president’s message
Hello Quilting Members! I hope you are all doing well. Winter is finally over and I haven’t finished half of the projects that I started. I hope that you have done better.
In the meantime, we will be doing the budget at our next board meeting and starting to collect dues for next year.
We are excited at looking for a new board. All of the slots are filled at the moment but that does not mean you cannot add your name. We will be holding elections in June and transitioning over at the July meeting/party. It has been a pleasure to be your president this year, and I appreciate all of the support that I have received.
The President’s Challenge is due at the May meeting. I hope many of you chose to participate because I believe it is a worthwhile cause. We will do a show and tell of all of your challenge pieces.
As many of you have heard, we will no longer have the Aztlan Masonic hall to have our classes or Quilt Camp in. We are negotiating for a new location and will update you as soon as it is definite. In the meantime…
Happy Quilting!
Angela Smith, President
New Members
We want to welcome our newest members, Susan Lewis and Deborah Salazar. Please be sure to seek them out and show them how much our guild offers.
Membership Dues
It’s time to renew your dues for 2024-2025. The cost is $35.00 for the year. Checks payable to TBQ or cash can be given to membership chair, CoCo Alaniz by June 15, 2024. If you would like to mail your check, please mail it to CoCo. Thanks for your cooperation!
CoCo Alaniz, Chair
May hostesses are: Judith Ritner, Vickie Sawyer, Mary Scherer, Dianne Schmitt, Kathleen Semerau, Connie Sieh, Shirlee Smith, Chris Sommerfelt, Sherri Hubbs, Donna Oaborne, Jimi Henager and Sami Logan.
If you cannot attend the meeting, when it is your turn to be a hostess by bringing a treat, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for setup and stay for cleanup.
celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.
Happy May Birthday to Sheryl Townsend, Diana Atkins, Marie Gniazdowski, Angela Smith, Gayle DeBoom, Ruth Petty, Cathi O’Neill, Karen Johnson and Suzy Davidson.
guild officer elections 2024-2025
ways and means
July Silent Auction
Fellow quilters, now is the perfect time to reorganize your sewing rooms.
Browse through your old projects and quilting items and ask yourself “Do I really want to finish this, Will I ever use this again?” If the answer is “NO” then now is the right time to get rid of that item.
Consider donating it to Thumb Butte Quilters Silent Auction where another quilter will fall in love with your project and want to take on the challenge.
Objects are not limited to projects; consider rulers, irons, various quilting items.
The silent auction will take place at the July meeting.
We ask that you provide the UFO pattern and any accompanying fabric that you might have.
Liz Hart is collecting the UFO and finished objects at the May and June guild meetings.
Thank you for your supporting your guild.
Liz Hart, Chair