Fusible Vinyl Zipper Bags with Pat Noel

Fuse Vinyl (available at Joann’s by the irons and ribbons)
Candy bag, chip bag or fabric to be used.
2”x 5” fabric for bias binding
Additional: Batting and fabric if needed
Warm iron to medium setting.
Cut bag into two (2) equal pieces
Cut a piece of fusible that both (front and back) will fit on.
According directions:
Peal protective sheet off of fusible (save protective sheet)
Place sticky side up
Place right side of bag on the sticky side of the vinyl.
With your thumb or a brayer force out any bubbles.
Place face up and cover with the protective sheet
Iron (on medium heat) for 8 seconds press the bag and vinyl together.
Let it cool a little before removing from Ironing service.

If you are going to bat, line and quilt do it now.
Measure the zipper ½ to ¾” shorter than the width of the top of the bag.
Iron 2”X5” fabric into 3 fold to cover the ends of the zipper.
Sew tabs on the ends of the zipper, trim off extra fabric
Sew the zipper to the top of the bag and top stitch
Sew the sides and bottom together
Clip the corners at the bottom
Turn the bag right side out.
Observe your masterpiece!

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