President’s message
Dear TBQ Friends,
I can’t clean my craft room, because I get distracted by all the good stuff I found AGAIN!
I hope you all had a very special and wonderful Valentine’s Day!
I want to thank Karen Adams for having brought to our guild such a fantastic artist/quilter! Andrea Brokenshire had a warm and funny presentation along with her VERY inspiring quilts! It was really awesome!
It was fun seeing people who I have not seen in a while. I am glad you came to the meeting. Hopefully you will come more often.
The nominating committee met at my house and I know a lot of you received phone calls. Thank you for answering the phone (LOL) as well as letting us know what kind of jobs you would like to do or not do. Everyone was absolutely great! We will know more by our next meeting.
I have received several phone calls letting me know how some of our members are doing and most of them have greatly improved. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
I hope you are all sewing like crazy! As you can tell by my quilting quotes, I have been very inspired and pulled out several of my 30-year-old PhD’s (projects half done) and have been actually completing them! It’s amazing how nice it made me feel! LOL!!!
I feel like I should clean the house so I’m going to my craft room to play until the feeling passes.
See you soon!
Linda Craig – TBQ President 2019-2020
Ways and means
UFO Silent Auction
Please don’t forget to bring your UFO’s for the silent auction we will hold in June, 2020. Give all items for the auction to Katheen Semerau. You can also put a kit together with a pattern and compatible fabrics.
block of the month
If you cannot attend the meeting when it is your turn to be a hostess, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for set-up and stay for clean-up as needed. Please consider healthy choices and remember our members with dietary restrictions (diabetic and gluten intolerance).
Hostesses: please plan to assist with set up of refreshments and clean up. Thank you!
March Hostesses: Lola Dyroy, Karen Eades, Carolyn Edwards, Jean Ehlers, Norma Enfield, Judy Eppler, Catherine Ericsen, Cynthia Falzone, Suzie Fields, Betty Foley, Barbara Gall, Pat Gentner, Cheryl Giovenco, Tracy Burnett.
Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive with a value of at least $10. A reminder to December celebrants to bring your gifts to the January meeting.
March Birthdays: Deb Johnson, Mary Temme, Nan DeChant, Kathy Spry, Sandy McGerry, Norma Enfield, Roberta O’Mara, Pam Calhoun.
Here are few pictures from our February, “ One Block Wonder” quilt class for Newcomers. We had a fun productive day.
Pat Gentner – Chair
Community service
Adult Center Display
The Quilts they are a’ changin! As soon as we round up TEN blue and yellow quilts, the delightful Jane Holland One-Woman-Quilt-Show will come down. You still have a little time to swing by the Adult Center (1280 Rosser Street) to see Jane’s unique and one-of-a-kind creations! Woohoo! You know…you can go to the Adult Center to look at TBQ’s fabulous mini-Quilt Show (on display year-round), and then you can have a very delicious, reasonably priced lunch without even leaving the facility! What an outing!
If you have a blue and yellow quilt to include in our next exhibit, please, please, please let me know!
If you are in a mini-group, we encourage you and your mini-group to display your quilts together! Wouldn’t that be F.U.N.! 🙂 Let me know and we’ll get you on the schedule!
Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE: from 60″ to 90″ wide, any length. (Need SIX.)
SMALL: from 45″ to 60″ wide, any length. (Need FOUR.)
Carolyn Edwards – Chair
Handmade Hugs
Hi Everyone! Last month we met and assembled over 20 quilt tops with backing, batting and binding. These quilts are now ready to be quilted by our members on a longarm or a domestic machine. Kathleen Bond gave a wonderful demonstration of how to prepare a quilt and ideas on how to quilt on your regular sewing machine. A big shout out to Kathleen!
These quilt kits are always at our meeting along with flannel kits for our burp rags and receiving blankets which we donate to the Yavapai Hospital for the Healthy Families program and other moms in need. We donated 8 quilts to hospice, 68 burp rags and 24 receiving blankets to hospice in February.
Everyone is encouraged to take a kit or two home to complete so we can get the quilts to the hospice centers and baby stuff to the hospital. Everything we donate is always appreciated by those who receive them.
Nancy Lande and Dawnell Muecke – Co-Chairs