June 10, 2024

Diane Franzese, Honor Flight Hub Leader, gave us a very informative and wonderful talk explaining the Honor Flight program in Arizona.  This is the 15th year of the program and is a tribute to our World War II, Korean War and Vietnam War Veterans.  They fly Arizona Veterans at no cost to them to their memorials in Washington D.C.  They visit most of the major military memorials in Washington D.C. during their journey of thanks and remembrance.    


General Meeting Minutes – May 13, 2024

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by President Angela Smith at 9:30 a.m. at the Elks Lodge in Prescott Valley. Angela welcomed all members and guests.
SLATE OF OFFICERS: Dana Swain, Nominating Committee (along with Angela Smith and Cathy Day) presented the slate of officers for the 2024-2025 fiscal year. The slate is President – CoCo Alaniz, Vice President – Deb Johnson, Secretary – Dana Swain & Stephanie Fullerton, and Treasurer – Claire Bell. Dana asked for nominations from the floor. Hearing none, a motion was made by Georgia Lindsey and supported by Jamie Davis to accept the slate of officers as presented. Motion carried. The general membership will vote to
approve the slate of officers at the June 10, 2024 membership meeting.
BUDGET: Angela announced that a budget for 2024-2025 has been created and will be sent out to the membership prior to the June 10th meeting. The membership will need to approve the budget at the June 10th meeting.
MEMBERSHIP: Dawnell Muecke (membership trainee) welcomed and introduced today’s guests.
COMMUNITY SERVICE: Jamie Davis thanked guild members for the donations to Handmade Hugs. She indicated that members are needed to quilt donated quilt tops. She thanked Olivia Turnham for her three years of service as co-chair of Handmade Hugs. Kristine White will take over the projects for babies.
NEWCOMERS: Deb Johnson asked newcomers to meet with her at break time.
PROGRAMS & WORKSHOPS: Kathleen Bond shared items that were left at the April workshop.  Our June speaker is CoCo Alaniz. She will be teaching a workshop on making aprons on Tuesday, June 11 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Trinity Presbyterian Church. July is the guild birthday party and UFO silent auction.
SPEAKER: Martha Ferriera introduced our guest speaker, Patsy Kittredge. Patsy presented a trunk show of her quilts.
• QUILT SHOW – Pat Noel, Quilt Show chair, will be holding a meeting in June for those interested in working on the show which will be held June 13 & 14, 2025 at Prescott High School. Everyone is encouraged to get involved.
• OPPORTUNITY QUILT – Liz Hart is looking for volunteers to sell tickets for TBQ’s Opportunity Quilt at the Mountain Top Quilt Show on May 31 and June 1, 2024.
• JULY UFO SILENT AUCTION: Liz Hart is collecting items for the July UFO Silent Auction.
• BREAK TIME: Angela shared activities that can be done during break time – purchase birthday drawing tickets and opportunity quilt tickets; visit the Company Store, sign up for workshops, turn in block of the month blocks, and stop by the Community Service table.
A brief break was taken.
PRESIDENT’S CHALLENGE PRESENTATION: Members presented to President Angela their quilts made for the Red, White & Blue Challenge. These quilts will be donated to Honor Flight and Quilts of Valor.
SHOW & TELL was held.
BLOCK OF THE MONTH: Mary Vaughan presented the next block of the month which is due at the June 10th guild meeting. The pattern will be on the TBQ website.
BIRTHDAY DRAWING: The birthday drawing was held.
NEXT MEETING: The next guild meeting will be June 10th, 2024.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by President Angela at 11:33 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by Carol Wright, Recording Secretary 


Monthly News – June 10, 2024

president’s message

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Greetings Quilters!

I would like to take the time to thank all of the President’s Challenge participants.  I met with Diane Franzese of Honor Flight, who was over the moon with the spectacular quilts that were made for the organization. At this point, I delivered to her 40 throws and I have four quilts for Quilts of Valor.  If you were unable to make the meeting on Monday and you would still like to bring a quilt, Diane will be attending our meeting on June 10. Again, thank you to everyone. I was truly humbled by the participation.  You are all the best.

Our own Coco will be doing a trunk show at the meeting, followed by a class the next day.  Keep an eye on your email so that you don’t miss the financials that will be voted on in June, along with our slate of officers.  Also, don’t forget to bring your dues to the June meeting if you haven’t paid them already.

It is hard to believe that June is my last official meeting, and I want to thank you all for the support that you gave me during this last year. I’m truly proud to have been your president for this year.

In closing, we have many opportunities for you to get involved in the guild. I would like to add that if you truly are interested in something, don’t be afraid to step up and either start it or join it.

Thanks for a great year!

Angela Smith, President


Please welcome our newest member, Linda Schoenmakers.   Give her a big welcome and show her what TBQ offers.

Membership Dues

A reminder that membership dues for 2024-2025 are by June 15, 2024.  Please bring your check or cash in the amount of $35.00 to our June meeting.  Thanks for your cooperation!
CoCo Alaniz, Chair


June hostesses are:  Kathy Spry, Nancy Stewart, Laura Stone, Erin Sullivan, Joy Swartz, Barbara Sweeney, Susan Sweet, Pauline Singleton, Carolyn Godfrey, Marie Gniazdowski, Pamela Hengeveld, and Linda Bagby.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10. 

Happy June Birthday to Cynthia Falzone, Kate Parsons, Dawnell Muecke,  Carol Godfrey, Alicia Czuzak, Kay Wentworth, Gayle Lee, Cathy Day, Debbie James, Ara Whetten, Sami Logan, Sandy Mazzurco, Carrie Casto, and Pauline Saskowsky.

ways and means

July Silent Auction

Fellow quilters, now is the perfect time to reorganize your sewing rooms.

Browse through your old projects and quilting items and ask yourself “Do I really want to finish this, Will I ever use this again?” If the answer is “NO” then now is the right time to get rid of that item.

Consider donating it to Thumb Butte Quilters Silent Auction where another quilter will fall in love with your project and want to take on the challenge.  Objects are not limited to projects; consider rulers, irons, various quilting items.  We ask that you provide the UFO pattern and any accompanying fabric that you might have.

The silent auction will take place at the July meeting.  Liz Hart is collecting the UFO and finished objects at the June guild meeting.

Thank you for your supporting your guild.

Liz Hart, Chair

Company Store
Hello TBQ members!!  Get your $5 bills ready to spend at the TBQ June meeting so you can fill up one of our plastic grocery bags FULL to the brim of all the books, fabrics, patterns, notions and anything else YOU can find at our Company Store tables in the back.  😅FREE SPLASHES of quilting fun are included in every purchase‼️ 🥰
Pam Jones, Chair

community service

Handmade Hugs for June 1st has been cancelled, due to the Mountain Top Quilt Show.
We will meet again at Stoneridge Community Center on July 6th, August 3rd, and September 7th.
From July 2023 until May 2024 we have delivered:
  90 Quilts to Blankets for Kids
 108 Quilts to Good Samaritan Recovery Center in Prescott Valley
   77 Quilts to Gentiva Hospice in Prescott
246 Baby Receiving Blankets
246 Burp Cloths
Jamie Davis and Olivia Turnham, Chairs


The 2024-2025 Nominating Committee presented the following nominations for the state of officers at the May general meeting to the members of the guild present. After the nominations were announced, members of the guild were allowed the opportunity to put forward further nominations from the floor. Hearing none, the following slate of officers for the 2024-2025 fiscal year will be voted on at the June general meeting by those members present:
President: Coco Alaniz
Vice President: Deb Johnson
Treasurer: Claire Bell
Secretary/Parliamentarian: Dana Swain and Stephanie Fullerton
All members may reference the May meeting minutes as posted on the latest web page update to review the nominations process.
Dana Swain, Nominating Committee


CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by President Angela Smith at 9:30 a.m. at the Elks Lodge, Prescott Valley, AZ.
WELCOME: Angela welcomed all members, guests and our speaker, Gina Perkes.
• Angela introduced members of the Lonesome Valley Quilters’ Guild who are selling tickets today for their opportunity quilt.
• Angela reviewed the Executive Committee positions to be filled (President, Vice President and Secretary). The election will be in June.
• Angela shared Gerri Carr’s President’s Challenge quilt and reminded members the quilts are due at the May meeting.
• Liz Hart has signup sheets to sell tickets for the Opportunity Quilt at the Mountain Top show on May 31 and June 1.
MEMBERSHIP: Alicia Czuzak, who is in training to be a membership co-chair, introduced today’s visitors and noted we currently have 178 members.
COMMUNITY SERVICE: Jamie Davis is looking for a co-chair for Handmade Hugs. She thanked Olivia Turnham for her three years of service as co-chair.
QUILT CAMP: Cathy Day shared some items that were left behind at the March camp. The next camp will be in March 2025.
PROGRAMS & WORKSHOPS: Kathleen Bond reported there are two more openings for Gina Perkes’ workshop tomorrow. The June workshop will be “Nana and Me Aprons” with CoCo Alaniz. CoCo encouraged members to make aprons for the 2025 quilt show.
SPEAKER: Kathleen Bond introduced our guest speaker, Gina Perkes. Her presentation was “How Do I Quilt This.”
• Angela thanked Gina Perkes for her presentation.
• Angela reminded members of break time activities.
• Pat Noel has signup sheets available for quilt show 2025 activities. The show’s them is “Every Quilters’
Home Town”. Trish charity will design a quilt pattern based on the theme. If interested in a class, please sign up.
A brief break was taken.
BLOCK OF THE MONTH DRAWING: The winner of the BOM was Chris Compos.
PRESIDENT’S CHALLENGE: Bring your quilts to the May meeting.
UFO SILENT AUCTION will be held at the July meeting.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 a.m. by Angela Smith.

Respectfully submitted by Carol Wright, Recording Secretary

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