Next Meeting – August 12, 2019

President’s message

Dear TBQ Friends,
I hope this note finds everyone enjoying the rain and sunshine. I sure am! Although I don’t know how to dress when it says it’s going to be 90 degrees and clear, then it is pouring rain and 66 degrees out.
Thank you for voting me into this office. I hope I can make this year a good one for everyone. If you have concerns please feel free to let me know.
See you all at the meeting.

Linda Craig, TBQ President 2019-2020

cut with hope
stitch with grace
quilt with dreams
bind with laughter
share with love.


TBQ tradition designates that the immediate Past President of the Guild take charge of completing a quilt for the current President, to be presented at the July celebration of the Guild birthday and the conclusion of the Guild year.

ways and means

Company Store
Looking forward to all the cleaning you have been doing in your quilting room. Bring it all to the company store. Also be sure to come and shop! It all counts for TBQ Quilt Guild! 
Lorraine Owen-Chair


If you cannot attend the meeting when it is your turn to be a hostess, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for set-up and stay for clean-up as needed.

Susan Perry, Carol Peters, Pam Peters,  Paula Pilcher, Sally Plummer, Ann Ramsey, Judity Ritner, Doris Robak, Barb Robinson, Margaret Roselle, Lynda Ruiz, JoAnn Salem, and Ronnie Sandoval


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive with a value of at least $10.  A reminder to July celebrants to bring your gift to the August meeting.

Kathleen Semrau, Shirlee Smith, Nancy Stewart, Nancy Bernas, Ann Stowell, Linda Morriston, Melodie Merino, Molly Haney-Burleigh, Pat Armstrong, Vickie Sawyer, Joy Swartz, Carol Sweeden, Paula Pilcher, Michele Schneider, Patty McClearn, Lola Dyroy


Newcomers are defined as any new member to the Guild for the entire year since their “application date.”  As a new member, you are encouraged to participate in Newcomers gatherings held throughout the year.  This is a great opportunity to “connect” with other new members, and to get to know others on a more personal level, outside of our Guild meetings.  Our most recent “class” of new members just created a new Friendship Group called “The Mod Squad,” and many make up the core of regular volunteers at our “Handmade Hugs” work sessions on the 4th Monday of each month at St. Luke’s.

The “Newcomers” first gathering will take place on Thursday, August 29th.  All Newcomers will receive an invitation in early August.  We look forward to a fun year!
Pat Gentner, Chair

community service

Adult Center Display
W.O.W.  Have  you seen it?  Have you seen the Red & White Quilt Display at the Adult Center — 1280 Rosser Street?  It’s definitely worth checking out!! The red and white quilts are hanging…and they look marvelous, darling!  There is nothing that can beat the beauty of red and white quilts!  They are breathtaking!!!  If you have been hesitant about going to the Adult Center, now’s your chance to join us in a visit to the Adult Center to see the quilts!  Meet us after the August 12th TBQ meeting and we’ll trek on over to the Adult Center to see the quilts!  And lunch will be on the agenda, too!  More info will be available at the TBQ meeting!!!
The Red & White quilts will be up until around the first of September, then we’ll sweep in with Blue & White quilts.  The transition from Red and White quilts to Blue and White quilts is this year’s replacement for red/white/blue quilts–just for something different!  Next year, we’ll resume with the Red, White, and Blue display in the summer!  Let me know if you have Blue & White quilts to include in our next exhibit!
Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE:  from 60″ to 90″ wide, any length.  (Need SIX,)
SMALL:  from 45″ to 60″ wide, any length.  (Need FOUR.)
Carolyn Edwards, Chair
Handmade Hugs

For 2019/2020 we will be focusing our charity efforts on infants and Hospice recipients. We have some fun projects to get everyone involved.  For infants we will be making receiving blankets and burp cloths for Yavapai Medical Center and the Healthy Families Resource Center.  These projects are quick to make, don’t require any batting or quilting.  The Hospice quilts will be lap size about 40 x 50, fabric with adults in mind, and can easily be quilted with a domestic machine or even tied.  Attached are the instructions and pattern for the receiving blanket and burp cloths.

Nancy and I went through all of the fabric and batting that TBQ currently has and we are currently busting at the seams with how generous our members have been!  Wow!!!  We have a lot to work with and such a small storage place to put it all.  Our goal in the next few months is to get lots of hospice kits ready with all this great fabric and try and make some space before we take anymore fabric.  Of course, if you really need to clean your stash out, then we would always welcome your donations.

Right now we really need large gallon size baggies to package all of our kits if anyone has some to donate.

 Our Handmade Hugs workshop will be on the 4th  Monday of each month at 9:30 – 1:30 pm at St. Lukes.  We want to make this a fun event for anyone who comes.  We will organize kits, cut and prepare backing and batting, and do work on quilts in progress.  Please be on the lookout for our monthly reminder email for Handmade hugs for more information.  Instructions are available at the links below.  Dawnell Muecke & Nancy Lande, Co-Chairs

TB! Burb rag pattern-1

TBQ -directions for receiving blanket and burb rag-1

Community Cupboard

TBQ members continue to contribute graciously to the efforts of St. Luke’s Community Cupboard.  Even in the midst of our explosion of patriotic reds, whites, and blues as we celebrated the 24th Birthday of TBQ, we still remembered to keep those less fortunate in mind through our contribution of 70 non-perishable food items.

As you shop, please pick up a few extra items to contribute to the food wagon usually found near the door of the Parish Hall when we arrive at St. Luke’s.





Show & Tell

Next Meeting – July 8, 2019

President’s Message

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is IMG_2289-256x300.jpgHello Quilters, 

The Board Transition Meeting/Potluck is past and things appear to be headed to another wonderful year for all our quilting friends in TBQ. The July Hostess Committee sure know how to throw a party.  I think I need a summer break just to quit eating all the wonderful food you all make!  
I had the pleasure of hosting the Newcomers Group spearheaded by Molly and Kathleen at my house for their last gathering of the year.  What an amazing group of ladies!  Dawn Mueucke and Nancy Lande were there also and gave some wonderful highlights of what next year’s Community Service projects will be.  We have some very exciting times ahead.  There is so much enthusiasm to do acts of kindness.  It’s just heart warming. 
I wish you all a healthy and enjoyable SEWING filled Summer! 
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Celtic-cross-300x300.pngMay your bobbin always be full,
May your seams be straight and quarter inch,
And your fabrics fall soft upon your lap,
And until we meet again,
May all your finished quilts be bound with love.

Erin Sullivan – TBQ President 2018 – 2019

July Hostesses
Lorraine Owen, Iris Lacey, Nancy Lefler, Lorie Lopez, Judy Lundquist
Anne Marston, Sandy Mazzurco, Sharon McAlister, Joan McGivern,
Sylvia McIntosh, Mirta McKay


We had a great turnout in June with 8 visitors; 6 returned their application for membership effective in July. 

FINAL DUES REMINDERA big THANK YOU to those who have paid their membership dues. The July meeting is the cut off date for renewing your membership with the guild.  If you have not done so, PLEASE pay your dues by the July Meeting (JULY 8th) to ensure that your contact information is included in the new directory.   

Dianna Dunn, Membership Chair

mentor’s table

Thank you for your support and encouragement. It was a great two years for me. I only hope that I have given you useful ideas and inspiration for your love of quilting. With that I leave you with this fun way to use your scraps or choose from your special fabrics to create a beautiful gift item.  
Shirlee Smith
Just a note:  There will be no Mentor’s Table at the July party.

Block of the Month                        

June Block of the Month recipient Rosemary Carr                        


July Birthdays

July birthday members bring your birthday gifts to the August 12th meeting.  There will be no drawing at the July party.

Susan Perry, Candace Tomlinson, Jude Bentley, Jeanne Sellers,
Judith Ritner, Phyllis D-Ambrosio, and Shon Wellborn


The Newcomers met in June at the home of President Erin Sullivan for the last 2018-2019 TBQ year.
Kudos were expressed for Erin’s work in TBQ along with all the volunteers from the Newcomers at the TBQ Quilt Show.
Introductions from 16 Newcomers along with the committee, show & tell and a tour of Erin’s sewing room were enjoyed along with snacks and cookies.
Handmade Hugs new focus was shared and kits were handed out.  They ran out of kits.
WHAT a wonderful bunch of new members allowing TBQ to be great as always!

Molly Haney-Burleigh, Chair

Community Service

Adult Center Display
With any luck at all, by the time the TBQ website is updated with July news, RED & WHITE quilts will be gracing the halls and walls at the Adult Center!  Woohoo!  And they will take your breath away!  BIG, BIG t.h.a.n.k. y.o.u.’s. to the following quilters who have loaned RED & WHITE quilts to create this fabulous collection:  Pam Calhoon, Jean Ehlers, Cheri Heinecke, Barbara Merkel, Lorraine Owen, Shirlee Smith, and Nancy Stewart.  Thank you, Girlfriends!  You are my heroes!  Joanna S. Rose (who displayed her collection of 650 red and white quilts in New York City in 2011) would be V.E.R.Y. proud of you!  These quilts will be hanging for a couple of months, so you have time to gather up your besties, plan an Adult Center “drive-by”…followed by lunch with the ladies!  I call that a perfect day!  
In a couple of months, this collection will change to Blue and White quilts.  If your quilt wants to come play in a Blue and White display, please let me know!
Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE:  from 60″ to 90″ wide, any length.  (Need SIX.)
SMALL:  from 45″ to 60″ wide, any length.  (Need FOUR.)
We still need HELP! on our Hanging Team!  Last month I pleaded for HELP! and didn’t hear a peep out of any of yous-guys.  🙁  You can still volunteer, but until then, I will be going through TBQ’s roster, calling and begging for one-time help…that means meeting the Hanging Team at the Adult Center for an hour’s worth of work–GORGEOUS work!  Hanging TEN quilts…and they are all gorgeous!  It’s a delightful way to start ANY day!  Call me!

Carolyn Edwards, Chair

Handmade Hugs

Welcome to a new year for Handmade Hugs!
Each fiscal year we have an opportunity to reevaluate the needs of Yavapai County and decide where our efforts might make the most impact with the resources we have available to us at Thumb Butte Quilt Guild.
Last year’s focus was on children and teens in need which the guild did a fantastic job helping to make it a successful and productive project. Our guild completed and gave away 107 quilts and there are 34 tops that are in various stages of completion that will be completed this year and given to the appropriate charities.
This year we have had the pleasure of working with our sister guilds to see where their focus is and how many quilts they are distributing to various charities in our community so we can align ourselves to fill in where there is still a need in Yavapai County.
After much contemplation we have decided to focus our efforts on infants and hospice patients. The goal is to give all of our guild members an opportunity to participate in charity programs. Not everyone has the time and ability to come to the monthly charity workshops, but would still like to make a difference in our community. We have chosen some projects that can easily be done on your own time and then brought to the meeting when completed as well as other projects that are a little more labor intensive, but may appeal to our avid piecers.
Our workshops are held on the 4th Monday of the month at the same location as our regular guild meetings.  Each month we will have a focus and a goal on what we will accomplish at each event. The focus may be sorting fabric, putting together kits, sewing projects or even educational opportunities that pertain to our projects. Everyone is invited and encouraged to participate in one way or another during our guild year. We are excited to get started and we hope you are too!
Be sure to look for our Handmade Hug emails that will remind you of the date, time, focus and goal of our workshops!
Your 2019/2020 Handmade Hugs coordinators – Dawnell Muecke and Nancy Lande

Jan Hayman

Jan Hayman came to us from San Diego.  She has been in textile work since the 80’s when she also started in quilting classes.  She moved into wearable arts making jackets for challenges at Asilomar.  She submitted her resume to Houston’s Fairfield Fashion show and rejected at first she was later accepted.  One of the garments won 1st place at PIQF in California.
Moving next into art dolls, she filled her display spaces and then moved back into quilting.  Jan loves taking classes and learns from every class she takes.  She has recently won awards at Road to California and Houston.


Next Meeting – June 10, 2019

President’s message

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is IMG_2289-256x300.jpgHello Quilters,

The Presidents Challenge brought in some beautiful and creative works of art from 24 different members. If you haven’t received your participation ribbon please contact me so I can get it to you.   All but three of you then donated your quilts to the Small Quilt Auction for a record breaking reward. What fun we had participating in the Auction! It was hard to believe our Auctioneer wasn’t a pro! Thanks again, Michael Gunn (Jude Bentley’s husband), you were great.
What an amazing, hard working and talented group of members you all are. From all the many hours the Quilt Show Committee Chairs put into organizing and planning, to the actual set up and execution of an outstanding 2019 Quilt Show, I am truly honored to be a part of this Guild! 
I spoke with numerous people raving about what a great show TBQ  had put on.  Our Vendors were thrilled with our turnout of visitors who then purchased their products. I’m sure they will all want to return in 2021. 
Next up is our July Birthday party that I hear will be spectacular too, hoping to see you all there.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Celtic-cross-300x300.pngMay your bobbin always be full,
May your seams be straight and quarter inch,
And your fabrics fall soft upon your lap,
And until we meet again,
May all your finished quilts be bound with love.

Erin Sullivan – TBQ President 2018 – 2019

quilt show 2019

Wow!  The “Sisters of the Thread” 2019 Quilt Show met and exceeded all expectations!  What an amazingly rewarding experience to see this all come together in a few hours, after a year of planning!  We received countless congratulatory compliments throughout the two days, to which Suzie and I continually replied, “Thank you so much, but we did not do this alone.  We had a tremendous team!”  We had the entire Guild behind us!  We are going to admit that we were concerned following the May meeting that we would not have enough volunteers to pull this all together.  But you came, you worked, you smiled, and you continually asked, “what else can I do?”  From both of us, we say thank you!
I likened the experience to that of an Amish barn raising, when the entire community comes together to accomplish an enormous task in a matter of a day…with everyone working together.  Those of you taking down the quilts, and pole and drape were in the middle of it, and did not see it from afar.  What appeared to be a Quilt Show at 4 pm on Saturday at closing was non-existent at 4:35 pm.  Everything was down, granted, it took a bit longer to pack it all up and return it to storage, but the tremendous task was completed by 6:30 pm!!
Well done, Thumb Butte Quilters!!  Heartfelt Gratitude!  It was a GREAT Show!  Rosemary Carr and Suzie Fields, 2019 Quilt Show Co-Chairs

2019 quilt show awards

Congratulations to our award recipients.  We want to showcase our award winners at the June meeting.  (Please plan on bringing your quilts and ribbons to the June meeting)
Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame Award recipient:
    Cheryl GiovencoA Primitive Garden
Co-Chair’s Choice Award recipients:
    Mary VaughanChristmas Star
    Shirlee SmithFeatherweight Christmas
Viewers’ Choice Award recipients:
    1st Place – Cheryl GiovencoA Primitive Garden
    2nd Place – Norma KurrLatte Quilt
    3rd Place – Laura DavisBasket Full
    4th Place – Mary VaughanChristmas Star
    5th Place – Shirlee SmithHanging Gardens II
    6th Place – Norma KurrSassy Flowers
    7th Place – Karen AdamsBlue Eyes
    8th Place – Trish CharityMe, My Selfie, and I
    8th Place – Eva LivelyDragonfly Circus

New Members:
We had a great month in April, with 13 visitors and 6 new applications for membership submitted. Give a big welcome to our 2 new members who joined in May (the remaining 4 applications will become effective in July).  Welcome Brenda Metz and Anita Wilbur.

Important Reminders:
(1) DUES for 2019-2020 MUST BE PAID NO LATER THAN JUNE 15.
(2) The new TBQ directory is currently being developed. PLEASE review your listing in the current directory and report any changes or corrections to the Membership Chair as soon as possible. Forms are available on the website or at the welcome table.  Dianna Dunn, Membership Chair

ways and means

We are winding down with promoting the Opportunity Quilt. Thank you to

all our volunteer members who manned the booth at the Home and Garden Show. It was very busy. “Joyful Garden” was a hit. We ended up making $475.00 !! Another outstanding outcome was we handed out many bookmarks inviting the Garden Show participants to our Quilt Show! We also invited interested quilters to our Guild meeting. It was a fun venue. I will send out an email reminder for the volunteers who will be working the Opportunity Quilt booth at the Show.  I look forward to seeing who will be the lucky person to win our beautiful quilt.  Patty McClearn and Yvonne Blitch, Co-Chairs

mentor’s table

After two years at the Mentor’s Table, I will be retiring and leaving this fun position for another creative member to take on. It is a great part of the meeting and a very fun and rewarding position to hold in the guild. 
That being said (I hate that expression) – I have a big surprise and a great ending for my two-year term. SO be prepared to be surprised and be prepared to learn something you may have never seen. Is that possible? Maybe – maybe not. But stop by the Mentor’s Table and see the great surprise I have for you at this last meeting of our fiscal year. 
Keep quilting and remember that you are limited only by your imagination. 
Shirlee Smith, Chair

block of the month


If you cannot attend the meeting when it is your turn to be a hostess, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for set-up and stay for clean-up as needed.

Sharon Melpolder, Melodie Merino, Barbara Merkel, Donna Meyer, Mary Anne Meyer, Sandy Mitchell, Linda Morriston, Pat Noel, Brenda Norris, Alice Obrenovich, and Susie Opdahl


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive with a value of at least $10.

Cynthia Falzone, Carol Godfrey, Dawnell Muecke, Kay Wentworth, Cynthia Crull, Pat Hopgood, Jean Ehlers, Cathy Day, Sharon Melpolder, Ara Whetten, Carlotta Brandenburg, Diane Grayson, Norma Kurr, Sandy Mazzurco, Janet Shields, Carrie Casto, Barbara Gall, Lori Sandura, Brenda Metz


Friday May 3rd the Newcomers gathered at the home of Betty Foley.  What an exciting and special visit it was!
As we were “going to the country”, carpooling was a plus.  10-12 of us were there to share ideas and techniques, projects in progress projects completed and inspirations. 
Betty shared some of her favorite pictorial quilts, with a couple featuring her mom. We then toured what Betty calls “her Room” and perused her books of finished quilts and were again INSPIRED.  ( was so in awe of our Newcomers’ projects and Betty’s that I failed to take pictures!) Molly Haney-Burleigh and Lynda Ruiz, Chair

community service

Adult Center Display
The glorious Medallion Quilts are hanging at the Adult Center.  Take ten minutes to stop by 1280 Rosser Street to take a look!  You’ll be glad you did!  These quilts will be hanging out waiting for your visit until around the 1st of July. 
Then we’ll deck the halls with Red and White quilts.  If you have Red and White Quilts to loan to this exhibit, let me know, and bring them to the June 10th general meeting.  Red and White quilts will be a good way to kick off the July 4th holiday celebration, don’t you think?!
Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE:  from 60″ to 90″ wide, any length.  (Need SIX.)
SMALL:  from 45″ to 60″ wide.  (Need FOUR.)
Help Wanted:  One of our Hanging Team members needs to step away from TBQ for a while…so we will be looking for a  replacement to fill her shoes on our Hanging Team.  The job entails meeting at the Adult Center for an hour only about six times a year to change the quilts hanging at the Adult Center.  That doesn’t sound too hard, does it?  If you are interested, let me know.
Handmade Hugs
St. Luke’s Community Cupboard

Please remember to keep those less fortunate in your thoughts as you shop, and pick up a few extra food items for the St. Luke’s Community Cupboard benefiting the food banks of the Quad-City area.  Throughout this past year TBQ contributed over 1900 food items!  Thank you all for your continued support!!  Place your contributions in the food wagon as you enter the Parish Hall.

Ideas for things to bring:  peanut butter, macaroni & cheese, canned tuna, canned fruit, canned beef, canned vegetables, tomato sauce, canned beans, canned chicken, boxed cereals, powdered milk, pasta, rice, canned soups, and dried beans.










Margot McDonnell

Margot McDonnell is a local during the summer when she moves here from Scottsdale.  She grew up with an intense interest in art, music, theater and writing.  The quilting bug bit her along the way and like many other fabric fanatics, she took the traditional route until one night on eBay when she spotted a tiny black and white snapshot of a wintery backyard.  At that moment she switched gears and her quilting took off in a new direction.
Since then, her ribbon-winning pieces have appeared in Paducah, Houston, Portland, Chicago, Minneapolis, Phoenix and Ontario, California as well as in Quilting Arts Calendar and in magazines.

May 14, 2019 – Margo’s Workshop was titled “Dynamic Quilts From Your Photos”

2019 President’s Challenge

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