Monthly News – August 12, 2024

Dear TBQ Members,

Summer is upon us, and while there are so many activities to get involved in, many of us still prefer sewing and working on our WIP (Works in Progress), as well as starting new projects. The warmer months often inspire us to shop for fabric and notions, and some of us will even be hitting up garage and estate sales for those elusive great buys!

No matter how you spend your summer, don’t forget that August will bring us the wonderful Helen Frost. She will be teaching great techniques, including how to make ripple-free borders and great bindings.

Helen is also offering a class on Tuesday, August 13th, to share all her wonderful techniques. Don’t delay—let’s join her and then get busy on our WIP to exhibit at our Quilt Show.

See you all in August! And don’t forget to contact Kathleen Bond if you are interested in learning and brushing up on new techniques.

If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out.

Happy Quilting!
Socorro CoCo Alaniz, President


We had 79 members attend the July party and 3 new members!

Give a big welcome to Kristy Nichols, Dawn Davidson and Ginny Belleci!
At the August meeting you will have 1 more opportunity to double check the information that will be printed in the directory and pay your 2024 membership dues before we go to print!  You can expect your new directory and membership cards at the September meeting.
Dawnell Muecke, Chair


celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10. 

Happy August birthdays to Kathleen Semerau, Shirlee Smith, Sharon Luebkin, Lola Dyroy, Nancy Stewart, Dana Swain, Carolyn Seagraves-Wright, Linda Morriston, Melody Marino, Molly Haney-Burleigh, Vicki Sawyer, Joy Swartz, Georgia Lindsey, Patty McClearn, Jeanie Braheme, Maria Williams, Janyce Waldbaum, Linda Bagby, and Chris Campos.

retreat lite

“Retreat Lite” Returns!

Yes, back by popular demand, our “Retreat Lite” program has been set again for this fall, September 30th and October 1st. We will be meeting at a new location this fall ~ Trinity Presbyterian Church (630 Park Avenue, Prescott).

What? You haven’t heard about “Retreat Lite”? This program was fostered out of an interest expressed by our members to sit and sew together more often than just once a year at our spring 4-day retreat. Here’s the nitty-gritty on “Retreat Lite”:

  1.  Join with other Thumb Butte guild members and work on your projects in the company of your sisters-in-sew!
  2.  Monday, September 30th and Tuesday, October 1st from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
  3.  No frills ~ just bring your own machine, projects, and sewing tools and we’ll provide the cutting mats, rulers, and ironing stations.
  4. Bring your own lunch and drinks.
  5. NEW INFORMATION: Because the church has many groups that meet on the premises, your items cannot be fully secured overnight. Please plan to take your machines and/or other valuables home on Monday night.
  6. The guild has extension cords and surge protectors to share. If you bring your own, please label them. As that goes, label anything that you bring that may be used by the community such as rulers or rotary cutters.
  7.  Due to limited electrical plugs in this facility, we cannot guarantee that you will have the ability to set up your own mini-irons at your workplace. There will, however, be plenty of plugs at the back of the room for irons.
  8. If you’d like to, you may bring a treat to share with others. There is a refrigerator in our meeting room.

Registration for “Retreat Lite” will be taken from the first 24 members who sign up and pay their registration fee. Look for sign-ups at the August and September guild general meetings. The cost to participate is $15.00 which covers the cost of the room rental and some incidentals needed for the group such as starch and distilled water.

Questions? Please contact Dana Swain.

General Meeting Minutes – July 8, 2024

9:00 General meeting opens with socializing time and the Silent Auction begins.

9:30 President Angela calls the General Meeting to order.

Dawnell Muecke – Membership report:  Two new members today; visitors welcomed and introduced.

Jamie Davis – Handmade Hugs report:
· Nearly 800 items have been made and donated this year.
· Compliments to a hard working quilt and bib assembly and quilting crew.
· Next meetings will be held at the Stoneridge Community Center on Saturday August 3rd and September 7th ~ all are welcome and encouraged to participate

Dana Swain – Retreat Lite program:
· Dates will be Monday, September 30 and Tuesday, October 1st, 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
· Meeting place has changed to Trinity Presbyterian Church in Prescott
· Sign ups for 24 spots will begin at the August General Meeting ~ cost $15.00

Liz Hart – Ways and Means report:· Reminders of today’s Silent Auction event to benefit the guild. Bids taken until 10:45.
· Quilt Show tickets are available for purchase ~ see Liz.

Kathleen Bond – Programs and Workshops:
· August 13th: Helen Frost will teach a “Beautiful Bindings” workshop. Kit $10.00 and workshop fee $35.00.
· September 10th: Coco Alaniz will teach her Nana Big-Style Apron pattern. The pattern cost $8.00 and the workshop fee $35.00. See website for supply list.
· October 15th: Heidi Pridemore will teach ”Rippling Waves,  a curved seams technique workshop. Pattern cost $14.00; optional kits and ruler for sale; Workshop cost $35.00.

Shirlee Smith – Block of the Month:
· The July/August pattern is a “Kaffe’s Kats” by Donna Jordan available on the guild’s website, online at Jordan Fabrics, or Shirlee can email the pattern to you.

· Applique technique for the block is your choice.

Angela Smith Show and Tell time provided to members.

Angela Smith – Presentations to the outgoing board members and committee leads.

Kay Wentworth – Presentations and Installation:
· Kay presented a bouquet to Angela in thanks for your tenure as our guild president
· Installation of board officers: Coco Alaniz, president; Deb Johnson, vice president; Claire Bell, treasurer, and Stephanie Fullerton & Dana Swain, co-secretaries/parliamentarians

Coco Alaniz – New Guild President accepted the gavel.
· Coco offered a short speech encouraging every member to participate in the Quilt Show.

Dawnell Muecke – President’s gift presentation:
· Outgoing president Angela Smith was presented with a beautiful red-white-and-blue quilt with a carrying tote which were signed by members in gratitude for her presidency.

10:02 Meeting was adjourned and the Annual TBQG Summer Birthday Party began.

Respectfully submitted,

Dana Swain, Guild Secretary


General Meeting Minutes – June 10, 2024

The meeting was called to order at 9:30am by President Angela Smith.

Angela introduced our guest speaker Diane Franzese from Honor Flight. She thanked the guild for the contribution of the 45 beautiful quilts.  Angela will begin a new friendship group to center around Honor Flight in the near future.

The first order of Guild business was to vote on the 2024-25 budget. A motion was made by Jamie Davis to increase the program expenses by $3,000. The motion was seconded by Phyllis Byrnes.  After discussion, Carrie Casto moved to approve the change in the budget and Dianna Dunn seconded the motion. The motion passed.

The second order of business was the vote for new officers for the 2024-25 year. Officcrs are as follows:
President-Coco Alaniz
Vice president-Deb Johnson
Treasurer-Claire Bell
Secretary -Dana Swain and Stephanie Fullerton
A motion to accept the slate of officers was made by Susie Davidson and seconded by Cathy Day. The motion passed with no discussion.

A transition meeting for new officers and committee members will follow the board meeting on July l.

The membership update was given by Dawnell Muecke. She introduced the new members and guests for June.

The Community Service update was given by Jamie Davis. Sue Parks has offered to be a top quilter. July 6th is the next meeting and putting backs together will be on the agenda. Jamie shared the following Handmade Hugs statistics for the
year of items that have been donated:
246 Burp clothes
246 Baby blankets
90 children’s blankets
108 to Good Samarian
77 to Hospice

MaryAnn Conner is looking for patriotic quilts to be hung at the Adult Center. Please contact her if you have a quilt to contribute.

The Ways and Means update was given by Liz Hart. She thanked those that helped sell tickets for the opportunity Quilt at the Mountain Top Quilt Show. $550 has been raised year to date. The next event to sell tickets will be at the County Fair in August. She is working on securing more events in the coming months.  She reminded the members that at our July meting we will be having a UFO SILENT AUCTION. Don’t forget your cash and checkbooks.

Speakers and Workshop information was presented by Kathleen Bond and Martha Ferriera.  The June workshop, Big Pocket Aprons, will be postponed until September. You will automatically be put on the September class list, unless you would like a refund for the class.  The July Meeting will be the annual Guild Birthday Party and UFO Silent Auction. Come prepared to celebrate in your  Red, White and Blue!  In August, the guild will host Helen Frost who will present information on binding. There is a $10 kit fee for those taking the workshop.

This month’s speaker was Diane Franzese from Honor Flight. Diane shared information about the role of Honor Flight for our veteran community. She shared about the who, what, where, when and how Honor Flights work as well as touching stories of the veterans that have participated in the remarkable program. Many members shared personal stories of the Honor Flight experience with parents or siblings. Several members had been in airports when veterans were being cheered by travelers as they were getting on their Honor Flight. Some interesting facts about Honor Flight:

128 hubs across the country
Started in Arizona in 2009
3,500have participated to date in AZ
A few of their partners are Southwest Airlines, D.A.R, and Hilton Hotels
It takes 77 volunteers to manage one Honor Flight
They conduct 10 flights a year each hosting 35 Veterans
They spend threc days in the DC area visiting the WWII memorial and other historic sites
Nation wide, 270,000 vets have participated in the Honor Flight program
There are currently 1,200 veterans on the waiting list for an Honor Flight

Angela called for a mid meeting break.
Afier the break members enjoyed Show and Tell, Block of the Month, and the Birthday Drawings.

Angela reminded everyone about the Birthday party July 8 and then adjourned the meeting at 11:40 a.m.

Recorded by Deb Johnson



Monthly News – July 8, 2024


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It is really hard to believe that a year has gone by since I became president. This was something that forced me to step out of my comfort zone and do something that I have never done. I would like to thank each and everyone of you for your support. It has truly been a pleasure to serve. Hopefully, it will give others who might be thinking about stepping up some encouragement to “just do it.”

Please remember that we have a quilt show this year and a new board. I know you will all step up like you always do. Thank you again for my successful president’s challenge and I look forward to starting my Honor Flight friendship group. Also, if you think you are getting rid of me, I was voluntold that I will be handling the silent auction for the quilt show. I look forward to our July celebration and our “peaceful transition of power.” Thank you again.

Angela Smith, President

incoming president’s message

CoCo Alaniz

I am deeply honored and grateful for your vote to become President of the Thumb Butte Quilters Guild. Although I have been quilting for many years, joining TBQG is my first experience being part of a quilting guild, and I have truly found my tribe here. You women are the best group of women I have ever met, and I am thrilled to embark on this journey with you.

As some of you may know, my heart is for the unborn, and I would like to present my President’s challenge: create a baby quilt inspired by a nursery rhyme, your favorite childhood book or even from a children’s cartoon. This will be donated to a local Pregnancy Center. This challenge not only allows us to showcase our creativity and skills but also supports a cause that is dear to me.

This year, we also have our much-anticipated Quilt Show. I encourage every member to find an activity to engage in and contribute to this event. Organizing a successful Quilt Show is an enormous task, but with the dedication and teamwork of our entire guild, I am confident we can achieve it. Your efforts and participation are crucial, and together, we can make this the best Quilt Show in Prescott.  Under the expert direction and guidance of Pat Noel, I believe we will create something truly spectacular.

Thank you once again for your trust and support. I am open to any ideas and suggestions that will advance the goals of our Guild and I look forward to get this “show on the road”.   So, let’s get this year started and make it one to remember!

Warm regards,

Coco Alaniz, President-Elect


We had 6 visitors at the June meeting, and all 6 joined.  I’m working on the directory to automate so I don’t have the information on the new people in the directory format, but will soon!  Their names are Denise Manley, Fran Leslie, Wendy Morring, Judy Sloan, Jessica Brothers, and Annette Raithel.

We have 176 members (counting paid and non paid).  83 signed in for the June meeting. As of 6/27/24, we have 138 paid members for 2024/2025 and 38 non renewed members.

Dawnell Muecke, Membership


July hostesses are:  Olivia Turnham, Mary Vaughan, Sue Weisshaupt, Kay Wentworth, Kristine White, Sharon Silva, Sally Thomas, Stephanie Fullerton, Cathi O’Neill and Janet Friedrich.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10. 

Happy July Birthday to Patti Gerlite, Rosemary Driscoll, Kim Keogh, Melanie Korzep, Cheryl Peterman, Barbara Peterson, Karen Varela, Sue Parks, Judith Ritner, and Tilly Bristow.


Handmade Hugs

We will meet again at Stoneridge Community Center on July 6th, August 3rd, and September 7th.

Jamie Davis, Chair

Adult Center Display

Our wonderful Patriotic quilts are currently on display at the Prescott Adult Center. The response from the community has been overwhelming. These red, white and blue quilts by our multi-talented members offer a wide variety of quilting techniques. If you have the opportunity, stop by the Adult Center at 1280B E. Rosser Road. It’s fun to visit and just listen to the comments as people enter the center.

Maryann Conner, Chair

June 10, 2024

Diane Franzese, Honor Flight Hub Leader, gave us a very informative and wonderful talk explaining the Honor Flight program in Arizona.  This is the 15th year of the program and is a tribute to our World War II, Korean War and Vietnam War Veterans.  They fly Arizona Veterans at no cost to them to their memorials in Washington D.C.  They visit most of the major military memorials in Washington D.C. during their journey of thanks and remembrance.    


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