Monthly News -March 11, 2024

President’s Message

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Angela-e1687538751109.jpgMarch will be here shortly!
  This is the time of year when I just hold my breath and wait for warm weather.  I guess after 35 years in Arizona, I have become a desert rat. 

On another note, the guild cannot run without volunteers. There will be board positions-which are open to anyone-and non-board positions. Please consider something!  We can’t run without YOU!

Make sure you check the website for guild information. Our speaker this month is Kim Oleson and she will be presenting on Zoom due to an injury. There will be no class on Tuesday.

I hope you are working on your President’s Challenge. I happened to meet some volunteers from Honor Flight and they are excited about this project. They said that 42-45 inches is awesome and the veterans love them. If you are doing a Quilt of Valor, please follow their guidelines: The recommended size of a Quilt of Valor is 60″ x 80″; it must be a minimum of 55″ x 65″ and maximum of 72″ x 90.

In closing, our membership is growing! This means we have so many opportunities to learn from each other. Be sure to reach out and make everyone feel welcome and make new friends.

Thank you and happy quilting!

Angela Smith – President


We want to welcome four new members in February: Kim Hastings, Barbara Krit, Barbara Peteron, and Barb Saia. Please be sure to seek them out and show them how much our guild offers.


March party hostesses are:  Patty McClearn, Joan McGivern, Sheryl Mclain, Melodie Merino, Sandy Mitchell, Linda Morriston, Dawnell Muecke, Jenne Kern, Ellen Baker, Sharon Harris,  CoCo Alaniz, and Deena Knight.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

March Birthdays — Dianne Schmitt, Deb Johnson, Nan DeChant, Jimi Heneger, Terry Purkable, Kathy Spry, Mary Ellen Coe, Norma Enfield, Pam Calhoon, Barb Saia, and Kim Hastings.

Ways and Means

Company Store

😃TBQ Company Store Upcoming ALERT‼️

💲5.00 Bag💰Sale at the March TBQ meeting is scheduled!👏👏👏

SO…PLEASE come to the meeting with your $5.00 bills in hand, because you have no idea what amazing goodies you will find to stuff into one of the plastic grocery bags we provide for you to fill to the max! And the best part, it’s only $5.00 per bag!😝👍🏻‼️ We look forward to seeing your smiling faces as you fill your bags! Look forward to having fun!

Pam Jones – Chair

Quilt Camp

Our 2024 Quilt Camp is almost here.  We have 2 openings.  The camp is 4 days long, March 25,  26, 27, and 28th.  It will be at the Bank of America/Masonic Lodge bldg. in Prescott, on Willow Creek  Rd.   We start at 8am and finish around 6pm.  The fee is $125.00 for all four days.  This includes lunch every day, snacks, coffee and tea.

We plan on a of couple demos and the Right-Left-Center game, so please bring 6, 10″ squares to play.

There is always fun to be had.  Bring your UFOs, new projects, things you need help on.  If you have not paid for your spot, please bring a check made out to TBQ, to the March 11th meeting.

Can’t wait to see you all.

  Cathy Day – Chair

Monthly News – February 12, 2024

President’s Message

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Angela-e1687538751109.jpg

The year sure is flying by.  I feel like I should be starting the Christmas projects now so that maybe I will actually get everything done, but we know that will not happen.  It was a good thought.

Pretty soon we will get to see our opportunity quilt.  I know everyone is anxious to see it.

This time of year is filled with reminders.  Reminders that we need a nominating committee, a quilt team for the next year and a potential slate of officers in the coming months.  There are many capable and talented people in our guild, so please don’t be afraid to step up and take a position.

At our February meeting, we will have Joyce Larson who is a quilt appraiser. There are forms on the website, under “Programs and Workshops” with prices if you want to have a quilt appraised. Also, on February 13, Kathleen Bond will be teaching a paper-piecing class so if you are interested and you haven’t signed up contact her and she can help you out.

Until then, stay well, and I look forward to seeing you at the February meeting.

Angela Smith – President


Please welcome our three new members, Sandra Turczak, Martie Winkelman and Mary Turley.


Febuary party hostesses are:  Nancy Lande, Nancy Lefler, Dani Lerberg, Pat Little, Anne Marston, Sandy Mazzurco, Dana Swain, Kim Keogh, Judy Peyret, Terry Purkable, Paula Bryant, Terry Grenier, and Sari Butler.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

February Birthdays — Dani Lerberg, Dianna Dunn, Cheryl Giovenco, Betty Foley, Pat Noel, Martie Winkelman, Sally Thomas,  Barbara Sweeney, Mike Boyle, Kathy Oppelt, Carol Miller, Mary Scherer, MaryAnn Conner, Donna Osborne, Sherri Hubbs, Cheryl Bouquet, and Carol Brownlow.


You are going to want  to join us on February 13th for a day of fun and learn a different technique for foundation paper piecing.  

You do not sew through the paper, so there is no paper to tear away and the pattern is reusable.

The supply list is on the Workshop Page on the website.

The class is $35 and the pattern is included.

Kathleen Bond, Chair

community service

Adult Center Display

It was our intention to have a “one-woman” display with the quilts from our talented member Kathleen Semerau. However, Kathleen only makes large quilts and so Linda Craig offered two of her quilts to fill the small areas on the back wall. As you can see, Kathleen is multi-talented and a prolific quilter. She
quilts all of her quilts on her domestic sewing machine. We always look forward to seeing what her latest work of art is at our monthly Show and Tell. Linda also produces quilts with various techniques as you can see with her hand embroidered quilt and hand appliqued quilt.

Maryann Conner, Chair

Ways and means

 Ways and Means would like to thank Amy Stark, Kathleen Semerau and Pat Noel for their work and donation of a beautiful black, white and red quilt, which was used as an opportunity quilt. Tickets were sold at guild meetings and the Yavapai Jeep Posse Last Minute Stocking stuffer more than $250.00 was raised in ticket sales. Sharon Bais of Chino Valley won the quilt, “first time winning anything and is large enough to fit her bed and tuck around the pillows.”

I am looking for ideas for another fundraiser…. “Silent Auction” anyone?

Liz Hart, Chair

Quilt Camps

Hello Ladies!

 Just a reminder, we are taking reservations for our 2024 Quilt Camp.  We have 9 openings left.  It will be at the Masonic Temple/Bank of America Building on the 2nd floor.

The Quilt camp will be March 25, 26, 27, 28th, that is a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We will be having a continental breakfast and a lunch daily.

There  will be a pot luck on Tuesday and on Wednesday nights.  Once the sign up is complete we will let you know what night you will be responsible.

You can bring anything you want to work on.  UFOs, new projects etc…..  We open at 8am and closing between 5 to 7 pm.  You can come and go as you need to.  We will be playing R-L-C, so bring 6 10″ squares so we can play 2 games.  We are going to have so much fun and fellowship!!  Not to mention food.  There will be daily gifts and some prizes also.  

THE PRICE FOR ALL FOUR DAYS IS $125.00.  Please bring your check, payable to TBQ, or cash to the February 12th meeting or you can mail it to me.  

Cathy Day, Chair 

Retreat Lite Returns!

For those lucky 24, who quickly added their names to our attendance list, we’ll see you on Monday morning, February 5th at the Aztlan Lodge (Bank of America) building, floor two for TWO FULL DAYS of sewing and creating in community with your fellow guild members. Watch your emails around February 1st for last minute reminders. 

If you would like to be added to our waitlist just in case we have a last-minute cancellation, please contact Dana Swain. 

Happy stitching, Thumb Butte Quilters!

Dana Swain, Chair

General Meeting Minutes – January 8, 2024


CALL TO ORDER:  The meeting was called to order by President Angela Smith at 9:30 a.m. at the Elks Lodge in Prescott Valley. 

 ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Angela welcomed all guild members and guests.  There is no company store today as there was a possibility of inclement weather.  Mountain Top Quilt Guild is here today selling tickets for their 2024 Opportunity Quilt.

We need to start thinking about a committee for the 2025 quilt show.  Also, be thinking about positions you might be interested in for 2024-25.

MEMBERSHIP:  Membership Chair CoCo Alaniz introduced and welcomed today’s three visitors.  She asked members to please sign in at the membership table so we get an accurate number of attendees.

HANDMADE HUGS:  Co-chair Jamie Davis thanked the volunteers who came to the recent sewing date.  Donations to date are YRMC Birthing Center (210 baby blankets and bibs; Gentiva Hospice Center (144 quilts); and Good Samaritan Recovery Center (144 quilts).

QUILT CAMP:  Cathy Day announced that this year’s quilt camp will be March 25, 26, 27 & 28, 2024 at the Aztlan Lodge in the Bank of America building on Willow Creek Rd.  There is space for 25 people.  Cost is $125 for the 4 days and includes facility rental and some meals. 

NEWCOMERS:  Carrie Casto announced that Newcomers will be meeting on January 22nd from 10 to 2ish at the Trinity Presbyterian Church.  The group will be working on a Quilts of Valor quilt.

PROGRAMS & WORKSHOPS: Kathleen Bond, Workshops Chair, announced that our February speaker will be Joyce Larson.  She will speak on how quilts are appraised.  Members can have their quilts appraised for $75.00.  Forms to be completed are on the TBQ website under Programs & Workshops.

 February workshop:  Tuesday, February 13 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Aztlan Lodge.  Kathleen Bond will teach Foundation Paper Piecing with freezer paper.  It is a technique class.  Cost is $30 and includes a pattern.

March speaker is Kim Oleson who will speak about batiks.  A workshop on reverse applique will be held on Tuesday, March 12 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Cost of the class is $35 plus a pattern fee of $30.  Additional information and supply list can be found on the TBQ website under Programs & Workshops.

April speaker is Gina Perkes.  She will speak about ruler quilting.  A workshop will take place on Tuesday, April 9.  Cost will be $35.00.  Additional information will be posted on the TBQ website.

GUEST SPEAKER:  Today’s guest speaker is Jean Impey, via Zoom.  She shared tips on how to boost creativity.

GENERAL INFORMATION:  Angela thanked Jean for her presentation.  During the break, she encouraged members to purchase birthday tickets, sign up for workshops, purchase opportunity quilt tickets, turn in Block of the Month blocks, and visit the Handmade Hugs table.  Retreat-Lite will be held February 5 & 6.  It is full, but Dana Swain is taking a wait list.  The March 2024 is half-filled.

A brief break was taken.

SHOW & TELL:  Members shared their Show & Tell items.

BLOCK OF THE MONTH:  The drawing for the December/January blocks will be held at the February meeting.

BIRTHDAY DRAWING:  The drawing for birthday gifts was held.

PRESIDENT’S CHALLENGE:  Quilts are due at the May guild for the President’s Red, White & Blue challenge.  Quilts should be no larger that 42 x 42.  Quilts will be donated to US Vets and Honor Flights.  If you wish to make a quilt for Quilts of Valor, please check their website for specific information.

ADJOURNMENT:  The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 a.m. by Angela Smith.

Respectfully submitted by Carol Wright, Recording Secretary

President’s Challenge 2024 – Red, White & Blue

President Angela announced that the President’s Challenge 2024 is “Red, White & Blue”.   Quilts/wall hangings are to made of red, white and blue fabric.  Size is limited to 42 x 42.  Due date is May 13, 2024.  Quilts will be donated to US Vets and Honor Flights.  If you wish to make a Quilts of Valor quilt, please review their website for specific requirements.

General Membership Meeting Minutes – December 11, 2023

 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by President Angela Smith at 9:30 a.m. at the Elks Lodge, Prescott Valley. Angela welcomed everyone. Angela thanked the committee for arranging today’s Tea Party.
WAYS & MEANS: Liz Hart announced that the quilt put together by Kathleen Semerau and Pat Noel will be shown and tickets sold at the Last Minute Stocking Stuffer on December 16 at the Armory. The winner will be drawn that day.
WORKSHOPS: Kathleen Bond thanked the December party hostesses. Upcoming workshops include February – Foundation Paper Piecing with Freezer Paper with Kathleen Bond; March – Raw-edged applique with Kim Olesson; April – ruler quilting with Gina Perkes.
P.I.G. REVEAL: Project in a Grocery Bag (P.I.G.) participants revealed their completed projects.
SHOW & TELL was held.
BLOCK OF THE MONTH: Mary Vaughan drew the winner for the October/November block. The winner was Ellen Baker. Mary presented the December/January block (instructions on the TBQ website).
TEA PARTY: Martha Ferriera stated the tea party will begin after the meeting adjournment. Food will be served following two games of Left-Right-Center.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.

Submitted by Carol Wright, Recording Secretary

Monthly News – January 8, 2024

President’s message

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Angela-e1687538751109.jpg

Happy Winter Solstice everyone!  I would like to thank Martha for organizing a lovely party. I hope you all enjoyed it and if you missed it, I’m sorry because it was very fun.  Jean Impey will be doing a zoom presentation at our next meeting. So make sure you are there.  Also, Mountain Top will be selling tickets for their opportunity quilt at our January meeting.

I know as I write this, it is still before Christmas and you must all be scurrying around trying to get everything finished, mailed and delivered.  I received very nice feedback about my President’s Challenge, so I hope that you will all take part in it.  It has been a fun year, and I can’t believe how quickly this year is going. 

That’s about all I have to say for now. So everyone enjoy your holiday and if you are traveling, be safe. See you next year!!

Angela Smith – President


We have one new member who has joined us in December — Chris Campos.  Please welcome her.


January party hostesses are:  Sherri Hubbs, Debbie James, Deb Johnson, Karen Johnson, Pam Jones, Shirley Kelliher, Jeanne Dunk, Dave Charity, Sue Parks, Kate Parsons, Alicia Czuzak, Sue Hansen, Dede Erceg Lori Allaire, Gayle Lee, and Carol Miller.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

January Birthdays — Edyth Pries, Yvonne Blitch, Deena Knight, Susie Opdahl, Sue Hansen, Jamie Davis, Pam Jones, Karen Eads, Kate Brown, Shirley Kelliher, Claire Bell, Sharon Harris, Sue Weisshaupt, and Ellen Baker.


January brings us a zoom presentation from Jean Impey.

February will bring Joyce Larson.
If you have a quilt you would like to have appraised, this is your chance. Please let us know so we can make sure there is plenty of time for each person.

Martha Ferriera, Vice President

retreat lite update

Thank you to all 24 of our Thumb Butte Quilters’ Guild members for your enthusiasm in signing up for our upcoming two-day RETREAT LITE day camp set for February 5th and 6th, 2024.  Based on our venue size, we are at capacity!!  That means that we can place names on a waiting list if you’d like to be included should someone’s plans change and they cannot attend.  Please contact Dana Swain to add your name to the waitlist.  If you should make it into an opened space, your $15.00 fee will be collected at that time.

Once again, thank you Thumb Butte Quilters!

Dana Swain & Jamie Davis – Coordinators

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