President’s Message
Greetings Sisters of the Thread,
After 73 Februarys you’d think I would no longer be surprised by these short months, but February always seems to catch me off guard. However, March is just a few days away, and gads, do we have a lot going on!
First off, we have members that have expressed interest in filling three of the four board positions for the coming year–President, Vice President and Treasurer. We also have someone who has volunteered for the 2023 Quilt Show Chair. That being said, we still need a Secretary for the coming year. Are you a good note taker, can you listen and write down the gist of a message or discussion? If so, have we got a job for you! If this is something you would like to do, please see or contact me by March’s meeting.
Speaking of Secretary, Julie Eastman has returned and will resume her role as Secretary for the remainder of our current term. Welcome back, Julie! I would like to thank our Treasurer, Carol Wright, for pinch hitting for Julie these last several months. Thank you, Carol Wright, for stepping up and your willingness to serve!
March Meeting reminders:
- There will be rotary blades for sale from Arlene, cash sale.
- Christmas Cards. If you have stacks of old cards, one of your fellow members uses the cards for charity. Nan will have a bag for collection.
- Soft baby yarn for Diana Dunn to use for newborn knitted caps, as part of Handmade Hugs. If you have extra skeins, now is your chance to thin out your yarn bins and baskets!
- Misc. fabric for dog beds…Suzy Davidson.
I hope you were able to stay inside and enjoy the ‘White Rain’ we had. Snow is much more enjoyable when you are warm, dry and tucked away at home working on a project, than having to schlep around in the cold, wet and slippery outdoors.
2022 is going to fly by with all we have going on!
Blessings, and may your 1/4″ not vary, your bobbins be full and your seams be straight. And, may God keep our military safe during these trying times.
We want to welcome our new members Stephanie Fullerton, Marie Gniazdowski, Donna Hickish, Sharon Luebkin, Cathi O’Neill, Lorraine Owen, Barbara Roberts-Hartman, Sally Thomas.
Angela Smith – Chair
For the March 14th program, we will be having a lecture by Trish Charity. It is called “Two artists/one studio”.
Quilt Camp
We are on target and at full capacity for March 2022 Quilt Camp! There will be 23 quilters attending this year where a fun time will be had by all! The most challenging part of any Quilt Camp is selecting what or which projects to work on! I have so many projects started and those I want to start, that it really will be a challenge of what to pack up and take with me. Regardless of choice, it will be a great time with friends and fellow Sisters of the Thread.
Nan DeChant – President
quilt show
I mentioned the 2023 TBQ Guild Quilt Show. This is a huge undertaking for the Guild, and our main source of revenue and sustainability for the next two years (2024 & 2025). The revenue pays for workshops, speakers, venues, and other expenses to sustain and keep our guild moving forward. So as we get closer to forming the Quilt Show team, give some thought in how you would like to participate. The show has:
- Raffle baskets,
- Silent & live quilt auction,
- Vendors,
- Attendants to talk about the hanging quilts,
- Marketplace with handmade items,
- Bottled water sales,
- Opportunity Quilt display & last chance ticket sales,
- Publicity
- Art work in logo/theme design
- As well as, a host of other functions to make the show a great success.
Due to Covid the 2021 show was a one day outdoor event, and did extremely well! Dawnell Muecke and Julie Eastman did a fantastic job of making it a fun day for the guild and those attending, but Quilt Shows are like making a salad. It takes as many ingredients to make a small salad as it does a large one, and the same goes for a Quilt Show. All the ingredients make up the taste and appearance, but like any successful salad it needs all of the key components to make a great one, which includes the volunteers. So would you like to be a tomato, carrot or crouton? Think about it, and as we get closer to a venue and date, there will be a call for key roles to the show.
Nan DeChant – President
March: hostesses are: Sherry Hubbs, Debbie James, Deb Johnson, Karen Johnson, Pam Jones, and Shirley Kelliher.
Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.
March Birthdays – Dianne Schmitt, Deb Johnson, Nan DeChant, Kathy Spry, Norma Enfield, and Pam Calhoun.
community service
Handmade Hugs
Eight guild members met February 5 to work on baby blankets & teen quilts. We had so much fun while completing 14 teen quilts and 31 self- binding baby blankets. Not all were completed that day – some were returned to our TBQ meeting on Feb 14. Five lap quilts for the cancer infusion center were also turned in. Thank you ladies!
Pick up a kit at the next meeting or join us on Saturday, March 5, at Stoneridge Community Center in Prescott Valley from 9 – 1. Call Faith Chaney if interested.
Adult Center
These quilts were made by TBQ member Cheryl Giovenco. They are currently on display at the Adult Center.. Please stop by to see this one-woman quilt show!
These members’ quilts were on display in February at the Adult Center.