Celebrating Quilters in the Prescott, Arizona Area
Next Meeting – January 13, 2020
president’s message
Dear TBQ Friends,
Friends are like quilts; they never lose their warmth. It is hard to believe the year is over. I hope you have gotten all of your sewing projects done. The Christmas party team did a great job with the food and gifts, and the table decorations by Kristine White were outstanding! I hope you all had a safe and happy holiday.
We are in need of a WEB photographer, as well as a Company Store team. Please let Carol Wright, Yvonne Blitch or Jude Bentley know if you are interested in the WEB photographer, and let me know if you are interested in the Company Store.
Wish upon a quilt. Live life like a quilt. Be soft when it’s important, be warm when it’s cold, be proud to show your true colors, and always scrap together when times are tough.
See you all in January at the First Lutheran Church!
Linda Craig – TBQ President 2019-2020
TBQ Christmas Party
Alan Harkrader, vocalist, keyboards, and guitar
Natalie Krol – vocalist
Alan and Natalie provided our entertainment
“Join in if you know the words…”
Becky Cook and Pat Hopgood
Line dancing – Joan McGivern, Mary Anne Meyer, and Pam Jones
Sing along
Carol Wright adds the final touch
Members of the committee-Carol Wright, Anita Wilbur & Kristine White
If you cannot attend the meeting when it is your turn to be a hostess, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for set-up and stay for clean-up as needed. Please consider healthy choices and remember our members with dietary restrictions (diabetic and gluten intolerance).
January Hostesses: Lorraine Owen, Kate Browne, Carol Brownlow, Phyllis Byrnes, Pam Calhoon, Debby Casali, Kay Case, Carrie Casto, David Charity, Trish Charity, Angie Christie, Karen Comeau, Maryann Conner, and Judy Brungardt.
Birthday celebrants – When it’s your birthday month, please bring a wrapped gift suitable for a quilter, something you would like to receive with a value of at least $10. A reminder to December celebrants to bring your gifts to the January meeting.
December Birthdays: Janet Bailey, Brenda Norris, Carol Rabbitt, Karen Adams, David Charity, Catherine Ericksen, Phyllis Byrnes, Gerry Healy, Carol Wright, Sylvia McIntosh, Eva Lively, Linda Craig, Arlene Gordon, Nancy Lefler, and Iris Lacey
January Birthdays: Judy Brungardt, Sherrye Loveland, Yvonne Blitch, Jane Holland, Kathleen Bond, Susie Opdahl, Pam Jones, Karen Eads, Kate Browne, Shirley Kelliher, Sharon Harris, and Sue Weisshaupt.
To the Members of TBQ:
I’m resigning as chairman of the Company Store as of December 9, 2019. I turned my key to storage into Linda Craig after December’s meeting. I will cherish my years and friends I made over the years as a TBQ member. Remember to be kind to one another, even though you disagree with them.
With kind regards, Lorraine Owen
Adult Center Display
Go see the Christmas Quilts! Did you? If you didn’t already, you still have a wee bit of time. Big BIG thank you’s to the following quilters who have graciously shared their Christmas quilts: Jean Ehlers, Jane Holland, Shirl Kelliher, Norma Kurr, Carol Miller, Sandy Mitchell, Kathleen Semerau, and Susan Sweet. This is the seventh year we’ve hung Jane’s Christmas Houses–that quilt has n.e.v.e.r. been home for Christmas! There are FIVE of the Christmas star sampler quilts on display. They were made by the Featherweights mini-group. All blocks are from the Kansas City Star blocks that were published in the newspaper years ago. And the special treat is the 1859 antique quilt shared by Susan Sweet: Captain Asah Coleman’s Quilt. It’s the quilt we reproduced as one of TBQ’s Opportunity Quilts a few years back. If you haven’t seen it–you must go see it!
And we have to remind you that this year marks the start of our THIRTEENTH year of hanging quilts at the Adult Center! WOW! Could there be anything more beautiful than this on-going mini-Quilt Show? I don’t think so…enjoy the celebration!!!
The Christmas quilts will come down around the middle of January…and then…and then…and then? Watch for the ONE WOMAN QUILT SHOW by none other than the one and only JANE HOLLAND! Woohoo! This marks our 7th One Woman Quilt Show!
And of course we are always open for suggestions for other theme exhibit ideas. LET US KNOW what you’re thinking!!!
Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE: from 60″ to 90″, any length. (Need SIX.)
SMALL: from 45″ to 60″ wide, any length. (Need FOUR.)
Carolyn Edwards, Adult Center Display Chair
quilt camp 2020
Quilt Camp 2020! March 30, 31st and yes, April 1st. 3 days of fun, friends, games and a little learning, LOL. Residence Inn Hwy 69 by Costco. Total cost $100.00, breakfast and lunches will be provided.
We are on our own for dinners except for Tuesday we will have a potluck dinner together. Rooms are available and you will need to make your own reservations.
Deposits have been due since first sign ups. There are several of you who have not paid. If we do not have the $50.00 Deposits by our meeting in January your name will be
dropped as we have people waiting and ready to fill those spots. We will be having an AMAZING time !!