president’s Message
Greetings, Sisters of the Thread!
Can you believe how green our fields and hills are?! So beautiful from all the rain!
I love the Monsoons, our Daisy says she could do without the Thunder Guys, but I never get tired of the showers we have been blessed with. Even when wheeling my Costco or grocery cart to the car…keep hoping I’ll shrink if I get wet!
We were blessed that the rains skipped the Quilt Show event, and as the saying goes, “A fun time was had by all!”
Looking forward to the final report on the show itself, from Dawnell, Julie and Carol.
We had a fun Spider Web class with Jean Impey! A very detailed and helpful instructor! My pillow is still in process, but now that I have my relocated quilt room set up…I can get back to it!
Remember, we have a couple more classes during the remainder of the year, so see Kathleen or Cathy to sign up.
We will also continue to meet in the Freeman Building at the Prescott Rodeo Fairground through the remainder of 2021.Progress is slowly being made at the Elk’s Lodge, but we are committed to the Freeman Building through December.
If you can help out picking up and setting up Company Store merchandise, please see or contact Pam Jones, as she can always use help in hauling the bins back and forth from the storage unit.
May your seams be straight and your bobbin be full!
Nan DeChant, President
Carolyn Edwards installed our new officers – Nan DeChant, President, Cathy Day, Vice-President, and Julie Eastman, Secretary. (Carol Wright, Treasurer not pictured.)
Past President’s Quilt
It is our tradition that we award our past president with a quilt made up by our members. Thank you Carolyn Edwards for all that you’ve done for our guild.
Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive, with a value of at least $10.
September Birthdays – Nancy Lande, Joan McGivern, Jill Davis, Trish Charity, Connie Muecke, Chris Sommerfelt, Joann Salem, Patricia Gentner, Kristine White, and Liz Hart.
community Service
Handmade Hugs
In August we donated 9 flannel teen blankets to the Teen Closet run by Catholic Charities. Thanks to those who made these. We’ve been told these are the top appreciated items by the teens transitioning out of foster care. You can pick up more kits at the meeting. Please remember to stitch 2 rows vertically and 3 rows horizontally for stability.
We donated 5 small dog/cat sized blankets to the Prescott Humane society. The critters were very thankful! !
Right now we have 8 lap/throw size quilts in the hands of Kathy Hofmeister and Pat Noel for log arm quilting. If there are some members who would like to use their machine quilting talents, either long arm or domestic, please volunteer. They are a manageable enough size to be done on any machine. Or if hand quilting is your thing, please be our guest! We will have some tops, backing and batting available at our meeting.
Faith Chaney is binding and labeling 4 quilts now. If you like binding let us know. We could use your help. Hand or machine no matter. These lap/throw quilts will be going to the chemo infusions centers in the area.
Phyllis Byrnes and Faith Chaney, Co-Chairs
Adult Center
The Adult Center is finally open again. We have our quilts on display for a Red, White, and Blue welcoming. Stop by to see how wonderful they look.