General Meeting Minutes – January 13, 2025

9:00 General Meeting opens with hospitality time.
9:32 President CoCo Alaniz called the General Meeting to order.

*Welcome to members…Happy New Year!
*Motion to accept October 14, 2024 minutes by Terry Grenier, seconded by Pat
Noel. Motion carried.
* It is time to select a 3 Member Nominating Committee. Those interested can sign up on board in the front, or those interested in serving can sign up.
* Top Quilters needed for Handmade Hugs. Please contact Jamie or Kristine.
* Hospitality team needs some helpers. Please see Nan DeChant.
* Many are interested in sending quilts for the various disasters. Hancock Fabrics and Jean Impey are collecting new or gently used quilts.

Membership – Dawnell Muecke
Welcomed 3 visitors and one joined today.

Programs and Workshops– Deb Johnson February Program will be Jean Impey.
*On Monday afternoon at the Elks she will be teaching her Faces class. There is a waiting list. The cost is $25. The supply list is on the website.
* Tuesday Jean is teaching her Spider Web in an all day class at Trinity Church. The cost is $35 with a $12 kit fee due on the day of. A supply list is on the website.
*March Program will be -Dora Cary from Orange Dots Quilts
* Workshop on Tuesday will be on Fusible applique. There are 2 patterns to choose from. The cost is $35 and will be held at Trinity Presbyterian Church.
* Sign up with Kathleen Bond at break or after the meeting for the February or March workshops.
* January Workshop- is Jamie Davis
AccuQuilt Demonstration and Trunk Show following today’s meeting. Free to all who attend.

Retreat Lite – Dana Swain is taking signups for our 2 day Sit and Sew to be held February 24-25, 2025. The cost is $15 and she is taking signups with payment today.

Today’s Program – Deb Johnson explained the itinerary for the day. Quilt Show “Qick-Off” to learn about the various aspects of and opportunities to serve at TBQ’s bi- annual quilt show.  She thanked the Quilt Show Committee for “coaching” the stations the members will be rotating to. Program began at 9:46am and was completed at 10:25.

P.I.G. Activity with Kathleen Bond and Dawnell Muecke
Aka Project in Grocery Bag. Several members presented 2 projects they have not
completed. All members voted by paddle to determine which project they were
challenged to complete by our December 2025 meeting.

Newcomers-Mary Ellen and Georgia
Tomorrow Newcomers and all interested are invited to meet at 10:00am at PrescottQu ilt Works. Shirlee Smith will be doing demos.

Announcement by Sharon Harris that MountainTop Quilt Guild has class seats available for Karen Bolan on 01-22-25.

Block of the Month –Shirlee Smith shared the current block which is a bird. It will be drawn for in February. Shirlee has patterns or it can be found on the website. Drawings were made for October and November.

Birthday Drawing
Quik off Drawing
Show and Tell-Mary Vaughan
President CoCo Alaniz thanked Deb Johnson for the fun and creative program today.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:50
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Fullerton, Guild Co-Secretary

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