9:00 Hospitality time and $5.00/Bag shopping at the Guild Store
9:30 Meeting called to order by President Coco Alaniz
● Approval of the General Meeting minutes from February was posed to the membership. Approval was motioned by Georgia Lindsey and seconded by Gerry Carr. No discussion. Motion approved.
● Welcome to speaker, Dora Cary of Orange Dot Quilts
● Membership: Dawnell reported that we have two visitors today. Please note that membership sign-ups for the next year will start at the May meeting. Reminder to pick up your membership directories. Additional reminder: Please attend our Newcomer Group that is here to help our newest members connect with our guild.
● Handmade Hugs: Jamie reported that in our current fiscal year, our guild has made a total of 578 donation projects ranging from receiving blankets, burp cloths, to full quilts. Also noted that with JoAnn’s going out of business, Handmade Hugs will gladly accept your 2 ½ yard flannel donations. Always seeking top quilters ~ stay tuned for announcement about a free class on quilting offered to our guild members.
● Newcomers: Georgia announced that all are invited to make a trip down to the valley to visit quilt shops next Wednesday, March 19th. Meet at Costco at 8:00 AM to carpool/caravan. The April meeting for Newcomers will be held at Coco’s Prescott Quilt Works. Half-page flyer was made available to all.
● Newcomers Part Two: Carrie Casto held up a beautiful Red/White/Blue quilt completed by last year’s Newcomers Group that will be donated to the “Honor Flight” program. Carrie donated the quilting work and Angela Smith accepted the quilt for donation.
● Programs & Workshops: Deb reminded those who have pre-order tee shirts and bags to come and pick them up today. The bags will be sold at $15.00. Shirts for sale as well.
April: Our own Martie Winkelman will be showcasing her wearables in a trunk show. The workshop the following day (4/15) will be a FREE QUILTING CLASS taught by member Carrie Casto. Carrie will teach various techniques to help our members learn the quilting process. The quilting completed at this workshop will help our Handmade Hugs group to fully complete quilts for donation. Max. 20 people – sign ups taken today.
May: Rob Appell will be our guest speaker. He will teach a “Wonky Log Cabin” class on Monday afternoon at the Trinity Presbyterian Church. The cost is $25.00 and supply lists are available today. Sign up today! On Tuesday, May 13th, Rob will teach his “Super Sampler” class. The price is $35.00 (some pre-registered folks will receive a $10.00 refund today.) Sign ups are now being taken as there are a few new openings. The class requires a pattern and rulers.
June: This is the month of our quilt show. Our very own Shirlee Smith will present a truck show for the program and there will be no class in June. EVERYONE WILL BE PREPARING FOR THE QUILT SHOW.
● Introduction of Dora Cary and her presentation followed by a trunk show and pattern giveaway.
11:05 TO 11:20 BREAK
11:22 President Coco calls the meeting back to order.
● Opportunity Quilt Tickets: Liz Hart reviewed that our progress at ticket sales is only at 20% of our goal for opportunity quilt tickets. Please do what you can to purchase for yourself, sell to your neighbors, relatives and friends, and get the word out about these tickets. Liz will be traveling to Sedona tomorrow to sell. Share new venues with Liz and help us make our goal.
● Quilt Show: Pat Noel reminds us that our Quilt Show is coming and had these announcements:
○ Quilt Show entries should be to Carrie Casto by April 15th.
○ Raffle Baskets are being accepted now. Pat showed us one that was turned in today. (suggested baskets: plants/gardening, pets, wine/cheese as basket ideas – they don’t all have to be about quilting)
○ Small Quilt Auction items to Angela Smith by the May general meeting.
○ Items for the Marketplace should be to Cathy Day by the May general meeting.
○ Suzy Davidson reports that the vendor space for our show is sold out!!!!
○ Ribbons will be made this year by Martie Winkelman.
○ Georgia (Hospitality hostess) reminds us that ALL of our members at the Quilt Show will be “White Glove” equipped. These gloves will be available when you “check-in”.
○ The Quilt Show committee will start meeting at Coco’s Prescott Quilt Works after today. Next meeting is Monday, March 31st at 10:35.
● Marketplace: Cathy Day reminded the members that we need great participation in donated items that can be sold at the Quilt Show Marketplace. The deadline for these will be the May general meeting, however Cathy has a tub on her porch and can accept items there. Cathy also offered Kristine’s and Pat’s homes in Prescott for drop off.
● Quilt Camp: Cathy Day announced that there are still openings for our annual Quilt camp scheduled for March 24-27 at the Trinity Presbyterian Church in Prescott. Registration fee $125.00 covers lunch meal, treats, retreat center space, and prizes.
● Block of the Month: Shirlee Smith showed an example of the upcoming block which is a chocolate bunny. Patterns will be posted on the website. Fabric choices are up to the maker but should be spring like. The drawing for the 23 heart blocks turned in through February netted two winners – Kathleen Semerau and Barb Krit.
● Birthday Drawing
● Show & Tell
12:08 Meeting adjourned by President Coco
Respectfully submitted by Dana Swain, Secretary