Celebrating Quilters in the Prescott, Arizona Area
Monthly News – November 8, 2021
president’s Message
Welcome to Fall, Sisters of the Thread!
I would like to first off welcome our new members to the guild, and remind all new members, in the last 12-18 months, to join us at the Newcomers’ coffee, Wednesday, November 8. Our Newcomers’ chair, Norma Kurr will be sending out the details in an email. We had a wonderful time and fellowship at October’s gathering, so please plan on joining us for November’s event.
Years ago when we were looking forward to moving to Gig Harbor, WA, a friend commented that she went to bed when it was summer, and woke up, and it was Fall. I thought she was joking, but it is so true!
A couple of weeks ago, I went to bed and it was summer, and woke up to that crisp morning air of Fall in the High Country. We also govern Fall by our maple tree, in a matter of a couple of weeks, it has gone from green to amber to gorgeous red leaves.
I love Fall and the colors it brings to the landscape, and sends the message that Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner.
How are you preparing for the Fall festivities? Do you have pumpkins and fall leaves in your table centerpieces? I think my pumpkin patch in the dining area has a very authentic feel with the dust accumulation on the table top. Is it just me, or does dust accumulate at a rapid rate here in the High Country? I think someone needs to create a furnituroomba.
Anyway, I love working on Fall and Holiday theme quilts. I have three quilts needing binding for upcoming events. Three down, two more to go before December 25.
It seems everyone enjoyed the enthusiastic presentation of Suzi Parron at our October meeting. One has to love the excitement and joy she brought to the journey through the rural countryside of beautifully decorated barns, and I loved the stories she had for each design.
Our November meeting is Monday, November 8 at the Freeman Building. It looks very promising that we will be able to return to the Elks Lodge for monthly meetings beginning January, 2022.
As a reminder, full day classes will be held at the Aztlan Masonic Lodge on Willow Creek going forward. The room we will use is on the third floor and has an elevator to transport us and our machines. Kathleen Bond & Cathy Day will have all the details when sending out info on the upcoming classes.
Save-the-date for December 13 TBQG holiday party and lunch. More details to follow.
The final item before I conclude, if someone is talented or willing to take meeting minutes for the November and December guild meetings, please contact me.
Our secretary, Julie Eastman, has been called away to California until the end of 2021. As many of you know Julie is a retired school principal, and was asked to return to her position due to a dire medical circumstance of her successor. Julie, being our sweet Julie, saw the need and agreed to the request. Our temporary loss is her school’s gain, and we look forward to her return in January.
Nan DeChant, President
block of the month
Congratulations to Pam Calhoon, winner of the September Block of the Month.
October BOM
Be sure to bring your completed October BOM to our next meeting. Instructions are on the website under Block of the Month.
Programs & Workshops
Hello ladies, just a reminder of what’s coming. November is Carolyn Seagraves-Wright. Lecture “The Wright fabric” workshop “piecekeeper” project bag. What a great gift idea!
December is our Christmas party. Get ready for a great day!
January is our trunk show and we will have a workshop called “Face It”. Workshop is $25.00 for a full day. The photo is an example of what the class is about. Hope you all are having a wonderful month.
Cathy Day, Vice President
If you cannot attend the meeting when it is your turn to be a hostess, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for set-up and stay for clean-up as needed.
November hostesses are: Cheryl Bouquet, Kate Brown, Carol Brownlow, Phyllis Byrnes, Pam Calhoon, Gerry Carr, Debbie Casali, and Carrie Casto.
Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.
November Birthdays – Pat Little, Azalene Allen, Laura Stone, Erin Sullivan, Olivia Turnham, Sharon Watt, Karen Danknick, Patty Brownsberger, Jeanne Dunk
The Happy Birthday girls – Shirley Kelliher & Anne Marston
Be sure to stop by the Birthday table to purchase your chance to win a birthday gift bag.
Community service
Handmade Hugs
Faith Chaney Community Service Co-Chair
Faith Chaney and Phyllis Byrnes have been working hard to get kits ready for you to take and complete. These kits are for receiving blankets and teen blankets. Everyone who receives these are so very appreciative. Thank you for all who have contributed.