will be Heidi Pridemore presenting her tips, tricks, tools, and shortcuts on both construction and finishing projects. 
  • Our November program will be devoted to our Quilt Show “Qick-Off”. Come, hear, see and learn all about how we will all pull together as a guild and create a wonderful quilt show next summer. 
  • December meeting – Annual Christmas party!  

 Kathleen Bond – Workshops Report 

  • Tuesday, September 10th: Coco Alaniz will teach her Nana Big-Styler Apron pattern. The pattern costs $8.00 and the workshop fee is $35.00. See the website for a supply list. The workshop starts at 9:00 at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Prescott. 
  • Tuesday, October 15th: Heidi Pridemore will teach “Rippling Waves,” a curved seams technique workshop. Pattern cost $14.00; optional kits and ruler for sale; Workshop cost $35.00. If you’d just like to make a small sample/project, bring five fat quarters. 
  • Monday, November 11th: Following the general meeting starting at 1:00 PM, Jamie Davis will present a demonstration on how to use an AccuQuilt fabric cutting system. She will also bring a mini-trunk show of her own projects completed with AccuQuilt dies. Deb asks that you please sign up to attend.  

Speaker: CoCo Alaniz’s “Mish Mash Trunk Show” 

~ Break ~ 

President CoCo Alaniz – Further announcements: 

Cathy Day – Guild Store 

  • Cathy asked the members to please consider lending their hands/vehicle to help get the books for the store to each meeting and back to storage. She also clarified about the two “antique” (non-operable) sewing machines that were for sale for $10.00 in the store.  

Sharon Harris – Friendship Groups 

  • We want to encourage every member of our Guild to join OR start “Friendship Groups” which allow like-minded quilters to gather in small groups to advance their interests. 

Shirlee Smith – Block of the Month Report 

  • Drawing for the July/August pattern of “Kaffe’s Kats”.  We had 23 blocks turned in and there will be two drawings for the blocks.  Great participation! 
  • The NEW Block of the Month instructions are posted on the Guild website for the months of October and November.  There is also a video tutorial link available.  You may choose a monochromatic colorway or any prints with a solid light background.  

Arleen Morris and Sheryl McLain – Birthday Drawing 

  • As part of our “High Five Promise”, each guild member is encouraged to bring a birthday gift to be raffled off during the general meeting on the month of their birthdays.  Today seven gifts were raffled off. Purchasing birthday raffle tickets helps support our guild’s programming throughout the year. 

Mary Vaughan – Show and Tell  

  • Please line up, sign in, and share your talents and treasures.  
  • Martie Winkelman announced that she will be presenting a wearables trunk show next week at the Mountain Top Quilt Guild meeting.  All are encouraged to attend. 

CoCo Alaniz – President’s Challenge 

  • CoCo presented her PRESIDENT’S CHALLENGE to our members to make a baby/small quilt with a Nursery Rhyme theme.  These quilts will be donated to a charity that CoCo will research and choose in the coming months. 

11:25 Meeting adjourned by President CoCo Alaniz 

Respectfully submitted – Dana Swain, Guild Secretary  



General Meeting Minutes – August 12, 2024

9:00 General meeting opens with hospitality time. 

9:33 President CoCo Alaniz calls the General Meeting to order
A special welcome to our speaker Helen Frost and to the Chino Valley Quilters and their stunning opportunity quilt. 

Dana Swain – “Retreat Lite” Report

  • September 30-October 1; 9:00 AM-6:00 PM; $15.00; 24 slots open.
  • Sign-ups currently being taken ~ see Dana. 

Alicia Czuzak – Membership Report

  • Visitors welcomed and introduced.
  • Please be sure to double-check the membership roster for accuracy. New directories will be handed out in September to our members. 

Jamie Davis – Handmade Hugs Report 

  • In the past year, 998 items were made and donated by our members. 
  • Next Handmade Hugs session will be held at the Stoneridge Community Center on Saturday, Sept. 7th from 9:00 to 12:00 ~ all are encouraged to participate. 
  • Requesting donations of flannel fabrics in three-yard cuts which will be used to make a quilt top and back and matching burp cloth. 
  • Sidenote: Jamie is collecting empty bags of candy (large size) to make zipper bags for the Quilt Show. Please collect and get them to her at a future meeting. 

MaryAnn Conner – Community Quilts/Adult Center Report 

  • Currently seeking Southwest-themed quilts to hang in the Adult Center. We still need six large and 1 medium-sized quilts. Please contact MaryAnn. 

Mary Ellen Coe & Georgia Lindsey – Newcomers Report 

  • Newcomers Group is welcome to all who are interested in learning more about our guild and to help our newcomers build friendship with other guild members.  
  • Meetings will focus on projects and visits to local quilt shops. 
  • Meetings are set for the fourth Tuesday of the month.  Next meeting is August 27th at Prescott Quilt Works.  

Deb Johnson – Programs Report 

  • Today’s presenter will be Helen Frost, and her presentation is entitled “A Quilters’ Magic Show.” 
  • September presenter: CoCo Alaniz’s Trunk show 
  • October presenter: Heidi Pridemore 

Kathleen Bond – Workshops Report 

  • Tuesday, August 13th: Helen Frost will teach a “Beautiful Bindings” workshop. Kit $10.00 and workshop fee $35.00. 9:00 to 4:00 at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Prescott. A few spots are still open. See Kathleen to sign up. 
  • Tuesday, September 10th: Coco Alaniz will teach her Nana Big-Styler Apron pattern. The pattern costs $8.00 and the workshop fee $35.00. See website for supply list. 
  • Tuesday, October 15th: Heidi Pridemore will teach “Rippling Waves” a curved seams technique workshop. The pattern cost $14.00; optional kits and ruler for sale; Workshop cost $35.00. 

Speaker: Helen Frost presented her tricks for better quilts program 

Liz Hart – Ways and Means Report 

  • Our Opportunity Quilt will be shown at the Yavapai County Fair on September 5th-8th from 9:00 AM to 11:00 PM at night.  Please sign up for a 2-hour shift. 
  • Opportunity Quilt tickets are available for purchase ~ see Liz. 
  • Quilt Show pins are available for $5.00 each. 


 President CoCo Alaniz – CoCo announced that the 2025 Quilt Show committee will meet directly after each general meeting until the show. You are all welcome to attend and take on an opportunity to help. 

Deb Johnson – Programs 

  • Please take a few minutes to complete an interest survey which will help her to set up programs for the coming year.  

Sharon Harris – Friendship Groups 

  • We want to encourage our members to join or start “Friendship Groups” which allow like-minded quilters to gather in small groups to advance their interests. 
  • Sharon will be contacting current Friendship Groups to be sure our website is up to date with descriptions and contacts. 
  • Please reach out to Sharon if you have an idea for a new friendship group. 

Shirlee Smith – Block of the Month Report 

  • The July/August pattern is a “Kaffe’s Kats” by Donna Jordan available on the guild’s website, online at Jordan Fabrics, or Shirlee can email the pattern to you.  
  • Thirteen blocks were turned in today and Shirlee will take blocks again next month and hold a raffle then. 
  • Shirlee reviewed that the Block of the Month will change every two months and PDF patterns will always be made available on the website. 

Arleen Morris and Sheryl McLain – Birthday Drawing 

  • Our members are encouraged to bring a gift to be raffled off during the general meeting on the month of their birthdays. Today fourteen gifts were raffled off. 

Mary Vaughan – Show and Tell  

  • Please line up, sign in, and share your talents and treasures.  

 11:35 Meeting adjourned by President CoCo Alaniz 

 Respectfully submitted, 

Dana Swain, Guild Secretary   

General Meeting Minutes – July 8, 2024

9:00 General meeting opens with socializing time and the Silent Auction begins.

9:30 President Angela calls the General Meeting to order.

Dawnell Muecke – Membership report:  Two new members today; visitors welcomed and introduced.

Jamie Davis – Handmade Hugs report:
· Nearly 800 items have been made and donated this year.
· Compliments to a hard working quilt and bib assembly and quilting crew.
· Next meetings will be held at the Stoneridge Community Center on Saturday August 3rd and September 7th ~ all are welcome and encouraged to participate

Dana Swain – Retreat Lite program:
· Dates will be Monday, September 30 and Tuesday, October 1st, 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
· Meeting place has changed to Trinity Presbyterian Church in Prescott
· Sign ups for 24 spots will begin at the August General Meeting ~ cost $15.00

Liz Hart – Ways and Means report:· Reminders of today’s Silent Auction event to benefit the guild. Bids taken until 10:45.
· Quilt Show tickets are available for purchase ~ see Liz.

Kathleen Bond – Programs and Workshops:
· August 13th: Helen Frost will teach a “Beautiful Bindings” workshop. Kit $10.00 and workshop fee $35.00.
· September 10th: Coco Alaniz will teach her Nana Big-Style Apron pattern. The pattern cost $8.00 and the workshop fee $35.00. See website for supply list.
· October 15th: Heidi Pridemore will teach ”Rippling Waves,  a curved seams technique workshop. Pattern cost $14.00; optional kits and ruler for sale; Workshop cost $35.00.

Shirlee Smith – Block of the Month:
· The July/August pattern is a “Kaffe’s Kats” by Donna Jordan available on the guild’s website, online at Jordan Fabrics, or Shirlee can email the pattern to you.

· Applique technique for the block is your choice.

Angela Smith Show and Tell time provided to members.

Angela Smith – Presentations to the outgoing board members and committee leads.

Kay Wentworth – Presentations and Installation:
· Kay presented a bouquet to Angela in thanks for your tenure as our guild president
· Installation of board officers: Coco Alaniz, president; Deb Johnson, vice president; Claire Bell, treasurer, and Stephanie Fullerton & Dana Swain, co-secretaries/parliamentarians

Coco Alaniz – New Guild President accepted the gavel.
· Coco offered a short speech encouraging every member to participate in the Quilt Show.

Dawnell Muecke – President’s gift presentation:
· Outgoing president Angela Smith was presented with a beautiful red-white-and-blue quilt with a carrying tote which were signed by members in gratitude for her presidency.

10:02 Meeting was adjourned and the Annual TBQG Summer Birthday Party began.

Respectfully submitted,

Dana Swain, Guild Secretary


General Meeting Minutes – June 10, 2024

The meeting was called to order at 9:30am by President Angela Smith.
Angela introduced our guest speaker Diane Franzese from Honor Flight. She thanked the guild for the contribution of the 45 beautiful quilts.  Angela will begin a new friendship group to center around Honor Flight in the near future. The first order of Guild business was to vote on the 2024-25 budget. A motion was made by Jamie Davis to increase the program expenses by $3,000. The motion was seconded by Phyllis Byrnes.  After discussion, Carrie Casto moved to approve the change in the budget and Dianna Dunn seconded the motion. The motion passed. The second order of business was the vote for new officers for the 2024-25 year. Officcrs are as follows: President-Coco Alaniz Vice president-Deb Johnson Treasurer-Claire Bell Secretary -Dana Swain and Stephanie Fullerton A motion to accept the slate of officers was made by Susie Davidson and seconded by Cathy Day. The motion passed with no discussion. A transition meeting for new officers and committee members will follow the board meeting on July l. The membership update was given by Dawnell Muecke. She introduced the new members and guests for June. The Community Service update was given by Jamie Davis. Sue Parks has offered to be a top quilter. July 6th is the next meeting and putting backs together will be on the agenda. Jamie shared the following Handmade Hugs statistics for the year of items that have been donated: 246 Burp clothes 246 Baby blankets 90 children’s blankets 108 to Good Samarian 77 to Hospice MaryAnn Conner is looking for patriotic quilts to be hung at the Adult Center. Please contact her if you have a quilt to contribute. The Ways and Means update was given by Liz Hart. She thanked those that helped sell tickets for the opportunity Quilt at the Mountain Top Quilt Show. $550 has been raised year to date. The next event to sell tickets will be at the County Fair in August. She is working on securing more events in the coming months.  She reminded the members that at our July meting we will be having a UFO SILENT AUCTION. Don’t forget your cash and checkbooks. Speakers and Workshop information was presented by Kathleen Bond and Martha Ferriera.  The June workshop, Big Pocket Aprons, will be postponed until September. You will automatically be put on the September class list, unless you would like a refund for the class.  The July Meeting will be the annual Guild Birthday Party and UFO Silent Auction. Come prepared to celebrate in your  Red, White and Blue!  In August, the guild will host Helen Frost who will present information on binding. There is a $10 kit fee for those taking the workshop. This month’s speaker was Diane Franzese from Honor Flight. Diane shared information about the role of Honor Flight for our veteran community. She shared about the who, what, where, when and how Honor Flights work as well as touching stories of the veterans that have participated in the remarkable program. Many members shared personal stories of the Honor Flight experience with parents or siblings. Several members had been in airports when veterans were being cheered by travelers as they were getting on their Honor Flight. Some interesting facts about Honor Flight: 128 hubs across the country Started in Arizona in 2009 3,500have participated to date in AZ A few of their partners are Southwest Airlines, D.A.R, and Hilton Hotels It takes 77 volunteers to manage one Honor Flight They conduct 10 flights a year each hosting 35 Veterans They spend threc days in the DC area visiting the WWII memorial and other historic sites Nation wide, 270,000 vets have participated in the Honor Flight program There are currently 1,200 veterans on the waiting list for an Honor Flight Angela called for a mid meeting break. Afier the break members enjoyed Show and Tell, Block of the Month, and the Birthday Drawings. Angela reminded everyone about the Birthday party July 8 and then adjourned the meeting at 11:40 a.m. Recorded by Deb Johnson
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