Next Meeting – May 14, 2018

President’s Message

 Greetings Sisters of the Thread!

Does anyone else, besides me, feel that the weeks pass so quickly with each year we grow older?  It is hard to believe we are again coming up on another gathering of our quilting community, and time of another President’s message in our monthly newsletter.

It is also FINALLY time for the President’s Challenge “Big Reveal.” We’ve had the past 9 months to cultivate our creativity and complete our “Ugly Fabric Challenges.”  Some of us (myself included) are scurrying to put the finishing touches on our projects. I truly am excited to see all the entries and can’t express enough how thrilled I am with all of you who accepted the challenge.  As of press time, the Executive Committee is tweaking the meeting agenda to accommodate the quilt viewing, and voting, and the expanded Show and Tell.  Please anticipate a departure from our typical agenda.  Those of you who indicated participation last fall will receive an email from me just prior to the meeting outlining check-in instructions when you arrive at the church that morning.

Karen Johnson, our chair of Handmade Hugs has been notified of a “Foster Event” to be held in May, where our Handmade Hugs contributions will be distributed to children under the wing of the CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) office of Yavapai County.  Additionally, Karen has contacted the Center for Compassion and Justice and is coordinating donations of pillowcases to the homeless men’s shelter in Prescott.  They are looking forward with grateful anticipation of the arrival of our special gifts.

Heartfelt accolades to the Quilt Camp Committee Suzie Fields – chair, Erin Sullivan, and Maryann Conner for putting on a most memorable camp.  What fun was had by all in attendance!  What tremendous camaraderie!  It truly was a great 3 days.  There was fabulous food, fun & games, mentoring, and tons of tips of the trade, and did I mention, we even did some sewing…lots and lots of uninterrupted sewing.  If you’ve ever been hesitant about attending a quilt camp, you might want to put this on your quilter’s bucket list.

Remember to continue your Spring Cleaning efforts and clean out those project boxes, and bring in your unwanted UFOs for our June Silent Auction.  Yvonne Blitch and Carol Wright are coordinating that upcoming event.

The Company Store will be up and running again at the May meeting.  Your unused quilty items are always accepted and appreciated. Thank you all for understanding the necessity to accommodate the church’s need at the April meeting and the closed partition and abbreviated Company Store.

Please, remember also to thank any of the St. Luke’s staff when you see them.  They are truly good to us.  Your continued response has been tremendous for the donations to the St. Luke’s Community Cupboard food campaign.  Please continue to keep those less fortunate in your thoughts and remember to pick up an extra can or two when you shop.  Hunger knows no calendar.

On a final note, with the February resignation of Maryann Conner as our webmaster due to personal commitments, and then extensively investigating the use of an outside web developer to rebuild the TBQ website, as of the March Executive Committee meeting, there is a recently appointed committee continuing work on the new TBQ website.  It’s a big learning curve for the WEB Team, but we are making progress on our brand-new website.  Please keep in mind that the current TBQ website is not being updated, however, we wanted to keep archival information available to you in the interim.  And as a reminder, current Guild activities are announced through this monthly newsletter and are not available on the website.  Our goal is to have the new site up and running this summer, and the current committee members all plan to continue as the WEB Team next year.  We appreciate your continued patience in the interim.
And Sew it Goes…Pedal on, Girls!
Find Joy in the Journey!

Rosemary Carr, President
Thumb Butte Quilters’ Guild

Handmade Hugs

No Handmade Hugs workshop for the months of May or June.  The next workshop TBA.

Karen Johnson
Handmade Hugs

Ways and Means

There is still time to finish your spring cleaning and bring any UFO’s you no longer want to finish to the May TBQ meeting. The more projects we have, the more fun it will be.  We’ll have our UFO Silent Auction at our June 11th meeting.

Yvonne Blitch
Ways and Means Chair

Block of the Month

This is a great wall hanging if made with 4-6 total units. Using different bright colored prints for Tulips and Pinwheels.

Carol Sweeden
Block of the Month Coordinator

Company Store

It’s still Springtime in Prescott. Time to clean unwanted items out of sewing room to donate to the Company Store. All is appreciated. Thank you, ladies.

Lorraine Owen
Company Store Co-Chair

Prescott Adult Center Exhibit

1280 Rosser Street, Prescott

Well…I hate to admit it, but SPRING hasn’t been hanging around nearly as much as I thought she should be!  Do you know where she’s hiding?  One place you can find her is at the Adult Center where it’s SPRING!  SPRING!  SPRING! all over the place!  Once word gets out that you can hang out at 1280 Rosser Street to soak up a little SPRING, watch out for the stampede!

The SPRING quilts will be up into the middle of May, so you still have time to see them!  Plan a “Girls Day Out”!  Go to lunch, then go see the quilts at the Adult Center, then go shopping!  Aaahhhh, perfect!

Our next theme will be “Stars”.  It’s a fairly popular pattern…we have several Star quilts promised to us already…but we still need a few more.  If your Star quilt wants to hang out with the rest of the Stars, let me know!

Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE:  from 60″ to 90″ wide, any length.  (Need SIX.)
SMALL:  from 45″ to 60″ wide, any length.  (Need FOUR.)

Carolyn Edwards
Adult Center Quilt Coordinator

Show and Tell

Janet Carruth

Janet Carruth will give a fascinating talk on “The Life and Work of Emma Andres” a Prescott quilter.  Janet met Emma while visiting her Museum in Prescott and they became friends.

Janet opened The Quilted Apple Quilt Store with Laurene Sinema in Phoenix.  It was the first quilt store in Phoenix in 1978.

She was also one of the founders of the Arizona Quilters Guild and is the author of “Penny Rugs and More” and co-author of “Hooked on Hankies”.

Next Meeting – April 9, 2018

Greetings Sisters of the Thread!
We are only weeks away from the big reveal of our President’s “Ugly Fabric” Challenge quilts at our May 14 meeting!  I’m excited with anticipation to see the vivid expressions of creativity so many of you have been working on.

Sandy Mitchell and Pat Noel teased us with their “sneak peeks” at the March meeting.  I really haven’t seen too much “ugly fabric” yet, but I do know some of us are being challenged far more than others.  Several of you have asked if the contributor of the fabric has to disclose themselves to the quilt maker.  I think that would add to the fun, so be sure to “fess up” during the reveal!

What a busy meeting last month for membership!  We welcomed FIVE new members.  Please be sure to say hello to Cindy Steyer-Lukowiak, Azalene Allen, Donna Meyer, Jill Davis, and Carol Godfrey, and encourage them to sit with you at a meeting or share a little about TBQ when you greet them.  Welcome, gals!

Stitching continues on our Handmade Hugs quilts for the foster children of Yavapai County.  It warms my heart to think of the little ones receiving these gifts from our hearts.  They’ll never realize what a gift it is to us to be able to share these special quilts with them.  We are trying to get an idea of just how many quilts are still out there amongst us in different stages of completion, so please try to finish up those you have near completion by the May 14 meeting so we can make another delivery this guild year.

During our non-Quilt Show years, TBQ hosts a Quilt Camp.  I’m looking forward, with great anticipation to attending my first quilt camp this year. As of press time, there are 18 of us registered for camp.  Though not a full house, we have had a great response.  Our goal was actually four-fold: Make it more affordable – Make it available to more members – Make it local – And allow members a “day camp” option for those not wishing to stay overnight.  Thank you, Suzie Fields, Erin Sullivan, and Maryann Conner, for making this happen.

One of the other things we do in a non-Quilt Show year is to hold alternative fundraising projects.  My compliments to Yvonne Blitch, Ways & Means Chair, and Carol Wright, for the TBQ hoodies and lanyards in our stylish grey with hot pink details.  How fun has that been…are we hot or what?!

Yvonne will speak of our biannual UFO (UnFinished Objects) silent auction slated for our June meeting.  I recall fondly, Sylvia McIntosh strategically keeping me from out bidding her on one particular UFO we both were eyeing 4 years ago!  She just positioned herself in front of the bidding sheet so I couldn’t get to it before the bidding stopped.  (You might want to keep this strategy in mind for future reference).  So clean out those project boxes, gals, and bring in your UFOs

How many of you have actually taken the time to check out our DVD lending library?  If you’re like me, you’re always trying to grab a snack, get your tickets for the birthday drawing, peak at the mentor’s table, and garner a deal at the Company Store, without really looking at what’s available in this great little lending library.  I had no idea we had a DVD on getting started making animal quilts.  Some of us could even become as accomplished as Kay Wentworth in making whimsical furry friends!!  I’m anxious to see what Dianna Dunn shares with us this month!

Thank you once again for the donations to St. Luke’s Community Cupboard food campaign.   We contributed another 189 items in March!!  Zowie!!  Way to go, gals!!  Please continue to keep those less fortunate in your thoughts and remember to pick up an extra can or two when you shop.  Your continued response has been tremendous.

On a final note…please keep our dear member, Susan Joy Noyes in your heartfelt thoughts and prayers, if you so believe.

And Sew it Goes…Pedal on, Girls!
Find Joy in the Journey!

Rosemary Carr, President
Thumb Butte Quilters’ Guild

Handmade Hugs

Handmade Hugs workshops will be held on the fourth Monday at St. Luke’s from 9:30 am to approximately 2:30 pm.  If you want to sew, bring your machine and your basic sewing kit and let’s put the pedal to the metal.  We need help with backing, binding, and completing “quilt kits.”  Come join the fun!  Bring a lunch if you can stay.  A microwave and fridge are available in the kitchen for our use.

Handmade Hugs workshop at St Luke’s on Monday April 23rd from 9:30 a.m. until we can’t sew another stitch. All are greatly welcomed. Please use the left side entrance.

Please try to complete those quilts you are currently working on and bring them in by the May 14 meeting so that we may make another delivery this guild year.

A Celebrity Quilter in our Midst

 It’s not often that one or our own has an opportunity to have a quilt entered, not only in “Road to California” (taking a First Place group quilt award), but also have the same quilt accepted in the April Paducah Show, (Kentucky, home of the National Quilt Museum).  I asked Karen Adams to share her journey with us, and to allow us to join her in this wonderful celebration.  —  Rosemary

In 2016, five quilters from Arizona joined together to make this large, group quilt—3 from the Valley and Margot McDonnell and Karen Adams from Prescott.  From a picture taken in Undredal, Norway by Margot McDonnell while on a cruise, the quilt took over a year to complete and measures 5.5 X 6 ft. The only matching fabric chosen was the water and each quilter interpreted her part by a color photo, pieced it individually, quilted it and met to put the sections together.  Margot added acrylic paint to shade sections and blend some of the colors.

We were hopeful it would do well in competition.  We entered it in Road to California and won a monetary prize for first place in the group quilt category.  It was also entered and selected for Paducah Spring and will appear there in April.

And, the ladies just won a Blue Ribbon for Group Quilt at the Arizona Quilters Guild Quilt Show last week in Mesa!

A very interesting fact was Karen put a picture of the quilt on FACEBOOK and Google recognized the location from the metadata.


April 9, 2018 Janet Carruth will give a fascinating talk on “The Life and Work of Emma Andres” a Prescott quilter.  Janet met Emma while visiting her Museum in Prescott and they became friends.

Janet opened The Quilted Apple Quilt Store with Laurene Sinema in Phoenix.  It was the first quilt store in Phoenix in 1978.

She was also one of the founders of the Arizona Quilters Guild and is the author of “Penny Rugs and More” and co-author of “Hooked on Hankies”.

May 14 and 15, 2018 Karen G. Fisher will lecture on “Why We Choose the Quilts We Make and Love”.   Karen recently won The Best Of Show Award at the Quilt Fiesta Quilt Show in Tucson.

Her first book “Easy Grid Quilts” has just been published.

June 11 and 12, 2018 Jaimie Davis will give a lecture titled “The History and Mystery of Baltimore Album Quilts”.  This delightful mystery connects us with our sisters of long ago.

Jaimie is passionate about making quilts and has taught and lectured for the American Quilters Society, the Northwest Quilters Expo and Quilt Connect U.S.A.

Her work has been shown in national and international exhibits.  You can read more @

July 9,2018 The TBQ Birthday Party and Installation of Incoming Officers.

Kathleen Bond
Program Chair


We’d like to extend a special welcome to our new members:

Azalene Allen, Jill Davis, Carol Godfrey, Donna Meyer, and          Cindy Steyer-Lukowiak

Ways and Means

It’s time to spring clean your quilting studios.  If you have any unfinished projects you’d rather not complete, just give them to me at our April TBQ meeting and we’ll put them in our June 11th UFO Silent Auction.  We had one a few years ago and it was fun and very successful.

Yvonne Blitch
Ways and Means Chair

Block of the Month

A bit of Irish luck for Carlotta, winning the March BOM blocks, what will Carlotta do with them?

April is the Waterwheel Variation block, please use a light GRAY, one that reads solid as the light fabric. Then add a medium and a dark of your choice. This is a free pattern on

Directions will be emailed also.
A fun web site for Quilter’s is:  “”
Till next month, thank you all who play BOM…

Carol Sweeden
Block of the Month Coordinator

Company Store

 Kathleen Bond graciously donated 2 sewing machines to the Company Store. They would be a nice starter machine for child, grandchild or niece learning to sew.  Selling cheap at $25.00 a machine.

Lorraine Owen
Company Store Co-Chair

 Newcomers’ Group

We welcome all the new members to TBQ and invite you to join us at the Newcomers Meeting. The April meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 18, at the home of Diane Belveal.

 Adult Center Quilt Display

1280 Rosser Street, Prescott

SPRING!  SPRING!  SPRING!  It’s finally here!  Have you noticed all the flowering trees in your neighborhood?  Have you noticed all the SPRING! quilts hanging out at the Adult Center?

Well…they are up, and waiting for you to come on by to take a peek!  We owe BIG BIG thank you’s to the following quilters for sharing their SPRING! quilts:  Yvonne Blitch, Kathleen Bond, Rosemary Carr, Carolyn Fletcher, Jane Holland, Barbara Merkel, Sandy Mitchell, Kathleen Semerau, and Patti Taber.  Thank you, thank you, Quilters!

We had a bit of a challenge with Rosemary’s magnificent 110″ x 110″  Another Bloomin Road Trip quilt!  It was bigger than the space I had assigned it to.  Oh no…  But “super man” Steve Western (Adult Center Events & Facilities Coordinator) made it happen!  Whew!

These quilts will be up for a couple of months.  Our next theme will be “Stars”.  I already have a couple of star quilts promised.  Let me know if you have one to share.

Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE:  from 60″ to 90″ wide, any length.  (Need SIX.)
SMALL:  from 45″ to 60″ wide, any length.  (Need FOUR.)

Quilts for Sale

Continuing with the effort initiated last TBQ Guild year by Pat Armstrong, if you have a quilt or quilts you’d like to sell, we are working on making that happen.  When the TBQ website is up and running again, a “QUILT FOR SALE” form will be on-line.  Until that time, Carolyn Edwards will have forms available.  Just get in touch with her.  A 4” x 6” photograph will be needed in addition to the completed form.  The completed form along with the photograph will be kept in a binder at the Reception Desk at the Adult Center.  Your Quilt for Sale does not have to be hanging in the Atrium in order to be for sale.  You will name your asking price, and all proceeds will go to you.

Carolyn Edwards
Adult Center Quilt Coordinator


Show and Tell

Next Meeting – March 12, 2018

President’s Message

Rosemary Carr

 Greetings Sisters of the Thread!

It was great seeing so many of us at the February meeting.  Though I didn’t get to talk with as many as I had hoped to, I did see some familiar faces back warming the seats after long absences from the guild.  It was exciting to have so many guests join us for the meeting, and from what I understand, Pam Jones brought her own following to hear her lecture and see her extensive Crazy Quilt trunk show.  What a joy!  Welcome back, Laura Davis, and welcome new member, Rachael Severance.

It was a full house for Carolyn and Kathleen’s crazy quilt workshop that followed, and although we didn’t get through as many sample stitches as anticipated, we all created some pretty impressive foundation blocks to embellish.  It’s also quite fun to have the only iron in the room set up at your shared work table, as everyone comes over to disclose their “pressing” matters!

Lorraine Owen was seeing red…as the lucky recipient of the “love month” disappearing four-patch blocks.  Congratulations, gal!  Carol Sweeden, you are making this so much fun.  The TBQ design wall will be “wearin’ of the green” at the March meeting with our Lucky Clover blocks!!

I want to thank Karen Johnson and Dani Lerberg for volunteering to coordinate the Handmade Hugs project for the remainder of the guild year.  Thanks gals for stepping up to the challenge.  I know there were a few more quilt kits available for quilting if any of you could help us out.  Look for Karen and Dani at the Handmade Hugs Table.

Dianna Dunn has also volunteered to sit at the DVD lending library table.  Did you know you can check out quilting DVDs from TBQ at no cost?  All you need to do is bring them back to the next meeting.  See Dianna before the meeting or during break to see what’s available.

We more than tripled our donations to St. Luke’s Community Cupboard food campaign from the previous month and hit an all-time high of 225 items contributed in February!!  Woo hoo!!  Way to go, gals!!  Please continue keep those less fortunate in your thoughts and remember to pick up an extra can or two when you shop.  Whatever we contribute IS truly appreciated.

You may not realize that each month prior to the meeting, I sit contemplating which machines I would like to share with all of you.  Of course, some of that decision is based on just how much heavy lifting I want to do that particular month.  This month, in preparation for new flooring, yet again (that’s a long story in and of itself), I need to pull the machine heads from all the treadle cabinets to make them easier to move…so I’ll take advantage of this great opportunity to share some of my “really old girls” and their stories with you at the upcoming meeting.  Is anyone keeping count of how many “members of my choir” I have brought in to date?  No it’s not a test…not even a contest.

We’ve welcomed several new members to our TBQ Guild over the past year, and I want to commend the efforts of Norma Kurr and the Newcomers committee for their tireless commitment to putting together our Newcomers’ studio tours and lunch.  And as a reminder to our newest members…those of you who have joined the guild since last February, we keep you on the Newcomers list for a year from your join date.  You are welcome to join us for that entire year, along with other new members, for an opportunity to meet other members of the guild in a more casual setting, make new friends, and to see what creative talents lie in wait for your viewing pleasure.

Any spring, green, or St. Paddy’s quilts to show this month?  That would be a fun Show and Tell, wouldn’t it?  I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours!  See you soon!

And Sew it Goes…Pedal on, Girls!
Find Joy in the Journey!

Rosemary Carr, President
Thumb Butte Quilters’ Guild

Handmade Hugs

Handmade Hugs workshops will be held on the fourth Monday at St. Luke’s from 9:30 am to approximately 2:30 pm.  If you want to sew, bring your machine and your basic sewing kit and let’s put the pedal to the metal.  We need help with backing, binding, and putting together “quilt kits.”  Come join the fun!  Bring a lunch if you can stay.  A microwave and fridge are available in the kitchen for our use.

Mark your calendars with the following dates:
February 26
March 26
April 23
May TBD (this is Memorial Day)
June TBD

We have several quilts available for pick up at the TBQ meeting to be quilted and bound.  If you can’t make it to a workshop, won’t you consider helping on the finishing end?


Plan to join in on the fun!

March 12th – “Inking Your Fabric” with Lura Schwarz Smith.  Lura will present a lecture/trunk show with her award-winning art quilts.  Lura has been producing art quilts since 1975 receiving awards both in the US and abroad.  She is sure to inspire even the “non-artist”.

Kathleen Bond
Program Chair


March 12 and 13 ~ Lura Schwarz Smith @ $55 – “Inking Your Fabric”
1 1/2 day class
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church.
Monday, 3/12 – 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday, 3/13 – 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Currently there are 19 signed up for this class.  We can take one more student.  Your $$$ will guarantee your space in class!  Call me ASAP if you want this last space!

 Learn successful tracing, shading and inking onto fabric, working from your own photographic paper prints. Fun, effective drawing exercises enhance your skills. Using textile inks, markers, pencils, and other surface design materials, discover how to achieve realistic imagery in your art quilts.
No prior art experience necessary, but those with an art background will learn specific applications for achieving beautiful imagery on fabric.

  • 8 ½ “x 11” or 8″x 10″paper prints of your photos, or drawings of a similar size (your own, to avoid copyright issues) in any subject matter, for drawing and shading with inks on fabric. Bring a variety of images – choices are good! Our exercises in shading work best with a face at least 4” or larger, if working on a person.
  • Use the clearest, best prints you can to get the best information. If working from smaller, vintage photos, scan these and bring prints of the larger size, for ease in tracing — bring originals for reference.
  • Do not bring framed photos as the glass makes it difficult to trace detail accurately.
  • At least 4 sheets of 8 ½” x 11” non-bleed muslin pressed to freezer paper (note Dot Test instruction page for testing fabrics for bleed ability). Bring another fat quarter or half-yard of muslin for spare, in case needed.
  • OPTIONAL: other fabrics such as commercial prints that you wish to ink or mark on, in colors that suit your project. (Check fabrics with Dot Test!)
  • Pencil and paper (computer paper is fine)
  • Sharpie Ultrafine Black Marker
  • Lightbox (students may share)
  • OPTIONAL: We will be working a great deal with the Tsukineko All Purpose Inks, with the Fantastix applicators, as well as the Fabrico Textile Markers made by the same company. If you already have them and wish to bring them, you can bring them or any Prismacolor colored pencils, textile markers, etc. that you may have. This is OPTIONAL as I bring enough to share in class, but sometimes it’s nice to have your own. The basic kit fee will still apply as I supply many materials as well as the class inks, markers, etc. to share.
  • Supply Fee: $8 Kit: includes sample Fantastix applicators, Prismacolor pencil, sample non-bleed muslin, write-on transparency, instructional handouts, and use of class inks, etc.

 In working with textile inks, choosing the right fabrics will make your inking process MUCH more enjoyable. Fabrics vary widely in their bleed ability when inks, markers and other wet media are applied. For any detailed work, finding fabrics that do not bleed will allow you to put your ink where you want it to go – and to stay there!
Because the greige cloth, or base fabrics, seem to change even with known fabric lines, I recommend you get in the habit of testing each fabric before you buy or use it. This is what I call the Dot Test.
Get a textile marker with a medium tip – Pigmas and Microns are too small a point to give you an accurate, useful test. Get a medium tip TEXTILE marker (paper markers will not work!) such as a Fabrico Textile Marker. Place the blunt tip on the fabric surface, hold it there, and count slowly to 5. Lift the marker. What you want is a nice, clean dot the size of the marker tip – if you see a bleed or halo of ink out from the marker tip, that fabric is a bleeder and I don’t recommend using it for inking. Test your fabrics at home, and take the marker with you to your fabric shops. They can give you a tiny swatch to test – after all, you just need the tiniest snip to dot test. A little bleed can be worked with, but as you test you will see how results will vary. Do yourself a favor and use fabrics that won’t bleed much. Later, as you get accustomed to the process, you can probably work with more of a bleed.
We will be using muslins for some exercises. The bleached muslins bleed more than the natural finish ones, but test and see if you find one that isn’t too bad if you really want a whiter surface. It’s also very rich to work on commercially printed or hand-dyed fabrics, as the inks are translucent and so are very nice over a base color or texture. If you have a hard time finding a good textile marker at your local shops you can find many colors of the Fabrico Textile Markers along with the other Tsukineko inking supplies at

Carolyn Edwards
Workshop Chair

Ways and Means

Do you have any UFO’s you have lost interest in or wish you hadn’t started and probably won’t finish?  Well, you can bring them to me at our March, April or May TBQ meeting.  We are having a UFO Silent Auction at our June 11th meeting.  The more UFO’s we have the more fun it will be.  So, as you are spring cleaning your quilting studio remember to support TBQ by donating those projects you really don’t want to finish.

Yvonne Blitch
Ways and Means Chair

Block of the Month

 Thank you to all who participated in the February BOM, Lorraine Owens was the lucky winner of 24 red and white blocks! Let’s see what she does with them. Lorraine is very imaginative in her quilting and I know it will be another wonderful work of hers.

Ok, so now we are looking for a bit of Irish Luck, watch your emails for the March BOM, using 2 greens, light and dark, and a cream!  Please remember to use a 1/4″ seam, press and do your best stitching…

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Till then, stitch away.

Carol Sweeden
Block of the Month Coordinator

Company Store

 Ladies remember spring cleaning. Bring your donations. Help the guild.

Lorraine Owen
Company Store Co-Chair

Friendship Groups

 A member expressed an interest in starting a hand quilting group, if anyone is interested please contact me and I will put you in touch with that member.

By My Hand-Hand Embroidery has a day and time change, now meets on the 3rd Friday 12:30-3:00 at Central Sewing (same location).

Machine Embroidery group has disbanded, they no longer meet.

Laura Stone
Friendship Groups Chair

Quilt Camp

 We are excited about the upcoming Quilt Camp.   There are 11 spots available.

2018 Day Camp OR Overnight Camp

Held at the Residence Inn by Marriott, Highway 69, Prescott. Quilt Camp runs 8:00 am Monday, April 2, 2018 thru 8:00 pm Wednesday April 4, 2018.  Check in time is 8:00 a.m. Lunch will be catered in.  $100 full amount for all three days of Day Camp. No partial days are available.

Please fill out the bottom form and return it to Suzie Fields at the March guild meeting with your $100 payment to secure your spot. This payment is nonrefundable unless we can fill your place with someone on the waiting list.

FOR OVERNIGHTERS: For Discount Room Rate of $94 per night contact TBQ member Erin Sullivan.  The discount rate is only available if reserved through the link provided if you make your reservation by March 23, 2018.

Suzie Fields
Quilt Camp Chair

Prescott Adult Center Exhibit

Dear Norma, the party is almost over.  Your quilts will be hanging out at the Adult Center for only a couple more weeks, but wasn’t that a party!  🙂  Thank you so much for lending TEN of your oh-so-beautiful quilts for exhibit in the Atrium.  It was a gorgeous display.  And a little birdie told me that the viewing public has had a ball looking at your quilts…and picking out their favorites!  That’s what we like to hear!

Next up, it will be SPRING, SPRING, SPRING!  If we have talked about one of your quilts being in this display, I will be in touch with you before the March meeting…and it will be easiest if you can bring your quilt(s) to the March meeting–that’ll make the “hand off” easier.  And if there is anyone out there who is just dying to have their spring quilt in this display, call me!  I’m pretty sure we can make that happen!  Thanks ever so much for all the support I get in this effort.  You are really appreciated!

Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE:  from 60″ to 90″ wide, any length.  (Need SIX,)
SMALL:  from 45″ to 60: wide, any length.  (Need FOUR.)

Quilts for Sale

Continuing with the effort initiated last TBQ Guild year by Pat Armstrong, if you have a quilt or quilts you’d like to sell, we are working on making that happen.  When the TBQ website is up and running again, a “QUILT FOR SALE” form will be on-line.  Until that time, Carolyn Edwards will have forms available.  Just get in touch with her.  A 4” x 6” photograph will be needed in addition to the completed form.  The completed form along with the photograph will be kept in a binder at the Reception Desk at the Adult Center.  Your Quilt for Sale does not have to be hanging in the Atrium in order to be for sale.  You will name your asking price, and all proceeds will go to you.

Carolyn Edwards
Adult Center Quilt Coordinator

Chamber of Commerce Exhibit

 Come and enjoy the new display of quilts at the Chamber of Commerce this month. Quilts have been on display continuously since April of 2009 and is a shared task between Thumb Butte Quilters’ Guild and Mountain Top Quilters’ Guild.

Kay Wentworth
Chamber of Commerce Quilt Coordinator

Show and Tell

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