Next Meeting – March 11, 2019

President’s message

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Hello Ladies,
What a winter we are having, definitely the most snow I have seen since relocating to this awesome state back in 2014! While I’m enjoying the different seasons I missed your smiling faces in January and our wonderful Speaker, Cindy Seitz-Krug, but safety of our members was more important.  I had great feedback about her class on February 12th. I’m hoping we can reschedule her sometime in the near future.
While I’m amazed it’s already March I know that puts us that much closer to our wonderful Quilt Show that so many of us have been working on. I’m excited to see the Small Quilts that come in for The President’s Challenge and/or the Small Quilt Auction. We have so many talented ladies in our Guild! Remember the rules for both are NO larger than 24×24, your choice for the theme. For the Auction, contact either Yvonne Blitch or Carol Wright.
I had mentioned at the January Guild meeting that we need chairpersons for the following committees for the 2019-2020 year:
1) 2020 Quilt Camp – I have been contacted by a member who wants to Chair Quilt Camp and has helpers lined up.

2) The 2020 Opportunity Quilt – We need a committee for our next amazing Opportunity Quilt! 

If you haven’t picked up your tickets for this year’s beautiful Opportunity Quilt, please see Yvonne or Patty at our March meeting.

As always, I leave you with these words: 

May your bobbin always be full,
May your seams be straight and quarter inch,
And your fabrics fall soft upon your lap,
And until we meet again,
May all your finished quilts be bound with love.

Erin Sullivan, TBQ President 2018-2019

ways and means

We will have our 2019 quilt show pins available to purchase for $5.00 at the Ways and Means table March 11th.

If you haven’t picked up your packet of 12 opportunity quilt tickets, please plan on picking them up at our meeting.  The packets are $10, payable when you pick them up.  Let’s make this quilt show a record year for selling opportunity quilt tickets!

Patty McClearn and Yvonne Blitch, Co-chairs

A lot of good treasures have come into The Company Store in the last 2 months. We have lots of videos, patterns, cotton and upholstery fabric. First come first served. Please remember your donation.
We always appreciate your support for TBQ Quilt Guild.  Lorraine Owen, Chair

mentor’s table

Dyeing our fabrics – painting our fabrics – coloring our fabrics. Some of us do this and some of us think about the possibilities of doing this, but just don’t make the time or are intimidated by the process. In September, Karen Adams showed you how to add color to your quilt with ink pencils and sent you home with lots of ideas. 
But what about deleting color from your fabrics instead of adding color? Or doing both – deleting and adding color and creative creative ways for doing this? 
Well –  this month I am going to present ideas with decolorant. Nothing fancy – just decolorant and an iron – plus a few fun ideas for design. Adding color – subtracting color – not math – just fun. Let’s have some fun and  just play with fabric?  Who knows what you will come up with.
So come by the Mentor Table and see what fun we can have this month. 
Shirlee Smith, Chair

block of the month

We will be drawing for both February and March Blocks of the Month at the March meeting.  Remember, make 2 for 2 chances to win each month; one for the drawing and one for the Quilt Show Market Place.  We will be selling Calendar Quilt Sampler kits at the Market Place this year.  Your continued contributions are so appreciated!!  – Cheryl Giovenco, Chair


If you cannot attend the meeting when it is your turn to be a hostess, please arrange to trade with someone. Plan to arrive early for set-up and stay for clean-up as needed.

Nancy Delmar, Dianna Dunn, Karen Eads, Carolyn Edwards, Jean Ehlers, Judy Eppler, Cynthia Falzone, Suzie Fields, Linda Fisher, and Betty Foley


Birthday girls are reminded to bring a quilt-related gift for the monthly drawing.  Both February and March gals bring your gifts this month.  Happy birthday to our March members:

Nan DeChant, Sandy McGarry, Roberta O’Mara, Pam Calhoon, Deb Johnson, Norma Enfield


The TBQ Newcomers Group gathered on Jan. 21 in the home of Molly Haney-Burleigh for an afternoon of fun, meeting new people and a terrific demo by Kathleen Semerau.






She showed us the One Block Wonder concept; discussed types of fabrics that work best (and some that don’t) and encouraged all to be creative!  About ten ladies attended with many bringing contributions for our Quilt Show Basket of “Anything Southwest.”  Our next gathering is scheduled for Feb 27, 1:00-3:00 in the home of Jill Davis

Molly Haney-Burleigh, Chair


community service
Adult Center Display –
“Love IS in the Air”!!  Finally!  Whew!  The Adult Center was able to rent an electric ladder from Prescott Equipment Co., and we got the new “Love Is In The Air” exhibit hung on February 6th!  So Christmas quilts were up for a really long time this year.  Thanks to all who were patient in allowing their Christmas quilts to be out of the house for TEN weeks!  That was “above-and-beyond”…and we really appreciate it!  Photos of our new exhibit will be on the website, so if you can’t make it personally to 1280 Rosser Street to see the quilts, you can check them out on-line within this newsletter!  BIG thanks again to Barbara Gall, Cheryl Giovenco, Jane Holland, Pam Jones, Tina McCowan, Lorraine Owen, Kathleen Semerau, Nancy Stewart and Carol Wright for sharing quilts for this exhibit.  
The next scheduled exhibit will be Medallion Quilts, and should go up around Easter.  AND to expand on that theme, we will include Strippy Quilts.  Here’s hoping some of you out there have quilts in these categories to share.  Please, please, please give me a call to let me know!
Quilt Sizes Needed:
LARGE:  From 60″ to 90″ wide, any length.  (Need SIX.)
SMALL:  From 45″ to 60″ wide, any length.  (Need FOUR)
Carolyn Edwards, Chair
Chamber of Commerce –

Kay Wentworth is our featured quilter.  Stop in at the Chamber on Goodwin Street and view the mini quilt show!

Handmade Hugs –

HELP!!  The Community Service Team a.k.a. Hugs Team is running short of fabric.  We will welcome ANY clean 5 “squares or larger selections of fabric, from now on…

Hospice of the Pines has recently asked for our help with quilts for their terminal patients and in order to be able to help their terminal clients, children, women and men, we have to have TBQ members help us.  1)  Members could donate fabric or gift cards to JoAnn’s to purchase fabric, 2) Join us at our many Hugs workshops, on the 4th Monday of each month at St Luke”s, 9.30 am,  until 2.30 pm, to sew. Iron, match fabrics, …there are lots of ways to help.  3) Work at home on quilts for Hugs and turn them in at Guild meetings, or phone me for pick-up.
Our group of dedicated ladies have a great time at the Hugs Workshops.  We have FOOD!  I will include a few photos, from some recent workshops.

The weather got the best of us again this month and our February workshop was cancelled.  Plan to join us on the 4th Monday of March at St. Luke’s. – Karen Johnson, Chair

Community Cupboard –

Since we cancelled our February meeting, please consider doubling up on your non-perishable food contributions to the St. Luke’s Community Cupboard.  Our donations are distributed to all the area food banks. 

2019 Quilt show


Your 2019 Quilt Show committee has been working behind the scenes for several months now, and with the first of the year, you’ll begin to see even more activity from this core of 21 dedicated members.  A Quilt Show table will be set up near the Company Store at the TBQ meetings until Show time.

  • Quilt Show pins will be available at the Ways & Means table at the March meeting.  These are limited in number, so buy yours early.  $5 each
  • Entry forms are available under the forms tab on the menu.  Print 1 for each quilt you plan to enter.  They are due at the April 8 TBQ meeting, though your quilt does not need to be finished by then.  See Susan Perry
  • The Country Register – The Feb/Mar Issue is now in Arizona quilt shops and features a very nice article about the TBQ show and a color photo of our Opportunity Quilt, in addition to a nice show ad with color logo. Pick up your copy at the Quilt Show table. Check us out on pages 6 & 7!
  • Friendship Groups – we need your pictures.  Be sure to call Shirlee Smith to come take a wonderful photo to be used at the Show Welcome vignette!  It’s a fun experience!
  • Raffle Baskets – We currently have 12 commitments.  See Kathleen Semerau if you would like to participate.
  • Small Quilt Auction – quilts are being accepted by Yvonne Blitch.  These are wall hanging sized quilts.  You can even do a two-for-one by submitting a quilt for Erin’s President’s Challenge, and donating it to the Small Quilt Auction.
  • Market Place – contributions.  Cheryl Boquet is putting together a Christmas tree filled with hand-crafted ornaments.  We need your contributions to decorate the tree.  All Market Place contributions can be submitted to Anne & Molly at the Quilt Show table at the meetings.
  • Marketeers – this task specific friendship group meets the 2nd Thursday of each month from 10am – 2pm.  The March gathering will be held at the home of Dianna Dunn.  This group continues to make things for the the Quilt Show Market Place.  We need your help and participation.  This is a great opportunity for new members to get to know other members of the guild in an informal, fun setting.
  • Work Assignment Sign-up Sheets – will be available at the April 8 TBQ meeting.  There is something for everyone to do, even for those members with physical limitations.  There is more to do than hang quilts.  Please consider getting involved.

Rosemary Carr & Suzie Fields, 2019 Quilt Show Co-Chairs

Vignettes –  
Sisters of the Thread ~ Don’t you just l.o.v.e. to while the day away with your quilter pals…stitching and visiting and laughing.  Aaaahhhh…what great medicine for the heart and soul!  So, has your mini-group had your picture taken yet?  Don’t miss out!  You won’t be sorry!  Get in touch with Shirlee Smith to reserve a date!  The plan is to have mini-group pictures on display in the Welcome Booth at the Quilt Show (May 31–June 1), because we are all Sisters of the Thread!  The group photos that we have so far will be on display at the Quilt Show Table at the March 11th meeting.  Check it out!
We are still looking for small quilts to display in the Welcome Booth–especially quilts including spools of thread!  Do you have one to share?  If not, you still have time to make one!  And after the Quilt Show, it can be on permanent display in your Quilt Studio! OR, it could be your President’s Challenge…OR, it could be a donation to the Small Quilt Auction!  The Welcome Booth will be the first thing quilt-show-go-ers will see as they enter the Quilt Show.  Sign-ups to “work” in the Welcome Booth will take place in April and May!  And in this case “work” is not “work”!  Workers will be stitching and talking and enjoying their Sisters of the Thread!  How fun is that?!  Carolyn Edwards, Chair


























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