Monthly News – January 8, 2024

President’s message

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Happy Winter Solstice everyone!  I would like to thank Martha for organizing a lovely party. I hope you all enjoyed it and if you missed it, I’m sorry because it was very fun.  Jean Impey will be doing a zoom presentation at our next meeting. So make sure you are there.  Also, Mountain Top will be selling tickets for their opportunity quilt at our January meeting.

I know as I write this, it is still before Christmas and you must all be scurrying around trying to get everything finished, mailed and delivered.  I received very nice feedback about my President’s Challenge, so I hope that you will all take part in it.  It has been a fun year, and I can’t believe how quickly this year is going. 

That’s about all I have to say for now. So everyone enjoy your holiday and if you are traveling, be safe. See you next year!!

Angela Smith – President


We have one new member who has joined us in December — Chris Campos.  Please welcome her.


January party hostesses are:  Sherri Hubbs, Debbie James, Deb Johnson, Karen Johnson, Pam Jones, Shirley Kelliher, Jeanne Dunk, Dave Charity, Sue Parks, Kate Parsons, Alicia Czuzak, Sue Hansen, Dede Erceg Lori Allaire, Gayle Lee, and Carol Miller.

If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup. 


Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.  

January Birthdays — Edyth Pries, Yvonne Blitch, Deena Knight, Susie Opdahl, Sue Hansen, Jamie Davis, Pam Jones, Karen Eads, Kate Brown, Shirley Kelliher, Claire Bell, Sharon Harris, Sue Weisshaupt, and Ellen Baker.


January brings us a zoom presentation from Jean Impey.

February will bring Joyce Larson.
If you have a quilt you would like to have appraised, this is your chance. Please let us know so we can make sure there is plenty of time for each person.

Martha Ferriera, Vice President

retreat lite update

Thank you to all 24 of our Thumb Butte Quilters’ Guild members for your enthusiasm in signing up for our upcoming two-day RETREAT LITE day camp set for February 5th and 6th, 2024.  Based on our venue size, we are at capacity!!  That means that we can place names on a waiting list if you’d like to be included should someone’s plans change and they cannot attend.  Please contact Dana Swain to add your name to the waitlist.  If you should make it into an opened space, your $15.00 fee will be collected at that time.

Once again, thank you Thumb Butte Quilters!

Dana Swain & Jamie Davis – Coordinators

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